HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 133A Passing of Resolution No. 133 ",.,.~ - OOIv1JlUSSION RESOLUTION NO. 133 i\. CClIJiIISSIONRESOLUTION FINAIJLY J?A3SnIG :um {'.DOrTING Con:ISSION HESOHJ"J:ION IW., 1?\3 EJ:iITITLED: II .li. RESOLUTION OF TI-lEC01(:J'GSS10N OF Tle CITY OF BOZE1:.illT, I:IONTANA, LI~VYIITG \ AND ASSESsnW l~ SPEC 11',.1, ASSESSlmNT OF T.AXES TrEON AI,L TEE P!(OFERTY IN GloEC Ill:::, ILIl'nOV1~ lffiNT DISTRICT NO. 272 IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, cmm'rY OF (}LI,L\THT, ST..~TE OF I\IONTANc,. TO DEFRAYTIIE COST OF CONSTRUCTING AJ'ID ITAKING THE n~IWVE::EETS 7JITETNSAID SPEC IX.r, Dc:PROVEIi;ENT DISTRICT NO. i272. II WHEREAS, TIm Cornni.ss:i.on of the C1 ty of nOz;er~ul. cU.d , on the 7th of December. 1928, at 0. re[;"nh,r session th8J'eof, provi.,nionl.',J.l;y ~Da~JS Comm:L3Dio:n Resolut~on No. 133 entitlod: uk RESOI,UTION OF r;':;~ Cm]!ISS TON OF TTT~ CITY OF BC:Z:Sr,.F ,;,C!:TANL, LE'l\':." -,.t,.l- l~JSESS II~G ~~;. SljECI.H.::" '.L~GGl!JSSL:~1';T OF T_AJ~ES urlon .ilLI~ ~1r.::E IHUI.'Ei.?rY I:~r SrEG1.h.:W HII'HOVEI,i:u;::,'J: DISTInCT He. ;':;?2 IIi '1'13 CU~y OF IJOZEliJIlT, OOUNTY OF G"\LLAT IN , STi'~~rE OF MONTANA, TO. DEFH.AY TliB COST OF CONSTli.UCTING i,}1D LI"liGNG T:[C:~ II.Il'IWV]J;;,,:CG}iTS \HTIUN 311.1D SPECIAL UiI'IWVEi.::Ei:TT DIS'.lltICT NO. ~~?2n WHEREAS, 3teid Commission Heso1ution No. 133 Vias d1.l1,;/ siGned lJY the M;ct yo I' and the Clerk of theConmlission of said C:Lty, unO. was filod in the office of the Clerk of ,the Commi.ssion of ::mid C1 t~r o:n the 7th cla;;r of Decombel', lS;,~~~8 , ana. ever sinoe has been on f:i 1e in 80,id offioe sub,jcet to Lmrl for the intJ}:>80tion of [:,11 parDons interested; and. WEEH.E.AS, FriclG;I' , the 1,1,th (lay of DocoL'.bel', l~: 28 , at 4 o'clook P. L., a't a regular session of tJc.5.(l Commission, to 1:)8 hcl.cl. o:t the Co:t,n'l.::;sjDn Cbi..hlJe:c, C.'.ty Haul, said Oity, was dosicn~ted in said Resolution as the ti.me and place of hc~ring objections to the foLnal paDsage ::md a(ioptiol1 of s'd.d nCGoltLtlon; ano. WHEHE1I.S, the Olerk of tho Comuiss.i.on haD Uiven notice of the f:i.linr:' of I .. ~ ( " said R€H301ution 0.)1(1 the final passage and, adoption thereof b.'JT FU.lJlie::;\ ti.on ami.. notice thereof in tIle Bozera:::i.l1 Da:Ll;;r Chronio 10, .a d<lil~l news};Iapel' publ1 ~:;hod in f1~,:1.cI City, at least five (5) days bcfo~e the day Bot for hearing any and all objections to the final. passcLge and c..dOlltion of said TIGsolution; and. WHEREAS, the lil::.:.tter of s:J,io.. final passage ",neT ::1rloption of :c;I.\ld. I\esolut:i.on coming on re[';ularly to be ho:O:'1'd, pUl'suant to ~;,cd.d. Resolution alld. Notice, this 14th day of December, 1928, at a regular session of ::;;::.:.i(1 Commission, llue IJroof bailIe; mad.e of the publication of said Notice, as reCjlTirect by law CUTd. as orrlersd bJ ::::dc1 Resolution, amIno objections l:.8.vinc; J:tJ.een mad.e or fil,edto t;1;.e fi.!1Ql ,;~[wsuc:e J,nd arloJ)tion of SiC\],11 I:esolutl.orl cU'ld the lev~r:Lnc of the C1:c:"e3GUC t us ths1'oin provi~ed; NOW, TIIEI~EFG:::iE, BE FC EmSOLV:::;:m AED IT IS J'ER;];..:.'"! Olml~EED SY c.~:I.!J: CCI;J',ISSIOIJ OF 'TEE cr TY O:B' BOZEl.JI1J, ST"I.TE OF LIOI'iT.A:~TA: Tlmt sd.cl COr,1l11is3:i.oh RecolutiolJ No. 1i33 bo, ",no. the ::k~no is here.:').;! fLn;;;.lly passed and ::::doptoll 2.ml tho 3D aci.aJ. assessment of taxes to defray tJ,c c~ost a.nd.. eXIJense of making the 1.ml'rover:ents as thorein sot fOl'th, be. and the saIne O,re hereb;:' levied and assessed as therein provided. Finally 1'8.;38eo. :~nd. L'.dOl)ted b;." the Com.rnission of the C;i. t~1 of Bozeman cot a re[';ula1' sessloIl thereof, held on the 11th day of December. A. D. , ili'J28. !J1~1J. ~ ATTEST: CLERK OF~~~~ION " " .-.-.-- ...-