HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 118 Vacate 7th ave South . - .,,~ 287 .."". COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 118 A COMMISSION RESOLUTION DXCLARING IT THE INTENT lOX OF TEE CITY OJ' BOZEMAN TO VACAB ALL THA.! PART OF SEVENTH I AvJ!atUE SOUTH, B.d.l!i.J:N THE SOUTH LINE OF WEST GARFIELD ~TREE! AND THE NORTH LIB OJ' WEST LIlfCOLlf STREE!l', Dl APITOL HILL ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BOZPAN' WHERJUS : 1. !I.he Ko>>.__ S'ta t. College, on beha1:t of the sta'te: of Mon tana, filed 11'1 th the Comission of the 01 ty of Bozeman, on tbe 25th day of July, A. D., 1928, a Peti t1011 requesting the. t a11 tbat })a.rt of Seventh Avenue South between the souta line of West Garfield street and the north line ot West Lincoln street. 1n Cap1tol Hill Addi t10D to the City ot Bozeman. be vacated tor the use and benet! t of' the Montana State Oo11ege; 2. The ~onunissio:n. the City Manager and the Oity Engineer have inves- tigated and examined into the merits of the pet1 tiOI1. and trom said investigation and exam_tioD thel' fiM: fa) Tha t the state of Jlontana, for the use and. beneti t of the .A&ricultural College (Montana State COllege) is the owner ot Blocks thirty-Six (36). !hirty-seven (37), Forty-tour {44}, Forty- , five (45), Fitty-two (52) and Fifty-three (~3). of Capitol Hill I Addition, and that Blocks Thirtl'-Six(36) , Forty-Five (45) and Fifty-Two (52) are on the east side. and. Blooks Thirty-Seven (37) Forty-tour (44) and Fifty-three (53) are on the .est side of that portion of Seventh Avenue South petitioned to be vacated; (b) ~hat there is no drainage and it is almost impossible to keep said part of Seventh Avenue South passable; that said. part of Seventh Avenue South 1s not neees8&ry 'to traffic. in or out ot the City, which tratt10 i8 better served by Sixth Avenne Sout, Which . the Montana state College maintains and which is equipped with storm sewers, and that said portion ot Seventh Avenue South can be vacated wi thout detriment to anyone owning property in the vicinity, or abutting on said Seventh Avenue South, and that the same can be vacated without inconvenience or disadvantage to traffic going out ot Bozeman. and that said vacation_ill be to the advantage 0# Koniana stat. College in maintaining its grounds; 3. ']he Commis.ion as a result ot said lnveatigation and examination I deem and oonsider that said portion of SeTenth Avenue South be vacated as petitioned for; NOW, TBERErORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: "1. That it is the intention of the City pt Bozeman to vacate all that })art of Seventh Avenue South, between the South Line of West Garfield Stre.~ and ~ _.-- ..--- 288 --- - the North line of West Lincoln street, in capitol Hill Addition to the City of Bozeman; I "2. Tha.t Frida.y, the 17th day of August, 1928, A. D.. at tour o' clock P.M.. at the Commission Room in the City Hall, Bozenan, Montana. be. and the same is hereby designated as the time and plaoe for hearing objections to the vaeatio:a of said portion ot Seventh Avenue South, and the passage of an Ordinance by ~he City Commission vacating the same; "3. That the City Manager cause Botic. of this Resolution to be s8rve4 in the same manner that service of Summon. is required to be made in Civil Actions, upon all persons whose property abuts upon that portion of Seventh ATenue South at~.cte4 by the proposed vacation, and to be published once in the Boz-eman Daily Chronicle. on Tuesday, the 14th day of AU6Ust, A. D. t 192.85 "4. Tha\ these proceedings are had pursuant to the provisions of Sections 5306, 530' and 5308, aDd Seotion 5494, Political Code, R. C. M., 1921." PASSU AND ADOP'lED by the Commis.Jon of the City of Bozeman, at a regu.lar session thereof, held on the lOth day of August, A. D., 1928. ~~'l I ..... . ~ . ~R ... AiDS!: i fj~~f)ri4/ u~erk 0 e ommls8ion I "". --'.