HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 159 Creating SID 282 ..~ ".__...._m__ .....--- - -,._--,._-~- ..-----...... .........--.--- ---- 4~.8 .".. .-. COT.J,ISSIOI:; ~~TG3CLU~ ICE ,; li . 15~) /'). :":'('~ 'i,:; ~3 C :'1. ',r ~~1 I.,.':'} , C1i' TII:~: C O1.J,::~):; I OIT 0::;" rrI I'::",: C T ::"I;{ C ::.;' :.~ .. ~;.~";'~~], .-/\.1: , l'..CI!"T .j" , C r{J.:s_~\:~' I I-C' ~;I'';C If, I, I II .,1j j.~C ~J;~~~'..,".~~:,::~" T '1'.; T ~) -~ .':: T C :;- I-J 0 . 2 8 2 0 'i"j1 (]; I.r~.~:'~ CITY (i ~Il "'3 0 >~"; S - ,-'il.,!- , :,':; r,;: :''''.. :.:,_~ -",',~ C ": ';" '; C: ~"~~ :,\=:,.~ /.\. , ~-'I -:J "~~D .' 1..../ " rUr(:Po;~~ OF :~v\ ':~'c; J:~', 'II ~'G '/'/ I'd] T',.iC CCU:::;: G:(I.;:): ::U ('1:.,"1-:-;:1. = ,\C ,"\D ~ 2':': ~"".- -.,'/ ",,~:::.':=:r rr ,,'::L j,,'-l) C 01\f~.,:.) r:2'I":nJ'c :.l1 I TJG :JUC}: C"(j.~."ITi~'~:r.2::; /\. ~':'3 T .\ ~L 1{~'!: ::,"r ~.,.: C -;'~'> J ~') "~-j ~{ 0 i' ~ r '.':"'1 ,-~, f':: :JTC''->Y 'S T'.:"~ B .''',;~T~..:'~~i,~~',~ TT.1.D . J ,),.,);" ". T,',:p'::3rr I.r:T~ O.;T T!: LTD A V~~Tn'E API) TI'=~ TI;,\:;T =~r-'~ c :,,:~ L ."F\V2:T-H":: ',iI-r-.:'IJ": :;Ar) c:= -:"{ , ,\ "D ~c ~;?~CIA:;LY ,'~~33~~33 ~1 ~:::,I:.:1I.:'(':,:!~ CC:j]~ I!..:',]) J~,:,(l~~~~~:'.)~~ O-fT j'."",..\J:~I SOl. 1-;-) IT ',:" :(C Vl'~T T1l:J;T S /10 /~, I"7'-:3!r TI-r}~ ~r)}~ Cl?~ ~'Ilnn: S,\ID DLJ1r:Ucrr >~ _:.'~i~I{ ,/~,j< ~,) :3 Y. ~t I ~'~ ~_21.r~~ c ,:T jI1I:'''~~ }:'~ ~ \~\r T' :) I CTT S C Ij1 ~-) ;'~{~ T 1. C I\~f,) 5 ~~ 25 'ro 527"/ I!,TCIJJSIV:~ , C.? T -;T?: ':l T~~V'I ;3.i.~,'D C (,.J J.~ .~.~ c:~' ~ CIJT .!.\:" ../:>. , 19;21, AT:D ;^cFYAI';,~"D' ';'I"J'3 fI1IT,ER.;-i}fC. ~\ '~'; L~.~ - '~~ -8~ I\.:3 , A. t a rC('ULll' ;Jession of tIle Comm:i ssion of the City of 3oze~an, S ta te of ;<on tana , held on the ;2:) th cl~.;! of Sept..:'\.. D. , 19;:~9 , the sail} Comni ss ion duly passed Comnlission l~esolution l.~o. 156, decl:'" r in{.: it tD De the intention of said Commission to create a special ir:1provement dist'ict to Je ~nown and desi[nated n,s Spec ial Ir:1provornen t District lJo. 2bt2 of saiel Cit::,', for the p':!rpose of {~rctd:i.n('; gavl wi th tVIO COlu'se crushed crvel rnacull:::tffi pavement; r~nd c () n s :., I'U c tin:' . 8lJ. c 1 : culverts as !:lny be necessary on ',vest Story street betv,een r,he ,est line of Third ilvenue and the east line of Six tL Aver~ue, within said City~ and to specially assess the entire cos~~ and expense of Lmkin{' said improvements u,{'ainst the proDert;y wi thin said. district, un. del' anc by virtue of t~le lro'lisions of Sections 5225 to 527'1 inclusive, of the l(ovised Codes' of l.JOntrllw, 19;21, a.l1(i any ar.'1.endr.e' t;] ti, eJ'e to, vlhi c11 said Corrunissioh Hesolu tion No. 136 i8 hereby referred to and made a F:.rt hereof for I further particulars in respect to the boundaries of said district, the estiuated co s t of said. ir:rprov8uen t and the method of assessing the s.'cme a~ainst the property wi thin srd,i district. A}~'D 1~'n:TE21~~A3, Notice of the ]Jassar:e of Commission Ee solution No. 156 was dul~- published in the Bozeman Weekly Chronicle,H weekly newspaper pri~ted IU1d pub- Ii shed. in said