HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 123A Passing of Resolution 123 n__n_____ n__n_.__..____ ------ -- ""';<"'.";:'!,"'i';:, COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 123 A A RESOLUTION OF THE CC!MMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN FINALLY PASSING AND .AIJOPTING COMMISSION RESOL UTION NO. 123 ENTITLED : II IIlI. RESOLUTION OF THE CQMl\IIISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAl-T LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESS/.1ENT OF TAXES 'UPON 'ALL THE PROPERTY rN SPECIAL IMl'RbVEIvJ:ENT LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 100 TO DEFRAY FIFTY (50) PER CENT 'OF THE COST OF LIGHTING MA.INSTREETFR011 IDA AVENUE TO FOuRTRAVENUE, WITHIN SAID SPEDIAL IMPROVE1.'IENT LIGHTING Dr STRICT NO. 100 OF THE CITY OF BOZEM.AN FOR THE YEAR 1928.'T , WHEREAS, the Conuni ssion of the City of Bozeman clio.. on Friday the 7t]~ day of December. 1928, at a regular session thereof duly pass Commission Resolution No. 123 ~nti tIed: " IIARESOLUTIQN OF THE COMMISSION OF TIIE OITY OF BOZEMA.NLEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXES UPON ALL Tm; PH.OP:8;RTY IN SPEOIAL IMPROVEMENT LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 100 TO DEFRAY FIFTY (50) PERCENT OF THE COST OF LIGHTING IvIAIN STREE!I1FROM IDA i!..VENUE TO ]i'QURTH AVENUE, WITHIN SAID SFECIAL IMPROVEl'JEJl1T. LIGHTING DISTRIOT .NO. 100 OF THE CITY OF BOZElVI.A11 FOR THE YEAR 192811 WHER.EAS, said COI!iI1lission H.eSQllutionNo. 123 was duly signed by the Mayor and the Clerk of theOonunissdlon, artd was filed in the office 0:6 the Clerk of the Commission on the 7th day of December, 1928, ami ever since has 'been on file insaidoff'ice, sub,ject to and for the inspection of all persons interested; and WHEREAS, the 14th day of December, 1928, 'at 4 o'clock P. M" at a regular sesrHo,n of the Commission to be held at the Commission Chamber, Cit;'l Hall Building in the said City, was the'time and place for heari.ne objections to the filml passage; emit adoption of said Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of the Commiss ion has given notice of the fil:ln,:; of said Resolution 8.110.. the final ])ass:;:\ge and adoption thereof, by Imblisbing notice thereof in the Bozenan Daily Chronicle, a daily new:JpG.IJcr, Drinted anti lJUblisheC1 in said City, at least five (5} days before hearing any and all ob,jectiorlD to the final passage am ado]?tion of said. Resolution; anrl WIJ];REAS, the matter of the said. l' jnal ]?assac;e and aeloption of saId Reso lution, coming on regularly to be heard, purmlant to said Resolution and 1!NotiCfj~ this 14th day of December , 19281 at a regular session of said Commission, ana proof be ine; nlG'1.de of tJ:JB pul)lication of said. Notice as reg,\lired by law and. as orde red b;)T said. He G olu ti on; .And., no objections hav:Lng ])cen m8.(le or filed. to the finLl 1)8.38""5e and adoption of s;d.d ResJolution and t he levying of the asSeScJWE;nt as there in pl'ovifted; NOW TEEREFOHE, BE 1'l: ilESOLVED iJiiD' IT IS mHEBY CIWE?..ED BY 'rIlE CQ:riillHSSIOlJ OF THE C GI'rY OF BOZEIvlAN STATE OF MOl'i"T1I.NA: (1 , . ' I I That, said Commission Resolution Ho. 123, be, and the same j.8 hereb~T J finally passed. o.ml ndorted. and the Special Assessment of taxes .to defray the cost.' of lighting ]Js.in street fro m Ida Avenue to FOUl'th Avenue, as therein set forth, be, and the same arc hereby levied and assesseel as therein provided.. Passed. and adoJpted by the COnuni8S ion of the City of Bozeman, at a regular session thereof, held on the 14th day of December, A. D., 1';28.. A.tt..e.. S.t:... . !t~.p ~. ~~. iI... .. ;/ p'1J, 'A .., yor' Ulerko~ t~e . orrrrn~sSion' .',\.,: , ,:<:,',::. ',"',.'.,' .-::. <'<::::: -:::~<< ",',';',,",:,',,' '. .c,', , .;','. :-:. ,....:'",.':" .,,'." , ~'i. ~:: ?<:"::' ... " ,..,',.....,.,..,.;:'..' .-...-. -------- ------