HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 128A Passing of Resolution 128 COIVITvIISSION RESOLUTION NO. ]. ;~8 Ji CQMM:ISSION' RESC:WrIOH FIN.ALLY :PASSING AND ADOP':rTlJG CCI,:raSSION HICSOLUTION NO. 128 ,ENTITLED: I! A RESOLUTION OF TII3 COI!:A~ISSIOH OF TEE OI'l'Y OF JQZEIoLAN, }.lCETiJTA, LEV~n:w ~urD ASSESSING A SPEOIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXES UPON "',,LL TIS PF:.CI'EH.TY HI 3I'EOIAL IMI'ROVE MENT DISTRICT NO. 265 IN THE CITY OF J30ZEMA.E j CG1jNTY OF G-i,.JLAT IN , STi',.TE OF l'WNT1;'NA, TO DEFRAY TET~ COST OF '0 ONSTRUC TnJG AIm 1!AKING TEB IIdJ?ROlfE::r;E :I\'TS ViIT~UI:r SAID SIEC IAL l1IJ?ROVEIJE!'JT DISTIUC T NO. 2G511 vmrtREAS , The Oonlmi ssion of the Ci t~T of Bozer:tan, did on the 7th day of December, 1928, at Q regular session thereof LJl'ovisionall~T :pass CO/!"Ullj,ss:i.on Resolu- tion No. 128 entitled: !fA RESOLUTION OF TEJ: COJV:lIISSION OF 'HIE CITY OF BOZEJ\J,N, IlClJT_AliJA.LEVYING AND i~SSESSIlJG A SPECIAL ASSESSL:8NT OF TAXES VraN ALL TEE PEOPERTY IN SPECIAL INiI'RCVEMEJ:-,lT DISTIUC'T NO. 265 IN 'rITE CITY OF BOZEt,lAN, COmITY OF GALLATIN, GTATE OF JWl~TANA, TO DEFHAYTlm COST OF CONSTi1UCT me ..::i.ND MAKING THE U1J?ROVEI1IENTS WITHIN Gil.rD 31"ECIAL IMJ?ROVEJ:."1<]TT DIs'rmOT NO. 265ft WHEHEAS, said. Commission Resolution No. 128 W8,S ctuIJ' 8i gnod. 11:( the 1.:,:;\TOr and the Clerk of tho Cotlmission of said Ci t~r, a.nd. waD filed in tllC office of tl",e Olerk of the Commission of scdd City on the 7th (l::L;;,r of December, 1928, 2,nd evor since has been on file ill said office s1Jbj ect to alld for' tho inspection of all persons interested; <1nd WIIEREAS , Friday the 14th day of Docember, 1928, at 4 :00 O'Clock P. ~" at a reeular session of said Cowmission, to be hold at tlJe Commission Cllarnber, City Hall, said City, was d.esigns. ted ins2.icl Hesolutl.on 0.8 the t Jme and IJlace of hearing (I);]jjections to the final passage and ::\dop.tion of said ReGolution; 8..11l1 ~ WHEREAS, the Clerk of the Commission has given notice of the filing of said Resolution 8,1'1.d the f In8,l passage and adoption thereof by publicatlon, and t~..j notice thereof in the Bozemu.n Daily CIU'onicle, a daily :qeWSIJaDer publ:ished in said , City, at least five (5) days before the day set for hearing any and all objections to the final passage and. adoption of said Resolution; 8.n d WHEREAS., the matter of so.id final I)aSsage [end adoption of s8.id IZesolution coming on reg"Lllarly to be heard, pursuant to said Resolution and Notice, this 14th day of December, 1928, at a reGUlar session of (said Commiss:lol1, d.ue proof being made of thel1ublication of said Notice, as reguired by law G.nd as ordered by said. Resolution, and no ob,jectlons having been made or filed to the final LJaGsage and adoption of said. Resolutl on and the Ie-vying of the assessment as therein provided; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED BY TEE COMMISSION iOF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF MONT.ANA: . That s:J.:i.d Commission Resolution No. 128 be, and tho sc\me 1s hereby finally passed and adoi,tecl and the SIJeci.al assessTllOnt of taxes to defray the cost and expense of mal:ing the improvemel1ts as therein set forth, be, ,J.:nd the Beune are ho re b y levied and a.ssessed as therein }irovided. Finally pussed :J.ndadopted by the Oommission of the Ci t;jT of BOZem'll1 c,t a regular session thereof, held on the 14thda~r of December, A. D. , 1928 . rEA8.<tl// :!viA' 0 A':CTEST: . CLERKlg~SION . _ .. ...---------.--. ...,--.--