HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 126 Levy of taxes in SID No. 263 Passed and adopted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof, held on the 14th day of ;December, A. D., 1928, ~~L) ATTEST: !~A6 CLERK OFt' . . '~I N C01~ISSION RESOLUTION NO. 126 , A RESO]JJTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEIv;AlT , MONTANA LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SI'ECIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXES UPON AU TIJE PROPERTY IlJ SPECIAL I:MJ?ROVE1'JLENT Dr STRICT NO. 263 IN THE CITY OF BOZIDIilIN, COUNTY OF GALLATIN, STATE OF IIIONTANA, TO DEFRAY THE OOST OF CONSTRUCTING AND M~ING THE IMPROVE~mNTS WITHIN SAID SPECI1~ l1'J~ROVElmNT DISTRICT NO. 263. WHEREAS, the COmmission of the City of Bozeman, cUd on the 23rd day of lfurch, A. D., 1928, duly and regu.larlypass COmlllission Resolution No. 90 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF TI-IE emiEMISSION 'OF THE CITY OF BOZElVi.AN, MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTE1'qTION OF SAID COM];lISSION TO CREATE A SPECIAL IJ\iII'ROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BEKNOWU AND DESIGNATED AS SPECIAL IMPROVEltENT DISTRICT NO. 263 OF SAID CITY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF GHADING: PAVING WITH TWO COUHSE CRUSHED GRAVEL MACADAM PAVE11ENT: CONSTRUCTING CONCRETE CURBS AND INSTALL,.. ING . SUCH DRAINAGE STRUCTURES AS ]fIAY BE NECESSARY BETWEEN THE WEST LINE OF SIXTH AVENUE ANDTBE EAST LINE OF EIGHTH AVE1'UE ON WEST OLIVE STREET, WITHIN SAIDC1TY, AND TO SPECIALLY ASSESS TIm ENTIRE COST !illD E~ENSE OF MAKING SAID IMPROV'EriIENTS AGAINST THE LAIID WITHIN SAID DISTRICT AS CREATED" and thereafter, after clue and legal proceedings had, the Commission of the City of Bozeman did, on the 13th. day of April 1928 dDly :pass Commission Resolution No. 96 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEI!lAJ'J, lilONTAlTA, CREATING S1:'ECIAL UJIPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 263 OF THE CITY OF BOZEI:IAN, STATE OF . MONTANA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF GRJJHNG; PAVING WITH TWO COURSE CURSHED GRAVEL }!i.ACAD,AM PAVEMENT; CONSTRUCTING CONCRETE CURBS 1;])1D SUCH,DRAINAGE STRUCTUHES AS MAY BE NECESSARY O1T WEST OLIVE STREET BETWEEN THE WEST LINE OF SIXTH AVENUE AND THE EAST LINE OF EIGHTH AVENUE "inTEIN Si'.ID . CITY, AND TO :;l'ECLU;LY ASSESS TIlE ENTIRE COST 1\J1TD EXPENSE OF. I'JillTi'TG SUCH IMPROVEI\!IENTS AGAINST TEE PROPEl1TY WITTTTN SAID DISTInCT UNDEH. 1'~ND BY VInTUE OF TIm R.EVISED CODES' OF lWN~r.ANA, 19;21, Al'JD ANY AJliIENDHENTS THERETO" w[15.0h Corrmtss:lon Ref301ut ions 1'To s. 90 =:.])c1 96 raGsed as aforocJ2,id are hGreb~r reforred. to [Lnd. ril8,de a J;art of this Resolution for furthcr purticulars iTI ref3pcct. to the boundo,1'5.08 of said district, the nharacter of the improvements to be constructed t11orein; the estil;mted cost of said imp'l'ovcElents and the method of aSfJossing the cost against the pro:pert;v with:ln saicl ru'str:lct; ,and WEEHEL.S, m~id. improvements a8 conteml:lated in saia_ Com.'l1ission Hesolutions Nos. 90 aDd 96 '~ave been constructed. and COmI)(b.eted in accordance with the ternw aDd, conditions'of Commission Resolutions NaB. SO aD(l 96, ana. the totil cost of saId iml1rOVclr:onts so constructed is the sum of Throe Thousand Two Emldred Eight;\T One Dollars and, Fifts. EiGht Cents (,~3281.58) ; . NOW 'J:lJEHEPOr:E, Pursuant to the provi~3ions of Sections 5:225 to 5257 and. 5485 RCM 1921 anc1 amandmcnts thereto, BE IT RESOLVED l'>.ND IT IS EEl"tEBY ORDERED BY 'l'IIE OQJliJ1USSION OF TIrE BOtEI;jJJJ, STATE OF I.LONT.:\.RA: Sec. 1. That to defray the cost ana. eXIJ8.nseof constrneting and making . .. ----. --- ...