HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 134 Levy of taxes in SID No. 273 C01~1ISSIONRESOLUTION NO. 134 A HESQLUTION OF '1:113 CQMMISS ION OF THE CITY OF BOZEI.:..;.H , Jli::ONTiJ'U,-, LEVYING A~mASSESS- ING A SI\ECIALASSESSlvll1jWJ: 01!' TAXES Ul'ON ALL TI.IE TltGPER'];Y 1n SIECIAL n!l'IWVEI,;~HT DlS- 'rEICT NO. 273 IN THE CITY OF J30ZEl.,-,,\I'J, COUNTY OF GiJ,L.ATIN, STATE OF J'"'iO~T'rANA,.TO DEFI1AY TIm COST OF CONSTRUCTIIITQ 1Jm ILAKnG TEE UJ?IWVEI.'iENTS wrrCHIN S-,.IDSPECIAL I1li'ROVE1IENT DISTRICT NO. 273. WHEREAS, the Commii'ision of the City of BOZ8!:.18.11. Biel, on the 13th Cluy of J'11~T. A. D., 1928. duly and l'ec:ularly p.afJS Commission Resolution No. Ill, entitled: ITA RESOLUT ION OF TEE Cm:J:iISSION OF TIrE CITY OF DOZEJlIAN, M0J'1TAHA, DECLlcRING IT TO BE Tlill n~TENTION OF S.[;.ID COMMISSION TO CREicTE A SI'ECIAL nJl'IWY]~liIENT DIST1UCT TO BE IWOWH ",lID DESIG:'!AT::BD 1'-3 3IECIAL IIiJ:;!WV:O::I~i~NT DISTHICT NO. 273 OF SAID CITY. FOR Tln~ rURrOSE OF GH.ADING, PAynw '.nTH TWO CCUnSE CRUSHED GRAVEL 1U...CADJU,~ I'AVELEI:!T, .:;,I:D INSTKLLING CONCRETE CURBS ON WEST CURTISS STREET I BETWEEN 'rl:IE EAST LIEE OF EIGHT:: AVENuE .i~Im TIlE WES']; LETE OF SEnF'TlT A YENUE WITHIN SAID CITY, AIID TO SPECIALLY ASSESS THEEETIRE COST l.ND EXI'EH3E OF IiLA1GNG 3";.ID II;lIHOVZI,:TI:NTS AGAH;ST TIm U1JD VII'IEIN SAID DISTInCT AS CREATED" anrI thereafter. after due :u1(1 lee:11 IJroceedings harl, the) Comrnisr3ion of the Ci t;i' of Bozem:m, did, O~l the 3rd (lay of A'.I{;tlst, 19;~8, d.ul~Tpacs Commission Res01ut:Ion No. 11!!<, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF 'rEE COM1IISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZENWI. I~lON'riJJA, CREAnNG SPECIAL I:MPROVEl,mNT DISTRICT NO. 273 OF 'rUE CITY OF BOZEE.A.H. STATE OF MONTANA, FOR THE PRUPOSE OF GRlillIlTG, PAVING WITH TWO CCUnSE CUnSITED GRAVEL IJLACAD.A1/1 }'AVEIV!ENT AND CQNSTRuC'nNQ CONCRETE CURBS ON WEST CUR'USS STREET BETViEEN frEE WEST LINE OF SEVENTH ,AVENUE' AND THE EAST LINEOE EIGHTH AVENUE WITHIN SAID CITY. .s,ND TO 3rECIALLY ASSESS nIE ENTIRE COST AND EXPENSE OF l:1..AKING SAIDUJJ?ROV:H;MElTTS AQAIlIST :rlIE FIWPER'rY WITHIN SAID DISTRICT UNDER /cND BY VI:KT1TE OF THE PROVISIONS OF SJ:<JCTIONS' 5225 TO 5277 nfCLUSIVE OF TI:Em;;VISED CODES OF MONTANA, 1921. MTD ANY }J.;,El1Dl,IEI.'TS n,:rIEIlETO. n \'Ihieh Comrai.ssion 11.esoluti ons Nos. 111 and 114, paGsed as aforesuid., are hel'eb~{ I'eferred to and made a IJeUt of this Resolution for furthel" particular::), in rcr3peot to the b01.lud.aries of suid. cUstrict,.the character of the improvements to be I constx'ucted. therein, the estimated cost of said imlll"OVoments, OJ'].d tho method of assessing the cost against the ];Jro])ertif w:Lthin suiB. distrie-b; und. WHEREAS, suid ,ilYlprOVerlents as eontem:plQted ill said Commission Hos. 111 and. 114 hav~ beeYi. constructed and oom];Jletcd :In accordance wLtb the terms ~lml oonditions of Commiss:Lon Resolutions NOG. III anB. 114, cmd the totul so.J(1 imrroverilento so construoted is the sum of ONE TY:!OUSA)'1D FIVE HUIJDRED SIX DOLLARS THIRTY CENTS' ($1,576.30); NOW. THEREFORE, Pr"\1.Slllint to the Provisions of Sectj.ons5225 to 5485 RCM 1921. and amendments ther~to. BE IT RESOLVED AIm IT IS HEHEBY OHDTmED BY ']'FE CCliJ<':ISSIOH OFTIIECITY 01" BOZEl:JJ.