HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 123 Levying of Lighting in District No. 100 8~ Attest: L:lerk ot' the L:on:mis~ion COMMISS ION RES GLUT ION NO. 123 A RESOLUTION OF TIlE CQMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASS.ESS1/rna''fT OF TAXES mON ALL THE PROPERTY IN SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT LIGHTING DISTRI CT NO. 100 TO DEFRAY FIFTY (50) PER CEN~ OF TUE COST OF LIG.HTING :1.1AIN STREET FROM IDA .AVENUE TO FOURTH AVENUEOOVVITHIN SAID SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 100 OF TI1E CITY OF BOZEWJAN F THE YEAR 1928. WREREAS, The City Council of the City of Bozeman d.uly and. regularly passed Council Resolutions Nos. 641 and 647 creating Special Improvement Lighting District No. 100 within the City of Bozeman and defining the boundaries thereof < , and providing for the assessment of the cost of lighting the. same as set forth in said Council Resolutions N-os. 641 and 647; and WDREAS, Main street from Ida AVBnue to Fourth Avenue, within the bound.- aries of said. Special Improvement Lighting District No. 100, has been lighted dwing the year 1928 as contenrplated. in said ll,esolutions, in accordance with thereof; aml WI-JEREAS, the Special Improvement Lighting Distflict No. 100. and. the Resolutions creating the same. the total frontage of the property within said district to be assessed, the total cost of said lighting within said district and ,- the proportion thereof chargeable to the property therein is hereinafter set forth. , , Now, therefor e, pursuant to the "rovi.sions of Sections 5259 to 5269 inclusive. Political Code. RCM. 1921, as amended by Ohapter 14.3. Laws of Montana, 1927, and said Council Resolut ions yos. 641 and, 647 creating s8.id Special Im:prove- ment Lighting District No. 100 BE IT RESOLVED AND IT IS HEHEBY ORDEHED BY THE CO!l'IriIISSION OF TDE CITY OF BOZEMAN. STATE OF IvIONTANA: Sec. 1. That for the year 1928 the Cit;)T of Bozeman has defrayed the ing" . ocst of Maintainl and lighting Main street. from Ida Avenue to Fourth Avenue, wHhin SIJecialIm]?:rov8ment r~ighting District No. 100, :pursuant to Resolutions Nos. 641 and 647 creating the same. and that fifty (50) per cent of the entire cost thereof is $1421.54. that the total number of linear feet of 11ropert3' to be assessed is 6785.4 feet. and tht\t the rate :per front foot is $.2095. Sec. 2. That to defray fifty (50) per cent of the cost of mainttdning and lighting said Main Street. from Ida Avenue to Fourth Avenue, wi thin said Special Improvement Lighting District No. 100 for the year 1928 there be. amI there is hereby, levied. and assessed a tax upon all the propertJ, in front of and. bordering upon ssid Special Improvement Lighting Distr:lctNo. 100 as set forth Schedule hereto attached. and mad.e a part hereof; that a l)s,rticular desGrir\tion of each lot and l)arcel of la nd wItl1 the name of 'the owner and the sum assessed __ _..____n__________ -...-...--"...-.-.... - __._.. __. __m _...___ ------- against him or it, is set forth in the schedule hereto a ttacbed, and rnrrde a 11Llrt h hereof; that the several sums set opposite the nar,esof the owners, :,'.THJ. the describc' r'"j lots and }:Iarcels of land, be, and the SQme are hel'eby levied and G.:Jscsscd 11110n ancl J ! against said lots and parcels of lancl; that the several Sluns be collected from the respective owners of said lots anri pi:n'Cel~3 of 10. no. d.escribed in the BQ.!Ji schedule, as rey,u ired b~r law, that said sums shall be 11aie1 and trIG collection tllere of shall be ITIEtde i.n the manner and. in accol'dunce with the law governing the collec- tion of special improvement taxes; t]"][tt faihu'e ;'0 pay such assessments wl,en sanlC shall become due 8.ml payo.ble S110.11 make sue}, llorson and such lots ane1 118.roc1s of land. Ibble to the penalties, pl'ovided by the law relative to d~lin~uent taxes. Sec. 3. That the recu1ar nes::1ion of the Oomrnissi.ol1 of the Oi t2.' of Bozem:m held on thc) 14th day of Dec01:iber, A. D. , 1928. at the Commission Clw,.;'\ber, City H~ll J311ilding, be, and the same is hereby de slena ted as the t jJno and 1110.ce at which objections to the final adoption of this Resolu-bion will be heard. by the Con:aniss ion. Sec. 4. Tha.t the Clerk of the Commission, be ,and he is hereb3T ordered. a d directed to pUblish 1n the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a o.a:!.ly newsIJ<l:per, printed and. publis,hed in the said City of' Bozeman, a notice signed by the Clerk of the Commissi n, .'1 and. stating that a resolution levying a special assessment of taxes to defray fifty , I I. :J (50) :per cent of the co st of ma:Lntaining and light:ing Main street from Ida Avenue \.~, : to Fourth Avenue, in the said. Special Improvement I;ighting District No. 100 for 0 the year 1928, is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Cornmisslon, sub,ject to inspectioni'or a period of five d.ays; that~aid notice'sball state the time and ~lace at which objections will be heard by the CO~ission to the final adoption - that it shall be puhli'shed at least five days befOl'e the'date of this Resolution; set by the Commission for hearing of objections, and. the f:Lllal adoption of this Resolution. Passed by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 7th day of December, A. D., 1928. (, , , g~/Ir)' ... ayor Attest: Clerk ~1SSion . .'l dJ ._._.__..._n___