HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 143 Create SID No. 277 -- - - - - .---...-..-...-..---- --... ;) '1'5 ---....----..-..... - ....- ,,- -.- ..------.--- C01ThiISSION RESOLUTION NO. 143 I A RESOLU1l'ION OF THE COla.tISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, 1\'IONT"AHA, D~CLAHING IT TO BB TIlE IN'2EN'2IOH OF SAID Cm.;l.ISSIOl~ TO CREATE A Sl'ECIAIJ II\Tl:'HO V E1TENI' DISTRICT 'ro BE lQ'L,WN AND DESIGNNrSD AS Sj?ECIAL IMPROVE}J]ENT DISTRIC'r NO. 277 OF SAID CITY, FOR THE :FUH.POSTT; OF GRADING: J:AVINC WITH TWO CCUH8E CHUSlIED GltAVEL lLACADATv: PAVEl,Ui;NT: AKD INSTi\.LLING SUCIl DHAn~AG~ STHUCTUHES AS l.~AY BE NECEf)SARY ON FIFTH AVENUE sour.rrJI.I;TVrS':I; TIE~ ;;OUTll LIN:EC O? WI<:ST KOCH STn}<~IDT AND 'lEE SaUTE LINE OF WEST DIC1ER~;ON STRKET, W. TEIN SAID CITY, AND TO SPECIAIJLY ASSESS f[1}'E EN1IRE COST AND EXPTGNSE OF FAKING SAID na)HOV1%IENTSAGAINST 'lEE LAND V1ITHn; SAID DISTRICT AS CREA~ED. 3~.C IT HE;:,CLV~m 3Y THE CQl,IIvIISSION OF TEE CITY OF BOZEMAN Section 1. That it is hereby declared to be the intention of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, to create a Special Improvement District to be known ami designated as S.pecial Improvement District No. 277 of said City for the purpose of making the improvements wi tlJin said Special Improvement District hereinafter described. Section 2. That the boundaries of said Special Irr~rovement District No. 2'17, to be created, are as follows: Beginning at a point in the so~th line of W Koch Street, said point being 100 feet west of the west line of Fifth Avenue South; thence east along the said south line of W Koch street to a point 15) feet east of the east line of said Fifth Avenue South; thence south papalle1 with and 150 feet east of said east line ofF'ifth Avenue South to the I south line of W Dickerson Street to a point 150 feet west of the 'Nest line of said Fifth Avenue South; thence north parallel with and 15J feet west of said west line of Fifth Avenue South, to the point of beginning. The assessments against all corner lots, viz; the east 30 feet of Blocks 26 and 31 and the west thirty feet of Blocks 27 an~ 30 of Park Addition Lo Bozeman, to De double that of inside lots. Seetion 3. ~hat it is here"by declared to be the opinion of said Commission of the City of Bozeman, State of l',':ontana that atl of the land within said proposed Special Improvement District as defined in Section 2 of this resolution, whether abutting on said improvement or not, will be speuial1;,. benefitted by the grading, paving, instal1a tion of culv':rt~3 and all of said improvements, and should bear the cost of said improvements in accordance with the laws of the state of l~ontana in such case made and provided. Section 4. r[1hat the character of the improveme.nt to be made within said Special Improvement District No. 217 is the grading; the paving with 'fwo Course Crushed Grave 1 l,':.acadam pavement; and the installation of such drainage structures as may be necessary on Fifth Avenue South between the south line of \; Kocl, street and the south"line of ~ Dickerson Street in said City of Bozeman, Montana. I Section b. That an approximate estimate of the cost of doing all of the wort of constructinc all of said improvements, includint~ Ghe grading, paving, drainage structul'es, engineerL:g, inspection and all incidental expenses is Two Thousand Six Hundred l<'orty 'llwo Dollars (:~2 , 642.00) . Section 6. (:eha t the area of' all corner lots wi thin said proposed d.istrict is 34,800 S'luare feet and the area of all inside lots within said proposed district is 133,200 square feet, makinf: the total area of the land in said proposed district -- ------------ -..----- - i)'(t) to be taxed for the cost of said imIH'ovements (exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public places) 168,000 SCluare feet and an approxir;,ate estimate of t.lle cost of said improvement, to be' speciall;l taxed and assessed against the land therein is I ~0.02656 per square foot for corner lots and ;;0.013028 per sqti.are 1'00 t for inside lots. Section 7. That the entire cost and expense of making the special iJaprove- ments herein set forth in said Special Improvement District No. 277 shall be paid by Special Improvement District Coupon Bonds, as authorized by the Laws of the state of lTontana, which bonds shall be in the denomination of One l~ndred Dollars ("100 00) eac~ , or fractions thereof where necessary, tu be issu.eel and chargeable ,,) . against a fund to be known as nSpecial Improvement District No. 277 Ii'und" , saiel bonds to be redeemable at the option of the City of Bozeman, Montana, whenever funds are available for that purpose from said Special Improvement District Tio. 277 Fund. Said L)ond~3 sha11 elraw simple interest at the ra t eo; six per cent per annum, which interest slla11 be cl,ar{:eable as a part of the cost of said. improvement, and shall run from the date of the registration of said bonds until said bonds are paid. Section 8. To pay said bOrLLc'3, and interest tLereon, representing the cost of said improvement, a special a sse S ;J;Je--!.t sllall be levied tlt:::air:st all of tbe lands witLin said 'proposed Special