HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 117 Amount of taxes to be levied in 1928 ----.--.-.- ---..--....-..-.....-- 283 ----.--- .-----.- ---. ---- --.-...--.---..---...-... COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 117 I A RESOLUTION OF THE COWlS 5IOJl OF THE CITY OF BOZJ:MAN DETERMINGING THE AMOUN~ 0'1' CITY TAXES FOR ALL. PURPOSES TO BE LEVIED AND ASSED ON TAXABLE PROPERTY IN !fEE CI!rY OF BOZEMAH, STATE OF MONTANA, FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR OF 1928. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Sec. 1. That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5194 Political Code R 0 :M 1921, as amended by Chapter 175, Law. of Montana, 1925, there 1s hereby levied and asaessed on the assessed value of the taxable property of the City of Bozeman, State ot Montana, for the current fiscal year of 1928, for General Municipal an'l AdJnin1strati ve purposes, a tax of One and Three-Tenths per centum (13 Mills) on the per centum of the assessed. value of the taxable property of the City ot Bozeman, whioh lev7 shall be distributed as follows: A. General Municipal and Administrative Purpose. G Mills B. stre.t and Alley Purposes (Section 1617 Politioal Code RaM 1921) 5 Mills 0; Maintenanoe of Fire Department 2 Mills To tal I3J4.ills Seo. 2. That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5049 Politioal Code I ROJ4 1921 am the provisions of Ordinance 10. 233 of the Oi ty of Bozeman and Council Resolution No. 1095 of said City, in pursuance of whioh the tax authorized for library purposes by tax payers at an election held April 4, 1921, was increased trom one to two mills, there is hereby levied and aSHssed on the assesseA value of the taxable property of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, for the current fisoal year of 1928 ~r the support and maintenanoe of the free public library of the City of Bozeman, a special tax of Two (2) Kills on each dollar of the a..ssesaed value thereof and the money derived theretrom shall be distributed to the Library Fund and shall be disbursed as provided by Ordinance No. 79 of said Citf. Sec. 3. That, pursuant to the provisions of Seotion 5194 Political Code ROM 1921, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 175 Laws of Montana 1925, there is here- by levied and assessed on the assessed value of the taxable property of the City ot Bozeman, State ot Montana, for the current fiecal year of 1928 for the purpose of maintaining public parks in said City, a speoial tax ot I bo (I) M111s on the per CEntwm of the assessed .a1ue of the taxable property of the City of BozenaD and the money derived. therefor. shall be distributed to the Park Fund and shal~ be disbursel as provided by Ordinance No. 4;71 of said Oi ty. .- ..... --- ...-- -.-..- . -....-- .... _."'_.___n. 284 _._._.______n..._" ._... --."..--...."...-..-...... ------.-.---- .--.- .--..-- .. .. "..-. .. -.....---.-----...,,-...--.-...-.---..- Sec. 4. That. pursuant to the provisions ot Section 5048 Political Code RCJl 1921, there is hereby levied and assessed on the assessed vaJ.ue of the taxable property of the City of Bozeman. state of Montana, for the current fiscal year ot I 1928 tor the purpose of providing band concerts for the entertainment of the people of said City a special tax of One-halt (t) Mill on each dollar Of the .assessed value of the taxable property of the City of Bozeman and the money derived therefrom shall be distributed to the Band Concert ~und of said City and Shall be disbursed as provided by Ordinance No. 521 of said City. See. 5. That. pursuant to the provisions of Section 5119. ~litioal liode. RCM 1921. as amended by Seotion 'fhree of (,ihapter 58 Laws ot Montana. 1927. there is hereby levied and assessed upon the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the limits of the City of Bozeman, for the year 1928, ,a special tax of One-Tenth (1/10) Mill on the dollar of such assessed valuation for the purpose of maintaing the Dis- ability and Pension Fund of the ~ire Department Relief Association of the City of Bozeman, and said tax when so collected shall be p~id into the Disability I and Pension Fund of the Fire Department Relief Assooiation of the City of Bo ze:ma n. Seo. 6. That. pursuant to the provisions of Ordinanoe No. 443 of the City ot Bozeman. :::>tate of Montana, there is hereby levied and assessed on the assessed value of the taxable property of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana. for the ourrent fiscal year of 1928 for the pu~ose of paying interest on and to oreate a sinking fund for the redemption of Funding Boms (Warrants) of the City of Bozeman. a speoial tax of Thre. (3) Mills on the per oentum of the assessed value of the taxable property of the City of Bozenan and the money derived from the colleotion of said special tax shall be distributed to the Funding Bond Sinking Fund and shall be disbursed as provided by said Ordinance. See. 7. 