HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 129 Levying of taxes in SID No. 266 " ':';, ';-,',:, ,,/.., :,:.... :';:,': ':" :,i",: ',;: ',:: ,:;:\,,,.. ,;.':: ,', ,i ,:'.'::/::',:'~," ,'>':~" :", '::' ";',',:''',' i :: ',,, ':.', .':' . .'bOMMJISSr,ON'RJ)JSO:LUTTON NO. 129 , ' ,"',:",",.' :"" A RESQLUTTONOFTHE C01~n$SI01fOFTBJTICITY OF BOZEMAN, lIIONTANA, LEVYING AND ASSE3,SING A SPECIAL ASSESS11ENTO:FT.ti.XESUPON ALJ:,T.HE,PRQI':mRTY IN SPECIAL IMPROV.ElVIENT 'DISTRICT .'NO. 266 IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, COUNTY,OFGELJ.,A':I:IN, STATE OF MONTANA, TO DEFRAY THE, COST OF. CONSTRUCTING ADm MAKING THE TMPRQVEIvlENTSWITHIN SAID SP'ECIAL HIPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 266. '. WHEREAS, The Commi ssion of the City of Bozernan, .did on the 30th day of :March, A. D., 1928. duly and regularly pass Commission Resolution No. 93 enti 1;led = "A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZJJ1D..iAN, MONTANA, DEGL1\.RING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF SAID COM1USSION TO CREATE A SPECIAL UIPRCVEIV:.ENT JDISTRICTTO BE KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS SPECIAL IMPROVELIENT DISTRICT NO. 2M OF SAID CITY, FOR THE PURPOSE QF GRADING, PAVING WITH TWO COURSE CEUSHED GRAVELW..ACADA.M H.VEM:ENT ,AND INSTiITiLING SUCH DRAINAGE STRUCTURES AS MAY BE NECESSARY on WEST KOCH STREET BETWEEN THE WEST LINE. OF EIGHTH AVENUE AND THE EAST IJINE OF ELEVENTH AVENUE, WITHIN SAID CITY ,. AND TO SPECIALLY ASSESS THE ENTIRE COST AND EXPENSE OF MAKING SAID D/II'ROVF1,1ENTS "1GAOMST THE LAND WITHIN SAID DISTIZICT AS CREATED. II AND THEREAFTER, AFTER DUE AND LEGAl, PROCEEDINGS H.AlJ, the CommissIon of the City of Bozeman,did, on the' 20th flay of April, 1928. duly pass COhIDlission Resolution No. 99 entitled: T1A RESOLUTION OF TI-IE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF BOZEkLA1'J, }(LONTANA, CREATING SPECU.L I1rPRovmuEI~ DISTRICT NO. 266 OFTJill CITY OF BOZEkUiN, STATE OF :MONTANA. FOR THE PURPOSE OF GRADING, PAVING WITH TVVO COURSE CRUSHED GRAVEl. IITJ\.CADMIPAVEJvIENT AND CONSTRUCTING SUCH DRAINAGE STRUC- TURES J\.S. ]JAY BE NECESSARY ON WEST KOCH STREET BETWEEN THE WEST LINEOE' EIGHTH AVENUE ll.ND TI-IE EAST LINE OF ELEVENTH AVENDE WITHIN SAID CITY. .AJ!TD TO SPECIALLY Ai3SES5 THE ENT IRE COST AND EXPENSE OF MAKING SAID IMPROVEMENTS il.GAINST THE PROPERTY Vv'ITHIN SAID DISTRIOT. UNm~R AND BY VIRTUE OF ~HE PROVISIONS OF SECTIONS 5225 TO 52&7 INCLUSIVE, OF THE REVISED'OODES OF},WNTANA, 1921. AND AIIY .AJ'iiENDNCENTS TEEHETO.II which Commission Re solut ions Nor). 93 and 99, Dasaed as aforesaid, are here~y to and made a J)art of this Resolution for further ;particulars in reSI)Oct to the boul1d:J.ries of said district, the CllUl'licter of the im:provBlnents to be constructeo_ therein, the e8tima ted cost of suid. improvements "~,end the methoc1 of assess ing the cost against the I)rOl1ert;y within ('mid clistrict; and WHEREAS, said imln'ovements as contempla.teo, in 8ai(1 Commiosion Reso.lutlons \ NOD. 93 and, 99 have beeil con"tructed and (~()mIJ18tecl in accord_ance with the terms and _ oond:1tions of COlllihission Resolutions Nos. 93 and ')'.:<, C,lIO. tllG to'tal cost of said iml'l'Ovements so constructed is the stun of TBREE THOUSAND TWO HU:r:mRED NINETY FOUR . DOLLARS AND NINEirY TWO CE1'\TS (:ij:.3.294.92); mvo TEEHEFOHE" pursuu.nt to the .t,rovislons R. C. M. 1921 and, amendments tl18reto, , BE IT RESOL1[ED 111m IT IS I-IEHEI3Y OTillERED BY TILE GOlliJUSS ION OF THE GITY OJ!' 130ZE:.:A~;, STATE OF