HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 150 Creating SID No. 278
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em": ISSION RESOLpr'1IC):: NO. 150
A R~SOL1rJ:1IOlT OF '~TI~ CCIT'IG;",ION OF rl'FE e T'l'Y OF BOZ!Sli\F,
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n,:PIWVEI,ENT DIST:~ICT 1:0. 278 OF r~r;c;: CITY 07 '3C::l;~T:fL::,
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PURPOSE OF G~~DI~G; _" :~vn:G \,"iITJ] ;~:-;.7C (;()I
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LIL"E OF EAST CtHTISD STl{EErr ":TL'En: ;3ATD CI'fY, ..~~r~,.
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Co Sir AND :?;XFEI'.;SE OF T<!>.KIFC ~)~'\.II) II]JE.OV:il'::;:l\['l'S '>.GLIl'!;3T TEE r~W:PEI1~L1Y vnTI:IT: SAID
DISTRICijl mJDF~I~ ("IJD3,[ VII;,'l'UL~ OF :l'F;"~ 1'.)OV1,:)ICITS OF' S7=CTIQI\:S
52(25 to 527'1 IT'CV_mIVE,
OF TE:~ mi:VI~";:SD CCD';~~j OF' 1,;OJ,:rI'AFic, 1921.
AlID A.NY AT:lj::::"DI,:':";Ci~C; '_']i'P:EK:'O.
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AL a regular session of the 00mmission of Ule City of
State of }.;olltana, held on the 12th day
of July, .L~. D. ,
19(:~9, the said Commission
dulYi,assed, Commission ltesolution No. 148,
declarirl(' it to be the
intention of said
Commi ssion to create a spec 1al 1r;proveL1cn"t di s tr 1e t to, ,be knorrl (~,ncl cia sif:nated as
Special Improvement District No. 278 of said Ci"ty,
for the purpose of erading;
paving with two course crtl shed gravel r:laCadal pavement;
and" installin(\:; concrete
cur us and. such drainage str'\lctures as ma;y" be necessarJ on Viallace Avenue
between tLe :~outh line of East l<ijain Street and
the ~30uth line of F:ast Curti~s
Street , within said City, and to
s" ecial1;)' asse ss the e rnire cost and expense of
making said improvements against the property within said district,
under and by
virtue of the Provisions of Sections 5225 to 52'1'1 inclusive,
of the Revised Codes,
of lv:onte.na, 1921, and any amendments
thereto, 1.',hich sa ide 0 urn:L s s i 0 IT ~~. e sol uti 0
n i0'
No. 148 is hereby referred to and made a
part hereof for further particulars in
respect to the boundaries of said d istric t,
the estiJ,ated cost of said improvement
and the method of assessing the sume against the property within said
AND ':iH:CHi';AS,
Notice of the passage of Commission Resolution No. 148
was duly published in the Bozeman Vieekl;; Ci:cronicle,
a vveekly nevrspaper I)I'inted and
published in said City of Eozemal, to-Yiit:
In the issue of July 18, 19~~9,
by sending a copy of such notice by registered mil,
to each oerson firm or cor-
-" ,
poration or agent of such person, fir
m or corporation having property within the
prOposed district, at his last known address,
upon the srune day such notice was
first :published as afol'eaaid, and due proof having been made of the
of said notice;
AND ',\'IT8I(}~AS,
Within the time provided by law and published notice there
were filed with the Clerk of the Commission no protests against the proposed work
and against the creation and extent of said district to be assessed;
and the
Commission vms in regular session on the 2nd day of AUt";ust,
1929, at 4 o'clock
P. l~JT., of said day, at
the Cornnission Chamber in the Ci ty Hall Building in the LJ
said City of EozerMn, the same being the
time and place designated for hearing and
passing u~on all protests, if any,
against the proposed work or afainst the
creation or extent of said district,
or both; and it further ap~earinB that all
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of the proceedings for the creation of said district have been complied with;
Section 1. That said Special Improvement District No. 278 of the City of
Bozeman, state of Montana,
be, and the sume is hereby createcl for the purpose of
makinB the improveme~ts therein as hereinafter
Section 2. -That said Special Improvernents, be,
and the same are hereby
ordered to be made in said Special ImprovementDistrict No.
27f: as follows:
ffhe Gl'aciing, the paving with two course crushed gravel
macadam pavement, and the installation of concrete curbs
and sucb_ drainage structures as may be necessary on
Wallace Avenue South between the south line of East Main
Street and the south line of East Curtiss street.
Section 3. That the en t.ire co s\, and expense of making the special
iwprovemen ts herein set forth in said Special Improver:lent District No.
278 shall
be paid by Special Improvement District
Coupon Bonds of the denominations of
011e Hundred Dollars (~lQO.OO)
each, and fractions thereof where necessary,
to be
issued and cbarr;eable against a fund to be known as Special Improvement District
No. 278 Fund;
said bonds to be redeemable at the option of the City of Bozeman,
I l\Lon tana, .whenever funds are available
for that purj;)ose from saidSpecial Improvement
District No. 278 Fund;
said bonds shall draw siL,ple interest at the rate of six
per cent per annum, which shall be chargeable as a pa~t of the
cost of said special
improvement and shall run from the date of the registration of said bonds until
said bonds are paid; and such
interest, from the date of the registration of the
bonds until the payment of the first installment, will be collected by the
Director of Finance of said City of
Bozeman at the time of collecting such first
installment; and that the entire cost
and expense of said ir~rovement within said
district shall be defrayed by a special assessment against the entire district,
each lot or parcel of land within said. district wherein the improvements shall be
made, to be assessed for its proportion of
such expense, each lineal foot of
Wallace Avenue frontage of such lots or parcels of land within said Special Improve-
ment District No. 278,
exclusive of streets, alle;ys and public place s,
to be
assessed for its proportionate
share of such entire cost; that the amount assessed
against each lot or parcel 01' land shall be paid in six equal annual installments
extending over a period of five years.
Section 4. That the City Engineer, be,
and he is hereby directed to prepare
plans and specifications for the doing of said work and making
said improvements.
Section b. That the Clerk of the <.:ommissionbe, and he is hereby directed
to publish a notice invi ting proposals for the furnishing of' materials,
the doing
of the work and making of said improvements in said Speclal Improvement Distric't
1~~ 0 . 278,
referring to plans and specifications on file, by publishing the same in two
-- --- -- --
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issues of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a
daily newspaper printed and published in
the said City of Bozeman,
not Ie ss than ten days before the time such bids v:ill
be opened, \/11ioh shall be a t a mee tint': of the
Commission to be held on Friday, the I.
16th day of AU-Bust, 1929.
Passed and adopted by the Commission of
Lhe City of Bozeman at a regular
se ssion tbereoJ,', held on the (:~nd day
of August, 1929.
Approved by the kayor on the ;~nd day of Augus
t, 19,~9.
A'l"rSS'i' :