HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 138 Acquisition of additional land for cemetary - _.. __.u_ n.. .... ~63 --...".. __n....____n_._ . COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 138 A RESOLUTION OF THE COM11ISSION OF THE CITY OF I BOZIDAAN, PROVIDING FOR TEE ACQUI- SITION ]3Y ffHE CITY OF BOZEMAN OF ADDITIONAL LAND FOR CEMEfERY PUR- POSES WHEREAS: (1) Heretofore, at a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of Sunset Hills (Bozeman) Cemetery, held on the 25th day of April, 1929, the said Board of Trustees of said Sunset Hills (Bozeman) Cemetery did pass and adopt a Res- olution entitled: "R E SOL UTI 0 N SUNSET HILLS (BOZEMAi\J") CEMErrERY PROVIDING Ii'Oa THE ACQUISITION OF ADDITIONAL LAND FOR CE,'MEflERY pua;;, POSES" and (2 ) Pursuant to the provisions of said Resolution, a copy thereof, certified by the Clerk of the Board of Trustees, was delivered to, and filed with the Commission of The City of Bozeman for its approval and appropriate I action, as provided therein, at a special meeting of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, held on the 26th day of APDil, 1929, a copy of which Resolution so passed and adopted, and filed as aforesaid, being as follows: WHEREAS: (1 ) The land used and occupied by the Sunset Hills (Bozeman) Cemetery for cemetery purposes is becoming crowded, and looking into the future the Board of Trustees deems it necessary and proper LO ac~uire additional land for cemetery purposes; and (2 ) Walter Lehrkind is the owner of the following described property: The East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the South- east Quarter (Et SEt SEt) of Section Seven(7), in rrownship 'i'wo (2) South, of Range Six (6) East, M. P. M., containing twenty (20) acres, more or less, immediately adjoining the land now owned by the Cemetery and has signified his \',illine:ness to sell the foregoing described land to the City of Bozeman for the sum of Twenty-Seven Hundred Dollars ($2700.00) upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and (3 ) The Board of Trustees deems and considers said land necessary for cemetery purposes, and the price reaspnable, and the Board desires to acquire the same for cemetery purposes; JTQW, THEREFOHE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES I OF SUNSET HILLS(BOZ~v~N) CEMETEHY: (4 ) That the City of Bozeman accept the proposition of said Walter Lehrkind for the same by him to the City of Bozeman of the following described property; The East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (Et SEt SE-;;) of Section Seven) 7), in Township Two (2) South of Range Six (6) East, M. P. M., Contain- ing twenty (20) acres, more or less; for the sum of rrIWEN1'Y-SEVEN HUND:-tED DOLLAHS ;;~2700 .OO} ; (5) That the said Walter Lehrkind is to execute and 4eliver to the City of Bozeman Warranty Deed for the foregoing tract of land, and abstract of title continued and brought down to date; -----_."