HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 134A Passing of Resolution No. 134 COMMISSION RESOLUTICIT EO. 134 Ie COIvJ1.:ISSION RESOLU'I'ION FH!ALLY PASSING .um ADOrTI~,TG COI.'2.IISSION H;2;SCLlJTICl( NO. 134, ENTITLED: rr A' RES o LU'rlON OF TITE COJ/iJI,US8 ION OF T~m CE'Y OF .uOZFtM.l.UJ, I,rmiT1UJIC; :LEVYIlW AJlill ASSESSING A SI'ECllJ, ASSESSr.m1iTT OF T.lI.XES UI'OJ'T .:"\.:L T::}f; PROFEiLTY II-; Sl:ECUI. 'UlHWVE MENT DISTRICT NC.' ,:73 IN THE CITY OF BOZEI,~LN, CCU1'TTY OF G",~I1i,TD, 3T.:','rE OF r.:O~'TT.L}'~A, '~l TO DEFRi,-Y TIlE COST OF COITSTHUC~~nTG AND lTIJ'nTG ~',:;'ji; I:::r:WVEl,}f;TTTS ':wmn: 3",ID SI'ECIAL i " BiFlWVEEF.!'TT DIS'rIUCT HO. [j 73.. T1' V{l{EnE~:~3 , The CormniDsiOD of tIIC Ctty of lo:',eF:~;]~, did, on th,~ 7U~:,:' :JJ':' J D,ec ern1J 8r, 1928, at a regular sossion thereof, ~roviGion~lly ~a8c CObrnission Resolution No. l~)I[" on t:1. tlGe1: fT.A p.ESOLu:I'TOlr OF TlIi1; COI,J'~ISSImT OF THS CIT~r OF 'JOZI::"'J'J, IIIOj',JT.\.!,L., L,;;"JYEG AIm ASSESSn:G .L ,Sl'BCIAI ASSE$S;':ENT OF Til.XES Drom AI,L TEE PROP,ERTY Dr ~JrECIAI" n::rRcvm:EIT"2 DISTRICT NO . ';273 IN TIm CITY OF BO:?EI'AT:T, Ci.-U,il'";" OF , GALLATIN,STATE GE'I.10l,T..:..IJA, 'Te DEB'RAY TE:::; COJ:i OJ!' COHS'LmC'rUfG AI:D lIA.KUiG TEE IIiL2HOVS1,31,rs \1I'TIUH SiiID iJl'}]';CIAL nJ?IWVEI:;1~1IJ:DISfrlnCT NO. 273ft. WlIEREl'.S, said CommiDsion 1teDolutionNo. 134 waD d,Uly :.J1CDcr1 tl1.8 Ma;YTor and. tl\O 01H1'1: of the ComrnissiorJ of:mid. Ci'L;I', Lend Ws,s filed Ln tl:.e office of the Clerk of th,:; CommH:sion of saLd City on the 7t.h da;l' of DeCeLlbel', 1?28, ",nel evel' since has boen DD file in 8~id office subject to and for the inspection of all 1)e1'SOn8 interested:; and WHEHE,AS" Fl' i d~L;lr, the 11th day of Deuember, 1928, it 4:00 o'clock P M at 11 regula,r session of scd.d Commission, to [)6 hole1 a't 'the Cornmission Chambol', City Hall, su,id City, was desiC'lK:.ted an sc::.id Hesollltion a[: the t'ime an(l IJlace of hearing 9b~ectfon8 to the final passago and adoption of said TIcsolution; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of the Commission Imi) given notice of the filing of sal d Resolu ti on and the fln~ll passage 11ndad011tlon thoreof by :publ1catiol1:r.nc1 notiC'e.thEfr~of in t1l0 Bozernan 1)",11;:l Chronicle, "'. daily newsl)u1Jor :[1rlnteQ and 'Imbl1shed' in .said City, at least five (5) days before the d~y set for hoaring any and all objections to the final pa:.3sage 'and ado;:ption of salcl Resolutd'i'on; and 1NTIEREAS, tIle matter of said final Dassage o,nd adoDtion of :3~dd, Hesolution comI.ng on regularly to lJe heccI'd., 1J111'SUant 'to said Res',lution ane} Notlo8, this 14th day of December, 19 :~ 8, at a regular session of u:.d.d Oommi:.3sion, due proof beine; made of the Imblication of sa.id NotIce 8.f3 roy-uired b~l law and as ordered l)y said ResOlu.tion, aJ1d. no objectIons hav5.nG been :'~13.d.e 01' :f'.ilr,,(j to the :rim"l }laSSa'Ce and adoption of said Resolution and tlle lov"inC of, tho assecsment L:.S therein pl'ovic1eCE NOW, TEEHEFm'tE, BE IT RESOLVED AIm IT IS lJEEE:JY OHDEHED !3Y TEE C o;.iJ,:ISSION OF THE Orrry OJ!' I~O ZELj:..:!:~ , STATE OF lliONTAIJA: That said Commiscion Resolution No. lc)':!' be, and the same is hereby ~"J . finally IJassed and aelOl'tec1 cmel the SlH~c:i.al assessment of taxes to defl'LeJT tllO nost amI expense! of moJdn[j the improve:(ents a.s 'therein set forth, be, and the same are hereby levied. and assessed as thE'1'ein rll'O'vided. Finally ;)a:.3sed and ador:ted by the Commission of tIle City of BO:301:mn at a regular session thereof, held on the 14th day of December, A. D. 1928. ~~lj ATTES'l' .: k)\~ CLEHK .... ~.. 1-IE... OIv HSSION