(I, S:l'ATE OJ? Mm~TAI>TA: " See. 1. That to d_efray the OOG~ ,",nQ eXj)eIISe of' Coonstl'llctJng and ma1cLng thc imrJ'ovon1.onts :in saId S1!or::Lal Il'\.i.ll"Ovcr::ont District NQ. :::'73. thore be, ,.1:; l:.o",o\( lev:i_ecl 3.nB.. o.:Jses~3ed c, tax amoulltil;Z, to tJJG Dum of On8 Tlwu::L'J1U, ]Jive E1rrl(lreB 3event~T Six Dol1c\1's ::In(l Tl::Lrt;{ Conts (~~1.576'.30) npon 2.11 tb.e property i.n. L\:,c:i./l S:peeLll Improvement D-'-.J"":"<_ .:., 1'0. (273; that a lJartioular clo:'3eri:pt\iOno:r each lot '-.eno. parce] of tand wi'~:, the nal"e of the own01' an ('1. tb.e "nun assosa()(l againDt him or i.t fo:e ::)1)clJ lmr'I'ov2;-_1CJnts ".nc1 ti1C umount of 26,Gh IiD-rti.al J)ayrJent to be ma('!.c al'ld. th.e clay whEn1 the aL~me shull be rlelin(,Luent, is Get forth in Iletail :Ln the li_st horeto citt'aehccl, narks,,! Sohedule "A" L~!id. 11aCJ;e a part h01'00i'; that the ,Jever::..l -- -. .._~.,-- O:P:posite tb.e rrarl\;:S of the owners allO. tho d.escribed late ::.~nd 1)8.rools of la.nd be I and. the sarne are hereby reSl)ectlvely levied ano. ausesDed upon and. ::'\i;a:Ll1st s .t:r8.id described lots and. l1aX'cels of land to d.efray the r.1oct and e:;:1)8nse of CC)l1struct- :lng and mul:ing 80.io. impI'ove;:',ents ';','ithin s::.-:.1<1 Di:3trict; th::.,t the sevel'Ul ::31.11ns :30 n assesscd be collected from the respective OW'18r:J of s:.'.id 1:J't:3 ::.,nd })a1'0018 of land clescribed in 8,.,1(1. aScGs8rnent list ScJ\edule "AI! I as re'.I.1'il'8lt b;r law; HIc2 t t.[; e \ pa;'iment of saId sums slmll be I'\::,-:,o.e in s1x hwt::ellmcnts und the :;Ja~'mGnt of s':.dli installments shall extend over a period of s1x years; thu.t the j)s.:n:1ent of t~__'.e res- pective annual instalJJ1:\ents s]1;:t11 he made on or before the 30t}) d.ay of IiJOVCLlhcl' of 0ach year 1..11'1ti1 ImZ'Elcnt of ::.\11 installments together wi'bh interest thereon :3ha11 be GJade; tha tsaid sums shall be I1a1d :..md tIle collection thereon shall be made in the nmnnor and in accord.a:nce w:i. th the Jaw c:overning the collection ofl ,31'oe:l.aJ. im:~.Jrovel]ent taxes; that fannI'S to J.18.y'sneh :ctGsessments when the s""mo boc OIllB 111..10 and paya1Jle shall make uucb persons and sa J.d. lots and l)arco1s of land. li[,111e to .the pen&lties IJrovided bJTlaw relative to clelinClnent taxes; Sec. 2. That the regular sess:1.on of the Commission of tll.G C1t~' of Bozeman, to,beheld in the CommissionCl1amber in tlw Oity Hall of s::.lia. OitYI on the 14th d.ay of ]lJ)ecember, 1928, at 4:00 o'clock P. M., bo, ('.n<l t118 s':.me is }lereljY des:Lgna ted as the Hme ami Dalce at which ob jections to the final udoption of this Resolution. will be heard by the s(lid Commission Sec. 3. That the Clerk of the Oommtssion of tl1e C1 t;y of TIozernan 118 I 3.1)(1 h01 s hereby 0 rdE)l~ed. and di rec ted to :publish in the Bo zeman Daily Ohronicle I a daily ne'wspaIier })1'lnted ::end published in the said Oity of Bozemc,n, a notice signe<l by the Clerk of the Commission, fUld stat:Lng that a Resolution levying 8 si,ecial assessment of taxes to defray the coat and. eXDence of COnf3t.l'llCting m:1.d. lilaJdnC tIle im:provernen ts in the said Special ImJ.\].' ovemont District No. ;::;.73, is on file in the 0 office of the Olerk of the Commission, sub;ject to irlf3IIoction fop a rOPJ..od of fivo (5) days ; that said notice shrill state the time and. place ::.\t whieh ob,jections will be heard by the Commission to the final clclo11tion of tbis Resol,.I.tton; that it sh::.,ll be pubLisheda.t least five (5) da~;s before the o.ay set Ilyth0 Commission fop the hearing of o<mjections and. the final adoption of t111s Hcselutien. I'assed and adO];itecl.. by the Commission of t,ho City of BozeD~n at a reGular session thereof, hel<l on the 7th d.ay of December, 19:28. e~;I/ ; _v A~TEST: CLERKPi~ISSION