HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 130 Levy of taxes in SID No. 267 -.--.. -.--..-. ------.......-..... CO:M:KnSSTON RESOLUT ION NO. 130 A RESOLUTION OF 'rIIE CO:MMISSIONOF THE CIT'Y OF :SOZEr,uUT, II!ONTAIU.., LEV'lING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSII1J!:1'IT OF. TAXES UI'ON TIrE PROPERT: IN SPECIAL Biil?ROVEI!l1'~ITT DISTInCT NO. 267 IN THE CITY OF BOZE1\fcAN , COUNTY OF GALLATIl1, STATE OF MONTANA, TO DEFR",W THE COST OF CONSTRUCTING AND l/iAlGNG THE U'IPROVEU,ENTS WITHIN SAID SPECIAL nIPROVE.fcBNT DISTRICT no. 267. WHEREAS, The Commission of the City of Bozemon, did on the 30th day of March, A. D. , 1928, dul~r and regularly Dass Commission Resolution No. 94 entitled: riA RESOLUTION OF THE Oml;1lISSIOII OF 'l'IIE CITY OF BOZEMAN, l\'IONTiuU., DECLARIlm IT TO BE THE IHTENTION OF SAID COIvIMISSION TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPIWVEITENT DISTRICT 'rQ BE IGWWN l\ND DESIGNATED AS SPECIAL niJJ?ROVEt,\EJ);T DISrrUCT NO. ~~6 7 OF SAID CITY, FOR TIJE PURPOSE OF GHADING, PAVING WITH TWO C aUESE QHUSE- ED GEAVEL 1IAClilli-llI P.AVj~'JUI:lfT leND INS'rALLING SUCH DH.AINAGl~CULVERTS AS IjAY BE NECESS.iI.RY ON NORTE Glui.IJD AV::I:NUE BETWEEN TFE lWHTE LINE CF WEST LAIi:1ilE STREET AND THE NOHTHLINE OF 'NEST VlL1.AIUJ STHEET, WrrEIN 81\.ID CITY, ANIJ TO SPECIALLY ASSESS 'THE EHTIRE COST AlID EXPENSE OF ],CAKING SAID BJJ?HOVE- MENTZ AGJUNST THE JJAND WITI-IHT SAID DISTHICT AS OREATED." and. thereafter, after I'tue and legalproceed.lngs had, the Commission of the City of Bozeman, did, on the 20th day of April, 1928, duly pass Commission ResOlution No. 100 entitled: "A RE:SOLUTION OF TItE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF. BOZEMl'.NO MONTAN1" CREATING SPE.CIAL Il\ILPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 267 OF THE CITY OF B ZEMAN, STATE OF MONTlJ{A, FOR'THE PRUPOSK OF PJWING WITH TWO. COURSE CRUSHED GRAVEL MACA- DAM PAVE1IENT AND INSTALLING SUOE DRAINAGE CULVERTS l...S MAY BE NECESSARY ON NORTH GRilliD AVENUE BETWEEN THE NOR'rIIUNE OF WEST I..A.1\;1ME WTREET AND TI-rE NORTH LINE OF WEST VILLARD STHEET, ALL WITHIN SL1ID CUY ,AIID TO E;PECIALLY ASSESS THE ENTIRE COST AND EllENSE OF 1IAKINGSAID IMl'ROVEKEIJTS AGAINST THE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID DISTRICT UlIDER AND :SY VIRTUE OF THE PROVISIONS OF SECTIONS 5225 TO 5277 INCLUSIVE, OF THE REVISED CODES OF MONTANA, 1921, AND AIrY AMENDMENTS THERETO." Which Cohrmiss.ion Resolutions Nos. 94 and 100, passed as aforesLdc1, are her0b~T re- ferred to and. made apart of th'is Resolution for fhrtherpartioulars in respect to the boundaries of suid district, the character of the the re in, the estimated. cost of said improveli1ents, ,lnd 'the method of asse.ssing cost against the l1roperty wtthin said district; LIDd WBEREAS, said. improvements as contemplatecl in Gelid Cor,ill1:i.ssion Nos. g/): and. 100 have been construe te(l and, completed, in accorcLt:rwe with th.8 terms and. condit:i.ons of Commission Rosolutions Nos. 94 ",TIll 100, and. the total cost of saidl imlJrovements GO ,eonstrncted is the SHm of' SIXTEEN ITIrr:TDRED E!GETY T',70 D01LiiHS (.;p.681~.00) ; , now, THEHEFORE, Pur:::;nJ.ctnt to the provisions of Sections 5223 5485RCM Inl 11nd. amendments thereto, BE IT PESOLVEDAND IT IS TTRF.BY onm:;turo BY TIn COIllSSICE J30ZE1l..A.l~' t Slr.A.TE OJ? l~lONTJ\l\!A; Sec. 1. 'l'llat to defro.;y' the Go::,;t anli OXl,mlDoof constructi.nc and makinC the improvements ::.D. said Sl)Oc,iaJ. ImproV(w!ent Distl'ict No. 267, there be, :1.'