HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 128 Levy of taxes in SID No. 265 _u._.. . _._. _ .._____ .... ._."... ._."._..__ ----- .--..-. C011MISSION RESOLUTION NO. 128 A RESOLUTION OF THE COWnS8ION OF THE CITY OF BOZELIAN, MONTANA, LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESS:MENTOF TAXES UJ?ON ALL TI-IE PROPERTY IN SPEOIiIL HiIPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 265 IN TIJE CITY OF' BOZEMAN, COUNTY OF GALLATIN, STATE OF MONTANA, TO DEFRi1..Y THE OOSTOF CONSTRUCTING AND MAlGNG THE I1IU'R(()VEMENTS WITHIN SAID SPECIAL BTI'ROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 265 WHEREAS, The Commission of the Oi t;y' of Bozema.n, did on tL' e 30th day of March, A. D.1928, d.uly and. re-I..~larly pass COlllillission Resolution No. 92 entitled: HA RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF 'rJIT~ CITY OF BQZEl\!u-l.1'J, J'iIONT.A:GTA, DEOLARING IT TO BE TIm: INTENTION OF SAID COLITHSSION TO CREATE A 81':SC11\.L IMYRovm(,ENT . DIS'rRICT TO BE KNOWN Al\TD DESIGNATED AS SPECIAL IMl'ROVElvlENT DISTllICG: NO. 265 OF SAID CITY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF GRl\.DING, OONSTRUCTING CONORETE PAVE.,. ~,1ENT AND IUST.ALLING. SUCH STORM SEYlER INI,ETS AND CONNECTIONS AS MII.Y BE NECESSARY IN THE FIRST ALLEY NORTH OF 1'JAIN STREET BETWEEN NORTH WILLSON AVENUE AND NORTH GRAND AVENUE WITHIN SAID CITY, AND TO S?ECIALLY ASSESS THE EIJ:TlRE COST A:!\JD EXPENSE OF MAKING SAID IlVII'ROVElVlEN'rS AG-AI1'J8T TEE LAND WITHIN S.AlD DI$IJIRICT AS CREATED.n and thereafter, after dl1e and legaJ. I):roceed.i.ncs had, the Oommission of the City of Bozeman, did on the 20th day of April, 19;~8, duly pass Conunlssion Resolution No. 98 enti tled: fill. RESOLUTION OF TIJE C01'illIISS ICN OF TIm: CITY 01!~ BOZE!,lAN, IJIOlJTANi\., CREATING S:PECIAL UiIPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 265 m!, THE CITY OF BO;;EMj\N, STATE OF MONTANA, FOR TIm: l)RUROSE 0]" GRADING PAVING WITIIEITIIER CONCRETE OR WARREN- ITE-BITULITHIO PAVElVIEN'I'AND UTSTALLING SUOH STORM SEWER INLETS AND CONNEO- TIONS AS llLAY BE NECESSARY IN THE FIEST A11J<:7 NORTH OF l:!AIN STREET BETWEEU NORTH WILLSON AVENUE AND NORTH GHA.i.'1'D AVENUE ALLWITEIN SJoUD 01'1'Y, AND TO Sl'ECI.iI.LLY ASSESS THE J~NTIRE COST AND EX:FENSE OF }!LAKING SAID nIT'ROVE- MENTS AGAINST TITE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID DISTRICT, UNDER AND BY Vrn'rUE OF 'rHE PRQVISIONS OF SECTIONS 5225 TO 5277 INCLUSIVE OF THE REVISED CODES OF :MONTANA, 1921, l\.lm Al'TY AKEliJD11ENTS THERETO." which Commission Resolutions Nos. 92 and 98 passed as aforesaid al'e hereby referred to and made a part of this Resolut :Lon for fUJ~ther }xirticl).lars in respect to the bonna.arles of sc\id. clistrict, the chal'acter of the Improveuents to bo eonstructed. therein, the est:Lllla ted cost of s::c:.i_d improvel"::ents, and the method of assessing the cost against the property within said a:Lstrict; and. WHEREAS, said imrrovenents 8,S contemIJlated in 8aB Conm1ission Reoolutlons , Nos. 92 and 98 have been constructed anc1 completed inaccordaYlce with the terms ana conaj.tions of Commission Reso,lutions. Nos. 92 and 98, and. the total eost of im,"'t'ovements so constructed is the sum of TIlliEE THOUSAND AND THREE DOLLARS AIm FIVE CENTS ($3003.45) ; NOW THEREFORE, PurmLant tobhe Ill'ovi'3ions of Soctions 5225 to 5257 :md 5485 RmiI 1921 and. amendments thereto, BE IT UESQLVED AND IT IS IIEUEBY