HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 121 Street Sprinkling for year 1928 cOMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 121 A RESOLUTION OF THE 'cOI.IMISSION OF THE CITY OF .BOZEMAN: LEVYHTG AND ASSES'SING A SPECIAL ASSESS1IIENT OF TAXES UPON AIL THE PROPERTY IN STREET, SPRlNKLI:::JG DISTRICT OF TIJE C~TY OF BOZEMAp, COUNTY OF GALLATIN, STATE OF MONTANA. TO DEFl1AY SEVENTY-FIVE I'ER- C!:NTOF 'J:1IE COST OF Sl'RINKLING STREETSV1ITHIN siID STREET SPRINKLING DISTHICTS OF TIfE CtTY OF BOZEMAN FOR TP.EYEAR1928~' . , ' WHEREAS. The City Counoil and the' Commission of th~ City of Bozeman have heretofor'e duly and regu.larly passed C01Uwil a!1d' Co~ission Resolutions oreating St~eet Sprinkling Districts wi thin the City of Bozemfln ~ml defining the boundarJ.es thereof and providing for the assessment of th'e cost .of sprinkling tho same as set forth in Reso fu.tions here inafter referred to; an'd . ViH;EHEAS, the streets wi thin the coundm'ies of said Street Sprinlding Districts, have, been 8pl'inJeled dur ing the year 19f8 as, contemplated in said Resolutio in accordance with terms and conditions thereof; and WHEREAS. The Street Sprinkling Districts and. the R~'solutio~s creating the ~ ':1: ~ " sam:, the ,~o tal fr ontage, of the property wi thin said dt stric ts to be assessed, the total cost af said. sDrinkling within said districts and the DroDor'tion thereof chargeable to the prODerty therein is hereinafter set, forth. . Now, therefore. pursu.ant to the provisdons of Sections 5p72 to 5277 inclu- sive, Political Code. RCM. 1921. as amended by Chapter 97. Laws of Montana 1927. and Ordirilipce No." 295. and said. Council a!1d Commission Resolutions creating said Stree.t S:prinkling Districts. , BE I~ RESOLVE]) AND IT ISBEREBY ORDEREp BY THE COMlVIISSION OF THE BOZEMAll. STATE OF MONTANA: . II ~ C Sec. 1. That for the year 1928 the City of Bozeman has defrayed the of ~prinkiing the str,eets in the several Street Sprinkling Districts ; pursuant Resolut'ions creating the same ,and that seventy-five per cent of the' entire cost thereof. /fxclui;Ji ve of the cos t of sp rinJdldng Darl~s and public places , the number of lh1ear feat of l)rOIJerty to be assessed, and the rate per linear as follows' to-wit: ,. . . . .... . . '., .' ." . .' ." . .') 'Sprinki-ing Di:i!trict NO.1. created. by Council Resolution No. 424i,M<J.irii Strca;t frOm WaUac8Avenu8toFourth Avenue. a total frontage of 9363.89 fy'et.tl1fi'J....i; sum of $1196.37 betng 75% of the entire amount. or at an approximate rate .pe'r front: foot of $.1277642. , ;3:pri:rIkling,District No. lW~. created by Council Resolution No. 765. Ma:i,n Str~et West from Fourth Averme to J1;ighth Avenue, a total frontage Clf Z612.5 feet,tne sum of $5&.89. being 75% of the entire amount. or at an approJ;imate rate per front foot of $.021776. , ..'SprirucUng District No. 131. crE;!ated'by CounciJ. Resolution No. 766. South Bqzeman Avenue frqm :)..st aUey south ~o Koch,Street. atotalfront~ge of 2458~3f'eet. the sum of $20 . 79. ~ being 75% of the entire amou.nt ,or at an approxima t~ rate pair front foot of $.OOB457. .'. 'S.priE.kHng District No. 132, ~rea ted.byCoun.o:tl Resolution No. 76n SP't'l'.th Black Avenue from l$t alley south to Olin streat . a total frontage ofeS7. :l;'ea1;,,"1:;n/3)> sum of $29.,14. being 75% of tne entire amount, or at an approximate rate .par'fr9l'J,'t>.' foot of $.0328523. . '$priDkli1'j.g District No. 133. created by Go~cilResolution No. 768. S.outh Tracy Avenue fl'om"lst alley south to College Street, a total frontage 01; 4724~2feet. the gum of $43.90. be ing 75% of the entiream01mt, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $.009293. . 'SpriD.:tling Distriot No. 134. oreated. by Oou~cilResolution No. Willson Avenue from 1st alley south to (C;l,eveland S-tree't. a. total frontage ----.--..--..-..---- - -..---- .-.-....--.--..-- -"..--,-.----,.-. ----.. ---.---.----- 5937.37 feet, the sum of $74.15, being 75% of the ent:i,re amount, or at an approx- .