HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 158 Creating SID No. 281
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\,Q}.l:IS::nCN L~E30LUTICN ::0. 158
I A ~C:;':;G11i'.'IOI} OF nTE CCT1TIS3ICIT CF 'llr:~ or TY O? 130 Z:S;},:JIY, I C"J"3 "
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n:Fil c: \n~;:~I: rr ';I:YI':nCT rc. 281 OF TE';~ C Try Gf" '30 2'I "U: ,
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lH;;/CHIC_ DUD;;:; /\.; Dd'{'tLC1JI:; CJ" TIEG I:1WVrSL;!.!S OF SEC'='IOl,~;:J 5;:225 'ra 5277 I~:(;I.U:)I T~,
C :r~ i'..1} T.:'~: ~..~ ':.,j"';[ 1. ;3 .E Dee ~D IS 0 0 li'1 L~ 0 III 11 :\I\J ,/i , 1921,
AND ANY AIr:;lTDr :SNI' ,:; 11J:G::I.::;TC.
\''l Ti'....:=~':~,.~',~,/\3, At a regular session of
the Cor;lnission of tte City of 3ozercl,H~"
State of t~ntana, held on the 13t~ day of Septeober,
~':.. . D. , 1~)29 , tIle
COItan ,,:sion duly paGsed COcJ:1isDion Hesolu::'ion No. 155,
d_eolo.ring it to be the inten-
tion of BOlLl COLHuissicn to create a slJecial ir:llH'oveJ:lent district to be kno':n and
cles:L{'mltecl CiS 8j)ecia1 ImprcvcCtcnt District Ho. 281 of said City,
for the rurpose
of {';I'u.cl in~:', paving with two course crushed gravel macadam pavement;
and installing
concrete CDI'bs and suoh dI'ainaf~ structures il:1 l:[~:( be necess::u"y on ::~event.h Avenue
00uth bet\veen the ,.3ou'GL line of ',;jest '~abcock Street Qnd the north line of
Koch ~;treet, within said City, und:...o specially
assess the entire cost iJ,nd eZj)ense
of rnaking said improvements 8.r:"cinst the property wi thin Weld djstI'ict, (IndeI' and
by v~rtae of ~he Provisions of Sections 5225 to 5277 inclusive,
of the Hevised
I Codes of ~ontana, 1921 , and any amendments
thereto, w~lich Gaid Commission Hesolution
No. 155 is hereby referred to und made u part Lereof for further particulars
respect to the boundaries of said district, the
estiir;'ltec~ cost of saidimDrOVOLjent
and the method of assessin( tLe same against the property within Gaid district.
~~ T<!J) \<.} ;,1:: ,~'~,B~ ;<i S , I;o ti ce of
t},e lw,ssaf;e of Commission Hesolution _:To. 155 was
duly lJu1Jlished in the B07.eelaD \ieekly Chronicle, a weekly ne~spaper printed and
published in said City of Bozeman, to-',. t:
In the issue of Septeuber, 19, 1929,
and by send.ing a co "y of such notice by registered mail, to each person,
firm or
corporation or agent of s'uch person, firm or corporation havin6 property within
proposed district, at his last known address, upon the same da;;l such
notice was
first Imb1ished as af:Jl'csaid, and due proof' hav! nr; been clade of the
of said notice;
A?TD \'n:E:::U':". S , Within the
time provided by law and published notice there
were filed with the Clerk of the Commission 1 protect af,ainst the proposed work
and, against the creation and. extent of said district to
be hssessed; and the
COllunission was in ret'~ular session on the 4th day of October, 1929,
at 4 o'clock
I 1'. I.'., of said da;/, at the COLlr:1ission Chamber in the Ci ty hall
Sui leii nC in the
said City of 3ozeman, the same being the time and place clesignated for hearing and
passinc-' upon all pro te s ts, i f' an;)', against the proposed work or acainst
the creation
or extent of said district, or boti, and the to
tal area of all pl'operty vii thin said
ciL1trict to be asse ssed be in{'; 227818.2"1 square feet,
as stated in Cou~issi~n
Hesolution ~;o. 155, and the area of all property within said district owned by
persons protesting being 6250 square feet, the same being
2.74% of said total area
and Ie ss than 40>1; thereof, S<,L i d :.,1'0 te sts were, b;l 1'8{':ulnr
vote of suid Commi ~3sion
duly over-ruled; and it further a:Dpear int! that all of the proceed ings for the
creation of said district have been complied with;
]>JO~'7 ~ (rT',~",:'.D:"~~::',i~::;1:.)';"ZE ~ BI~ IT HESCLVED BY TEE CCLJ.i1~)SIUT: OF
frEE CITY O;;'']OZEI\:J\.I:!,
ST,\T :.~ O:F' }','O:;::I}; AN!\ :
Section 1. T,hat said Special Impr'ovement District No.
281 of the City of
Bozerl:an, state of Kontana, be, ami tLe same is hereby
created for the purpose of
making the improvemern s there in as II ere inaf tel' described.
