HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 148 Create SID No. 278 ~ 38'7 -.--- . --- ~ I CO~Th1ISSION RESOLUTION NO. 148 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMliIISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, D.ECLARING IT TO BE rl;IIE; INT:B..'NrrI m:: OF SAID CmliliIISSION TO CHENrE A SPECLi\.L HiPROVEMENrr DISTRICT Iro BE I:NOV;N AND DESIGNArr:;';D AS SPECIAL IMPROVEMEIFC DISTRICr.I.\ NO. 278 OF SAID CITY, FOR THE I'UREOSE OF GRADIlrG, EAVING "rrH TWO COURSE CRUSHED GRAVEL MACADAM PAVE- MENT: AND INSTALIJING CONCR.C;rrE CURBS .nm SUCH DRAINAGE CULVERTS AS N'.AY BE CON- SID~~RED NECESSARY ON WALLACE AVENUE SOUTIE BETWEEN THE sou'rE LINE OIi' EAST NtAIN Sr.I.'REKr AIm ':i:EE SOUTE LINE OF El.ST CURTISS Sfl'HEElr, WITHIN SAID CITY, AND ITO SPECIALLY ASSESS 'l'EE EW.i:IHE cosrr AND EXPENSE OF MAKING SAID DiWHOVElvfE1:PrS AGAINST THE LAND "ITHIN SAID DISTRICT AS CHEATE:Q. 3E IT RESOLVBD BY rrFIE COMMISSION OF rrIIE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1. That it is hereby declared to be the intention of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, state of Montana, to create a Special Improvement District - to be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 278 of said City for the purpose of making the improvements within said Special Improvement District hereinafter described. Section 2. T.ha t the boundaries of said Special Improvement District No. 278 to be created are as follows: Beginning at a point in the south line of East Main Street, said point being 84 feet west of the west line Of Wallace I Avenue South; thence east along the said south line of East I',lain street to a point 84 feet east of the east line of said Wallace Avenue South; thence south parallel with and 84 feet east of said east line of Wallace Avenue South, to the South line of East Curtiss street; thence west along said south line of East Curtiss Street to a point 84 feet west of the west line of said Wallace Avenue South; thence north par- allel with and 84 feet west of the said west line of Wallace Avenue South to the point of beginning. Section 3. That it is hereby declared to be the opinion of said Co~~isslon of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, that all of the land within said prop- osed Special Improvement District as defined in Section 2 of this Resolution, will be specially benefitted by the gradtng, paving, installation of curbs and culverts and all o~ said i@provements, and should bear the cost of said improvements in acoordance with the laws of the State of Montana in such case made and provided. Section 4. That the character of the improvement to be made within said Special Improvement District No. 278 is the grading; the paving with Two Course Crushed Gravel Macadam Pavement; and the installing of concrete curbs and such drainage culverts as may be considered necessary on Wallace Avenue South between the South Line of East Main Street and the South line of East Curtiss street in I said City of Bozeman, Montana; Section 5. That an approximate estimate of the cost of doing all of the work of constructing all of said improvements, including the grading, paving, curb s, culverts, ene,ineering, inspection and all incidental expenses is Four Thousand Seven Ihlndred Seventeen Dollars (;$471 7 . OO) . Section b. That the total fvontage of the land within said proposed district to be taxed for the cost of said improvements (exclusive of streets, _.n_ ----- ~88 " n avenues, alleys and public places) is 1940 lineal feet and an approximate estimate of the cost of said improvemen~s, to be specially taxed and assessed against the land therein is ,;;;2.4314 per front foot of said land. frhe term "front foot" re- I ferring to the number of lineal feet fronting or abutting upon said "(lallace Avenue Sou~h within said proposed district. Section 7. That the entire cost and expense of making the spec ial i1:1- provements herein set forth in said Special Improvement District Ho. 278 shall be paid by Spec,i.al Improvement 0istrict Coupon 130nds, as authorized by the Laws of the,State of ~ontana, which bonds shall be in the denomination of One Hundred Dollars ()lOO.OO) each, or fractions thereof yJlere necessar~t, to be issued and chargeable a{~ainst a fund to be known as "Special Improvernent istrict No. (~?8 Fund" , said bond.s to liB red_eernable at the option of the' Ci ty of Bozeman, J'/~on tana, whenever funds are available for that p.tU'pose from said S,;;Jecial Improvement District -;';0. 