HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 127 Levy taxes in SID No. 264 C01ThaSSION RESOLUTION NO. 127 < A RESOLUTION OF THE CCIMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEI:J..AJ'I, lfONTANA, LEVYING A Sl'ECIAL ASSESSl'[ENT QF TAXES UJ?ON ALL THE PROPERTY IN SPECIAL DIPH.OVEi,IENT DISTRICT NO. 264 IN THE CITY OF BOZEJliLAN, COUNTY OF GAlLATIN, STATE OF MONT.ANA, TO DEFRAY THE COST OF CONSTRUCTING AND MilKING THE IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN SAID SPEOIAL IMPHOVEJ'EENT DISTRICT NO. 624. \VIIEREAS, The Commission of the CitW of Bozeman, did on tlie ;23rd daJT of March,1\.. D., 1928, duly and recularly pass Commission Resolution No. 91, enti tIed: , "1-. RES01.UTION OF. THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEM.AN, MONTANA, DEQLARING IT TO BE TEE INTENT IQ:U OF SAID C OI.]};IISSION TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMFHOVEJ\IENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWNAIID DESIGNATED AS SPECI.AL DlI'ROVE1iiENT :DIS1'RICT NO. 264 OF SAID CITY, FOR 'IRE P1Jl'il?OSE OF GR.ADING, PAVING WITH TWO COURSE CRUSH.. ED GRAVEL I\'LACADA1\1: I'AVEMENT, CONSTRUCTING CONCHETE HEADERS AND INSTALLING SUCHDRAINAGE STRUCTURES AS MAY BE NECESSARY BETWEEN TEE SCU'rH I,INE OF COLLEGE STREET AND THE NORTH LInE OF OLEVELAND STREET ON SaUTE GRi',lm AVENUE, WITHIN SAID CITY, AND TO SPECIALLY ASSESS THE ENTIRE COST AND EXPENSE OF 1UU(- ING SAID IMEROVE1'IENTS AGAINST 'l'HE LAND wrfEIN SAID DISTRICT AS OREATED'T and. thereafter, after due aml legal proo.eediJ,1gs had, the Oommission of the Ci tJr of Bozeman, d,id, on the 13th day of A]ril, 19:28 duly pass Commission Res~,lutioJ:1 No. 97, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF 'mE CQ!.;ffiHSSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, lJIONTMJA, CHEATING SPEOIAL U!I'RQVE.MENT DISTRICT NO. 264 OF THE CITY OF BOZElVIAN , STATE OF MONTANA, FOR THE PUlU?OSE OF PAVING WITHTViOCOURSE< CRt)"SHED GRAVEL MACA- DAM .PAVEMENT, CONSTRUCTING HEADERS AND INSTALL,INGSUCH DRAINAGE STRUC- TURES AS MAY BE NECESSARY ON SOUTE GRAND AVENUEBE'I!WEEN THE SOUTH LINE OF COLLEGE STREET AND THE NORTH LmE OF CIEVELAND STREET, ALL WITHIN SAID CITY, AND TO SPECIALLY ASSESS THE ENTIRE COST ,AND EXPENSE OF Iv'IAKING SAID IMI'ROVEMENTS AGAINST >'THE PRd'PERTY WIT UTN 's AID DISTEl C T UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE l'ROVISIONS OF SECTIONS 5225 .TO 5277 INCLUSIVE, OF .THE RE- VISED CODES OF MONTANA, 1921,AND ANY AMENDMENTS THERETo.n which Commission Resolutions Nos. '.n and 97 };Jassed as aforesaid are hereby referred to 2.J:1d: made a :part of this ResolutIon for further particulars in rCG:pect to the b01mdarias "of said dlstrj.,ct, the chal'actar of the irrlirovements to be construeted therein, the estimated dost of said im};Jrovements, al1d the method of assessinG the cost again$t the };Jroperty vdthin s~~id.d.:lstdct; and WHEREAS, said imrroveme nts as contemplated in said_ Cornmiss:i.o11. Resolutions nos. 91 and 97 hewe been constructejd 0.11c1 c om1l1etecl in accordance wi th the terms and conclitionf3 of CommissIon Resolut:Lons ITOD. Sl and 97, and.. the total eost of said i.mprovemeJ~.ts so OCillstr'llcted is the ,mEt oJ' One Th011U,'lYlcl ,!!;:ight HnJiol'8d. Forty Six Doll:lrs and Sixt~t F01JrCen'tD (,~18'% .64; 1 ; NOW THEREFORE, J?l11'sucmt to ti.HJ provi Gions of Sect;1011i3 5235 to 5257 and 5485 RCM 1921 and amendments thereto, BE IT HESOLVED AND IT IS EEREDY ORDERED BY THE CQI.il;;ISSTOH me CL'HE CITY OF BOZE1~~J, STATE OF MONTA1~: