HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 132A Passing of Resolution 132 OOLTI1.GSSION -,m30LlJl'ION :;'iC. 13:~ "~ COlIMISSIOU n:2:S0LU'.nOh FIHA,:LLY rASSr:;::; "..lW i.DOI-I'rn:G C.::,j,.LiGIC1; m~30LU'ClOI~ lTG. J.~'3 2, EN'rITLED: n A H.ESOLUTION OF TIlE C01cIf.,ISSION OF THE CITY CF"::~OZElI.1J\T, 1CIF[,AlJA,LJ~1[YING AND ASSESSING- A Sl"EClitL ASSESSkEln: OF TAXES UI'Ol! ALL :1:':3 :-:~WI)EHTY IN sn~CIAL IIr"iWVE MEIIT D;ISTHlC':!: l~O. 270 IN IrE]; CITY OF SOZEI::.iL:i,CUUNTY 0'8' G1.LLATlJ)fSTNi~E OF :;~CNTi"NA, ' ., v DEF""Y'THF CO"-'" ~F C"l'F'TrUC"ITl'G' 'ID -,,-rING mI'"' '":I,::T!'Y'c;'TI'T"I'C' "'I"I1TI1N c' - n-D CT":-,'CI ':1. L.J;~" .,J hJJ... U" UJ.\!O L .1..L ~ ",::1.1. r,,~i;\.h.. \ ..I."d,~ J..h.c..l....l.Io.U ,."".,j,\;,..:.,j~'j ~ J~ ......~"N. ~,l.ll iJ --.J ....l. nJ!HOV2,.!:!:N'I' DISTEIO'l: HO. 270. t! W1J:E:REh..S , ~rhe .Commission of tL,e Cit;y 0:[' DozemW1, d. 'LeI, on tb..c 7t1.'. (l:-~v of I, December, 19:::8 s.t a reguLt!' sessioll thereof, provisionally Ilass Comm:Lss ion i:J;solu- tion No. 132, entitled; TT,A i~ESOLlJTIGIT OJ? ~:lI~~ COIII:\iI3SIGN OF TI~i:~ CI~IY OJ3"' JOiJ~I<MJ) IvION'Irl1.WJl., LE.\J~~IEG AND ASSES;) :mc l, 3IECL:"::::' ASSESSilc1--:;;NT OF T.\.'xE3 Ul'Qr; AILI'!.'l': I'l':OI':,:'jR~[,( m SI'ECL',.I, IMIROVJ.]"EITT DISTInOT NO. 270 I:N TJ?J:C CI1}'Y OF J30::;EII,~ilN. C:~',li'NII'~'{ OF G.A]~LAT IN ,'. S rrl~TE 0 11' ]\':O}~II~'~n~:~ J TO :DEFE...:l,'Y rll.TG CO~IT OF COI~'Sir2"UUi\I:~,:C~" ,,:~::J) LLAKI1<G- CCl;]!; n:llWV:::::::-;;l;TS Tiil'l:EIN SAI:DG2EOI.~1 n'I';:O'l;:;;I.:~:;:T DI::rl:IUC;i' NO. 270. IT WIJEREAS, Said Cor'lDU_ssion Resolution 1::0. 132 was dul;? i.gncll by t.k:.o I.':a;)ToJ.' and. the Cled: of the C01:1111iss ion of s,dd OiLy, and was filed in the office of the Cle rk of the Conm1issior.. of sa:Ld City on tb.c 7th day of December, 1928, ano_ eveII' since has bpen on file in said offico B11.bJeet to cmd. fo:.:' the inspection of ~ll Qersons interested; \..\.1J_(l VIHEHEAS, Prid.:-;.y; tl'ie 11th rls.y 0:[ D8C81':.>,lJe1', ln8, :.,.t 4 :00 o I clock l'. I,.., at a regular S6S[3ion of r3~ticl Conlllliss:lon, to be held ut tho Cownission Chumber, < Cuty HJ.ll, 3a1(lCL t;;/, was r1eoj..grmted. in said JietiOlntLm ~\.G the tir~le and. :plaee of' 'hearin.g ob Jcetions to tho f:Lm,l pass"go and. adoption of f3aid ReGolution; CCY'd WEEHEi"S , -bhe Clerk of tli.8 Comm1f;)s:L on Il,as Given not:Lce of the filing of said. Resolu'tiol1 an(i t11e final passage s.nd adODti.O n tllCreof by publication and. 'notice thereof in the Bozeman Daily Ohronicle, a dan~l new'31Jallor publif;hecl in said City, at loa2:t f:Lve US) c!.ays before i,he ela:l Bet faT' b3",rinc: ,my 1.,-'-H1 all objections to the fino.l passage anrl adoption of Daie!. Resolution; (;,ne1 WBEREAS, -the matter of wd_e1 final paSf;o.ge '--end "doptj.on of ",aid. Reso lu'tion o oming on l' egularly to be heaJ;_d, pursuant to f3:J.:Ld Heso1ut10n uml Notice, tb.is 14th day of Deoembet' , 19.'?8, at 8, regular session of said Oommission,' clue proof being made of the publication of said. Notioe, D,S l'eeluired b;y law and as ordered by said Resolution, and no objections l).aving been made or filed to the final passage and adoption of said Resolution and the levying of the assessment as therein provided; NOW, TI-rEHEFOHE, BE IT RESOLVED AND rr IS HEHEBY ORDERED BY TEE COIiIMISSIGN OF THE CIT'Y OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF MONTANA: That said Commission He-solution No. 132 be, ~md. the same is hBreby finally passed. and adopted and the special assessment of ta~eB to defray the cost and expens of making the improveme nts as therein set forth, be, and t_he some are hereby levied a no. a ssessed as therein ]?rovi.ded_. Finally passed ani adopted by the COiluuission of the 01 t~T of BOZer'ktD at a regular sessIon thereof, held ,:)11 the 14th d.ay of December, A. D., 1928. $--41&# -..-....-.--.--