HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 156 Create SID No. 282 419 ----.----.--...---------.--., -- .... ...._.__........_.._ _...__n.___ _om._ ------.- ...,.. ,..--..,. .. - --.------ .......-".,.----- . """ ... . COMMISSION HESOLUTIGN NO. 156 I A RESOLUTION OB' THE C01vITvIISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, !WNTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE THE nJ':,:'T~NTION OF SAID CQ1::'MISSION TO CREATE .1\ S::JgClluJ n'ip~OVE::'1F,~rT DL3THICT TO BE KNOViN .A.ND DESIGNArrn;;D AS SPECIAl, DlPROVE]\,'EET DISTRICT NO. 282 OF SAID CITY, FOR Ti'E PURPOSE OF' GRADEJG, l'AVING WI'fn 'l'ViO COUHSE CRUSHED G1?AVEL MACAD}J,: PAVEllET'iT, AND INSTALLING ;mcrI DJAIN.AG:S CULV'~~HTS .AS rl:I\Y BE CONSIDH:IFm NECESSAH.Y OJ: WEST STORY S'l'I{K~rr BETVlEEN Ie-IE ';iEST:::..IHE OJ? THrm AVENUE SOUTH AND ',"E J~AST LIlTE OF SIXTH .AVE:I'1UE SOU'fTI, WITHIN SAID CITY, AIJD TO SPECIA1~LY ASSESS THE EI,iTIHE CeST AND K:(PENSE OJ!" l,;AKIHG S,\I D l]v!PH.oVEl.;EWrS AGAINSil THE LAND ViI TEIl; S iUD DISrrRICT AS CRE/l.iJ:1ED. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CmnJIISSION OJ!' TEl: CITY OF BOZE1LAN: Section 1. That i~ is hereby declared to be the intention of the Con~is8ion of the City of Bozeman. s:..ate of Kontana, to create a Special Improve- ment District to be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 282 of said City for the pu:cpo se of making the ir:;provement,s within said Special Improvement District hereinafter described. Section 2. TLat the boundaries 01' said Special Improvement District No. 281 to be created are as follows: 3eFinning at a point in the west line of Third Avenue South, said point being 150 feet south of the south line of ~est Story Street; thence west parallel with and 150 feet south of the said south line of \'I'est Story Street to the east line of Sixth Avenue '~)outh ; thence north alonr-~ said east line of Sixth Avenue South; to a point 150 feet north of the north line of s~d West story street; thence east parallel with and 150 feet north of said north line I of West Story Street to the west line of s.,Ld Third Avenue South; thence south along said West line of Third avenue south to the place of beginnin~. The assessments against all corner lots, viz; the south 30 feet of Blocks 26,27 Cc 28, and the nor th 30 feet of Blocks 29, 30 & 31 of Park Addition to be double that of the inside lots. Section 3. 'J1hat it is hereby declared to be the opinion 0: said Commission of the City of Bozeman, state of Montana, thatz all of the land within said proposed Special Improvement Dist~:'ict as de::ined in ;Section :2 01' this Hesolution, will be specially benefitted by the crading, pavi:ng and installation of culverts and all of said improvements, and should bear the cost of sa.ia improvemerLts in accordance \'.'1 1~h the laws of th(' State of l.iontana :in sueh case made and provided. See t i ();1 4. That the characGer of the improvement to be made within said Sl)ecial Ir:.lproveme n t Dis tri ct ;'0. 282 is the cradinE; the 'pavin(~ wi th two course crushecl travel maccHlam l)8.Ve,-;lent, and tl~e installation of LOuch draina,'e culverts aw rllB;'l be considered nece~::;s3.~';{ on '\iest Story street bet",:een the west line of rrhird Avenue 301.1 t11 and the east line of ;3ixth ;wenue 8outh; in said City of l.3ozer:1an, l.:ontana; :jcction ;,.;. That an ilpproxima"c cstinate of ~L.c cost of doin{" all of tLe I work o:f eonstrucl,i'1"; all of said LII.