HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 152 Determining City Taxes ,~ 01 ,:]-j . _n_. .. ..---- -.-.----.-..""..., ." . .._.'.._n_ ...____._____.. CON1HSSION RESOLUI'ION NO. 152 I A R]1~SOLUTION OJ!' TEE COMlvll SSION OF TIlE cpry OF BOZEl'iAN D:B~TE'fUn1\I:,:G ~j:iHE AMOUNT OF CITY 'l'AXJ~S FOR ALL ~.URPOSES !l'OB1t~ LEVIED Al<!D ASSESSED OIr 'j;AXABLE PROPERTY IN T~'E CITY 0 F BO~E}.;!AN, S'l'Arr'!'~ OF I\':m:T ANA, :t;'OR rl'IL~; CURREN'';:'' FI SCAL YEAH OF 1929. Bf,~ IT HESOLVED BY THE CQ11MISSIm< OF 'I'HE CITY OF BOZEJ:AN: Section 1. That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5194 Political Code R C 111 1921, as amended by Chapter 175, Laws of 1\~ontana, 1925, there is hereby levied and assessed on the assessed value of the taxable property of the City of Bozeman, state of ~ontana, for the current fiscal year of 1929, for General kunicipal and Administra ti ve purposes a tax of One and Four 'renths per centum ,(:;1.4 mills) on the per centum of the assessed value of the tax:.tble property of the Ci ty of Bozeman, which levy shall be distributed as follows: A. General lLunicipal and Administrative Purposes 6 mills B. street and Alley Purposes (1 ) General 5 mills ( Section 1617 ?ol. Code 2C1\\ 1921) (2 ) Opening Babcock street I mill (Babcock st. Fund, Ord. 573) C. Maintenance of Fire Department 2 mills - Total 14 mills I Section 2. r11ha t, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5049 Political Code RCM 1921 and the provisions of Ordinance No. 233 of the City of Bozeman and Council Resolution 1095 of said City, in pursuance of which the tax authorized for library purposes by tax pa;,rers at an election held. April 4, 1921, was increased from one to two mills, there is hereby levied and assessed on the assessed. value of the taxable property of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, for the current fiscal year of 1929 for the support and maintenance of the free public library of the City of Bozeman, a special tax of Two (2) Mills on each dollar of the assessed value thereof and the money derived therefrom shall be distributed to the Library Fund and shall be disbursed as provided by Ordinance No. 79 of said Ci t,v, Section ::So That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5194 l:oli tical Code HCM 1921, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 1'/5 Laws of ]'.,ontana 1925, there is hereby levied and assessed on the assessed value of the taxa:)le property of the City of Bozeman, State of Kontana, for the current fiscal year of 1929 for the I . purpose of maintainin€: public parks in said Ci ty, a special tax of Two (2) l.alls on the per centum of the assessed value of the taxable property of the City of Bozeman and the money derived therefrom shall be distributed to the Park:B'und and shall be disbursed as provided by Ordinance No. 473 of said City~ Section 4. Tha t, pursuant to the provisions of Section 504U Political Code RCM 1921, 1;here is hereby levied and assessed on the assessed value of the /~ () ;2 """~~ ::1.- ---.". - taxable property of the City of Bozeman, state of Montana, for "the current :~i seal year of 1929 for the purpose of providing band concerts for tlle entertainment of the people of said City of Bozeman a special tax of I One-half ( l) Mill on each dollar of the assessed value of the taxable property of the City of Bozeman and the money d.erived therefrom shall be distributed to the Jand Concert Fund of' said City and shall be disbursed as provided by Ordinance No. 521 of said City. Section 5. That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5119, Political Cod,e, H.CJ'!i, 1921, as amended by Section ~hree of Chapter 58, Laws of l',,:ontana, 1927, there is hereby levied and assessed upon the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the limits of the City of Bozeman, for the year 1928, a special tax of One-tenth (1/10) Mill on the dollar of such assessed valuation for the purpose of maintaining the Disability and ?ension Fund of the Pire Department ne1ief Association of the Ci t~T of Bozeman, and said tay when so collected shall be paid into the Disabili "t:r and JensioYl Fund of the Fire Department Relief Association of the City of Bozeman. section 6. 