HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 132 Defray cost of construction in SID No. 270 ..- .__._---~.~~,,~-- cmThUSSION. RESOLUTION NO. 132 A. I/.ESOLUTION OF THE CO:MMISSION OFTlJE GI'I'Y()F BOZEIv::iI.N ,MONTANA, LEVYING AND ASSESS- INGA Sl'EGULI..SSESSMENTOF Til.XES UPON.ALLTKE PROPERTY III SJ?EGIAL IMI'ROm':1.<;NT DISTRICT NQ.270 TN THE aITY OF BOZEl\ilAN, COUNTY OF GALLATIN, STATE OF HONTANA, TO DEFRAYTlIEGaST OF CONSTRUCTING l..ND Wll..KUfG THE BJ?ROVEMENTS 1:HTHIN SAID SPECIAL UiIl?ROVEMEliJT DISTRICT NO. 270. WHEREAS, The Commission of the City of Bozeman, (). id, on the 4th day of May, A . D., 1928, du.1y cmd recu1arly :pass Commission Resolution No. 103, entitled: "A. RESOLUTION OF TEE COM1:ISSION OF TJIE CI'1'Y OF BOZEM.AN, IvIOJITT1\.NA, DECLARHm IT TO BE TIrE INTEJ:iiTION OF SAID C01TIHSSION TO CREA'fE A SPECIAL n.~PROVJ%:ENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWn AIm DESIGNATED AS S:rECL~l, HlJ:ROV-::<:rT:;;JlTT DISTRICT HO. 270 OF SAID CITY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF GRADING, PAVING WITH TWO COUHSE CRUSH- ED GRAVEL :MACADJJvl PAVEJVlENT, AND INST.i~LLING SUCH DRAINAGE ClJLVJiiRTS AS MAY BE NEOESSARY o:n NORTH GRAND JWE:N1JE BETVVEEN TEE BCnTH LINE OF 1,VEST VILLARD STREET AND THE NORTH I,INE OF WEST SHORT STREET, WITHIN SAID CITY, llJD TO SPECIj\l,LY ASSESS THE ENTIRE COST AND EXPET:SE OF MAKING 31,1] UiI)ROV'P,~JIENTS AGAINST THE LAND WITHIN S,nD DIS'TInCT 1"3 CH.EAT:m. II ;:::.nd thereafter, after d.ue and. legal proceoc1.1ngc 11:::e1, the COf:1J:D.i ss ion o.f the Oi t~,. of Bozer;iun, dld, on the 25th d.ay of 1:!L\:l, 19;28, d:lJ.ly rass Gomi:nJ.Bsion He solution Ho. lOG, entitled: ".1>. RESOLUTION OF T!rE COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF ROZEHA.N, . IclONT",lJA. CHE.ATING JI'ECIAI Dd'l(OVET:ENT DIS'TRICT NO. 270 OF THE CITY OF BQZELLAN, STATE OF KONT.iJ:Li, Fun TILE PEUPOSE OF rAVING WITH TVlO OOUr?SE Clm3EED GHAVBL I\1:.A.Ci,DAM P.WEJ\;~FT AND INSTALLING SUCH DRi\.UJAGE CULnnTS i,G MAY BE IHSCJi;SS.i\EY ON NORTH en.AN1) AVENUE 'BETWEEN T7C NORTE I;INE OF WEST VILLARD STm~ET AND THE NORTH J~IHE OF WEs'r 'SHCET STREET, ALL WITHIH 3",ID CUY. .i\.ND TO SIECL\LLY l\.SSESS TE-::<: ENTInE COST AND EXPENSE OF MiJ<:IIW 3_:\ID IIil..T:'EOVEI:ENTS AGAn:rST' THE 1'IlOI'EllTY'.7ITFIK S1..ID DISTRICT UNDER [eND BY VIHTUE OF TnE :r'IWV1SIONS OF SECTIONS 52i~5 TO 5277 INOLtJ3I"lTE, OF TnE HEVISBD CODES OF ECNTANh, 1921, AND A11JY ./cT:EliiDEEIJTS TFE::1ETC." wh:Lch Corhmisaion H.8;;u~-~-,-c:;:.[ ~,oc. 103 and lOG, passed us aforcs~id, are herob~'; . refer-reel to ::n,l ",,[,e18 ,C ::'::J."~t_ of th:Ls ROdo1\.ctJorl for f'nrtr:or F~rt:LDularG.t:n respect to t.1Jc boullrlclr1.0G of :,uid d.JGL':_ct, tLo oxmractcr of tYee 1ntli"i..'0'\TSi:ont,,: to be qon- structed therein, t.Le ()3t.:)__,:~.tod. cost of sail1 1.nlI'l'OVC)".crl.k.: ,cdJCl tbe li\othod of :..\csc;:Ising the eOi3t c.:.g.c:insttLs 1:r0110rt~,. wi tLin s,dd (J:L stri(J"c; ,mo. WHEREAS, saht im.C:COV8C,;.Ol,ts ~lS conteml~l:.:~to(l :Ln Gul,i COniElilJsion Resoillutions I;Tv s . 103 and. 106 have 1)eoJl cOlistructed. and coml'leteO in accordance with tho terms ::,nd cond.i..t:i.ons of Gomaission Resolutions No". 103 [[,Po. 106, and. the total cost of G'dd imI,rOVGPI.ent!:! so constl'1.wted is the sum of ONE 'J:nJUSAlTD TWO HU1.JDH.ED tt~XTY SEVEN DOLLARS SEVE:NrJ:Y SEVEN GEl!TS ($1,267. 