-,, --. . -'----_._-'''.__.,~~ - €)64 ( 6 ) That he is likewise to pay the taxes on the fore- going described land for the year 1929; ( '7 ) That, provid.ed the deed and abstract of title are appro- ved by the Ci ty Attorney, then and in that event, the same are to be I aocepted, and the consideration is to be paid to Walter Lehrkind as follows: (A) City Warrant, No. 203, dated July 1, 1914, in the amount of Five Hundred Dollars (i~500 .OO), the interest coupons u, to July 1, 1929, to remain the property of the City of Bozeman, to be delivered to Walter Lehrkind; (B) The sum of ~wenty-Two Hund~ed Dollars (:~2200 .00 ) to be paid in cash from the Cemetery Fund; (8) Walter Lehrkiud is to remove all buildings on the foregoing described premises that he may desire to move within sixty (60) days from and after the delivery of the deed by him to the City of Bozeman, and the acceptance by the City of Bozeman and the payment of the purchase Price, as herein set forth, and -;;he said Walter Lehrkind within said sixty (oO) days is to fill up the well on said premises to the satis- faction of the Board of Trustees; ( 9 ) That, upon the passage of this Resolution by the Board of Trustees of the Sunset Hills (Bozeman) Cemetery, a copy of this Resolution, certified by the Clerk of' the Board of Trustees shall be delivered to and filed with the Commission of the City of Bozeman for its approval and appropriate action thereon for the acquisition of said property, and the payment thereof and the consummation of said transaction. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of Sunset :Hills (Bozeman) Cemetery, this 25th day of April, 1929. LESLIE E. GAGE President Attest: WALTEH DAVIS I Clerkll and (3 ) The Commission of the City of Bozeman deems and consid.ers it necessary and proper that additional land be acquired by the City of Bozeman for cemetery purposes for said. Sunset Hills (Bozeman) Cemetery; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY rrEE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BCZEMAN: (4 ) .That said Resolution passed and adopted asaforesaid, a co:py of v/hich is herein set forth, be, and the same is, hereby approved and confirmed; (5) That the Warranty Deed of Walter Lehrkind and Della Lehrkind, his wife, conveying to the City of Bozeman, the following described premises, to wit: The East Half of the Southeast Q,uarter of the South east Quarter (Et SEt SEt) Seotion Seven (7), in Township Two (2) South of Range Six (6) East, M. P. M. , containing twenty (20) acres, more or less; be, and the same is, hereby accepted; that the Abstract of title having been ex- amined by the City Attorney and his Approval thereof