.:-,1 there is hereby levied ana. assessed., a tax amountLnl) to the Eighty Two Dollars ($1682.00) upo:rtall the prOl)ert~r in said Special Iml)l'ov,HClent District ~Jo. 267; that a :particular description of each lot the n[~me of the OVlner and. the ~3U.m 8,8SeSfJOll c.gainfJt him or tt.:for snch improvenients undo the amount of euch part:Lal paynlcnt to lie mad.e C.cniJ. the cie,:!" Wll811 tho ::i8.me fJho.l1 'be delin\luent is set forth in detail in '(;he assessr"ent list hereto Schedule "A" and nnde a part heI'eof'; .....-- ...-..---- . -.- -----.-- -.... _____n____.__.".. the owners 8.:nd tI1e d.escribed lots s.nd parcels of lcmcl be, and tho Garne 8.1~e he1'e- respectively levied ancL assessedllpon and. against said. descd'becl lot" cmd.. lWTcels of land to de-fray the eo\; t and expO no e of cons true t inc' c\ nel. ma Jdng O!.\ i(l ;i.Llfr 0 ve.mB:n t S1 within said District; that the several sums 80 assessod be collected fl'om the \, re.spective 01Jl!l1c.rs of s::,id lots lcnd. parcels of l;:,nd. d.8seribe(1. :;.11. $..,ic1 Cl.fJ8eSSJc',ent list Schedule "A" as rerJ. niredb~' law; that the raymont o:E: 8:.\5.<1 Gums :31'l.c,11 be n1i1cle in seven installments and the IJayme nt of saiEl installments s11a11 extend over a':;Je1'iod. of six years; th,-,t the payment of the respectJ.V0 tumne.l:installrnents shall be );;8.r1e () - or before, the 30 th d.ay of November of each year until payr!len t of. all the installment together wi th tho intere--st thereon shall be nl!.:1.d.e; that s,.,id DULlS slnll 'be n1;:,(10 on 01' before the 30th day of November of each year lJ.nt:ilpa;\rn!.ent of all tlw installments together with tho interest thereon shall be macle; tlm t said StUDS shall be }).:;.1(1 and I the eollaetion thereon 81'l8.11 be J[wle in the manner and. in accord.cmee with the law governing the collect:Lon of special imIJrovement tax:es; that failUl'e to pay such assessments when the same become"(lne and payable shall make snch persons and said lots ~nd parcels of land liable to the penalties provided 'by law relative to de,lin\luen ttaxes; Sec. ,., That the rogular sessi.on of the Commission of tho Ci t~T of (~ . Bozernan, to be. held in the Commission Chamber in the City Hall of ssid City, on the 14th day of December, 1928, at 4:00 o'olook P. M be, c,nd the 3:1me 1s herelJY designated as t11e time and_ plo,ce at which objections to the final ad.o:ption of this Resolution will be heard. hy the -said Commission; Sec. ;7 Thu t the Clerk of the Commis si on of the C it;)' of .130 "om1:,n be, adl1 .:.J. he is hereby ordered and directed to pub lis h in tIle Boze:K1.n Dail:! Ch1'on101e, :;:1 daily new81mpcr printed. ancl publ:Lshell in the said City of Bozeman, a Notice sicned by the Clerk of tho Commission, and stL,ting that a Resolution lev,yine: a special assessment of taxes to defray the east and expense of constn1.ct:i.ng and. making; the improvemen ts 'in 'the said. Special ImlJPovemen t Distri ct No. 2G7 ~ is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission, sub ject:-,o inspection for a period of i five (5) days; that said notice shall state the tirne [end. place at which objections, will be heard. by the Comrnission to th(3, filml adoption of this ~1e:Jolution; that it sb. 11 be published at least f:LV6 (5) doys before the d.a;)T set b~T the Conunission for the hearing of ob,iections and. the finecl adoption of t.ll.is ;'iesolution. I'assed and adoptec1 by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular sess ion thereof, held. on the 7th day of December, 1928 . IP ~4~/Jf ATTEST: GLERK ~SION -.-..- -....--..- ...------- ..-.----.- - .----