111ha t, pUl'BUant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 446 of the I City of Bozeman, state of Montana, there is hereby levied and assessed on the assess- ed value 0' the taxable property of the City of Bozeman, S ta te of l.on tana, for the curren t f iscal ~{ear of 1929 for the pu.rpo se of paying intere 3t on and to crea 1je a sinking fund for the redemption of Funding Bonds (Wannants) of the City of Bozeman, a special tax of r1'hree (3 ) Mills ont,he per centum of the assessed value of the taxable property of the City of Bozeman, and "the money derived from the collection of said special tax E;ha,ll be disbursed as provided by said Ordinance. Section 7. T ha t , pursuant "to the provisions of Ordinance No. ;)51 of the C1 ty of Bozeman, State of Montana, there is hereby levied and assessed on the assessed value of the taxaole property of the City of Bozeman, state of ~ontana, for "the current fiscal year of 1929, for the purpose of payinr interest on and creating a sinkin{: fund for the red,emlJ tion of SevIer Bonds of -;;he C i,,;\' of ]ozen:.n, a special tax of One and One -h::J.l1' (1 ::) lUlls on the per centum of tbe assesseCc vClh1B of' the taxable IJI'Operty OT the City of I 30zernan, and the money deri veel front the co 11e c tion oJ' said spec i:,,~l -0 c:u: sLall be distributed to the SeV-iBl' 30nel SinkinE li'Ul1el and shall be disbursed as provided by said C':r'clirance. ;3 e c t i e,l, :]. ~1 ha t , :pursuant to the prav isions of Ordinance."o. 466 of the CitS of Bozeman, ~;tat8 of ~_ontana, tJrerc is l~reby levied and assessed on the assessed value of the taxable property of the City of Bozeman, state of Fontana, faT' tLe ...-.- -' ._~~_..._- - - -..,,--...--...,,-.-...-.. -- 4();3 -...-....--- ---...-. ---.....--- -..---.-,,-.----.--- current fiscal year of 1929, for the purpose of Daying tLe interest on and to e~- tircCUif3h the IJrincilml of and to creil te as a part of a s:Lnkin{; fund for the re- I demptiol1 of the Via tel' Wor.ks 30nd.s (Ordinance No. 46J) ancl Refund Ci ty Bonds (Water 1Norks Bonds) (Ordinance::o. .16?) of the City of Bozeman, a special tax of rrVJQ (2) 1Hlls 0.::1 the per centum of the assessed value of the taxable property of the Ci t;{ of Bozeman and the money derived therefror.'1, togetLer wi tl-;. the net revenue derived from the operation of the v18.te1' plant of the City of 90zeman, shall be distributed to the Viate1' liio1'ks 1916 Bond Funcl ( Sink i ng) , and shall oe disbursed as provided by said Ordinance No: '1 6b. Section 9. I' ha t , the total levy of taxes for tLe current fiscal year 1929 by reason of the foregoing deter!::lina tion will and shall be as follows: General Municipal and i"dministra ti ve Purposes (Sec. 1) 6 Mills Street and Alle,I Purposes (1) General 5 Mills ( 2) Opening Baboock Street (Sec. 1) 1 ]v:ill Maintenance of Fire Department ($ec. I} 2 Mills },=ain tenance of Free Publi c Ll brary (Sec. 2) 2 1i:ills I Maintenance of Public l'arks (Sec. 3) 2 Mills Public Band Concerts (Sec. 4) .} Mill ~aintaining Disability and Pension Fund-Fire Department Helief Ass'n. (Sec. 5) 1/1) ].i~ill Funding Bond Sinkinc Fund (Sec. 6) :3 Mills Sewer Bond Sinking Fund (Sec. 7) l~ },~ills Via tel' Works 1916 !Jonel Fund (Sinking) (Sec. 5) 2 Nills .- Total 25 1/10 Mills Passed and adopted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a re~~lar session thereof held on the 9tL day of August, 1929, A. D. ~A&!dt __"___~ 1iAYOH AIrrII;ST: \ -" Cm;l]'.:I3SION I - ---.--- . ~- ~ ~ .__.~.-......,.......~..~_.~~- . -.-.--..---..-..-..-. -. ----.--.--. -- 4()4 -.----.-.-....--. ..- - ..-.... ..--.-....-..- .--.-.....- - ...-----.-- .--.... CITY ,,;F 3QZ:;;}':AN ) COUNtrY OF GAL.i..,ATIN ) C"C" ';0 STAi.1.E OF IilOIH'ANA ) I, 'I'lalter Davis, the dul;;,,' appo in ted, qualified and aetiTlE ~)irector of I Finance and Clerk of the Commission of the Oi ty of 3ozeman, do here1J;'t certify that the within and foregoing is a true and correct copy of: COJ<IIHSSION RESOIX'-;:'ION NO. 152 A n1i~SOU'l'IOT\ OF' '.[1LE CQ]'.'j'HSSION OF rI'HE CITY QI" '~OZEMAN DE'~,'-;m!,:ITTING THE ill,OUNT OB'" CI1I'Y TAXES FOHl'>LL ':"'lJH.l'C3::~S 11'0 BE LE'IISD AIm ASS":i$,'j- ED ON '~'AXABLIG l:'IWFEIrLY IN Tim CITY ,.'.1' BCZii1/II.N, STAT:.; 02 lWT'Fl'ANA, FOR TEE CU2RENT FISCAL YEAR OF 1929 passed and aclo.pted by the Comm1ssion of the C1 ty of Bozeman at a ret;u1ar session thereof held on the 9.tI'1 day 0" Aug:ust, 19(~9 ; that this Resolution was passed and ador ted and. is herewi th certified to the County Clerk and :L(ecorder of the County of Gallatin~ pursuant to the provisions of Section 5216 Political Code ROM 1921, as amended by Chapter 49~ Laws of Montana 19,25. IN WITN8SS'.,H}~HJWF I EAVE 1{"11~REm\Jlro SEll' l.lY IT.AND AHD frEE STJ:;J:...L QD' renE CITY OF 30ZEMAJ,y Inns 10Lh DAY OF A1JCUST A. D. 1929. 1!J/t-!2},/jJ?~;1/ "- I Direc or of Finance aner- Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman. I - _"'__H_'~~--'" _-...81.... ..........______ ---..-------------------..-