having been had, be, and the same is, hereby accepted; I (6 ) That the City of Bozeman pay to Walter Lehrkind as the consideration for the said land, to wi t, '~2700 .00, } a} City Warrant No. 203, dated July 1, 1914, in the amount of $500.00, the interest coupons up to July 1, 1929, to remain the property of the City o~ Bozeman; (b) The sum of ;~2200 .00 in cash to be paid from the Cemetery Fun4-; ( 7 ) That Walter Lehrkind is to remove all buildings on the foregoing premises that he may desire to move within sixty days from and after the 3rd day of May, 1929; and that said Walter Lehrkind is likewise to _ ill up the well ..--- - ....- . -... .....-.-.-.... ;-)05 on the said premises to the satisfaotion of the Board of Trustees. I Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, held on the 3rd day of May, 1929. ;3A/)~ Mayor Attest: JI/lm711lJv!/i/;' Clerk of the Commission ~ E SOL UTI 0 N SUNSET HILLS ( BO ZEAfl.AN ) CENLETERY PROVIDING FOR THE ACQUISITION OF ADDITIONAL LAND FOR CEMETERY PUR- POSES VI R E E E A S: - - - - -' - - I ( l) The land used and occupied by the Sunset Hills (Bozeman) Cemetery for cemetery purposes is becoming crowded, and looking into the fu.ture the Board of Trustees deems it necess ary and proper to acquire additional land for oemetery purposes; and (2 ) Walter Lehrkind is the owner of the following described property; The East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (Et SEt SEt) of Section Seven (7), in Township Two (2) South of Range Six (6) East, M. P. ~r., containing twenty (20) acres more or,less; immediately adjoining the land now owned by the Cemetery, and has signified his willingness to sell the foregoing described land to the City of Bozeman for the sum of Twenty-Seven Hundred Dollars ($2700.00) upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and (3 ) The Board of Trustees deems and considers said land necessary for oemetery purposes, and the price reasonable, and the Board desires to acquire the same for cemetery purposes; NOW, THERr:~FOltS;, BE I'r HESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF SUNSET I LILLS (BOZEMAN) CElILETERY: (4 ) That the City of Bozeman accept the proposition of said Walter Lehrkind for the sale by tim to the City of Bozeman of the following described property: The East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (Et SEt SEt) of Section Seven (7), in Twwnship Two (2 ) South of Range Six (6) East, M. P. M., contain- ing twenty (20) acres, more or less; for the sum of Twenty-Seven Hundred Dollars ($2700.JO); --.- .