HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 124 Defray the cost of extermination of noxious weeds in 1928 C~IISSION RESOLUTION NO. 124 .A HESOLUTION OF THE CQIvThUSSION OF THE CITY OF BOZE1wU~ LEVYING AND A3SESSE;rG A Sl'EC;r:A ASSESSIvlENT OF TAXES UPON CEHTAIN PHOPERTHS IN THE CITY OF BOZEJ.r:AN, COmITY OF GALLA- TIN, STA~E OF 1'iQNTANA, TO DEFI-tA:y TIm COST OF EXTERlHI:!ATION AIID REI:rov.,\1 OF NOXIOUS WEEDS FOR THE YEAR 1928 PUl1.SUANT TO THE PIWVISIONS OF ORDIN.GNOE NO. 428 ENTITLED: TliIN ORDINANCE DEFINn~G AND nWVIDING FUH THEl'UlHSI:1IE!;-T .,:'J:ID ABATEEENT OF CERTAIN NUl sMJCES TI. WEEREAS, The City CO\ll1cil of, the City of Bozeman heretofore d.ul;;r and reb'1J.larly pas sed Ordinance No. 428 enti iled: TlAn ORDINANCE DEFINING AND PROVIDING FOR TEE PUNISIThlENT AND . ABATEMENT OF CERTAIN NUISANCES f!, and ' WHEREAS, :Paragraph 83 Section 5039 R. O. M. 1921 provides the City or Town Council as power to declare rlnd determine who,t veget~,tion wi thin the ci t~T or town sahll be noxious weeds, and to J;Jrovide the manner in which t11.e;:/ shall be ex- terminated, and. to require the owner or owners of any property, wi thin 83.:l.d. city or town, to exterminate or remove noxious weeds from their premises, and the one- half of the road. or street lying next to the lands or vonlevard ab'utting thereon, and to provid.e.. in the event the owner or owners of any of said premises neglect to exterminate or remove the noxious weeds thereform, for levying the co 8t of such extermination or removal as a special tax against the property, and WHEREAS, owners of premises in said City have neglected to exterminate and. remove noxious weeds therefrom Quring the year 1928. and the City of Bozeman, pD.!'suant to Section 5039 and Ordinance No. 428 have exterm1.nated and removed nxoious weeds from premises of 'said owners ahd the total cost of the extermination 0-nd removal thereof is chargeable to the property as hereinafter set forth :pursuant to provisions of said paragraph 83 of Section 5039 and. 5513, political COde,ROM, 1921 and said Ordinance No. 428; NOW THEREFORE ,BE. IT RESOLVED JIND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED OF THE OITY OF BOZEMAN. STATE OF JlilONTANA: Sec. 1. That during the~Tear 1928 the City of Bozeman has exterminated. and removed noxious weeds from properties in the City of Bozeman and defrayed the o-ost thereof as ,set forth in Schedule hereto attached and made apart hereof. Sec. 2. ,That to defray the cost of exterminating and removing said noxious weeds from said premises as set forth in sa;id schedule, hereto attached. and , . , mad.e a part hereof, for the year 1928 there be, and there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against said. property as set forth in said schedule, hereto attached and made a apart hereof; that, a particular description of each lot and par- ~el of land with the name of the owner and the sum assessed against him or it is set forth in assessment list hel'eto attached marked"Schedule One". and made a Dart hereof; tba t the sev!'ral ,sl.lms set OPDQsi te the names of the ovmers and the description of the lots and. IJarcels of lands be, [;.I.nd the same are and assessed.uDon and against said lots and parcels of l.and; that the sums be collected from the respective owners of said lots and parcels of lands desed bed in said. assessment list. "Schedule Oneil, as l'ecnlired by law; that said sums shall be paid, and the collection thereof shall be made in tt.e nmrmer ,s.nd. in accordance w.tththe law [!;overning the collection of f3pech11 improvement taxes; that ---..." --..--.. :pay such assessm~jp-t:;! when same shall become due and payable shall make . .', $uch person and such lots and. parcels of land llable to the penalties, :provided by the law relative to delinQuent taxes. il Sec. 3. That the regular session of thfi Cornmlssion of the City of Bozemnn I :' , I held on the 14th clay of December, 1928, at the Commission Chambcr, City Hall I A. D. , lJ Building, be, and the. same is hereby designated, as the time '-end. pL\oe at whioh objections to the final adoption of this Resolution will be heard. by the Cornmisston. Seo. 4. That the Clerl of the Commj.sslon, be, and he is hereby ordered. i'J,nd. directed to publish in the Bozerrv.n Da:tly Chronicle, a aa 11y newspalJer, rrinted. and publif3hed in the said City of Bozeman, a notice signed. by the C10r}( of the . Commission, and stating that a resolution levying [0\, special assessment of taxes to defray the cost of exterminating and remov:Lng noxious weeds on certain IH'operties , in the City of Bozeman for the year 1928, is on file in tho office of the Clerk of tll Commission, suh,ject to :I.nspection for a period of five days; that said notice shall state the time and ]Jlace at which objections w511 be heard by the Commission , to the final aa.option of this Resolution; that it shall be l)u.blished at loarJt five days before the date set by the Commission for hearing of objectionc, and tho fi:r}.al adoption of th is Reso 1ution. Passed b;:r the Commi 8sion of the Cit;jT of ]3o:::;eIi1fm at a re,sultu session thereof held on the 7th da;\" of December, A. D. , 1928 . rSAA~ Mayor ATTEST: ele rlc ollt!f~f::f.SSi on !~!.!f! HEAIUNG, FIN"u. ."DCl'TIOlJ CQ1JnSSION RESOLtiTION NO. 124 LEVYING Sl'ECIAL ASSESSllENT TO DEFRAY THT:G COST OF EX- TEHUINATION AIm IT-EMDVAL OF NOXIOUS WEEDS ON CEH.TAIN PIWFERTIES HI THE CITY OF BQZE!:ilI11 FOI{ THE YEAR 1928. NOTIOE IS r~REBY GIVEn, That at a regular session of the Commission of the Oi ty of Bozeman held on the 7th day of DeCer.lber, A. D., 19;~8, Commission Hesolution No. 124 was duly passed. and adopted; that said Commission Resolution No. 124 levies !lnd. assesses 8. s11eci111 assessment of taxes upon certain l1ro:pe:t'ties in the City of Bozeman fpr the year 1928 to defray the cast of exterminating and removing noxious weeds for the year 1928. That, said Commission Resolution :No. 124 is now on file in the office of the Oler},: of the COr.L':lission of sia d City of Bozeman subject to inspection for a Qeriod of five days, by undperson interested; that Friclay the JL4th da~T of December, 1928, at 4 O'Clock P. 1.1., of SQid da~T at a reCuIar session of the Commission of the :aty of Bozeman has been designated as the time and place when and where said (1 Jommission will hear and pass upon aDY and all 01) jections the. t may be made to the f:l.n' 1 iJ I?assage ana adoIJUon of said Commission Resolution No. 124, and the levying of selia. J.ssessment; and that, said Resolution will be finally l)a,1Sed and adollted at said t'6gnlar session of sa:hd Commission, subjeot to such corrections and amendments as ma~r be nade upon objections made and filed wi thin the five days limit as provided by law. Dated this 7th d.a~r of December, A. D., 1928. CL~~~~~Th~ISSI0N