<imate rate per front foot.of $.012489. Sprinkling Dis:trict 1'10.1;3,5. created by Council Resolution No. 770, South Grand Avenue fro.m 1st alley. south to College Street, a total frontage 01'4614.42 feet, the sum of $38.14, being 75% of the enti.re amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of'$.0082654. '. ' Sprinkling District No. 136, created by Council Resolution No. 771, Third Annuefrom Main street to Babcock Street and f':ro'm,Olive street to. Cleve'land Stre'et, and Fourth Avenue fmmBaboook street to Olive. Street ,. atota1 . frontage of 6160.45 feet, the sum of $62.27, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approx- imate rate.per front foot 01'$.010108. Sprinkling District No. 137, created by Council Resolution No. 773, North Wallace Avenue from Main, Street to Tarnara.ck Street and. Tamaraok Street from Wallace Avenue to N. P. Station, a total frontage. of 6410.2 feet, the sum of $74.29 being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per:f'ront foo~of ;~.011589. Sprinkling District No. 138, created by Council Resolution No. 773, North Tracy Avenue from 1st alley north to Short Street, a total .frontage of2797.45 feet, the sum of $35.03, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate IJer front foot of $.012122.. , Sprinkling Distriot No. 139, created by Council Resolution No. 774, South Sixth ,Avenue from Olive StreEfft to Story streeet, a total frontage of 1793.7 feet, the sum of $21.85, 'being 75% of the entire amount, or .at an approximate rate per front footof'$ .01.21815. ./\ Sprinkling Distrd.ct No. 140, created by Council Resolution No. 775, South Eighth Avenue froniMain Street to Harrison Street, a total frontage of 54772.85 feet, the sum of $18$15, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an appI'oxima te rate Del' front foot of .0089898. , , SDrinkling District No. 141, created by Councn Resolution No. 776, .Story Streetfr om Tracy Avenue to Third Avenue, a total fl'ontage of ;L 727.5 feet, the sum of ;$18.15, being 75% of the entire amount, or at Em approximate rate per front rJ :foot of $.0105065. ..! '. Sprinkling District No. 142, created by Council Resolution No. 777, Story t. <- Street'~a.J;).d Kooh Street between Sixth Avenue and Eighth Avenue, a total frontage or: 2140 feet, the sum of $20j35 being 75% of' the entire amount, or at an ap];!rox- imate ra.te :per front foot of $.OO9.51~. Sprinkling District No. 143~ created by COllnci1 Resolution No. 778, Cleve- land Street from Willson Avenue to iJeventh Avenue, a total frontaGe of ~5196 feet, the sum of $7.62, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an aIJproximate r8.te per front foot of $.002384. . Spri.1ikling District No .144, created. llY Gouno11 Resolution No. 779, Olive Street from tJ.rand Avenue to Sixth Avenue, a totalfronkge of r2262. feet, the sum of 116.1$ being 75% of the entire amount, 01' at an aPl;roxi'mate rate per front foot of .007153. SprinJding Distric t No. 160, orea ted by Council Resolution No. 856, College, Street f:r,o,m Traoy Avenue to Fourth Avenue, a total' frontage'of 2025.1 :feet, the sum of $19.41, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an aIJproximate rate per front 1'00 t of $.009585. . . Sprinkling Dist:biot No. 161, created by Council Re solution No. 857, North Church 4venue from Ifill-in Street to Peach Street. a total frontage of 4038.65 feet, the ,sum 01".$41.78, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an ap:proximate rate per front foot of $.010345. . , . Sprinkling District No. .162, created. by Council Reso1ub:ton No. S58,Babcook Street from Bozeman Avenue to Fifth Avenue, and Fifth Averrne frrmm Babcook Street to Main..Street, a total frontage of 4686.5 feet, the sum 01'$39.53, beirig75% of 'the entire amount, or at an aprroximate rate per front foot of :~.00843~. SlJrinkling District No. 163, created by Council Resolution No. 859, Curtiss Il ",;' Street from Third Avenue to Sixth Avenue, a totalf1>'ontage of 1576.5 feet, the sum j.. '.. of ~7 .23, baing 75% of' the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot 'I . \.. .' of ,I .004586. , , ' Sprinkling District No. 164, created by Counoil Resolution No. 860, Fifth , Avenue' :f;rom Olive Street to Koch Street, a total frontage of 1161.52 feet, the ,sum of .