77) j . ,~ now, ~IJERZFOIlE, puxsu:.:mt to thegl'ovhJions of Soctions5;~;35 t(()15257 5.1,85 RCM 1921 and amendments thereto, BE IT RESOLVED AnD IT IS IrEP.,EBY OHDEHED BY TEI<;COM:r.aSSI m, OE' THE Gny OF J30ZElI'lAN, STLTE O:E; MONT1\NJI,: Sec. 1. That to defray the cos t and. eXI)el1sE}of the improvements in ~aid Special Im],?rovernent District No. is hereb3! levied. and assessed., a tax amol1ntj_ng .to the sum of One Tlwu::KU1.d. Two Eu.ndred Sixt;l Seven Dollars and Seventy Seven Cents ($1,267.77) ttJ;Jonall the , :prorerty in s:11cl SIJecL,J. Im:prov81nent Dist.'t.r-ict No. 270; that a particular of each lot :::mdparcel of In.nd VI ith. the name of the ownor and the STUll as s',e,ssed against him or i.t for such im:provemen ts and. the amount of each partial ,:payment to be made and the day when the same shall be deHn'!uent 1;:; Bet fOJ;'th in "~_.,. in tho assessrnent list heretoattache(l,mal'kecl Schcd1.lle "il.I1 and made Co part hereofj ~.hat the severi.1l sums set opposite the J.1f;lmeS of the owners and. the clescdbed lots and parcels of land be, and the same are hereby resIJecti vely levied and assessed \upon and against saiel desceibed lots and. parcels of land. to defray the cost and n expense of construct:i.nc and malc!.ng said im~uroVer:1ents wi thin said District; that l 'I the' several sums so assessed be collected from tlHo respective owners of sai(l lots .....J and 1)$.rcels of lund d.escribecl in said assessment list Seh0clule "A", as 1'O'iuired. by l~wj that the l)ayment of said sums shall be mad.e in soven installments and, the payment of said installments shall extend ove+ a period of six years; that the payment of the respective annv.alinstallments shall be mad.e on or before the 30th day of November of. each year until payment of all installments together with inter- est thereon ~hall be madej that said sums shall be paid and the collection thereon shall be made in the manner and. in Q.ccordance wi tl) the lQ.w governinc; the collection , of special improveBent taxes; that failure to pay such assessments W]H')l1 the StUDe become due and payable shall mal:c Dl..wh persons ancl saicl lots and. :parcels of land. liable to the 1,enalties p;t"oviEled b~T law relative to d.elinqnent taxesj Sec. 2. Tha t the peg'Lllar sess ion of tho Commie s Lon of the Ci t~{ of Bozeman, to be held. in tlte Commist> ion Chamber in the Ci t;)r Hall of sahl C:Lt;'.' , on the 14th day of December, 1928, at 4:00 o'clock P.M., be, and t.he same is hereby designated as the tim.e ani place at which ob jectj.ons to the final adoption of thj.s Resolution will be heard ':J~T the said Conunission; Sec. 3. 'rho. t the Clerk of the ComrDiss :LoY! of the City of Bozeman be, and :he is hereby ord.81'ec1 and directed to pub:lish in the Bo,;;enun Daily Chronicle, a daily newsPilIJer printed. and. pnbllshed in the Si,;\:i.d City of Bozernrm, a Notice signed. by the Clerk of t.he COInmission, and. stating that a'Resolution lev;dng a special assessment of taxes to elcfray the co'st and ex})ense of constructing and. makinc' the improver:;ents .in the s:~id SIJGcial Improvement Disti'ict No. ;270, is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission, subject to inspection for a period of' f'ivli) (51 daysj that said notice shall state the time and. :place at vlhich objections will be 'heard by the Comm,issi.on to the fi.'nal \;\doj)tj.on of' th1s Resolutionj that it shall be publ.ishec1, at least :l"i ve (5) days before the clay set 1)y the Commission for the hetir5.ng of object:ionD and. the final adu])tion of ttd:.:; Resolution. Pas sed Clnd. ad ort ed b~r the Commi[;sion of the City of Bozem~,n at a regular sess:Lon theJ'oof, he 1<1 on the 7th c1.ay of December, l0:~8. c3~ Vi.1!t. ,i. ATTEST: C L!!:HK ~JJiJ/:~Jllf('s ION