- -. -.- ----- _______._._______. .___.n the improvements :In ,n,icl Spl:;cial Iml)l'OVCJ:Jcnt Dictl'ict ~.io. 2'63 therc be, LInd. tllore is hereby levied o.ncl assessed 8. tax "mount to the sun\ of TJ:u'oe 'rhousand. Two Eumi..roci. Eighty One Iiollars 8.l'/.cl Fift;)T JI:ight Cents ($3281.58) upon all the IH'opert;y in said Sl1eCial ImlJl'oV'ement District Ho. 263; that a particular descriIJtion of oach lot and parcel of land w.ith the name of the owner and, the surD assesseel ag;J5nst ,'im or it for such imDrovements and. the amonD t of each part5,;:\1 payment to be nade and, the day wI,e n the Dame shall bedelillgyent is set fo rth in clet8.il in the assessment list hereto attached, marked Schedule "A" and n::J.de a :part flereof; tb.a t the severlcl Sluns set opposite th.e names of the owners and the described lots and, 11arcolo of land be, and the same are hereby respectively levied and assessed upon and agninst said described lots and lJarcels of land to defray the C08t ano. eXl)cnse of constructing anl1 making saic'i im:provementswi thin said District; that the several sums so assessed be collected from the respective owners of saiel lots :md,})arcels of land descrfbed in said assessment list. Schedule "A". as rei;luired b;,/ law; that the lIayment of sc"1.id sums shall be made in seven installments and. the J;1ayment of sa.id installments shall extend. over a period of six years; tha t the payment of the respective annual installments shall be me,de on or before the 30th clay of November of each year until payment of all the installments together with tlleinterest thereof shall be made; tba t said smns shall be paid aDd the collect:Lon thereon shall be made in the manner and i~ accordance with the law governing the collection of speciajt improvement taxes; th.'1. t failu.re to pay such assessments when the same shall become due am payable shall ma1ce such persons and. said lots and :parcels of land liable to the pena.:\.ties provided by law relative to delincd.11ent ta.xes; Sec. 2. That the regular session of the Commission of the City of Bozerran to be held in the Commission Chamber 'in the City Hall of said City on the 14th : day of' December. 1928 at 40' Clock P.1\ji. be. and the same is hereby designated as the time andpla.ce at which ob jections to the final adoption of this Resolu.tion will be heard by the said Commission; Sec. 3. That the Clerk of the Commission of the. City of Bozeman 1)e, and he is hereby ordered and directed to publish in the Boierran Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper printed and published in the said City of Bozeman. a notice signed by the Clerk of the Commission and statinG that a Resol,ution levying and. assessing a special assessment of taxes to defray the cost and expense of ' construct ins and maklng the improvements in the said SiJec~fal Imll1'OVement District No. 263. is on , fLla in the office of the Clerk of the Commission sub ject to inspection for a. period of five (5) days; that said notice shall state the time and place at which . objections will be heard by too Commission to the final adopt:I.on of this Resolu- tion; that it shall be published at least five (5) days beforo the day set by the , Commission for the hearing of ob jections and the final adoption of t.his Resolution. Passed and.. ,adopted by the Commi ssion of the City of Bozeman at a re'[;ular session thereof. held on the 7th day of December. 1928. A. D. ATTEST:~ '.' ~(JJ CLERK OF ....... .' ...... ". 'rSSlON ---- -- ---- -- ---- -...-....--.--