HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 131 Constructing Improvements in SID No. 269 COMMISSlm!RESOLUCi:IONNO. 131 A RESOLUTION OF THE COlVITJlISSION OF TlJE CITY OF BOZErijUT , MDNTiJJA,. LEVYING AnD ASSESS- .lNG A SI'ECHIJ ASSESSMENT OF TAXES mON ALL TEE :P.l1.0PERTY IH SI'ECIAI n.J?~~CVELSNT DISTTIICT NO. 269 IN, THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, COUNTY OF GALLATIN, STATE OF rWNTANA, TO DEFRAY TIlte COST OF CONSTRUCTING AND l'I.AKI:N'G THE INJ?ROVEMENTS WITHIN SAID SPECIAL rw1.PnOVT1J!LfijNT DISTRICT NO. 269. WHEREAS, The COHII]11ssion of the CitJi of Bozem:::.:n, did on the 4th day of May, 1928 , rluly ancl l'e6nlar1y pass Commissi on Reso Inti on No. 102, anti tIed.: "A RESOLUTIOn' OF TIm CC!,J.:ISSIClJ OF THE CITY OF BOZEk-AN, :rWWI:.A:NADECLARING IT TO 3E T:m HiTE]\TTIOE OF 3..ID CI'i'YCOi,':t.lISSION TO CREATE A SI'ECL\.L DiLT'lWVE- MENT DlSTRIC~' TG B'!: KIWHI1 ;11:D DESICN.:,,'i:"SD AS 3IECI';>.I nn'IWVEliIENT DISTRIOT NO. 269 OF SAID CITY, FOR TIJE I'UHI'OSE OF CONST:)UCTUiC 11. SAN IYAHY SEWER ON EAS']: KENDENE..~ S'rREET BETWEEN WALLACE AND IDA EVENUES, WITHIN S.:'ID CITY:II J:'~l'JD TO 3IECI.n.ILY J~33ESS TI-IE ~JTI. HE ,CC3T .LJ.\fD E~Iv~PEI:TSE OF li.tJCIITG- Sj~ID BlPHOVEhiENTS LED 'I'ES EAHJTENANCE TlmnE01" AGAINST rrm~ I'RC1?ERTY 'NI'['EIN SAID DISTraCT, UNDEH. Al\'D 13Y VII\TFE OF ~['EE PRGVISICNS OF SECS:IOJ'JS 5225 T'':: 5277 HJCLU5IVE OF TIn REITISED com~s OF I:GNTA:;.A, 1021, AIm :,NY Al\!:SITDlvl"lI';'J\3 T :IERE'.:: C . IT anr1 thereafter, ccfter rlue and. leGal ]).t'oceeC1.IJ1[S huO., tb.e Commi:3sion of the City of BO:3emn.n, (lid, on th<o' 25t~' d):l~r of l~:';'.:r, E:28, (lnl~r J?::tuE CommL;;:'don Resolution No. 10!5, entitled: !T~;' H.ESOLUTION OF TEf'~ COl,11:ISSTON OF TITS CI1'Y OF BO;ElJdT, 1,"i./1';'1':)T,\, C,rnDATING '::fECUL EiI'HO'TE1,rIT:NT DI";~;;':lC'~' n, ::69 Oli' 'l'~m C 1'1'1 (iF JJ~El,..:J:, "';'LdE OF j\I.ONli\~~}~.A, EOH IrEE ~IUl~I;C0E Ob' CC~'~.ST~rL'CT1I.rc} .L~ S~~nIT.ti.I{Y" 3.E'V'VEH ON E.AS.T I\TEl~DEI~IIALL STRSET BE'.!:WI;Eli Wid-,.u~CE "'.1:JD IDA AiTEinJES 'il'l'I'I.:ur Sil.1D CITY, 1\.1;] TO S:P"lJCI.ALLY .ASSESS TnT~ E~{TlnE COST .LilLD E~'~I'l~n;:;E OF ]..::UU{ING SAID ILI.L'ItOVE1,J~ITTS AND THE IilA1NTSNi'.NCEi:liEHEOF ~~G.i\.IH:::;T :~E::; ::::'~WPEHTI ','iF::EIN S"\.ID DIS':rnlCT, UlJDER AI:D 13Y VE:.rmr: OF 'rI:J~ lROVIS1mJS 01T SEC'1'ICnG [52;25 T:J 5;277 InCLUSIVE OE' TUE l\Ii:VISED CODES 0]' MONTANA, 19;21, .AN"D .ANY ~:..~'.'Gc~',mlv~'lG]:rTS ':CEEHETO. Tf vIII i Gl, Commissi on Resolut.Jons NOG. 102 o.ncl 105, IJD.8Seil as aforem;'io., are herelJY referred. to amI r;1.I.,(le a part of thl o Rosolut :Lon for f1.1I't}:.or part5.culJ.rs in respect to the boundaries of sd.:i.(ld:lE!trlct, t..he character of the :i.wllrovellionts to be 0011- structed thol'eln, the estimatc\l oost of si:d.d imI'I'ovl'!we '() tol, I.mit tl)e mo thod of uEisess:lng the cost agG.!:1stthe 1)1'Opcrt.~i w:l thi.n 38.iiilistrtot; nnrl WliI;REAS , sai(1 imlJl'OVements as contemplated in sed.a. Comrniosion :nos. 102 o.l1d 105 helVe b.een constructed :md" completed in acoordance with \ und oond:l:bions of Commission Resolnt:Lons Nos. 102 andl05, and the , i!1r,irovemonts so Gonstruoted i sthe 3U,tI10fDNE 'l'HOU8AND SEVENS'Y FIVE CEnTS (~1073 .65) ; "NeVi , TlIEREI~OHE, Pursuant to the Ilrovisions of .Sections 5225 to5(~57 and '5485 R. C. M., 1921 I.md amel1d"ments thepoto, BE IT llE':;OLV:~lJ' D\iD 1'1: IS HEllE13Y Q.dDElmD 3Y TEE COlVILTISSION O:F' THE CITY BQZ;EI,:..:UT , STA'rJ.1; 0]' IilOI:JTA:NA; Sec. 1. T)l8, t io defl'o.