HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 122A Passing of Resolution 122 Dated t.llj.s 7th day of December, A. D., 1928. CTERl\: OF TEE" C mIT.,TISSI ON COI'lT.MISSION RESOLUTION :NO. 122 A 1~ HESOLU'nON OF TIrE CQl\l!HSSION OJ!' THE CITY OF BOZK..AE FIN.4LLY I'.ASSnJG AIm ADOl"J.'DJG COWISSION RESOLUTION NO. 122 ENTITLED: ' "i\. RESOLUT ION OF THE cN/JUSS ION OF TEE CITY OF DO ZEl\1A.N LEVYING leND ASSESSING A SPECI..\..L ASSESS1,;EET OF TAXES UPON ALL THE PROPERTY IN SPECIAL IIIU'IZOVElvIENT DISTRICTS" OF' TI-i1<; CITY OJ? BOZEl.--"I.N, COUNTY OF GALLATIN ,STATE OF MOlJTAIJA, FOR TEE l.:AIHTlmAliCE OJ!' PARKHJQS TO DEFRAY Tn::!; COST OF 1lAINTAINING THE PARKINGS WI THIN SAID G}ECHT.J IMI'ROVEMEl\T DISTRICTS OF TIm CI'.['Y OF BQZEIllAN Fon T..E YEAR 1928 II WHEREAS, the Commission of the City of Bozemq,n did on Fl'iday the 7th day of December, 1928, at a regular session thereof duly pass Conmlission Rem IntJ.on No. 122, entitled: 1111. llESOLUTION OF THE COMIHSSION OF .:rEE CITY OF BOZElVIA.N LEVYING AIm ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESmdENT OF TAXES UPON ALL T}~ PROPERTY IN SPECIAL UIPHOVli1.'V3NT DISTRICTS OE' THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, COUNTY OF GALL.AT IT;, STATE OF 110NTAEi\.., FOR THE l\IAINTEN.GNCE OF I'Al\,KINGS T.O DEFRAY TIn: COST OF 1.r.AINTAINING THE PARlGNGS \'lITHIN SAID SPECIAL IlIiIPROVEJ,IENT DIS'TIUCTS OF TES OITY OF BOZEM1..N FOR TIIEYEAR 192811 WHEREA.?, said Commi ssion Resolution No ~ 122 wasd.uly s:i.gned b~r the l;i.ayol' and the ClerIc o(the Commission, ancl was filed in the office of tLe Clerk of the Commission, an t~le 7th d.ay of December, 1928, and ever since has been on 1'ile in said. office, snbJect to and for the inspection of all persons interested; and WHEREAS, the 14th day of December, 1928 at 4 0 'Clock r. M. at a regu.lar session of the C,?llrmission to be held at the Commission Chamber, City Hall Bniibding in the said Ci tYt was the time and place fOl' hearing objections to the final passage and adop~ion of said Resolution; and WI-IEREA?, the Clerk of the Commiss ion has given notice of the filing of . said Resolution ~rid the final passage and adoption thereof, b~r pu.blishing a notioe thereof in .theBozeman Do. ily Chroniole, a daily newsli8.per. pr inted and published in saidCHy, at least five (5) days oefore hearing any and' ::,,11 objedtions to the final passage and adoption of said Resol~tion; and WHEREAS, the matter of the said final passage and adoption of sa~d Resolution, Gaming on regularly to be heard, pursuant to ss,id Resolution and "Notice, "this 14th .day of December, 1928, at a regular session of said Commission1f. and proof being made of the publioation of said. Notice as required by law and as ordered by said. Resolution; Ana" no objections having been made or f lIed to the final passage and adoption of' said Resolution and the levying of the aSGeSSlnent as therein provid.ed; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AN)) IT IS HEREBY ORDERED BY TIm; COMMISSION OF TIm; CITY OF BOZ:J1:MAN, STATE OF MONTANA: That, said 'CommissLon Resolution No. 122, be, and the same is hereby finally passed and adopted and the Speciq,l Assessment of taxes to defray the cost of Maintenance of Parkings as therein set forth, be, and the same are hereby levied and assess.ed as therein provided. Passed and adopted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof, held on the 14th day of Decembel', 1928. f