HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 127A Passing of Resolution 127 COl\IMISSIOJIT HESOLUTICN NO 127 A COMlvIISSION REmLUTION FINAI,LY I'1I.SSHm AND iillOJ?TrT'G CCTJT,]:,;ION TIESOllTTlON NO. L:;? ENTITLED: ,IT A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF BOZENIAH, IJONT~\NA, I,EVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSI;~EJ'IT OF TAXES urOIT ALL TEE PROPERTY IN SI' EO ILL IMI'ROVE MENT DISTRICT NO. 264, IN'THE CITY OF BOZEVAN, COm:rT'.' OF GALLl\.TIN, STATE OF MONTANA, ,. TO DEFRAY THE COST OF COHSTRUCTUfG AND IIAKPTG T']; IMI'ROVEIlfm;rrs WE';!~I:N S.AID SI'EOIAL IMJ?ROVEl;U~NT DIST:UC T NO.' 264" WHEREAS, The ComrnissioIl of the City of Bo:;;eman, did on the 7th day of December, 1928, at a regular session thereof, provisiona111y 1)[1.8S Cornnission Resolu- tion No. 127, entitled: "A RESOLUT ION OF THE CGMl\:IISS ION OF TPE CITY OF BOZEIUl.li. };IQIiT,,)..T::A, LVEYING AliD ASSESSING .A SI'ECIAL ASSESSI,;KG'T OF TAXES UPON AIL 'rITE 1'llOl'EETY In S:PECIAL IlVIPROVEkEN~ DISTRICT no. 264n1 TILE CI'rY OF BOZEI'lAJ':, CJUNT~' OF GALLATIN, STATE OF MONT.ANA, TO DEFR.4,Y THE COST OJ!' COl'l"STRUCTIlTC A~(D l'JJU(ING TIrE HLPIWVE- MENTS WITHIN SAID Sl'ECIAL HTI?ROVE\VlENT DI GTIn OT NO. 264. " WHEREAS, said Commission Reoo,.lution No. 127 was d.1l1y slened by '0he Mayor a and! the Clerk 0 f the Oommissi on of said Cii ty. and was flIed in t:he office of tl18 Clerk of the Commission of said City on t}-.te 7th dayof December, 1928; and., ever since has been on file in said. office subject to and for the inCIJect:Lon of all pel~sons in... terestedj and WI-JEREAS , Friday ,the 14th day of December, 1928, at 4:QO O'Clock p.M. at.!: reGular session of said Con:uiisslon, to be hold at the Commission Chanber, City Hall. said Ci t;y. was a.esig-nated in said Resolution as -tIle t line an(l :place of 4e<J.ring objections to the final passage and. adoDt1on of said Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Olerk of the Commission has given notice of the filil'l['; of said ResJI.ution and. the final passage and ado:ption thereof b~T publication. and notice thereof in the BozemUll Daily Chronicle, D. d8i ly neWSl)8.per IJablis}")ed. in saia. City, at least five (5) days before the day' set for hearin['; any and all Ob jections to the final passage and adoption of'said Reoo lutiol1.; and WHEREAS. the matter of said.. final paSi3age and adoption of s8.id Resohltion, coming on re[';1.l1arly to be hear, };JurSl'1.ant to said Resolution and Notice. this 14th d.ay of Decembcer, 1928, at a regular session of said Commission, a,ue proof being rode of the publication of said. Notice, as reiluired. by law and as ol'dered by said. Resolut,ion, and no objections having been mad.s or filed to the fi,nal pasc1age and ad,option of said Resolution an(l the levying of the a'3sessmcnt as therein IJrovided,; NOW, THEHE:E'Olill , BE IT HESOLVED, AIm IT IS J:EREBY OHDEHED BY TEE COMMISSION OF THE CI'rY O:l!" BOZEl\l.f\1T, STATE OF MOl'TTliI'T A: That Sedel Commission Resolution No. 1,27 be, and the same is hereby finally pa;ssed.and adopted and the special assessri18nt of taxes to defray t:he cost und expense of malcing the improvements as therein set forth, be, cmd tlle al.U'le are hereby levied and assessed as therej.n provided. Finally passed and adopted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular session thoreof, held on the 14th day of December, A. D. 1028. flVAflr1} ATTEST: CLERK tl .~~ON ..--.----