HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 147 Creating SID No. 277 ."-".,-,-,,,_.,, ,- ~'_._'--_." ;184 C01illISSICN ~~SOLUTION NO. 147 A RI~SOLUTIOF UII' Tl:1E cm]]':~ISSIOl:T OF fJ:IHE crrry 0::' BCZ1I;J\;,\2.:, Jm:;TAli,';., CRi~TING SP~CIAL I BiiR.,-,VEl.'EN'I DIs'rinc_, NO. 2'17 OF rrHE CI11Y OF' 30ZIi:II,;iI.1':, , 1";1.r'1 ~~'::? ],,"iO 1,,~."~\.}'J,j\., :2IC}Z TIII~ ",1,,1 ~UR?OSE OF GRADIRG: i'AVII:C V/II~'r".',iO COUEGE CRUS: ~;;D C~~">Vj~'... ~. iI.C~':.J)jl.j j;;A.-:SL:i:r:-T AIm n~srrAL.LL ;jUCLDlZAn~;\.G ': ST1-wc'rUR:GS i1.S :_AY 13I~ l~ECI~S3An ,-,N FiFTP AVEEUE ~OUiH :E'I':",EElJ_,E: ;.>UU',.T LINE O? \;]GS'~-' i.OCi ~);l'i{::;2~r:i' A D I{EE O1JT- LII\J'T~ OF '\:-',~:ST I)T'C}~':':'~~~~~SOT~ S '.2 HE 11.' ...Tl' L Il~ S/',Ii) cr..'y, ANT)L\j 3:L:IGCTALLY ASS S ..- ";,~~ _-"~',,::'rl1 I ,,'~ ':';."; C .2: ~~,,);.~I ..\]:.:,;':1) ::~~(l:--i~l':~'~~:;l~ O,::'i J\~_A.:r~I~:G Si1.1') Ii.}J ;:OV .J~';l'T:3 AC 1\.11'~S:r1 ',': -;: r ::OIiD:t'l'Y.VI '_c'}:Il': S il.1D IS:~ :IC,;: IC);~j( A~:l) :3Y VI'Z'I'U:' 01<' r'l! -- lli),",';cI"-I'1'J" C~4' C"j'CTI'-rr" F2'): f-,t) 5277 ,ilrCLi,iSI'r..: , (12 'r-}~;H;';VI::;KD .l ",J ""i...",., .i,LV V 0 v.........) )..... U.,.,J \.).I,:,,,;);j Jt:.'-J ,.1" CODES UF MOHTArA, 1921, /I.=<))'I.:\! " };~:. ,DI.',:"':,..:,~~",:'rI\S ;rlTl'~^,:~~~i.10. ~~::~,' . ~.,!~ :::~ ',.~:'~ i\ 8 ~ At a regular session of the Commission of tLe Cit;v of Bozeman, state of ~ontana, held on the 21st ciay of June, /~. D., 1929, the said COlJmi ss ion (l1..Ll:/ r" u. ~:) tJ 0 c1 Commission Eesolution lTo. 143, declarin,' it to be the intention of said. Commission to create a special improvement d_if;trict to be known ancl clesifnated as s.pecial improvement distri ct };o. 277 of said City, for the 1)'ur1Jose of gl'D.clLnr:; paving with two course cru~hed. cravel macadam pavement; and installing such drainaf;e structures as may be necessary on Fifth Avenue [jout 1 between the souti, line of West Koch Street and the South line of ",est Dickersor: street, wi th in saici C i t:r , and. to specially assess the entire cost and expense of makinf s id improve- men ts acainstthe lJroperty wi thin said district, under and b.y v irtue of tl:e Provisions of Sections 5225 to 5277 inclusive, of the (ev h,ed Code s of I,on tana, 1921, and an;' amendments t.hereto, \,hich said Commission Resolution 1'';0. 14.;j is I hereby referred to and made a part hereof for further particulars in respect to the boundaries of said district, tl:e estima ted cost of saHl L,provcLtenro ancl the met:',od of assessing the same against the property within saiv district. ~\.N}) r~'1. j'.~R':'~.AS , Notice of the PEl. sa age of Commission .tesolution No. 14.) wa s duly published in the Bozeman ~eekly Chronicle, a weekly newspaper printed and published in the said City of Bozeman, to-wit: In tIle isslLe of June i~?, 1929, and by se nd in,~ a copy of such notice lJY registered mail, to each person, firm or COrlJOration or agent of such person, i'irm or corporation havint': propert~T wi thin the proposed district, a t Lis last known address, u!)on tIle sane day suell notice was first published as aforesaid, and. due proof IlHving been r;lade 0:;-' the publication of said. notice; AND ViEEREAS, Vii thin the time provided by law and. published notice there were filed wi th the Clerk of the Commission no protesus :J.f'ainst tlLe IJrOposed work and against the creation and extent of said district to be assessed, and. the ComIni ss ion was in recular se ssion on tlJe 12th day of July, 19 (~9 , at 4 o'clock I). Iv~L., 01' SeL i d d~::.,.-, at the Commission Chamber in the City Hall BUildiDf, in tIle I said City of BBzerrBn, the same be inC tIle time and place de sit:na ted for hear ing and passinc UIJon all l)rot.e S l;S, if any, against the propose~ work or against the creation or extent of said district, or both, and the total area 0,' all IJroperty wi thin said di stric t to De a,sse ssed being 168 J 000 SQuare feet, as stated in Commission Hesolution No. 143; and it further appearing _hat all of the proceedings for the creation of said district have been complied with; "." .,_..,-, . .