lIONTiIlJA: Sec. 1. That to defray the cost /lnd exgel1f:'1e of constructing and maki.ng "to,; e lmpl'oveincn ts 1D 8~lid SpeciCl.l Improvement District No. ,2.66, 1,ho1'e be, and_ there i~~' hereb;y levie(l and, assessee}, a tax c\mounting to the surn of Three Tho1.1st~l1d Two IIul1i'Lced Ninet;y FOUl' Dollars and, Ninet;)' Tvi'o Cents (~3.294.92) upon an the :pl'operty in snio Special Im]?rovement Distric t No. 2C6; that a InLrt:i.c\IICll' desCril\t:Lol1 of e2,ch '1'\ the n8.nl8 of tL.c ownGl' ancl the sum assessed against him lot c.nd, 11a1'oe1 of lmld witJ-J or it for such improvem.ents and the amount of each partial payment to be macieand the day when the 8,'l1ne 1311::.11 he delih'iuent is set forth in detail in the list hereto attached, marked Sc.hedule "A" and made a li,n-t bereof; that sums set OlJIJosi..te the names of the owners and the described lot::! ,;,n<1 parcels of lo.nd be, and tlle same are he1'e11;\T re8p0cti'\I'el~r levied ,.11d assesz,ed u1Jon :;,nd ac;ainst s&,ic1 described lots :cJ1cl 1)[11'ce18 of land to defray the cost and expem,e of com:tructing and mak1ngsc"-id improvements within said. District; that the sevcrC11 C1\)I!lS so assesseil he collected from the respective owners of said lots u.nd ];Iarcels of lC1nd d,escribed in said, assessment list Sched:ule "A", as re1.11ired by law; that the pa;\'ment of m:1id S11ms shall be melde in six ins,tallmentsand the payment of said. inst,),11ments :3 liE'. 11, extend over a period of five years; thrc, t the payment of the respective annual h1f!tal - men,ts shall be made on or before the 30th clE'.Y of November of each year lmt:Ll J;JO,;\T- ment of all installments together wi th the intere st thereof shall be mad.e; that said swns shall be paid and, the collection thcI'eon slJall be rnad.El in the manner and in a.ccord,ance wi th the law gover:ning the collection of slJecial irllpI'ovement ts.xes; that failure to pay such assessment~ when ,the same shall become a.ue cmd :payabl$ <- shall make such persons and, said lots and parcels of land liable to the penal tie~ provided by law relative to delinCluent taxes; Sec. 2. That the regul~rsessi.on of the Commission of the 01 t~r of Bozem,gn, to be held. in the Commission Chamber in the Ci ty Hall of suid City, on the 14th day of December, 1928, at 4:00 O'Clook P. M., be. "mil the same is des.ignated as the time and. place at which objectlons to the final adoption Resolution will be leard by the &aid COmmissipn; Sec. 3. That the Cle:t'kofth~Commission of the City of Bozeman be, and hereby. ordered and directed to publish in the Bozem':mDaily Chronicle. a daily ne:wspaperprinted and pu.blished in the said City of Bozeman, a Notice slgned by theG;Lerk of the Commission, anCt stating tho. t a Resolution lov3'ing a special assessment of taxes to defray the eost and expense of constructing and making the improvements in the said Special ImlJrOvemept District No. 266, is on file in the offioeof the Clerk of the Commission, subject to iX).specMon for a period of five (5) days; that said notice shall state the time and place at whj.oh objections wal be heard by the Commission to the final adoption of this Resolution; that it shall be published at leas't five (5) da~Ts before the" day' set by the Commission for the hearing of objections and the final adoption of this ~esolution. Passed and.. adopted by the Commission of the Cit;y of Bozeman at a regular session thereof. held on the 7th day of December, A. D., 1928. ff4it~c-11 ATTEST:n (1(f&~' ' I . .' ',( .,. )f.J .. . i OLERK 0 .... ... .~lISION, tJ