HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 119 Re-Application of Blankenship ...-.-.---... ..n.. _ 290 -...-..-"..- COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 119 COMMISSION RESOLUTIOB OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN II RE APPLI- CATION OF E. V. BLABKENSHIP FOR SITE ARTIFICIAL GLACIER MIDDLE CREmCCANYOlf. WHEREAS, heretofore on the 6th day of May, A. D., 1920, ~he City Couneil I of the City ot BOzeman passed and adopted Council Resolution No. 1016 for the - establishment of a Reoreational Fark in Middle Creek Canyon. and requesting our Senators and Representative. in Congress to take suoh steps and to use such means as shall be necessary to pertect an exohange of the railroad lands in said canyon, in order that the Government m~ acquire same and to set aside all of said oanyon trom the mouth to the head thereot. for a Reoreational Park. .AND WHEREAS, since said time the work for the oreation and the establishment ot said Reoreational Park has been going forward. AND WHEREAS, E. V. Blankenship has recently tiled in the office of the Supervisor ot the Gallatin National Forest at Bozeman, Montana, an applioation to I aoquire a site in Middle Creek Canyon for the purpose of experimenting, construct- ing and establishil16 an artificial glacier therein, and particularly for the us- at the water of what 1s known asP1isade hils. AlU) WHEREAS, i1' JLr. Blankenship, or aJQ'one e1 se, were permi t ted to use the P11sade Fails, or e.D1' other portion or part of the Midd1e Creek Canyon, for the purpose referred to, it wo~d de.troy the beauty. not only ot the talls, but the Ii soenery in the immediate vicinity; that the use ot any portion ot the Canyon for such purposes should not be permitted. :NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Conmission of the Oi ty of Bozeman, that the said Commission for themselves, and on behalf of the Citizens of Bozeman, do hereby protest and ob,eot to the use of the Middle: Creek Canyon, or any part thereot, by Mr. Blankenship, or anyone else to establish an artificial glacier in said ~on. or to use said Canyon for said experimental purposes. AND, the Commission of the City of Bozeman. on behalf of the Citizens of the City of Bozeman. respectfully ask the officers of the Gallatin National Forest to deny the applioation of Mr. Blankenship. upon the grounds and for the reasons herein set forth. ABD, the Coumission does hereby approve of a.ll that is contained in the petition of the Citizens of Bozeman addressed to the Chief Forester, Washington, D. C., and the Honorable A. JiI. Abott, Forest Supervisor, Bozeman, Montana. in regard the application of E. V. Blankenship for constructing said artificial I g~cler in the Middle Creek Canyon, and their obJeotion therein set forth. That, a copy of this Resolution be delivered to Mr. A. H. Abbott, Forest Supervisor of the Gallatin National Forest, Bozeman, Montana, and the Chief Forester, Washington, D. C.. and the Distriot Forester at Missoula, Montana. Passed and adopted at a regular seasion of the Commission of the City of Bozeman on the 17th day of August, 1928. Attest: ~~'\ -_.~ Clerk or t~e .;mm~iQn. .- - ... ..,,~