---- --- 306 (5 ) That the said Walter Lehrkind is to execute and deliver to the City of Bozeman Warranty Deed for the foregoing tract of land, and abstract of title continued and brought down to date; I (6 ) That he is likewise to pay the taxes on the foregoing described land for the year 1929; ( 7 ) That, provided the deed and abstract of title are approved by the City Attorney, Lhen and in that event, the same are to be accepted and the consideration is to be paid to Walter Lehrkind as follows: A. City Warrant, No. 203, dated July 1, 1994, in the Amount of Five Hundred Dollars ( $500 .OO) , the interest coupons up to July 1, 1929, to remain the property of the City of Bozeman, to be delivered to Walter Lehrkind; B. Whe sum of Twenty-Two Hundred Dollars ($2200.00) to be paid in cash from the Cemetery Fund; (8) Walter Lehrkind is to remove all buildings on the foregoing premises that he may desire to mOVG, within sixty (60) days from and after the delivery of the deed by him to the City of Bozeman, and the acceptance b.y tlhe City of Bozeman and the payment of the purchase price, as herein set forth, and the said Walter Lehrkind wi thin said sixty (60) days is to fill up the well on said. pre- mises to the satiBfaction of the Board of Trustees; (9 ) That, upon the passage of this Resolution by the Board of Trustees of I Sunset Hills (Bo zeman) Cemetery, a copy of this Resolution, certified by the clerk of the Board of Trustees shall be delivered to and filed with the Commission of the Ci ty of Bozeman for its approval and approprial;e action thereon for the ac- ~uisition of said property, and the payment thereof and the consummation of said transaction. PASSED AIm A])opr~'ED at a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of Sunset Hills (Bozeman) Cemetery, this 25th day of April, 1929. Attest: - President Clerk I, Walter Davis, Clerk of the Sunset Hills (BozemanI cemetery Board, to hereby certify that the wi thin and foregoing :=tesolution is a true and correct copy of a Hesolution passed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Sunset Hills {Bozeman} Cemetery Board at a special ~eeting thereof held on the 25th day of April, 1929. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand this (26th day of April, 1929. I .-- Clerk <, . , ... . THE CITY OF BOZEMAN MONTANA July 1 1929 . l.v;;,o11~ ~... C-~7 Chairmen oard ot 'i'rustees, Sun at Hills Cemetery- Bozeman, M,-,ntana. 1'lia i e :tor the record. of the BOflr6 tees, Sunset lU.lla Cemetery. You should this oopy of He$olut1on 1 s mad.. a part 0 T'~S iBR ~,J,,j.:J."! " , _.~.- -- " '. . .. , . THE CITY OF BOZEMAN MONTANA June 27th 1929 Sunset Hilla Oemetery George Q. Arnold, C1ty Manager, Lea11e E. Gage Pres1dent, Board of ,fruet....sunaet HlUs Q..tel'J, Duaem.an, Montana. 01 rs : In re ~oquia1 tlo:o by the C1 ty ot Dozeman of the Ii of SEt ot sEt of Seo. V. T. 2 s. a. 6 E.t 20 aore., for additional OeIRetery purposes, th1e traot aoqulred by the City from Walter Lehrklnd, I des1re to adV1se: That I have examined abstl'aot of title No. 1166, prepared by the Gallatin County Abstraot OompanY". oontinued androaGht down to date aa of Apr1l 16, 1929, and f tind that on 1~prl1 16. 