City of Bozeman to-vdt: In the issue of Sept. 26, 1929 ant] by send.inr: a copy of such notice oy recistered mail, to eaCt) person, firm or corporation, or agent of such l)erSOn, firm or corporation h8Vin{~ property Yd thin tJ.8 proposed district, nt Lis last known undress, 111)0 n the same day such notice was first pub- L:.3l::..ed a" aforesaid, and (tue IJroof havin{': been made of the pub lie a tion of sEnd .'" . notice; i\1:; D \1/ T~, I'''~~:~ '.:'~~.!..::) , .,i i tl.in the time provided by law and published notice tt.8re Viere filed vii th the Clerk of the Commission no JJI'otests (.'l{'llinst the proposed work and against the ere~tion and extent ..f:- saL) district to be assessed; and the Comni ssion 0"'- was in ref};ular sesci on on the 11th day of October, 19;:~9 ~lt~1 o'clock I'. L. , of said da;y, at the Commission Chamoer in the City Hall Buildine in the said City of I Eo ze r::an, the S,l.;/le De ini:::~ the time and place desiGnated for hearing and passing upon all rrotests, if any, against the PI' opo sed work or' at'i:~inst the creation or extent of said district, or bo th , and the total are a of 211 property within saE (ii s tric t to be assessed Jeinc 22,1,,150.75 square feet, as stated in ComIlli ssion;ce Bolu tion No. 156; and it further appearing tha t all of the proceedings for the cre::c tion of said district have been complied with; ~.--"-_._..-...""~_&~.~~~.~,~~...~..--._---~~~&,~....,._-.~._..-.-,~~~~_~ __,__.~....--"~",,,-..JJ........._....I,.. .,"--,_." ........._............-----..........~~.~'., ~.......,..--....._~~~,._~~ _.,.,.__._,___,. ----~,--- . .- -, ,....-..-...............-.-..-. .~ 42~} --- r~OVli, TIIEnEI~OT'tE, 3[:; 1'0_' T,:rC~;OIXE;-:-: BY THE COI\nn~3STON OF' THE CITY OB' BC,:~"T"~l;il.N, I STATE OF MONTANA: Section 1. ThB~ said Special Improvement District Nol 282 of the City of Bozeman, state of ~;ontana, be) and the same is, hereby created for the purpose of makin{' the improvements therein as herein'after described. Section 2. That said Special Improvements be, and the same are) her>eby ordered to be macIe in said Special Improvement Distr'ict No. 275 as follows: 1\he grad! ng) the paving with two course crushed gravel macadam 1)BVernent, and the construction of such culverts as may be necessary on West story street between the West line of Third Avenue and the east line of Sixth Avenue. Section ;3. 'rha t the en tire cost and expense of making the special improve- ments herein set forth in said Special Improvement District No. 282 shall be paid by Special Improvement Distric t Coupon Bonds of the denomina tion of One II"Lmdrect Dollars ('3100 .00 ) each, and in frac-cions tLereof where necessary, to be issued and chargeable against a fund. to be known as Spechll Impl~ovement District Ho. ~282 Fund; said bonds to be redeemable at the option of the City of Bozeman, Lontana, whenever funds are available for that purpose from said Special ImIJrOvement Disl,rLct No. 282 ~'und ; said bonds shall d~aw simple interest at the ra -ce of six per cent per annum, I which shall be chargeable as a part of the cost of said special improvement and shall run froLl the da~e