Sec. 1. That to def'l-uy t>c C10 eJt [(:'ld, 0Xl)ensc of constructing and m:i1<.:ing the :Urrgrovemonts in said Special Irnpl'overe'.8nt Distr'ict No. 264" there be, and tb,el'e i hereby levied Slncl assessed, c. tax c.molU1"tlng to the Sl~ of One Thousand Eic:;]:rt Hlmdl~ed FortJ, Six Dollars and SixtJr Four Cents ((~1846 .64) u))on all the property in sL~id S))ecial Improvement District No. 261,; thut a :particular C10GCrl1Jtion of' each lot 'f 1Ia1'081 of land., with the naue of the oVlner cmcl the StUll assessed ::\gainst him or it for such improvements and_ the amount of each l)artial Da~rmen't to be made and the a.ay when the same shall be deling.uent is set forth in clett'cil in the 8,ssessment list hereto attached, marked Schedule "A" and made a part hereof; that the several sums , set op11os-ite the names of the ownel'sandthe described. lots and ];Jaroels of lanel be, and the same are hersb:,r respectively levied and assessed upon and against said Xescribed 10 ts and parcels of land to defray the co st and. expense of constructing an mking said improvements within said District; that the several sums so 'assefJsea. [Je n dl ! collected from the respect:Lve owners of suid lots anrl pal'cels of land (lescribei.l in t' said assesement list Schedule !'A", asre\luirecl b~r law; that the payment of said sums .' J shall be mad.e in seven installments o.nd the IJayment of said installments shlO1ll extqpd ctver a period of six years; that the payrnent of the respeetive annual jnstL,ll IjJ: :~. ments shall be made on or before the 30th day of November of each year until pay- ment of. all the installments together wIth the interest thereof Ghall be made; that said. sums shall be paid. anti the collection thereon shall be made in the manner and in accoriiance with the law governing the collection of sl,e01al :Lm})rOV8I\Jent taxes' that failure to pay sueh assessments when the' same sllL:J.l become clue and: :payable shal make such per'sons and said lots and parcels of land. liable to the penalties l,J'ovided by law relativc'to delincft.lent taxes; Sec. 2. That the regular sess ion of the Commi saioy'! of trle City of Bozeman to be held in the Commission Chamber in the Cit~' Hall of said City on the 14th day of Decemhe:r, 1928. at 4:00 O'clock P. M. be,. and the same is hereby d.esig- nated: as the Mme and. place at which objections to the final adoption of this R~solu , -[' tion will be heard by the said. Commission; , Sec. 3. That the Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman be, and h i 1" is hereby ordered and d.irected. to [mblish in the BOZemL:D D[\ily Chronicle, a daily newspap~r printed. and. IJublif3hed. 1n the said. City of Bo:o;enum, a noticesignecl IJY the Clerk of the Commission, and statin{; that 0. Hesolution levy in{; a s})oeL,l assessment of taxes to defray the oost and expense of oonstrtlCting and filaJdng the impl'OVe111ents in the said Special Iml"rovement District No. 264, is on nle in the office of the Clerk of the Commission subject to inspection for a IJcriod. of fi.ve (5) days; that , said notic.e shall state the time and. place at whieh objections VIill be beard by the Commission to the final adopti.on of thi 3 Resolution; that it shall be IJu.blished at least five (5) (lays befol'e the day set by. the Co~m'.1ission for the b.earing of objections and the f:i.nal adoption of this Resolution. Passed and adopted by the CommisEion of the City of Bozem::::.n at a regular session thereof, held on the 7th day of December, 1928. ATTEST: ... ~;// ~ERK ~~~OHn