278 Fund. Said bonds shall clraw sirf:ple interes' at the rate of six per cent Tier "Hi EUIL, which interest shall be chargeable as a part of the cost of said in~rove- ment, and shall run from tlJe date of the registratio!l of' said bond_s until said_ bonds are paid. Section 23. To pay said bonds, and in~erest thereon, representinc ~he cost of said improvement, a special a8sessmen~ shall be levied against all of the lands I wi thin said proposed Special Ir:1provernent District No. 278 as hereinbefore defined, each lot or parcel of land within said District to be assessed for that portion of the wLole eOfot in the propertion the.t the Wallace Avenue fronta{'e of 88.i(1 lot, or 1mrcel of land b eal.~S to the Wallace Avenue frontace of the ant ire Di s~ric t, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys or public places. Section 9. Said assessment and taxes shall be payable in six annual installmen~s, wi th. six per cent anmlal interest on deferred payments, cOfJ1mencing , with the year 1929, but ~his provision shall no~ be construed to prevent full payment at any time. Section 10. That the regular session of theCommission of the City of Bo zer:1an, State of Montana, to be held in said Commission's Room in the City Hall of said City of Bozeman, on Friday, the 2nd day of August, 192~) at Four 0' clock .1:-. }!~., of said day, are the time and place de si{~na ted_ when and v/1:e1'e the Commission will hear and pass upon all protests dul;\[ and rep,ularly mad.e and filed_ against the proposed improvement anci the creation 01' said Special Improvement District and the extent and 6haracter thereof, or of ei ther tY,ereof. I Section 11. Tha~ the Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, S ta te of 1.=on tana, be and he is hereby directed to Cive nOlJice as required by law of the adoption of this Resolution. Passed. b,\[ the CoItU11i ssion of the City of Bo zeman, Lon tana, and approved by the ]j!a~Tor of sad.d City this 12th da~r of ;Tul,y, _A. D. , 1929. --PYf1J4rlJ ._-- b.TTEST: __._)/ Jitll.JihJ7'w/ CL.::,EZK OF INm CmJ1MISSION- .......--.............- ---.- -- .. .- 38~.-) .--- __n I nOT ICE ------ NOTICE IS FF~REBY GIVEn THAT at a regular meeting of the Commission of the Ci ty of Bozeman, State of Montana, held on Friday the 12th day of July, 1929, a Resolution was duly passed by said C6~mission declaring its intention to create a ~pecial Improvement District to be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 278 of said City, for the purpose of grading, paving with Two Course Crushed Gravel Niacadam Pavement. and installing concrete curos and drainage culverts on Wallace Avenue South between Main and Curtiss Streets and declaring it. to be the intention of said Commission to specially assess the entire cost and expense of making such improvements against the entire district, each lot or parcel of land within s;;cL district to be assessed for that part of the whole cost which its . Wallace Avenue frontage bears to ti e Wallace Avenue frontage of the entire district, exclusive of streets, avenues; ~lleys and public places. ~Iha t the estimate of the total cost and expense of makinc such improvements is .$4'717.00; that the total Wallace Avenue frontage of property in the district to be assessed for the proposed improvement exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys I and IJublic _places is 194J lineal feet, that the estimated cost for each lot or parcel of land in said district is,p2.4314 per foot of the Wallace Avenue frontage, and that 1!'r iday , the 2nd day of August, 1929, at 4 o'clock P. K., and the Commission Chamber ot' the City of Bozeman, has been designated as the time I'ihen, and the plaee where, the said Commission will hear and pass upon all protests that may be made against the proposed work or against the extent or creation of the said district to be assessed or both. Such IJrotests, if any, must be in writing, and must be deliv- ered to the Clerk of the Commission within fifteen days after date of the first publication of this notice. For a description of the boundaries of said proposed Special Improvement District No. 2'18 reference is hereby made to Corrunission l-lesolution No. 148 declaring the intention of said Cqmmission to create said special improvement district, which is now on file in the office of the Clerk of theCommission of the City of Bozeman, Montana. Dated at Bozeman, kontana, this 18th day of JUly, A. D., 1929. I Walter Davis, Clerk of the Commission.