Section 2. That said Special Improvements be,
and trle samG are here b;r
ordered to be made in said Special If:1provement District I~o. 281 as follows:
The grad.ing, the pavin~ with two course crushed Bravel macadam
pavement, and the installation of concrete Cill'OS and
such drainare
structures as may be necessary on Seventh Avenue south between the
south line of West Babcock street anci the north line of V!est
Koch Street.
Section 3. That the entire cost and experwe of making tbe
special improve-
ments herein set fortIl in said. Special Improvement District Iro. 281 shall be paid
by Special Improvement District Coupon Bonds of the denomination of One Hundred
Dollars ( ,:~lDO .00 ) each, and in fractions thereof w~ere necessary,
to be issued
and chargeable abainst a fund to be knoviTI as Special Improvement Dis'trict;'To. 251
8'und ; said bonds to be redeemable ut the ogtion of the City of Bozeman,
i,ion tarl8-, I
whenever 1'U11(1s arB available for that purpose from saiej Special InlJrOVement District
1~0 . 2:'1 Fund.; said :Jande shall <'lrav, siuple interest at t::e rate
ot' six :per GeJ:t
per annum. which shall be chart~eable as a part of the cost of said special
improveL~ent and Ellall run 1'1',), the date of the registration of said
bonds until
said bonds are paid; an(i Buch interest, from the date of
the re~istration of the
bonds until the payment of the first im3tallment, will be collected by the Director
of Finance of said City of Bozeman at the time of collecting such first installrnent;
th~t the entire cost and expense of said improvement ,xi thin s::icl district shrlll be
defrayed by a special assessment a~ainst the entire district, each lot or parcel
of land within said distrIct wherein the ir::.provements shall be r:Yide, to
be asse ssed
for its proportion of such expense, each square foot of the area of such lots or
parcels of land within said Special Improvement District No. 281, exclusive
streets, alleys and public places, to :)e a sse sse(i for
i0s proportionate share of
such entire cost; prov icLed, that each sl:uare foot of' th
e land. witj:in said djstrict
embraced vii "shin any corner lot, or tN3.ct (and :for
"Ghe Irllrpose of' asseSSr~18;lt i,nt.his
district a corner lot is defLiccl as bein{' any tract of lcuHl, excepti~c streets,
avenues or alleys, loca~ed vithin a distance of jQ feet of either side line of
Sevent~ AVODue South ~ithiD the d is T,r i c t) shall be so ::',~:.\Sessed
c,tlaL each f3Ciuare
foot of the land enbl'aeed vILthill :;;my sue.L corner lot, or tract, shall bear
the af:lOunt of the Co at of such imprOVCUCYlt th:"t a s; ua ref 0 ot 0 j' an v i n ~.~ i (1 e lo
":. ~
or tract shall bear. rflld t the ;;ttlount 8. ssessed Il{ aiDst each lot 01' parcel of JF"id
shall be -,-,aid in seven eCiua1 3.l1YrJ.al installments extenciiw,'; over a pe~'iod of six
~., - -" - - - _,___"n. -----,--
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Sectlon 4. That the Ci ty :~llcineer be,
and he i(3 Lere-uy clirec ted to prepare
I plans "md sjJ8cifications for t},e clJin( of
said work and. makill(' said_ irnprovement s.
Secti n b. Iha t the CIer1: oi'
the Cor;u;lission be, arHl he is hereby directed
to publist a notice invitinc ]JropoGals for "the furni sh
i_. of L:U t e l' i a 1 s , "the doinC
of t_::e work ,,,-nc1 r;-Iaki~l{" of 8(;"10" iprove;:lents
in said Special Improvoment District
-l'::o. 2en, r e ~f e ~r' ,~;~~ i ~:.lE; to p1am3 and
specifications on file, l) Y pl..I ': 11 ,o;1:i n,,-- sarno in
iSSllCS of tIle 30 zor.,an D~d.1y Chronicle, a daily newspaper ~
rintell ,llId :pllblisJJod_
in t)"e s:"id C i t:'~ 01'30 20m8.D, l10 T!
1e S3 tLnn ten dCl'Jrs before the tir:lo [-;l}C
}~' b :l d;j v.' i 11
be o;'oned, \<,,} , 1. C }'l. D }.-j ,~:;~, ],,, ':.:- t1 0::1 t :"eetin,
- of the Commissior to be l;clcl on E'rlrJrl_Y the
1UtL cL:t:{ 0" U (; t QC} c r , 19:" .
.t I i) n ;,:.1 0..":"1 :.1.'[ (1 a ,1 0 2.' 1; 8 :-']
o~,Y t.he COL~:is:cion of the Ci t:',..' of BOZ8F1Ul :1t a retr:.L,r
<.-0.. II.,.) ~J ,..., '.',,"
c;escion t.I'c:c'ect, 1'.: l.'~. ,JD tt~ 4th duy of October,
\1;'Pl}J'V.~;d b~'! tLe T:a~{or on tIle 4t!''': c1a~{ 0:' Cc:tober,
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