~r the cost 0.11r1 eXJ)en:3e of eonstruet.tng and. making the im]?l'oVementD in cHid Special Iml:rovement District Ho. 269, there bG, a.nel there is hereby levt"od and f1ssesseil, a tax amount5_n,g to the sum of One Thousand Seventy Three Dollars :,::.nc1 Sixty Five Cont,o (:~1073.65) upon all the pro:p8rty in said ImJ;Jrovement D:istrlct No. 269; that' 0. IJarticular description of each lot tend of land. w j.th the name of the 0\''11101' and the Dl1m aDsessecl against him or it for 2i1leh improv()uen t8 8.m1 the amount. oJ: eaeh partial payment to be made and. the day when the Dame shall l)e deling,nent .ts set forth in r10ta1.1 in the assessment list hereto attached, marked. S.chedule ItAH, and made a IJM.'the"r;edf;!that 1;he s-eiveral Sl.tms o~posite the names of the oVvners and the described lots a.nd. parcels of land, 1Jo, the 8cilllB D.re herelJY respectively levied and a.ssessed 1.1lJOn and against said . d.eseri bed. lots and parcels of land to rlefray the cost ~nd oxpense of constructing nad making sa.io. improvements wi thin s~:do. Distr:i:ct; that the several sums 80 aS8ef:~S- eO. be collected from the respective owners of soid lots nnd parcels of land des- cribed in said assessment list Sched.uIe !tAn, as reCJ.uired by law; that the 'payment of said sums shall be made in 01gh t :payrflents or installments and, the pc:.ymont of said installments shall extend over a :period_ of seven years; that the payment of the respective annual imotallments shall be l1lC\deon or before the 30th da;y oE' Nov- <;imber of each year u.ntil payment of all. the installments togetb.er wi.th interest there on shall be made; that said sum;> shall be paid amI the colloction thereon shall be made in the manner and in aceo rd.ance with the law /3overnins the eollection of sj;1ecial imlJrovement taxes; that faillll'e to l)ay such assessments wt:.en tb.e same ,become due and payable shall jnolce such persons and said. lots and J)8.rcels of land liable to the :penalties provided by law relative to delinguent taxes; Sec. 2 . That tho regular session of the Commission of the City of Bo~:;eman to be held, in the Commis sian Chari\ber in the C1 ty Hall of sald, 01 t;{, on the 14t1: d.ay D Deoemb er, Ut2S, at 4:00 o'clock P. M., be, and the same is hereby designated as the time and 111aC0 at wlli ch 0'0 jections to tbe final adoption of this Resolution will he heard by the saicl Comm1 ss ion; Sec. 3. Tlk1.t the Clerk of the Commiss! on of the City of Bozeman be, and. he is hereby' ordered and rHrected to publish 'in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily neWSIJ8.11er ];Jr1ntec1 'and lniblishod in the EHdd C1 ty of Bozeman, a Notice signed. by the Clerk of the Cor:1.mlssion, and stating that a Resolution levying a special assessment of taxes to defray' the cost and experJBe o:C oODstrnct:i.nc: aurJ. .mnking the improvements in the s,'],icl S]?8cial ImDl'OVement Di8tr:1.ot No. 269, is on file in the office of the Clerk of the o Q!lIrn 1 Dsion, sUbject to 1D3I'oction for a :period of five (5) days; that said no ti co s11a11 state the t:Lme and. place Ec t which objection," will be heard. '.iy the Commission to tl:to final adoption of this Resolut:!.on; tint it shall be pub1ishecl at least five (5) clays be:fore .the d.ay set by the Commi.ssion fOl'tbe J18l1r1ng o:f objections and.. the :final atiopt1on of this Resolution. Passed [(n(l adol)tco. lJY the Commi~3s10n of the C1t,'/ of BO:c'.eman at a reguL1.l' session thereof, held. on the 7th c1a~T of Deoember, 1928. ~j (l . I ATTEST: 1J CLERK o~~aN L...'