$8.25, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an ap.p.l'oximate rate pel' front foot of $.0071. , .. Sprin,]tling Distriot No. 192, c;r-eated by CouncE Resolution No. 992, Olive Streat :t;'rom Grand Avenue to Church Avenue, a total frontage of 1795 feet, the sum of $16.76, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front fOot of $.009337. : "J, :-.::; ",.;." ',"';.'., ::'.\': . .:~ ' . . . ":,,,....: ,:'.', . ; '.:., '::.: .,\.:'::':'::;' ~ _______n____ _,_ ___,_,___..,._n S:prinJUing District No. 19;;5, created by counciiReso1ution No. 993, Curtiss Str@.et between Black and Third, a total frontage pf l7?7 feet, the SDm of $16.55, being 15% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $.009583. < SprinJding District No. 194, created by Council Resolution' No. 994, Koch Street from Tracy' Ave. to Sixtp: Ave. a total frontage pf 3282.8 feet, the S11m of $20.48, being 75% of' the entire amount, or at an a.pproximate rate per front foot of $.0062386. S:prlnkling District No. 195, created by Council Reso1u'tion No. 995, College street, from Fourth Avenue to Eleventh Avenue, a tptal frontage of 1759.77 feet, the sum of $18.63, being 75% of the entire amount or at an ap:proximate rate IJer front foot of t$.0105866. Sprinkling District No. 196, created by Council Resolution No. 996, Sixth Avenue from story Street to Cleveland street, a total fron.'tage of 1886.2 feet, the StlDl of $15.50 being 75% of the entire amount, or at an aplJroximate rate IJer front foot of $.0082176. S:pri:n:kling District No. 197:, created by Council Resolution No. 997, S~venth Avenue from Story Street to Cleveland. street, a totalfrontage of 1868.7 feet, the sum of $17.30,being 75'fo of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $.009258. Sprinkling District No. 198, created by Council Resolution No. 998, Lindley Place and on Koch from Lindley to Bozeman (paved portion) a to,tal frontage of 1496.3 feet, the SDm of $4 .82~ being 75% of the en tire amount. or at an approx- ima te rate per front foot of '1.0032213. SIJrinkling District No. 199,. created by Council Reso1ution.NQ..999, Button- wood Avenue from Mad.n Street to the cemetery{ a total fron$age of 1940.2 feet, the sum of $15.39, being. 75% of the entire amoun , or a:t anaIJproximate rate per front foot of $.007932. . SIJrinklingDistrict No. 204, created by Cound], Resolution No. 1000, Main street from Wallace Avenue to Buttonwood Avenue, a total frontage of 1693 feet, the sum of$63.80,being75% of the entire. amount, or at an apIJroximate rate per front foot of $.037684., . . Sprinkling District No. 2lfr, createqby Council Resolution No. 1108, Mendenhaol street from Seventh Avenue tb Wallace Avenua(paved portion), a total frontage of 2296 feet, the sum of'$14.55 being 75% of'theentire amount, or at an aplJroxima te rate lJar front foot of $.006337. SIJrinkling District No. 217, created by Council Resolution No. 1109, Lamme Streat from Seventh Avenue to Wallace Avenue (pavedIJortion) a total frontage of 4081. feat, the sum of $33.57~ .being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approx- imaterata per front foot of : .008226. SIJrinJcling District No. 218, orea1ied by Council Resolutio:t) No. 1110, North Seventh Ave:ime from Main Street to Beall Street, a tote.l frontage of 1140 feet, the sum of $7.11, being 75% of the <entire amount, or at an apl)roximatE't r/?