HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 130A Passing of Resolution 130 CQ1.:J:USSION RESOLUT lel: no. 130 .A COMMISSION HESCLUJ::ION FH;l\LLY h\.ssnm ..am ADOI:'TILG COl\U.:ISSION HESOLUTION NO. 130, enti tled "i~ llliSOLUT ION 01" 'rHEC OlVJJ:HSS ION OF TIS 9I TY OF BQZEl.;.AN, MOHT.AlJA, LEVYING AND ASSESSING A GI'ECIi!.L ASSESSMENT OJ!' TAXES UJ?ON ALL TllZ HWJ?EHTY IN SPECIAL nIT:O&OVE MENT DISTHICT NO. 267 IN THE CITY 01<" BOZE14\.N, counTY CF GALLATIH, STi>.TE m\ MONT"\.NA, TO DEFRAY TIISCQST OF CONST3.DOTIlW .umMiuGNG 'f'IIJ; nn'EOVEIJlilNTS WITF!N SAID SPECIAL rl nIPRov:sr.IEN.T DISTnIC T NO. 267. II '. I I WHEREAS, The COIm11ission of the City of Bozem,,,n, did on the 7th day of 'J ' ~ . ,'~, '0" :' D~cember, 1928, at a regnl8.r session thereof, IJrovisiona11y pass Comrnission Resolution No. 130, e nt.itled: "A RESOLUTIon OF TEE C01J1,USS ION OF 'InE CITY OF BO;:;EI\LUJ, MONTA-lITA, LEVYING AIW ASSEssmG .i.\. 31'EOIAL ASSES:3MENT OF TAXES DI'ON ALL TIm I'Ro:rEHTY IN Sl:'ECIAL HL:'ROVEi:.E!:JT DISf.I:RIOT HO. 267 IN TEE CITY OF :I30ZEI';"/UJ, CCUN'.I:Y OF GALLATIN, S'J;ATE OF hiONTANA, TO DEFRAY THE COST OF CQNSTRucr::nJG AND J!if.AKING TIlE nvlPROvm:El/TS WI'rEIlIJ SAID SI'ECIAL r:M}?IWV';;;\;;:I~T DISTlUCT NO. 267". WHEREi\.S, said Commission Resolution No. 130 wasd.uly signed 1');,!' tlJe I~a~"or and; the Ol'erk of the 00mmi8 8i on of sai.d City, 8011(1 was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Commission of said City on the 7th day of December, 1928, and ever since has been on file in said office, subject to' "eml for the :LnspectioD of 0.11 ~ersons interested; and WHEREb.S, Frielay the 14th day of December, 1928, o.t 4:00 O'Clock P M at a regular session of 8:.:\1(1 COJilin:Lssion, to be held at the COPMission Chamber, 01 ty Hall, said Ci t;y, was designated 1n said Resolution as tho time and, place of < hearing objections to tho final passage 2.nd o.dolJtion of saicl Resolution; Lend WIIEH.EAS , The Clerk of 'tho Conmlission hLS given notice of the filing of said Resolution (lna. the final :passage o.n,l adopt~on t~el'eof by publicat:1.on, and notice thereof in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, u' daily newspaper publish.ed. in said City, at least five (5) days before the da;v set for hea1'5ng any and all , objections to the final l!assaCe and adop~ion of said Resolution; and WHEREAS, the mattor of s~id final passage andadoption of said Resolution coming on reg"t:tlarly to be heard, :pursuant to Daid Resolution and Notice, this 14th day of December. 1928, a~ a regular session of said CommissIon, d.ue proof beirJg made of the publication of 8L\id Noti ce as required. b;y law and as ord.ered by said Resolution, and no obj ections hav.ing been macle or filed to the f.irlG.l pa~,sage and adoption of sa iel He so ltlti on and the levying of the assessment as therein provided; NOW, I],IIEREF0l1E, ~E II]' i'IESOLVED, AND IT IS m:mEBY @DERED '3Y THZ C01\~JUGSION OF THE CITY OF BO Zm,LAN , STATE OF lillNTANA: That said Commission Resolution No. 130 be, and trIG same i,$ hereby finally passed ana. adopted and the special assessment of taxes to defray the C?st ('1 II' q.nd expense of makine; the 1r.11JrOVements as therein set forth, be, and the smne ' !" . i are hereby levied upd assessed as therein :provided. lJ Finally' passed and ado~ted by the Commission of the Oi t~T of Bozeman at a reE~lar session thereof, he1.d on the 14th day of December, ./\.. D. , 19Z3 . cf~j). ~ OR ATTEST: .OF..I'~~~ON'