HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 141 Construction of Sidewalks in 1929 3'(2 --.-.----....-......- . --.. ... .. _n__ .... .__..___u.. u.., ....n ..- COMMISSION REso:,u'rION NO. 141 A CQliJUSSION RESOLt;rI'ION OF THE CITY OF BOZE.1J1AN pj{01JIDING FOR THE CO.NSTRUCTION I OF MISCI~LLAN]WUS SIDEWALKS AIm cu=ms WITHOUT TEE l"O:~lv:.ATION OF .Ii SFii:CIAL IJ\'I- PHOVE1,:ENT DISTRICT IN frUE CITY OF BO~- ]~MAN Foa T}!E YEAR 1929. -;'iHEREAS : 1. The Oi ty i\Janacer and the City Engineer submi tted to the Commission of the City of Bozeman under date of May 17, 1929, a report showing present walks and curbs in bad condition which should be repaired or replaced; loea tions where no walks have been constructed and. new walks should be constructed; locations where driveways adjacent to paved streets should be reconstructed and locations where there e..re no driveways and. new driveways should. De constructed; all of which is set forth in schedule attached to said. report, which schedule is hereto attached. and made a part hereof; the said report and schedule is submitted pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 561 entitled: II AN ORDINANCE GOVB~HNrNG THE cm:-:...TRUCTICN AIm INSTALLNfrON OF CONC:tE'I'i;~ C1.JHK:; AND SIDE'IVALKS IN THE CITY OP BOZ]~MAN, J?HOVIDING P~NALTIE3 FOR '1';'<; VIOLlvrrON OF THIS ORDINANCE AIm HE- PEALING OHDINANC"~~S NUJ\TB1~R1W 365, 374, 4;)5, 44,7, 449, AND 451, AIm ALL OTlIIi;R OEDHJANCES ANI) I PARTS OF OlZDINANCES OF TI]"Ii~ CITY l;F30zn~h!..l\J~ IN CONl"LICT JTEREViITH" and the Provisions of section 5244, Political Code, :ZCM, 1921, and 2. The said Commission has examined said report a!ld schedule and deem and consider that said sidewalks and curbs and miscellaneous concrete work be construc~ed or reconstruuted. NO,'} TEEH.EFOR~, Br~ rfl' HESOLVED AIiD Fi: IS HSR~JY OHDSRED BY (rIm COMMISSION OF nnD CITY OB' BOZ~~M.AN: 1. Tha t sidewalks as per the report of the Ci t.y l..anager and C1 ty Engineer, dated lVlay l?th, 1929, and the schedule thereto a ttached and made a part thereof, be and the same are hereby ordered to be constructed or reconstructed during the year 1929. 2. That the City J:/,anager pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 561 gave wri tten notice ~o the several property Ov.iners, or aeents of such property owners, as provided oy Section 6 of said Ordinance Nol 561; that if the owner, or agent of any owner, of said. lots or parcels of land shall fail or neglect for a period of thirty (30) days after ~he date of the service of such notice to cause I such sidewalks or curbs to be constructed, the City shall cons~ruct or cause the sidewalks or clJxbs to be cunstructed and shall assess the cost of said. sid.ewalks or curbs to the property in front of which such construction i:3 made. Passed by the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, and approved by the l.iayor of said City this 17th day of J\;ay, ,i:L929. ~ ATTEST: ~~\N~ CLERK OF TEE COllillHSSION