HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 126A Passing of Resolution 126 Cm,'!JiHSSION RESOLUTImr 1:0. 126 " ..., COMMISSION nESOLUTION FINALLY PASSING LND ADOPTING CmlnSSION nESOLUTION :rro. 1;~6 ENTITLED: II A RESOLUTION OF TEE COMMISSION OF ,TIlE CITY OF BO;'.ElJiAN, !:ilmIT.:Li~A. . , LE,VYING AND AS5ESSnm A 31:'EC IAL ASSESSMEJ'JT OF T.AY>.ES If.2cn ALL TUE PHOI'EII.TY HI ~'.' '. SPECIAL D!il'lWVEI':,ElTT DISTInCT NO. 263 IN TI-r;'~ CITY OF 30ZEL;AH, COUNTY;,O:F C'rALLi~TIr;, STATE OF Mon'r.iUJT, TO DHFHAY rrITE COST OF CONSTHUC'rING ..ND li..AKIEG TIm D/.lHQVEI'.ENTS WITHIN SAID SPEC L'l.L DIPllOVIiJ1JEI:JT DISTHICT NO. 26311 , WJ:JERE..\S . the: Comm1ssi011 of tlie City of Bozeman, dill on the. 7th day of December, 1928 at a reGular session tl1e reof, l1rov i.sionally IJass Conmli ss ion Hesolu.- tion No. 126 en t:i tIed: I1A RESOLUTION OF 'rnE CO:r.ffiUSSION OF THE CITY OF BOZE1.IAN, l.'lONT.AJ:iLA, LEVYING .AND l\.SSESS ING A SrEOIAL ASSESSI,:'ENT OF Tl..:mS UPON ALL TEE P:WPERTY IN SPEC IAI~ IM21?OVEl,::E;TT DIS T11.1 OT NO. 263 IN THE CITY OF 3QZE.U;l{, COUNTY OF GALLAT IN. S'i:ATE OF I;IONTANA, TO DEFRAY TrI'l; COST OF conS:I'rmCTDG Alm I:'AKU)'G THE IMPI/.GVEMENTS WITHIn SAID SJ,?EOIAL ,DIP110VE1'LEJ'TT DISTRICT NO. :263TT I VIHEREAS, Said Corillllission Hesolution No. 126 was duly signed l)~"the ]\Ia;\lor and the Cle rk of the Comm.ission of said CH~", and was filed, in the off1eo of the ClerIc of theCormnission of Ga.ia, City on the 7th da~r of Decembel' ,1928, ,uld over fJlnc has been on file in said offica sDbject to anrl for the inspection oiall IJersons interested; ana:. WHEREAS, ,Friday the 14-bh day of December, 1928, at 4 o'clock P. M., at a regular session of said Commiss ion, to be held at the COllllili.Gslon Chw;lber, City Hall, said Oi ty, was a,esignuted in said. :Resolution as the tiUI8 and, place of Jleal'ing objections to the final passage and adoption of said Resolution; and yrrIER;EAS , the Clar1-: of the Commissi.6n has Given l1?tice of the filing of said Res,olution and the final passage and adoption thereof by publication and notice thereof in the Bozerr.an Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper pnblished_ in said Gity. at least five (5 ) days before the d_ay set for hearing any ~md all objections to the final :passage and adoption of so.id 'Resolution; and WHEREAS, the matter of s:::.id final passage a.nd ad.op-bion of said Hesolntion, com.ing on regularly to be heard, 1111l"SUant to said Resol'U_tion ancl Notice thj.s l4,t}] day of December, ]L928, at a regnlar ses:3ion of '!aid Conmlission, a.ne proof be ing made of the publication of so.id Notice as reCluired by law c,nd as ordered by said Resolution, amI no objections having been made or filecl to the f:Lnal l)assage and adoDtion of said Resolution and the levying of the assessment as therein provided; .. NOW THEHEFOHE, BE IT :RESOLVED i'J'ID IT IS EEREBY ORDERED BY THE CQMMISS ION OF THE CITY OF .BOZEM1,]/ , STATE OF lIONTANA: TI:L.^..T said Commission Resolution No. 126be. and the same is hereby finally passed and adoDtod and the special assess!i1ent of taxes to defray tho cost and eXDens6 of making the improv8uents as thel'ein set forth, be, and the same are (1 hereb~r levied and assessed as therin provided. ;: I ;'1 ! J:i'linaUy passed and adopted by the CommiSsion of the City of Bozeman .;' I ,1) at a regular session thereof, held- on the 14th dayof December, A. D. ,1928. \ ;)~J( ATTEST' .;; > .p.~'! CLERK OF.'';;:'':' . , ~..::ilON . .---..---.-------. ..-....--- -....-.....---.-