ORDEnED BY THE QJJ1IMISSIO}\J O]j~ THE GO ZEriiiU'J, STATE OF t;IONTANA: Sec. 1. That to a.efray the eost and expense of constructing and the improvements in said Special Improvement District No. is hereby levied and assessed, :,.c, tax amounting tQ the l3um of Three Thout'Jund. ~md. Tbree Dollars and_ For1;;y-Five Cents (~p3003.45) ugon all the prolJerty in said Improvement District No. 265; trliCvt a part1eular d,escripttol1 of pac]'; lot anit of land. wHh_ tho name of the owner (;.nQ the GLtm 8.1'3S8Dsed a[';ainst him or im,rrovernents and the 8.mount of caeh partial 11ayri\ent to be 1";1a(lo and th(;~ clay when fJamesJnllbec'teliml.'uent Is (Jet forth in detail in the assessment 11s1:; hereto attached, marked apart hereof; that the several, ! \ OPJdosite the names of the 01"11181'S and. the doscribed lots ancl lJarcels of land be, and sarrie are hereb;)T 1'e8]0cti veIy levied and assessed upon aDd against imier described \ parcels of lc.nd to defray the cost and expense of constructing 8.11cl making S' HI. improvements within said District; that the several sums so assessed be collected from the: respective owners of said lots and lJarcels of land descl'ibeo. in saidasse8s Iment list Schedule !fAir t as re9. ired b~T law; tha t the paymerlt of 8:3.:1.0. snr:rs 81!8.ll be made in ten' instG.llments amI \ the payment of said installments shall extend over ~ period of nine years; that the payment of the respect:ive annual installments shall be made on or before the 30th day of November of each ~'ear lmt:i.l :pa;'Tment of all the installments together with the interest thereof shall be nwite; t11at said sums shall be Daid ano. the collectlon thereon shall be made in the manner a.nd in accord.ance with the law governing the collect:ion of spoc:!al iniprovcment taxes; that failure to Day such assessments when the smne shall become Oue ancl payable shal ,. ) make such liersons and said lots and. Darcels of land. l:iab18 to the pena1ti8<, pl'ovided by law relative to delinQuent taxes; Sec. 2. That the regular sess:ion of the Cornmission of tho Cit;)' of Bozeman - to be held in the Commission Chamber in the City Hall of Said. City on the 14th day of Decelnber, 1928, at 4:00 O'Clock P. M., be, and the same is hereby desLgnated as the time and place at which objections to the final adOIJtion of this Resolution wU1 be heard"by the said Commiss:'ion; . Sec. 3. That the Clerk of the Commission of the Oi.ty of Bozeman, be, ",n(l he1s hereby orderecl and directed to. pub lish 1n the Bozeman Da.ily Chronicle, a daily newspaper printed. and published in the said City of Bozeman, a Notj.ce signed by the Clerk of theCoromiss ion, and. 3tat1116 tll.at a Resolu.tion levying a specie:.l assess- ment of taxes to defray the cost and. expense of constl'ucti.ng and making the impl'ovemen t8 in1;he SQid Spec.:ial Improvement District No. 265, is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission subject to inspection for a period of five (5) days; that sai.d no':tioe shall state the tim.e and place at wbich 01)jectLons will be heard by the Cow.mission to the final adoption of this ne80l1.1t:Lgn; that it shall be published at least five (5) days before the d8.~r set gy the Commission for the hearing of objections and, the final adoptJ.on of this Reso,lution. Passed, and. adollted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof, held on the 7th day of December, 1928. ~.>>.4&.1I A$.TEST: CLERK ~o?ff'~~f(SION