1929, the title 01' Walter Lehrklnd lVQfJ good and But:tIo1ent, w. b... jeot to some correotlons wll10h were made 1I1lbaequently by Ml~.L$hr.. kind. The deed, Walter Le.brkin4, e' ux. to the C1ty of Boze- ------!iu;uiooes ffot -appear in the abstraot or title. -bUt lt haS- been properly reoorded. SQ. too, the aS8ignment ot Sher1ff's oert1f1cate, page 56 of abstraot ot title, was prepared and has been racor... dad. Taxes tor the year 1928 have been paid. Taxes tor the yecr 1929 are a lIen. but the m~tter of the papent of the 1;axe. tor 198' as between the C1 ty and Walter Lehrk1nd is to be attende4 to by.Mr. Gage, pres1dent of the Board ot Trustee.. He understands the s1 tuation. and t 1. matter is left en tlrely \Vi th hlm. of If1 tIe ~to. 1165 t properly reoorded. of this true t lll:.ve J1'.1.S/BR , "' . f . . .. , '.. 1~1 , 001.ttcr::i:J IOI RE:10LU'rION HO. ,..... I A. RJ":~OLUTI01f OF TIm COltf,n:~eIo~t OTr' 'J!Hi; crry 01! DO'::;VM1. PP.OVIDt1J1.pon ~E AC~ SI'l'ION BY THE CITY :)F 130:?,gAlf ADDITIONAL ~~F911 q~ER!'. i . ..~. . . . ,,~. ((}) . ".' WHEREAS: .....~ (1) T!ere tOfore.nt n()poo1~1., meeting of the B::>ardo'tT,rUS- tees of Stu1f!U'3t:T1ills (BoZentNl} Cem.tu1. held on the 25th day of ,April, 1929, the ;;nlcl n::wJ:'d 1f Trustees of st,11dSunm,t ~"111s(Bo~e- man} Cemetery did pass find adopt a !lE.SOI.UTIOtl anti tIed: "R g ~ 0 ,L lJT'! 0 ft' S'CHJT~T HILLS (30Z''1t!ANl'CJL'lmTlmY .F'ROVIDING FOR '!1E AC Qurn!'!'! em 0'f' ADDI":'rOlfAL IdJfD FOR C~l~Y nun- " ' ~(k~F.S" "" ~, o.nd (t)Purouant tothe:prov~Blons of naid J~()8.l.1ltlonf 0 oap7 thoroof. oert.1:fled by the Cl',:Jrk 0:1' tho Board of 'rrJUltaes, \'laG de- livered to, nm flloll wi th the CommisSion of TheClt;y'of 13oZ0fi811 f:'Jr ito ap:)l"oval flJ1c1 npi>,t'opr1.nte aotlnn. 'as },ll'oVldod1iheroln. at 0. npoolll ffil9Citlnc of the Comm.1csion ~):l' the G1tN' ;)fBO~oJ\lM.., ..' held on the 26th day of A:prl1. 19Z9,aoDpy::rrwhloh aeaolui;lDn . .~,.,- Bn pafwedand ad crptod, and:t'il$(l uc (1tOl'oo(11d, hcl,n.g tlH 1.'o110wo: ,. i'f " iT" ,.. .~ \f:O. ~ . ,. ~r'" .",1 t ,'j." ... (' 1 ~ . ':,t;' 'Inti !.".....~;u. an.u ouo~piodby the 'iun- "6 t l' :..llD,Jnp~OLlQ..l:lJ ". ComO~Ol'Y :f;JJ;,Cf~\er:r.pu~'1?tJea.> 18 beoomln#" ej"Owted"'$xld lO(>king lnt~tha. futttr.ethe '~1onI'C.of r"~rueteetJ" dOGraB it l1e08ssar:ftlht' prJpe.t' t~ AOQ..uire Heldt tlonv,l If:~nd i'oroemotery pU1'p~OeB; and on "!nli;cl' ~,chr::lnd to the owne: of th()fbl.. 1:)'i.'11110 uOBorl'hedQro!JertYt f}~he,;n~tHQ1:r ;'If' th(l~}:>uthenat,uflrter of" the .J:)U.thfln3t:,.u~rt,r (]~ Sr~?' 3}i}:l}of r~eQ_ tlon ;'Jevon (7), In,lJ'o'Wnshtp ~W" (~) 8oath. :)'f'Qftt18 <'; 1x (6) c;"sal, 1',. '':l. 7~., 0011 tnl1'11Xlg twen t1' (20) n orGe. :'~~.