HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 146 Acquisition from the US .. . ---......-.---...-..-..--..-.......---... ---.-..--------.---.-.- .--.---..... ~82 _n._.._..._..___._.__._uu ___. COllltISSION RES o LlY']; ION lIC. 146 A.::~SOLUTION OF TIiE COMMISSION OF TRIC CITY OF BOZEl-irAN }';WVIDING E'OR Trr: ACQ1JISITION FIWl.1 THE UNI'fED SfrAT:~S GOVJ~R:.:I<EIyrl' BY J:?A'.::'~NT IN FEI~ OF: I TlLots 9, 10, 11 and 12, Section 21, rrownship 1 :.3ou th, R.ange 6 East, i,lontana I'rincipal l,'eridian, Galla tin County" Fan WA'fER ~;EEJ, BOZ~JJAJ') CITY WNJ.1E~H Vlom::::;. ViT,EHEAS: 1. Heretofore in November, 1928, the Commission of the City of Bozeman took up witL Honorable T. J. Walsh, United States Senator from Montana, the matter of acquisi tion by the C1 ty of Bozeman of: IILots 9, 10, 11 and 12, Section 21, 2-'ownship 1 Sou th , Range 6 East, Montana Principal Meridian" for water shed, Bo zeman Oi ty Water Wor'r:s. 2. And, tLereafter, Senator Walsh introduced in Congress an Act providinB for the acquisition of said lands by the City, and on ?ebruary 28, 1929, the Congress of ~he United states passed Public 848 - 70th Congress - S 5014 which act provides as follows: "That the Secretary of the Interior is authorized and d.irected to issue to the City of Bozeman, Montana, a patent in fee to I lots 9, 10, 11 and 12, Section 21, township 1 south, range 6 east, Montana principal meridian, upon payment therefor by Lhe city at the rate of $1.25 an acre subjec t to valid existing rights; Provided, That there shall be reserved to the United States all oil, coal, or other mineral deposits, and the right to prospect for, mine and. remove the same under such rules, regulations and conditions as the Secretary of the Interior shall prescribe.!! 3. And the Commissioner of the General Land Offiue has ad.vised the ^egister of the General Land Offiee at Billings relative to proceedings to be had for the acquisition of said lands by patent in fee, and the City of Bozeman making formal application therefor. lJOV; THE~:"~I~FCHE, BE II' rmSOLVEDAIJD I'r 1;3 HEH}<~BY OEDF:H.ED 1. That pursuant to the Act aforesaid and the letter of the Commissioner of the General Land Office as aforesaid No. 1324052 TIKI! :MKH, the City of Bozeman does hereby make application for a patent in fee to said. lands: flL._: t.s 9, 10, 11 and 12, section 21, Township 1 South, Hange 6 :~ast, l\~ontana rrincipal JvIeridian" and that the necessary proceedings be had therefor. 2. That a certified copy of this Resolution shall be forwarded to E. B. I Drum, Hegister, Billings Land Office, and said :-:esolution so filed shall serve as a formal applica"tion therefor. Passed and adopted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 5th da;" 0:1' July, 1929, A. D. ~~- MAYOR ATTEST: - m\fu\~I~ CLERK OF TEg COMMISSION - -'-'--..-- ~)8;) __..m. ----- --------- n___ ..----- CITY OF BOZED.Uili ) COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) ss srrAT3 OF M..;NTANA ) I I, 1,Val ter ::~avi s, the duly appointed, Qualified and acting Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the within and fore- going is a true and correct copy of Commission Resolution No. 146 passed and adopted by the Commission of the Ci ty of Bozeman at a regulal' session thereof held on the 5th da;y of July 1929. IH.1ITNES:3 ,,1:.8_::(,F' I HAVl~J.nl{E;tN:i."O SET J:.:Y ~,At ATE! 'l'ITE :3}CAL OF TEg CITY OF BOZEIvLAII Tl:IS 5rI'E DAY 02 JULY, 1929. II{{!/P/t;(l~~~ COM], ". ,~':; I O~J ;..J 1:. 1. ......, . ,d....).J -'- I I