HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 160A Passing of Resolution No. 160
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em:-;' I~:;srON n~l;so"ur:nOI~ 3W. 160 A
A ?ESCT"CJTTC),~; C? r2m;~ COJ]',IG~;ICJ'J OF nm CITY OF 30;3\: .'.I! F:TT.\I,LY 1'.\'"j0IHG AIm ADcp::nTG
c OT.J::I C~:31 cn ;.tES eu! 1'1 OF 1:0. 160 ElI'::' IT--:-";~l) :
"il.. :m;jOLlrdCN OF :1='C~ cm,1,';r.;J;3IOIJ CI" 'rw~ CITY 02 JC
SPEC I h.IJ ./1..~";::'..,~~G::~)~~)T./~.i';T:].r.r O~j" 'l1;\,~CES UPOI\~' ,,!\I~IJ TT11~ I~',;..~~OP'Sr{TY Il\.~ ;)rr1j\.I~TGrj.: ~,':):?::~Ir~I~:I.II~
TIT:;: CITY 0,' ]::; ;":';}.ATT , COUNTY OF GALL~TIN,
ST A'I)~': m' ICi;fJ",\F ':. , r.L)C D';'~T~7,:-..."~/ :: ~'-,:~J:",i~r:rr"{-~'I\rE
PEB. CEWL' OF TES COST OF ':PH.INKLII\fG STREETS ''iT r~.'lnn SATT! :;rr'~EIG':.' ;:;I';~nJ1~LPT Dl:jrr:UCTS
OF 'l'F!<~ CITY 0!i'JO'.3?;;;,. AT! Fun r{lIP-S Y\~AR 1929. TT
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T11e Commission of the City of 13ozer.J.cl.n clid. on the 11 t.h drc;y of
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October, 19;~9 , at a regular session thereof
dulypa~3s Comrni8sion neso1u.tion T~o. 160
"A nF.;jOIlr'rIOI~ 01" rnrj:,~ Cm]H~:;SION OI' rl'HT'~ CITY OF
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SFB~C L:..L /:..~:;S'~S~';L;;CJ;'l: OF ~:AXES U:PO~: nLL TI'-;-;;:;;lWFE~~~~TY III =; IHKST:_;p~nNKLr:;\rG 1)1 S'~'7?ICT3
0':<"" rIlE;'; CITY OF no ZETA!' , CODIJTY OF G.ALL,',~lr:T, ;:.;rrNJ:1E OF J\.Glr:I'~\1'L\,
ri1 C 'DT:'~"~~1j"\..A Y ~) ;~~l;I:l'rrY-
71'J:;: P~.SH CENT OF TEE COf:iT OF SI'RIHI:LniC ST:Z'ET,::; ',/11'ITHT S/UD ;31';mlj~rr' SITtII]<T,r:';G
DI:;T:UCI'S C? ~'l!: CITY OF 30ZPJi! AN FOR. ~2Ire; YEAH 1929,
~7}~3R 11;;~,) ,
said Cor.1fnis::.:;ion l(esolution No. 160 was duly signed by the Nayor
and the Clerk of the Oommissio:l, allll was filed. in the office of the
Clerk of the
Commission on the 11th d8.Y of October, 19~2'?' ,
and ever since has been on file in
said office, sub ,ject to and for the inspection of all persons interested;
the 25~h day of October, 1929 felt four o'eloc}:: P. :ri., at
a ref:!lar
session of the Commission to be held a ~~ the Conmission C',cu"1ber, City
I~ll BuildinB
in the said City, was the time and place for hearinc objections to
the fin:c~l I
passage and ado..i.1tion of said i--lesolution; and
ViJ~ ~~[t:B~ t~S ~
the Clerk of the Commisnion has {~i ven notice of tLe filin,'s of
said l?esolution and the final passare and, ado~tio:n tliereof,
by publishing notice
thereof in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, D. daily newspaper prin ted f.Uli,
published in
sa.id Ci t;v, at 1B ast five (5 )
days before hearint; any and all objections to the
final passage and ado,LJtion of' said n.esolutipn; and
V/IIEJ.1~A.;'3 ,
the matter of the sa id firw.l p:.:~ssaCe and. 1:~dolJ tion of mlid
Resolution, comi~~ on regularly to
UB heard., pursuant to said ~esolution and Notice,
thi$ 25th day of October, 19t:9,
a t a re{'1.1lar session of said Commission, and proof
being made of the pUblication of said :;otice as reOl.J.ired b;{ L1W and. as ordered by
said ;{esolution;
And, no objections
havine been made or filed to the final passage and
:.:dop tion of sa io. :~e so lu tion and tile 1 evyin,c:: of the a sse Gsmen t as ti,el'e in provided;
=,.':' C~i-i , C1lI
:~~r? !!.~'B" C' T'~ '~:~; , 3!'; B' Rl~SC ~.N'SDA':D Ie: I~) r7:~t'~"r O=~'0~"~:~')1DDJ'I I~';n:; Cm1~I~):3I()N
OF THE CITY OF BC Z~:;j .\J~ , STArrE OF ~ O:'TTAl'TA:
'rhat, said Commissiun
Resolution 160, be, and'tbe sane
i~3 hereby finally
pass~d and adopted and the Special Assessment of tuxes to defray the cost of sprinkl-
ing the streets as therein set forth, be, an,} the S1<r.1C are l~erepy levied.
and. assessed
as therein provided.
J:-assed and adopted b:{ t~ne Commission of the Oi ty of
Bozeman, at a regular
session thereof, held on the 25th day of October, .A. D..,
19~~9 .
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