Improvement District Ho. 277 as hereinbefore defined, I each lo~ or parcel of land Ditl_in said District to be assessed for that portion of the whole cost il1 tLe proportion tha t the a:C82, of' said 10"0, or parcel of land, bears to the area of the entire District, exclusive of streets, avenue s, alleys or public places, provided. , that eacll square foot of tIle land 10vi thin said district ernoraceel within any corner lot, or tract (and for the l:urpose of asseSSJilenT, in tLis elistrict a corner lot is defined as beirl{' an;)! tract of land, excepting streets, avenues or alleys, loc~te( within a distance of 60 feet of either side line of Fifth Avenue South within the elistric"0) shall be so assessed that eac: squ2re foot of the land embraced v. i thin any such corner lot, or tract" shall bear double the amount of the cost of such improvement that a S(luare foot of an, inbide lot, or (,rac t , sl1,.I.l1 bear. Section 9. Said assessment and taxes shall be payable in six annual installments, with six per cent annual lnteres: on deferred payments, cOlrimencin{' wi th the year 1 9 ;:9, but this provision shall not be construeel to prevent full payment at any time. Sf':ction 10. -,1m t the regular sesi:,ion of the COJrjrnission of "the Ci ty of I Bozeman, state of Montana, to be held in said Commissj.on' s roora in the (,1 ty Lall of said Ci"0Y of Eozema;" on Friday, the 12t~h da~r of Jul~r. 1929, at four o'clock P. 1':. of said ..ay, are the ti[;le and place desic:nated \,hen and ':::he:['e the Commission will hear and pass upon all protests dul;! and rer:ularly raade and. filed agains"t the proposed improvement and "the creation of said Special Improvement District, and the extent and character thereof, or of eitLier thereof. -~,-,._._-,- .-- ..-.----.. . - ,..."....-.".----- -~--~- 377 ----------.----------..---. ... ..--.-.--..".. ..- n.. ._...._..._____._.___._._." .... _.....__....______._..___________.____ .__...n_._...___ __.___...___.. Section 11. That the Clerk of said Commission of the City of Bozeman, state of Montana be, and he is hereby directed to give notice as re~uired by I law, of the adoption of this Resolution. I)a:,sed b~, theCommission of the Oi ty of Bo zeman 0 1,~_ontana, and approved by the mayor of said City this 21st day of June, 1929, A. D. !J~t/ 1-:lAYOR ATTEST: J~k\\ '/ . 'I ) {;t(;{1 Clerk of e ~ommission of the City of Bozeman, Montana I I -'" ..... --- ~---~ ~ ------..--....- ..- ..--- . ---.....-..---..-..- i)r,8 nUT ICE ------ nOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That at a regula~-' meeting of the Commission of the I City of Bozeman, State of 1.~ontana, held on Friday the 21st day of June, 1929, a H.esolution was duly passed b;y' said Commission declaring its intention to create a Special Improvement District to be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 277 of said City, for the purpose of grading; paving with Two Course Crushed Gravel M.acadam pavement and installing suer; drainage structures as may be necessary on li'ifth Avenue South between KOC!1 and Dickerson Streets and declaring it to be the inteneion of said Commission to specially assess the entire cost and expense of Ilakin{,,; such improvements against the entire district, each lot or parcel of land vd "thin sucL district 110 be assessed for tLat part of -;:;l1e wLole cost which its area bears to the area of tlle entire district, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys ~nd public places, provided, that eaci:, square foot of any inside lot shall bear double the amo'.mt of tIle cost of such improvement "that a square foot of' any inside lot shall bear, a corner lot to be considered as 30 feet in width. That the estimate of the total cost and expense of making BUcn i:nprovements is :~2, 642.00, that the total area of property in the district to be assessed for the proposed improvement exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public p~aces I is 168,000 square feet; that the estimated cost for each corner lot in said district is~0.026056 per sCiuare foot and the estimated cost for eacb inside lot in said di str ict i s~O. 013028 per sCiuare foot, and l1ha t Friday, the 12th day of July, 19~~9 , at 4 o'clock ~. K. and the Commission Chriffiber of the said. Ci ty of Bozeman, has been designated as the time when, and the place where, the said Commission will hear and pass upon all I)rotests that ma;/ be maC_e against the proposed work or against the axtent or creation of the said district to be assess- ed or both. Such protests, if any, LLust be in w1'i tin~':, and must be delivered to the Clerk of the Commission within fifteen days after the date of' the first publication of this notice. For a d.escription of the boundaries of said proposed Special Improvement District no. 277 reference is hereb;y made to Commission ;~esolutlor. No. 14.:) dec- laring the intention of' said Commission to create said special improvement district, which is no'. on file in the office of the Clerk of tile Comrni ssion of the Ci ty of Bozeman, 1,Tontana. Dated at Bozeman, I'lontana, this 21st day of,:une, 1929, /~. D.. I \VALTl-<;R DA VL3 t Clerk of the ComDission ~_..- ..-.....--...-.".......---..--