HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 144 Extension of Time for Construction of Miscellaneous Sidewalks and Curbs ..-.-.."..-----...--- ----.-..---.---- ..--..- 3r?~} -..".. "'..-...-....".. .. .. no_ ._._._._._.____. ..___ - COMl1ISSION imSOLULICN NO. 144 A CG:MMISSION RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOZ:=l\IAN .LIWVIDING FOR I THE: EXTENSION OF TIME t"OH TIrE CONSTRUCTION OF MISCELLANEOUS SIDE~IALKS AN:) Cl)H.B5 ~;;ITl;OU:r rfr:~ l"OillvlAf{ION Qj" A SFECIAL n:PHOV1~I,:EN:': DISTiUCT IN THE CITY OF BOZ:::1.:A:: J:;'Ol~ TH!~ YEAH 1929, SUPl'LET.!J~T~TARY 1'0 COMEL..;SION RESOL1;TION NO. 141. WHEREAS, Heretofore, on the l'/th day of I\lay, 1929, the Commission of the City of Bozeman passed and adopted Commission Resolution No. 141 entitled ni\. COMMISSION in30Ll/lION OF THg GrJ.lY O}' BOZEl/.AN l'HOVIDHW FOR _JlE CONSTitUCIJ: rUN OF L.L SC':Lll.NlWUS SIDEWALK;) Aj D CUHBS 'NITHOUT 11HE B'ORI,IA'l'IOH OF A SP:'~CIAL HLFIWVI<]I,mN"T DI:/fnICT It tl1H'~ cpr"! OF BOZEJ,iA; FOR TIlE YSAH. 1929" and The City ].,anager, pUl'suant to the provi sions of' said Hesolution and Ordinance No. 561 has given notice to the several property owners for the construction of said miscellaneous sidewalks and ourbs and providing that if the owner or agent of any owner of t.he lots or paruel of land shall fail or neglect for a period of thirty days after the date of service of such notice to cause such sidewalks or curbs to be constructed, the City shall construct or cause the sidewalks or curbs to be constructed and shall assess the cost of said sidewalk or curb to the I property in front of whicl~ t.Ile constructionis made, and The Commission deems and cunsiders tLat the notices give.n to the several property owners as afores:dd <1re not sufficient, and that the several property owners s~.:all have addi tional time \;1 tnin wLich to construct tl--:.e sid.ewalks and cu::... :J s , or :_tl'raLge i'or tr~e construe '(,ion thereof, L.'OVi T~.S~'.~ET~C~~E, Bl: l.~~ 11.BSOL-'.J"::.~1~', and it is hereby ordereu that the sever al property OVlners as set forti. in this sClcedule at tacr.ed to said Commi ssion Hesolu tion No. 141, be anci they are Lera Yff given until the 10th da;;/. of July, 1929, within which to comply with the terms ami. condi tions of said Commission 3.esolution No. 141, i. e . , tLat is to construct vhe sidewalks and curbs therein and thereby ordered to be constructed; thCit all rro;erty oy.ners or their Xl;:' S v:ho have not. a tt.he da te l~ereof consti'ucted sidewalks and curbs Imrsuant to said resolu~ion or hav~ notified the city engineer that the city shall construct said s:Lclewalks and. c1.lrbs, be notifie() by mail, thec t they and each of them arB ('1 ven until the lOth clay of Jul.)', 1929, within ~hich to comply with the Lerms and conditions of said 2eso1ution ro. 141 and tLa t I All sidewalks and cur~s not constructed or arranged to be constructed by the several owners or agent~ of owners of property pursuant to the 3cte(1111e attached to said Cownission 2esolution No. 141 on the lOth day of July, 1929, be cons truc ted b~l the City of Bozeman as provided by said Commission Eeso1ution No. 141 and Ordinance No. 561. 38U --..--- ____.____._..n. Passed and adopted at a special meeting of the Comml.ssion of the Ci t~l of Bo z8wan, he1:1 on the (~vth Qa~.r of' June, 1929. ~ I . -1iAY It --~---_._- ATTEST: C L8:IK _..- I I -----.--