~ ':>.r, ,1el 09._ iued1n tell' nd301nln,>c'' the lnndnt)\V::)~ed by the Cefletf':,'Y. ..~. , . l ; ...2,...- . 'ol.'.ld. hnr;.. r;Lt.:;.:li fled hiu r:illL;r' eae t:) .:'0. 1.1 the f~.)rOeO..lng (' ":''''''1'\)0('1 .. "tl" ....) 1'41,(,', ('1. 1"'1 .... "''''"om(~''''''''ir' th'" C'!,...... ",-P "," tjJ ,) V4t t .,~, .,.~"l.,., \"r~ .. ~ }", ..~ v I. ~';'} ..J .~.J 1.,1 oI.'rJ .._~ ,.n....:'.. ~ '.J. ~.~ v..;J .d}1 :~...'. """'O'lt.tt-"'O'''nn .F'..1(':'''....d ""'1"'1'1,.,.,..... (''t~)7()'O 0.0' "'''on tL...... '+"''''''1<') ,," ~ 1\1' . ..; '\J~'.. ~-'''' ",,~~.j .' ~J.. .'''~!'!,J.. ~- , . :'W'" ". ' l",'",.", ... ~11v ....I,,}'.J..'J, t.. '('..""d' ,.. "I >'1 (J 1. -4' i' "...... "Pl' r:. "1'1'" 'of' tb 'V" l" "'. '" ..,. 'J"""'!'" qn;'l I..,,,," 'v,I'....l,/,,... u ..........a.ilJ ".,' ',I~, "u ~. ill\', \1' "..\ .,J,. .w,a.,' l'.~, \J. . (~~) ,~1~le Th.!;Tll '}:fTrw:;toes (teoras n.ll\'l. c.,n,'ldcrs :;uU: 1:)..:.:(1 ~10CCJ.1~' t'.r;:; :,:';;r cometary ;u!"!,~r::es: ,i:':.l."l.d tho Jl.,loe 1'0':1.:: :H'tt:'blc~ . nt1 the'l J~~.r(i ce$!l'OS to nC~\l.tre the ~'1~J'I10- f~.'l' COl.ae tory Inu'poses; ~ U:')W. ':'Tr PJ?Om~. n:,;:r~ R":'~ :)!,.n~ BY" T1rr: 13')" rm yr~' m1"'lJ"''''''''i~ 11;' "~HH'!P'" lrTTTP (1::!0'7T;''''l'!\'T) f"I~""PI';n"'y. ~',.r .t...t,~ ~,.!'J" l,..~.' .,. '.'".,..\,\J.,,,lJ,~j, ,_..:.,.,,,t....J\.') (1), ~,~.,~.',,',..~ ~.)o...;.f:~,."".,j"IJ".'l,l. (4) rnw t t hoGt '~:r of Bonr.r:mn acoopt thf~ ')1':")1;>0.... :::i '~l:ln :n: Bit1el ",((1 tm:.' ohrldndfC'\r the pSirl0 ll:t hir'1 to t! .- .~ t.> r J.f' J 'c' "'"'' 11 'J .j"' t' l"~ ." :"111"""1. ,,' ". ~ "'1(" '" "'1"'.1";(~ ._,.,.," '"'''''.r.t U'. .1'.\.:1 J;. 11.>" ..~. ',. ,~,,~..,J.'I.,~L'~'. ....... ., .1'..",) 1-..,.. ~ V<t! 'I"'C: \.'..\j,f1;n.,I\.,JI.,." ...,\J -, .._}.i., ,,_~l,~,:.. 'J" ":'ho .:fLI1: ":f\lf ')'f the ';\')U thcaot Lxmrtel' :):t d.hp .;'''):'l.l"t,r.\r, + 'l,.,...t.o..'l". fr,"".' ,,:,,:.,'1 """:".',..) ).~ x II .~\.o\o-t...i\,~~" tl I, '''''' ... ~'_;,_ ~,;""" ~.j,,;,.J.", \"J.., ;:iootton ,ioven ('1), in Townohil) Two (2) ,~,..tl"'h ')"r 'r".."..",,,,, ,.,.~.., ('~"n"t. '!",,, ~r 0""1'- ".'~ ~..J1...' .i~... '.'.... .,..,.._..i.!:':':!'\l.l ",lJ...... \,1;) J ,,~...i+. ., ",' . .,;,. , . t: t;I~ taillirLg tY!ont~: (;~O)J;\croe, more :)r loss; f')'" "'\"1 e "'um "".L'~ f:1"fi",rtnV -,,; ::"';f':~T 1Tf"f'l'f'1)P1I'D nOXT r. Dr"~ ("2700 ,00" ~ ... ~,i",." ~ tJ j" .,...",""" "t.L J.. \', >,~.. "" ." hl'l. j... \. i..1 ~'"U",.!., .,. . . ...J *.'''., , U:I) lv, t tho :.inJ,Cl "~if'll te.rIJehrlcl.nd ia tocxo- au to nnd <1011.,"101' .~.;;) the"! tY:1.t n"~Oltln.n .. a!'l'iUlty :')"od "'J'.. .l'h" "'''''''"''''l':''')'~ .~.~ '''~''''t ........ ']OJ"I(J" "!\!:,(r.' .,~.~",{-...,,')4. ".:". t:i","'".. -- \." If -...J J......{..