-te per front foot of $ .006237.. >:. , ,." , ~ Sprinkling District No. 219, created by Council Resolution No. nu, North Fifth AVenue between Mairr street and Beall street, (:paved ,portion} a to tal front.. age of 1120 feet, the sum of $4.19, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an apIJroximate rate ]Jer front foot of $.003741.' , SIJrinkling District No. ;Z20, created by Counc5.1 Resolution No. :1-112, North Third Avenue from :Main Street to J?eai:;h street, a total frontage of 530 feet, the sum of $3.73,belp.g 75% of the entire amount, or at an a:pproximate rate per front foot of $.007038. Sprinkling District No .232, oreated by Commission Resolution No.6, South Black Avemw from OUve Street to College Street, atotal frontage of' 2258.22 feet, the sum of $9.58, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an aIJproximate ra.te per f-ront foot of $.004243. S'IJrinkUng District No. 233, created by City Gommissi.on Resolution No.7, South Third Avenue from Cleveland. Street to Lincoln Street, a total frontage of 1200 feet, thes<Ufi of $12.55, being 75% of the entire amoun;t, or at an a:pprox.. iwo. te rate per front foot of $.01046. Sprinkling District No. 234, created by City Commission Resolnt5.on No.. 8, West Babcock street from Fif'th Avenue to Eelventh Avenue, a total frontage of 1734 f'eet, the sum of $15.30~ being 75% fif the entire am01.J.nt, or at an ap};Jroximate rate per front foot of .008824. SIJrinkling District No. 235, created by City Commission Resolution NO.9, Dickerson Street from Tra.cy Avenue to Eleventh Avenue, a total frontage of 1735.7 feet, the S.Dm of :$12.29, being 75% of the entIre crnount, or at an approximate -------------- ra,te per front foot of $ .00708.. , , . Sprinkling District I'Io.236, created by Citir Commission Resolution No. 10, Alderson str'eet from Willson AverJJj.e to Eleventh Avenue, a total frontage of 540 feet, the sum of :~4.13, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an alJ:proximate rate ;per front foot of $.007648. . "'l SpririklingDistrtict No. 237, created by Cit~r Commission, Resolution No. 12, 1; South Church Avenue from Main Street to story street, a total frontage of 3457 feet, ,;Ii' the sum of (~34.17, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per\\ l front foot of $.009843.:'-'" , < 8prinl{ling Dis.trict No. 256, created b~r Cit;)" Commission Resolution No. , Sixth Avenue, Cleveland to Garfield Street, total frontage 1362 fe~t ,the sum ~~r $8.59, being 75% of the entire arwunt, or at an approximate l'ate of ~.006307/ffont foot. ,Sec. 2. That, to defray seventy,..five (75) per cent of the cost of slJrinJ(ling the streets within said street sprinkling distric ts for the ,year 1928 there be, and. there is, he\I'eby, levied and assessed a tax upon a,ll the IJl'Oli8rty in front of and , bordering on saiel street sprinkling districts as set forth in sche,dules ODe (1) to ,. forty-three inclusive, hereto attacrlcd and made a :part hereof; that a l)art:Lcular , discription of each lot and parcel of land with the name of the owner and. the sum assessed against h:Lm or it, is set forth in assessment lists hereto attached, marked "Schedules <one. t-O' Forty-three and made a part here,ofj that the several sums set , i OpJ;10site the names of the owners, and the described lots and :parcels of lana, be, and the' same are hereb~T levied and assessed upon and against said lots and parcels , of h:ndj that the several sums be cQllected from tlle respective owners of s'aid lots and parcels of land. described in the said assessment lists, s'ohedules One to Forty-three 1nc1u31ve, as re'1,)_ir0'd b:l law; that sqid sums shall be paid and the ( collection thereof shall be mad.e in the manner. and in accordance with the law governing the collection of special improvement taxes; that failu:re to pay such \ assessments when same shall become due and payable shall make such 1)erson and such lots and IJarcels of land liable to the lJEl!lalties; provided by the law relative to deling:llent -taxes. Sec. 3. That the regular session of the Cormnission of the C1 tir of Bozeman held on the 14th day of December, A. D., 1928, at the Commission Chamber, City Hall Building, be, and the same is hel'eby desig'nated as the time and place at which ( . objeotions to the final adoption of this Resolution will be heard by the Commission. See. 4. That the Clerk of the Commission. be, and he is hereby ordered and , directed to publish in the BozeIT)an Daily Chronicle, a dally newspaper, ,printed and < , published in the said City of Bozeman, a notice signed by the Clerk of the < , Commiss ion, and stating that a resolution levying a special assessment of taxes t.o defr. a.y s.eventy-five (75) per cent of the cost of sprinklitlg strest~ in th.e (said ..'u......'