HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 124A Passing of Resolution 124 COl\lliIISSION RESOLUTION NO. 124 A A RESOLUTION OF THE COM!HSSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEIiJI1~ FINAILY I'ASSIlJG AND ADOPTING C0MMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 124 ENTITLED: "A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF TIm CITY OF BOZEl.iAN LEVYING JillD ASSESS ING 1~ SPECIAL ASSESSIVlENT OF TAXES UJ?ON CERTAIN PROI'ERTBS IN THE CITY OF BOZE- l\IJ.N, COUNTY OF G..i\LLATIN, STATE OF ~WNTANA, TO DEFRAY THE COST OF EXTERMINA- TION AND REMOVAL OF NOXIOUS WEEDS FOR THE YEAR 1928 PURSUANT TO TIJE I'ROVI- SIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 428 ENTITLED: It AN ORDINANCE DEFINING AND 1:,n.OVIDING FOR THE pUNISHMENT AND lillATEMENT OF CERTAIN NUISANCESIt WHEREAS, the Commission of the City of Bozeman did on the 7th day of Deoember, 1928, at a regular session thereof duly pass Commissmon Resolution No. 124 entitled: itA RESOLUTION OF 'J;HE C01TIvIISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXES UPON CERTAIN PHOl'ERTIES IN THE CITY OF BOZE- MAN, COUNTY OF G.ALLATIN~ STATE OF MONTA, TO DEFRAY THE GOS T OF EXTERMINA- TltDN AND REMOVAL OF NOXIOUS \'i/EEDS FOR THE YElill. 1928 PURSUANT TO THE PROVI- SIONS OF ORDHIANCE NO. 428 ENTITLED: II J\lif ORDINANCE DEFINING AND PB.OVIDING FOR THE PUNISHMENT AND ABATEMENT OF CERTAIN N1HSANCES", and IIHEREAS, said Commission Resolution No. 124 was duly signed by the Mayor and the Clerlc of the Commission, and was filed in the office of the Clerlc of the , Commission on the 7th day of December, 1928, .and ever since has been on file in , said office, subject to and for the inspection of all perSons interested; and WEEREAS, the 14th day of December, 1928 at4 O'ClockP. 1vl., at a regular t session of the Commission to he held at the Commission Chamber, City Hall Building , in the said City, was the time and place for hearing objections to the ~", " final passage and adoption of said Resolution; ,and < .WHEREAS, The Clerk of the Commission has given notice of the filing of , said Resolution and the f~nal passage andado:J;ition thereof, by publishing notice thereof in the Bozema'n Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper, printed and published in said City, at least five (5) days before hearing any and all objections final ,\passage and adoption of said Resolution; and WHEREAS, the matter of the said final passage and adoption of said Resolution, coming on .regularly to be heard, pursuant to said Resolution and Notice this 14th day of December, 1928, at a regular session of said Commission and. proof belng rrade of the publication of sald Notice as required by law and as ordered by said Resolution; And, no obje.ctions haVil'1g been made or filed to the final passage and. adoption of said Resolution and the levying of the assessment as therein provided; NOW THEHEFOP..E, .BE IT RESOLVED AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED BY THE COIv1IlUSSIQN OF THE CITY OF EOZE1f..AN ,STATE OF MONTANA: That, said Commission Resolution No. 124, be, and the same is here.by finally passed and adopted and the SDecial Assessment of taxes to defra~r the cost of extermina.tion and removal of noxious weeds on certain properties in the Cit~r of Bozeman for the year 192,8, he, and the same is hereby 1b.evied and. assessed. Passed and adopted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman, at a regular session thereof, held on the 14th day of December, A. D., 1928. 64~1 ATTEST: ~h~~n J ' Clerk 0 t e... omm~s ion ~-,-