~ """t.;.)"' ,~.L~:) ~..... (,\V ,y.,. .....;(,,',,1,. ,.... '..~" L,.......J.. '>,:t...... \.! I,.".. "<., '. ._.1(....' ooutinuc(l ~::',t:!.(l bl;6r.:{;ht d.OWll ttJ (1.nte; (t') li\f.1.:\t h... 1m ) 1'.""~'~ ~I', t"l ''''''1' ""he tr"''"eri "'1"1 \) ."._" ,Il: ~',.,.J ~ ~. 4;"'\'J\;I..~~,~ .1_" J..,.,Jt;.:...I.o,.,;" L....I;, c;.......,l(... W' ,v.'~ tho f,oroeolr:/~ den c:;,' j. '::ofl land for tho :!ear 1(/29; . (7) 'Jlh:t, provided the deed cuc r'b~.tl'nGt.,of' J"itl<J> "'''C'' 0"0'('\ l).,t t"h"j "'1",.?;+.t)rn~lr ..."......'l...,~l'" ill IJ \, fat.I"I!:;...:4l~ '-4-, \;f 110 :'I," "~ t,t,;'" \,.',:V..;/, U:,~\,q, ....\,..i... tl~Gt evoEt, 'L!\() ,Fif:lO ~~l'O t~ ho acoepte{~, r:'.!lt't the c;)nuld- OI'a ti::>n 1~) t.) celd to) "'u'1 t01";,chl'1-:1n(L [',e follOW:;';: (lID' ,~ t'.<r '....."'1"nt. ,"'1 ~):iCJ, (",,'.!.roll '\.,,!, 1 a!, , .~_ ',0:1' ' ',";" .. . . II,.. ' , V. ..".; Ie, .....,1' , I.I;,.ot. L .,' ",A. ..;,I ."'."-'., . 1914, in tho araoW1t C)f Five l",'md.rod Dollnrn (1)500.00', tho 1I\t(~ror:t CJU- pOnD U) to ,'ul:'l. 1929, toronn1,n tho L)j~:Jporty ,:>s.' tho 1:1 ty :d.'Uozoma..n, to 'l?e de 11 VCl1'cd t:) ',inlto.rLehrl:1nd; " (n) '11;(; ~mn!) ,,' f"!~-!erity-T'.vo;!u.n(i"re{l })ollars i"~~~oOO ("0' t... ....'" ...)....;.1 t'" Cl:l""h ""'-0.... ....,'1(\ ~ :''''''~ .' J, 1..1 tJu. :. o';"\.\,~ _ ,J...,i,. ,..II;..'i.~...~", j...... ,"~l l",~ ,. ,.."", Cfjl'''';'~(;rr I\uul'~'. (n) \c'c.lb~l' :.ollrkiu<\ ls,;ti.) ,ron:>ve 0.11 b~lll<<.. ings :),'j t:ho for..:"c :.>lnf.~dosori 110d ">:'6111$3'''8 thn t1'G t'flY" 60- Ft!' a to cwve w'-thln nlxt~r (60) (ttlytJ frOM Hlld nftor the doli VG.ryof thu deod by him to The 01 ty of :HI) ~erlC:l, and the ncoeptnl1ce l'i!' The City Jf'\'OZI:;f1M and the payment .J~' -Lho "u.roh.n.:i:ie.'rice. a2 heraln,set:roJ~th. ancl tho rW.id "nl tor .Lehrtlnd wi th L'l na1d o1xty(()O )<ls;r01o to till up ~;h() "011 ,1n rmtd')"omloos t;r tho;intln:f'(l,ation::>i' the 13oar(l of ~rl'lW 'taoG; .. I . I , . .. . . .... . -3- ~ . ('9) 7.hat, ul>on tho po.oongot'>': thil3 l?fJool- . t1 tioA4>y tho .110aru: :)1' rrrustee,oftha 3u.nnet ;~1118(1JQ- zem-.n) Cemet.G:t.'y, n oopy or this R,est>ll.ltlon, certifi$d by thoOl(lrk .~fthe3onrd nf"2rnstees shall be del! v- erocl 'to and filod with the OOtliji11ssi::1l1 ntthc CH. ty ::rf , Bozoman 1:01.11 to flp;)l'O'vnl r/,nd npP1"op1'1,te.nctl on thereon :fort~eaoqu.1Sl~lon'. of(mi4propO~9:.i!.the. p~ment ..there" ,;f ano.the aOlWUmtft4tj.nn,:;f ;~o.idtrnnt.:nctl:)n. .' .... . I' C' . :3,1nrd ~f ,,~~~iee~" "~f 'g~;;~~. fr~li81~Y~b~~~~lO,~;~~ t~~7~he ~hls 25th day of A;'rl1, 1929.; H'" " i' ~";L:::~I./IT: "r;. .GAGE Attent: -- .'rfH3 ~en. WAIl ?1r:nn.~ VI [j Clork" and (3) The Commission at tho' 01 :lof'B,o~eman deems and oonsiderA 1 t nocOasl\%'"7nnd proTJer that D.