'fhat. pursuant to the provisions of Ordinanoe No. 651 of the Qity of Bozeman. Sta1;. of Montana. there is hereby levied ani assessed on the assessed value of the taxable property of the City of Bozeman, state of Montana, I for the aurrent fiscal y&ar ot 1928, for the purpose of paying the interest on and creating a sinking fund for the redemption of Sewer Bonds of the City ot Bozeman, a special tax. of One and One-half (It) Mills ., .- .-- _.._-_..~.... 28f) -.-...-.....-......-..... .------.-. ... .. ....----....-.---- ........-..---.. on the per oentum of the assessed value of the taxable propert:r of the Ci ty of Boz8maJI, and the moDey derived from the collection of said special tax shall be I distributed to the Sewer ~ond Sinking i'un4 and shall be disbursed as provid.c1 by said Ordinanoe. Sec. 8. 11hat, pursuant to the provisions .ot Ordinanoe Bo. 446 of the Qity of Bozeman, S'tate of Montana, there is hereby levied and assesse-d on the < aBa.saed. valWII of the taxable property of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, for the ourrent fiscal year of 1928, tor the purpose of paying the interest on ad to extinguish the principalot and to create as a part of a sinking tun4 for and Refund C1 ty Bonda the redemption o~ Water Works Bonds (OrdiDa.XLOe Be. 4,63)/ot the City ot Bozeman, (Water Works Bonds) (Ordinance Io. 467) / a .peeia 1 tax of Two (2) Ki11s on the per centum of the as..s..4 value of the "a:xa.ble property of the Oi ty of Bozeman am the money derived therefrom, 'together with the net reTenue d.erived froll the operation of the water pJ.a.n.t of the City of Bozeman. ahail be distri- buted to the Water Works 1916 BeDel Fund (Sinking). and -.hall be di.bursed. &. provided by said Ordinance lto,. 466. . Section 9. That, the total levy of taxes for the current tiscal year I 1928 by reason of the foregoing determination win and shall be as tollows: General MUnicipal and Administrative Purposes (Sec. 1) 6 14ills Street and Alley Purposes (Sec. 1.) 5 Mil1ac Maintenance of Fire Department (Sec. 1) 2 lUlls Ia iDtenance o-r Fre. Pub lie L1bra17 (Seo. 2.) 2 :Milla Maintenance ot Publio farks (Sec. 3) , 2 Kills- Public DanA Conoerts (Sec. 4) 1: Ifill Mainta1ning>>lsability and Pension FUnd 1/10 )[111. Fire Depar'tment Releit Association (Sec. 5) Fu11d1ng Bond Sinking J'uDd. (See. 6.) 3 Mills Se.er BonA Sinking J'un4 (Sec. '1) It Kill Wa'ter Work. 1916 Bond Fw:u1 (SiDklnc) (See. 8) 2 :Mills 24 ~/~o Mill a Pa.sse4 and adopted by the Co_isslon ot the City of Bozeman at a. regular aesaion thereof held on the lOth day ot August, A. D., 1928. !JJ~~ I) ,0 I Attest: I jl/~~o/a;f.l Clerk: or e ODIIL sa1oD. ." ..-..--.-...- ....... ..-..---...--- -.--.--...-... 286 ---------- ....-. CITY OF BOZWAlI J COUN!I!Y OF GALLA!!. 58 STAB ca MOftANA >> It Walter Davis, the duly apJlointed, qualified and acting Director of I , J'iuanoe aDl. Olerk of the Comaisaion of the City of Bozeuan, do hereby oertify that the Wi thin and foregoing is a true am oorreot copy of COJOlISSION RESOLU'J!IO]f BO. 117 A RZSOLU! ION . (g THE COMKISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN Dm~nn:lm THE AJrotJ:NT OF OITY TAXES FOR ALL PU'RPOSES TO . BE LEVIED AND ASSESSED em TAXABm PROPER!Y IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, STA!!E OF MONTANA, FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR OF 1928 pas..d and ado:pted by the Commission of the Oi ty. of Bozeman at a regn.lar session thereof held on the lOth day of August, 1928; that this Resolution was passed and adopted and 1s herewith certified to the County Clerk and Recorder of the County ot Gallatin, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5216 POlitical Code ROM 1921, as amended by Chapter 49, Laws of Montana, 1925. IB WITNESS WHERIOF I HAVE HEREUNTO SE MY HAND AND THE SEAL OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN THIS FIFTEENTH DAY OF AUGUST, A. D. ,. 1928... . .~'~~i1{N~~~:. and I Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman. " I