of the registration;f said bonds until said :Jonds are patd; and 8'_LCll interest, froD the date of the registration of the bonds until the payment of the first installment, will be collected by the Director of Finance of so.l(1 Ci ty of Bozeman at the time of collecting such first installment; that the entire cost and expense of said iL1provernent \vi thin said district shall be defrayed OJ II special assessuen~ against the entire district) each lot or parcel of land within said district wherein the improvements shall be made) to be assessed for its proportion of such expense, each souare foot of the area of Duch lots or parcels of land within said Special Improvement Di s tr ic-U:::o . ;28 ~~ , exclusive of streets) avenues, alle:, s and public pl:'ce s) to be assessed for its propor~iunate sLare of such entire cost; provided, that eacl~ square f"ot of t.Le land within said ciistriot embraced within any corner lot, or tract, ( and for the rmrpose of assessment in this district a cornel' lot is defined as being any trac~ of land, excepting streets, avenues, or a1le:/:.3 , 10cD.ted vJithin d dista::ce of 30 feet of eitr,er side lLle of-. Stor:I street within the district,) shall be so asse ssed trm t eacL square :ruo t of the land I embraced within any such corner lot, or tra.ct, shull bear (iouble the Cluount of the cost of such improverL_cnt that a sqi:.BJ;'e foot of any inside lot, or ~'C'act, shall bear. That the amount assessed acainst each lot or parcel of land shall be paid in seven e4\10..1 aYlllUL~l in::;t'_illmen 1.,s extendinc over a period 0;' sL: years. 3ec1,10n /1. f';:hat the City1:~n{"ineer be) and_ Ye is hereby directed to prepare plans and spocifications for the c:o in,': 0 f said wo rk and r~Cikin' s:,id impx'oveE,en ts. - 4 i){) :)ec tion ;j. rr ha t the C 1e ::~k of the Co ,:iE', j S f) i 0 11 be, icl 11 (1 Le is hereby ~ir8cted to pulJ1isl:\ 'l notice invi tine: rro:::o\)(ilfJ for -S_:18 furnisLil'F of ::;)_.cc:r_'1a,1;.:, the oin,,: I of tLa \ifjI'k ,"~~c' . ,a, i n~' o~. said_ im)rovor:en ts 'in 3;1 :J,e Spe c L\l Imp J:' 0 vet' c :-, t ~~:'! i ~';; t:e :.1.. (j t ~'" 0 . ~) ;~:: ~) refcr::::'i lV' -to .p lan ,:; :lnC. Sl)C c if i C;l 't ionl3 ()11 "'1j,,1~;, i..J ~..'::'" D '\\-() 1 :L ::;:: i_l,I_, , S;:1LlC in .cwo ,.J c.,~ , LSSU'3l3 of' 'tLe 30Z",;I',::in Driil;;r Chrol!:Lcle, ,i el:)], i 17 newc,p 'l_L" e 1'1'::::' i ::t ec~" net :pu':) J_ i ,:;hec; in 'the saieL Ci t:' o or: .~3o z~.;fntJ.n, not lefJs than to (J,u;.,t';.' 'o<:'ol'e '(,he t i::1e S~.l ;.'~ l:,~ 1 \ ~ :1 ,': 1 , -' br- o bJ or.18e1 , ',"]1.; ic11 S1H111 be 3.t ,1 :Cl08 tin:: of 'the Cemrni s sion to be Lo1,1 o 11J"::" i d'l;:l , tL"e ;:::;5tl-: (let:r of' October, 19 ~~9 . :Passc(j u:nc1 adop'ted- by the COIiL~_issicn of the City 0 '3oZoLian at EL rC1Jlar 0888101"1 L}:creo i' , heleL on the 11 \.)l':~ d ~:l::l o:f October, 19;29. iq)'p PO If eU b~l '(,]-:c l',a.o1' on the 11 tL :] '-1:,' 0 f October, 1929. ~ -' ---'-.- }/: ,'((OR.------ -.,-------- -,,-,---.,-' L.Tlr1~:)T : -~_Jil!litluWfm-,-,-~-----+-.- C" ';"7" Ol'~ "'r'~ 0'''''-11(''' I~F ....... L,I...t.i. ,I... ,~_ , _.D U.." 'd. 0 ",) U .Ii I I ...-