HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 129A Passing of Resolution 129 :/';;::'\',::'" COlv]J1HSSIONRTIiSOLUT ION NO. 129 A .;'~~~~on RESOLUTION FINAlLY PASSING ANDADOPTIKG COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 129, .. '. .... : IT A RESOLUTION OF THE COI,iJUSSION OF THE CITY OF BOZm.;.;\]IT, MONT/UTA, LEVYI1W AND ASSESSMTNC, A 8 l' EC11\.L ASSESSl/[ENT OF TAXES UPON !lJ,LTHE l'lWrERTYTN S PEO LHJ n=- PROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 266 IN THE Orry OF BOZ:t:.L:., CUUJf'l'Y OF Gi.LLATIN, STATE OF lvIONTANA, '1'0 DJj:ERAY THE COST OF CONSTRUOTIl'JG iU:;l? I.LAi':IlW '1'E,]; IM1'ROVEMElT']:S\'IITTIIN SAID SPECIll U11:'H.OVEME:NT DISTInCT NO.,.?266" ' WHERJ!:AS , The Commission of the City of Bozeman, did on t.he 7th ch\y of 1928, at 0. re[',Tl1ar sesston t!1c]~cof ::;;l'ov:lGionall;:r ,pass Cor'1L15,3G.iOl1. llcoGolu- t i on No. 12 9 , entitled: I1A. RESOLUTION OF 'rITE om,DUSS ION OF TEE O1'2Y OF :GOZEriJ\.N, IvIONTAHA, LEvynw AND ASSESSING- A SPECIAL ASSESS1J1BN'l: OF TAXES UPON llLL THE PROF~;;HTY IN Sl'ECIAL I,M:I?ROVEMENT DISTHICT IW. 266 IN TIm CITY OF I30ZE}i)J...N, OOUNTY OF GALLATIN, STATE' OF 11ONTANA, TO DEFRAY TEE OOST OF OONSTRUC'l'ING AIm LlAKIEG TF:8 HiU:'IWVE- :MENTS WITHIN SAID SlJECIAL UII'EOVEJ'.:EIJ1 DIS'l\RICT NO. '266". WHEREAS, said. OOlnmissj.on l1esolut1on No. 129 was ctul;)' si[;nod [)3' the ?Tayor and the Clerk of the COiwiLssj,on of said Oity, o.nc1 was filed in tlie offlee of tho of the Co:mn:iS3ion of said City on the 7tr. clay of Dec;embel', 19 ~;8 , and ever since has been onfHe in said office, subject to aJ~ for the inspection of all persons interested; and WHEHEAS, Friday, the 14tl1 da;y of December 1928. at 4:~O O'Clock P M at a , regular session of said. Commission to be held at the Commission Chamber, Ci t;y rIaH, said: City, was designated in said Resolution as the time ami 111a&0 of hearing objections to the final passage and adoJ;!tion of roaid. Resolution; and WHERE.AS, the Clerk of the Commission has Civen notice of the filing of said Resolution undo the fin8.1 passage and adoption thereof lJY :publication, and notioe thereof in the Bozeman Da Hy Chronicle, a dail;y rtewSl13.];)er ];)ub1ished in 2<:1\i Oity, at least five (5)d.aysbefore the clQ3T set for heal'Ltlg ~l.ny and, ul1 objections , to the fj.nal IJassage and ::Ld,option of said. Resolution; and. WHEREAS. the matter of s:dd final llaGsaee and ado])tion of s;;,id Resolution coming on regularly to be heard, pursuant to said Resolution and Noticoi this 14th Q0LY of December, 1928, at a rei::}llar session of E!edcl Corrmlission, and (lue :pl'oOf belue; made of the IJublication of 80.i<1 Notice, as re1;.'"i1'e(1 by' law ant) as or(len,cl by said Resolution, and.. no objections having been macle or filer) to the firw,l :passage and ad.o:ption of suid Resolc:..tion 2.n<1. t1:\e 1evyinC 0 f the assessment as therein provided..; , NOW, TIlliF!.EFOEE, BE IT RESOLVED, MiD IT IS HEHE:!y OHDERED BY TEE COEMISSION OF 'J'}JE OITY OF BOZEk,AN, STATE OF MONTANA: That suid Cormnission Resolution :No. 129 be, and tho sumo is hereb;y fin- ally :Dassed cend adopted, and. the 8}1eoia1 assessElent of taxes to a.efray' the cost and. expense of ma]dng the improvements as therin set forth, be, and. the seHne are hereby 1 ev:1.ed. .~:md assessed as therein provided. Finally passed andad.o}?ted by the Commission of the 01 ty of Boze!lEcn at a regular session thereof, held on the 14th clay of December. A. D. , 1928. ~~d? .. ,a;lOr Attest; .. .........l~H~~~ C1.erk.of' ..... e orrrnllS81.Cin ------.-----