. .....'... " ("" street Sprinkling Districts for the year 1928, ls,on file in the office of the '. ~ ClerIcof the Commission, subject to inspection for a pf':Jr:l4P-d of five days; that 'J said notice shall state the time and. place at which objections will be heard by t The Commission to the fina:),. ado:Qtion of this Resolution; that it shall be published ( f ,... . at least five days before the date set by the Commi:;;sion fpI> bearing of objections, and the, final ad.option of this Resolution. < , Pa;.s(u~d by the COrnmis13'ionof the City of Bozeman at a,regu;)..ar session thEjreof , -~.. ~J held on the 7th day of December, A. D., 1928. 11~1i :MAYOR ATTEST: CLERK ~~'ION J NOT ICE ------ HEARUJG, FINAL ADOPTION C011MISSION RESOLU- TION NO. 121 LEVYING ASSESST/i:E:NT OF SEVENTY- FIVE PER CENT COST SPRINKLING STREETS, STREET SPRINKLING DISTRICTS FOR THE YEAR 1928. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at a regular session of the Commission of the City of Bozeman held on Friday the 7th day of De.cembecr, 1928:, Qo;mmission Resolution No. 121 was d:uly passed and adopted; that said Commission RSso1ution No. 121 levies a.nd assesses a special assessment of taxes upon a.l1 the property in Street Sprink- Hng Districts of said City to Defray 75 per cent of the cost and expense of sprinkling streets wi thin said Streeet Sprinkling Districts for the year In8. That the Street Sprinklil1g Districts. and the Resolutions creaUng the same. and the amount of the assessments are as follows: STREET SPRINKLING RESOLUTION AMOUNT OF DISTRIC!L:NO. NO. AgSESS}EENT 1 424t 1196.37 130 765 56.89 131 766 20 . 79 132 767 29.14 133 768 43.90 134 769 74.15 135 770 38.14 >. 136 771 62.27 137 772 7.{' ~; 9 138 773 35.03 139 774 21.85 140 775 49.20 141 776 18.15 142 777 20.35 143 778 7.62 144 779 16 .18 160 856 19.41 161 857 41. 78 162 858 39.53 163 859 7.23 164 860 8.25 192 992 16.76 193 993 16 . B..5 194 994 20.48 195 995 18.63 196 996 15.50 197 997 17.30 198 998 4.82 199 999 15.39 204 1000 53.80 216 H08 14.55 217 n09 33.57 ' 218 IHO 7.11 ;319 1111 4.19 220 1H2 3.73 232 6 9.58 233 7 12.55 234 8 15.30 235 9 1;'2.29 236 10 4.13 238 12 34.17 256 8.59 -- .. -.--.-.--.---...--.---.--...-- ____n ..____. period of five (5) day!:!, b;y any person interestocl; thQ t Fl'iday the 14 th day of Dec- E=Jmber, 1928 at 4 o'clook P. liT. of said day at a 1'egn1:::.1' sessi.on of the Conmlif:1sion Qf the 01 ty of BozemG.n, Commission Chamber, Oi ty Hall Building, has been deai gna tNl 1 as the time and place when and. where said OommiGsion will l~a1' and :pass upon any and. l all objections that may be made to the fil1o.1 Nl.ssage and adoption of said. Comnission Resolution No. 121. and the levying of said assessment; and that, said Resoluti.ol1 will be finally passed and. adopted at said regular session of said CommissLon 8n1J- jeot to such carl'ections and amendments as may he made ullon objection::; mao.e .':Cnd filed within the five days limit ar3 J0rovided by law. .All :persons interested are referred to the several Council and Commission < Re?Olutions oreating the afovesaid,Special Improvement Districts, d.ef'ining the boundaries thereQf and }1rOvidin&; for the assessment of the cost of' said street SIJrink11ng for f'u.rther lJarticulars. all of' said Resolutions beine; on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission of the Oi ty of Bozeman, at the Oi ty Hall of sai d C it.y, and sub ject to the inspection of all :persons 1ntereshd. Dated. this 7th day of December, 1928. //ignrtA~ . LE OF HE COMIvIIGSION 1 J e