~dltto.n.allQJ11 beao- (111: ad by th 0 r. t t,'r nf B"ir.!:Gman tor purposes f'H~ r:nid "ansst El11$ (71)-.;:orr'nn) Comotery; ; ...,/,.., ....' ~70Y'j t !;'l'~'~ .;~.')E:'F'aRE, 31: T!" OO}..'J~I ~'1I':m; r:;'!,-t:' . '." ,I" .~,i Ct Y OF BO"'iJrAD' : (4) That r.nid non~)ll),tion paa ad Hl1d ndopt.4n(;HtDl~est\ldJ a copy ;~i: 1,,,b.1oh 1s hereln' '<~)trDr~ht ~H). r:nd tho ::anllo lB.t~erQbJ'i approved ~uld oo.af1rmed; ( 5) ~h~t tt13 "Farra.nty Deed ;;)1 ;inl to,t' 'r e.h1"l"lnd r ,.,' 'l")e ":I1a .,I.J \'!J. ' ,~.... .... ',.~.. . !..ohrJ:::1nd, i~ to ....:lfe ,coI\\.eylng to tho :>t", .BPI: eman It th(; follow- ing (~oaCribea )1'cmleol'l, towltl '.7"!"(' ~n:' t ~'rll:f.' :) "', the :1 on t hc.UU1 'r'r'l.tOJ~ "f' the:'~nth- ~:-ri;' '..,unrter (~:r :-:;~,:, H:k') ~JGo'ion .;i,"'(;Ji.. (7'., 1.:1 ,O\'IH- Jl41P+wQ (2}';Ol,J.th,o;t: ,.UJkSO .t~,l",~.~.. M.P.l:.'J;:' !,e 'contrdh1ng:,'t;WOllty U~Ol 'JC1'eo. ,".oH'6r'.less; .' be t tlJtd the Gnne is, horeby c.ocepteu; the rhatrno.t .YL' title hav6lJ8 been oxaminod b.V the hia :l!lprova1 there- of hnvtnc; '''\eon .!v'u, be, end the :3cme te~herobY aoceptod: {G' ':"118 t the G1 ty .:>:t' EozcimanpflY to :':a1 tor I.ehrl':lnd us "; , . . " .. ~ . . . . , , .. , "'4- ,. the ~):":lr:ldern tiOll f;):t~ tl10 ::n1d ln~1i. tJ ~lt, '3700.00, (u) tat;..' '''tal,11'l:lllt ITa.. 2mh tlo.toii .Tuly 1, 1914 II Ll the um:JLu'l: ~L'~:500.00, ~\ih(; intol'OGt ooupons U"J ..., Tul' '\. 1';.: 29, ...~ ..ntvdn ,1-,11'" ")'1";')1)(11' tv .L" ._" , c. II v J". '_' jo..,,, .-.. \j." .\' "'*'r ' ,;.:" , ... :)'" t!""1"I/'t '),"N'n' , ,H.... 1-".' ..), .. ,').",I~; l,a II. (h) , " 0"1 e ,1,.-)' ""2800001t"na'h t.) "i ,~.,' 1 :f'"rdrn :, 1 o.,UJ,'1 .)., .,./.,.".. ,~t I.,,;:, ~ ,. 1.,.,).(,. . .. -!lw J emo t G'" " l'\md,f< Q4 "'\.......,~ "" ..,;; ..,. ',,",\,,i~"tL, . ,. , (7} C,'. L ~.~ r211fl t '~l tel' ..:,chr1ti.Q.tl.:'ia.tJ I'om:wo all nul ldL1{~B 1""~ ~ ~:~ . "'1 l' 11 f) fDre~""'1 "'(' ',":'i ''''0 t ~r ,l- ;h.1 mO",!. ct,...oi....c t::> '''0'''0 T'~ t~lln " ~.,), . ,...... t.:;.)',I....,:'."t.,,.' ."L,,,..,....... ,. ..~'~...":......' :.~ ~;,~M'~'~ .... ").,,. , .,,~~t,., \<"~' ":,~" ",' ": r. Cl: ..""', ' I. ":\ ".,' > ", : ;Q;" 'I; ., /., ~:r-,~',~, 'c~,~'~ f~ /"" - "..J.:x:ty Q.,IY.~ .1.1'01'1 ~1N.. nft4r thQ. ?r~ tIl':J.,/ -.;). .,1./. 1.,...9 j ,...<1 . .," <. 'J; ;, ':i t h.n t :"~, hl" !.ll tor TO h.r:::~l~d i:3:1~~Ii1o at :)ti 11 U}) tho woll ;)l\ (':; (-.' j..I.' ",' tho !Jn1(1 ~,)l'$ml:oa to tire r!0.;t.L,*lro~:m' :):0:' thcj;)::u:,d. ~L" r'1'\wtEJ6S. ~': ~.) ':"y' ;". I, :<; ~. '. .',. .' :"- ,;j,. ~ ': ~~ ,""i 'tm.OiHHl n.all !Hl<)T)tett at' ,ii" ,fO{~ulnr :1ootLnc J::-" the . , . ~': \" "< Commlcr~iOH ~;f thn)1 t;f'li' 'n;),*Oj1ri.n~" Hi' d l)n the ;31'(1 :1.1 y, ).1)29. , """'".~, .~~---- ~,-". :'nyor Cla3.'L :)'f tho :) ommi;'ulon ~ '-I /', :I':',:~: '. '1''''. "' " -- -.....-.....~- "