---- ;-) 8 [) ----- ---.". ----- umo__ NOW, r[1I,J. ER I~F 0 RB~ , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CONiMISSION OJ? THE CI'1\Y OJ? BOZEl,:AN, STATE OF MONTANA: I ::>ection 1. That said Special Improvement District No. 277 of the City of Bozeman, Jtate of Lontana, be, and the same is hereb;/ created for the purpo se of making the irnprovements therein as hereinafter described. Section 2. That said Special Improvements, be , and the same are h~~eby ordered to be made in said 3pecial Improvement District No. 277 as follows: r.I:he Gradint:: J the pa vine: Ivi th two course crushed gravel macadam pavement, and the installation o~ such drainage structures as rnay be necessary on Fifty Avenue South between the south line of West Koch Street and the south line of West Dickerson Street. Section 3. That the entire cost and expense of making the special improve- ments herein set fortL in said Special Improvement District No. ;~77 shall be paid by' Special Improvement District Coupon Bonds of the denomination of One Hundred Dollars ('~lO() .00 ) each, and in fractions thereof where necessary, to be issued and chargeable against a ftund to be known as Special Improvement District No. ?~ 'I 7 Fund; said bonds to be redeemable at the option of the City of Bozeman, Montana, whenever funds are available for tllat purpose from said Special Improvement Distric t ]:::0. 2?? ,Fund; said bonds shall draw simple interest at the rate of six I per cent per annum, which shall be chargeaule as a part of the cost of said special in:provernent and shall run from the date of the registration of said bond,} until said bonds are paid; and such interest, from the date of the registration of the bon,is until the payment of the first installment, will be collected by the Director of -B"inance of sa:id Ci ty of Bozeman at tte time of' collecting such first installment; that the entire cost an expense of said improvement within said district shall be def!'ayed be a sj)ecial assessment against the entire district, each lot or parcel of land wi thin said district wi~erein the improvements shall be made, to be assessed for its proportion of such expense, each square foot of the area of such lots or parcels of land within said Special Improvement District No. 277, exclusive of streets, alleys and public places, to be assessed for its proportionate share of such entire cost; provided, that eacb square foot of the lane 1'!itbin said district embraced within any corner lot, or tract (and for the purpose of af;sessment in tLis district a corner lot is defined as being any tract of land, excepting streets, avenues,alleys, located within a distance of 30 feet of ei~her side line of Fifth Avenue South witt-in the district}, any such corner lot, or tract, shall bear dou.ble I the amount of the cost of such inwrovement that a square foot of any inside lot or trac"t shall bear. That the amount assessed against each lot or parcel of land shall be paid in six equal annual installlnents extending over a period of five years. Section 4. That the City Engineer, be, and he is hereby directed to prepare plans and specifications for the doing Of said work and making said improvements. -.-.. -.--- -,--------~-- ~, ", ~8o ____n___ Section 5. That the Clerk of the Commission be, and he is hereby directed to publish a notice inviting proposals for the furnishing of materials, the doing oC the work and making of said improvements in saiel Special Improv:;ment I listrict No. 2'1'1, referring to plans and specifica~ions on file, by pnblis.hing same in tTIO issues of the 30zeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newsPQper printed and published in the said City of Bozeman, not less than ten days before tho time snch bids will be opened., which shall bi) at a meeting of the CommJssion to be held on Friday, the 26th day of July, 1929. Passed and adopted by the Commission of the Ci t;f of Bozeman at a regular session t~.ereof, held on the l;'-~ ti', day oj' July, 1929. Approved by t.ile j<.ayol' on the 12th d<'1/ of July, 1929. 6~ ATTEST: II JJ)ld4}}/tzj/' C1~m< OF HE CQ1.J;TISSION I I --. -