\:.;'uv,-;pnts, incluclin~:_.. the grad inr, ravi.nc, culverts, en,gineerinL: , inspection and all incidental expenses is Two Thousand Eil<ht Eumlrecl ICiCL:t;y TriO Dolla::>:~\ and Thirt~J Cent:::; (:g2882.30) . 3ection C. f111m t tLe arc:.:; of all I.: or.ner 10 tco v: i t],in sa i(lpro~co see] Ciiotrict is 462jO.15 square feet and the arrli of all inside lo~s within said proposed district to bo taxed for the cost of said improvements (exclu~ive of streets, avenue s, alleys and public places) 2~~4l53.?5 square feet aneL an apprOXiItJ:lte estiJLate of the cost of sa,id irnprovewents, to be specially taxed and assessed aeainst the 42,,0 '.~.'-~'_:'=:::::::::."::":"':~"'::"::'::,"'-:::,,,"= - ----.--- - - --- - ----- --------------- ------ ------ -- - ." _ '_'-'--'-_":"-,,",:____'-""'=."',':'= .,_',C"..:: .,"'.......c'_-,.:' "",~'.-:-=.C=-"""'----'-""",--:'''''''-'''''''''''''''.~-",. land therein 13 )O.O:a;5;2 1)er s(~uare foot for corner' lot;3 and ~O.Ol06G per square foot for inside lots. ~3ection 7. Th[~,t the entire cost and. expens" of maki the special 1m! rave- I wents herein set _Corh,h in said SlJechll ImIH'over:;cnt .District 11"0. 28,2 shall be paid, by Special Improvement District Coupon Bonds, as au thcjl' i ,:-;80 by the L~ws of the Sta te of l:on tam, ~hich bonds shall be in the denomination of One lfilndred Dollars (';~lOO .00 ) each, or fractions t~ereof where necessary, to be issuedar'll chargeable acainst a fund to be known as "Special Improvement District I;J. 282 Fundll, said bonds to be rerleemable at the o})tion of the Ci ty of Bozeman, }',;on ana, whenever funds are ava.i lable for that purpo se from said Specird Improvement District No. 2fJ2 Yunll. Said bondf3 shall draw siljjple interest at the rate of six Del' cent per annum, which interest shall be clmrgeable as a part of the cost of said iml)rOVement, and shall run from the date of the registration of said bonels until said bonels are paid.. Section 8. To pay said bonds, and interest thereon, representinE the cost of said ilOprovement, a special assessment shall be levied against all of the lands within said proposed Special Improvement District No. 282 as hereinbefore defined, each lo~ or parcel of land within said District to be assessed for thp~ portion of the villole c os t in the proportion that the area of' said 10 t, or parcel of land I be.;rs to the area of the entire district, exclusive of streets, avenues, ,,:>.lle;/s or public places, l)l'ovicied, Ghat each sq_uare foot of the lrJ..nd wi thin said district embraced vii thiIl any corner lot or tract (and for the purpose of aGsessment in this district a corner lot is defined as bein{_: any tract of land., excepting streets, aven11es or alleys, located within a distance of 30 feet of either side line of West Story Street within the district) shall be so assessed that each scuare foot of ~he land embraced within any such corner lot, or trac t, s hall bear double tLe amount of the cost of such improvement tha~ a sQuare foot of any inside lot, or tract, shall bear. Section 9. Said assessment and taxes shall be paya.ble in seven annual installments, wi th six per cent annual interest on (leferred payments commencinE with the year 1960, but this provision shall not be construed to prevent full payment at any tit,e. Section 10. That the regular session of the COlnmission of t:he City of Bozeman, state of Montana, to be hele1 in said COL-,mis~;ion' s Room in the Ci ty Hall of said Ci ty of BozeHlan, on Friday the 11th day of October, 1929 at 4 o'clock I P. 1.:., of said da;{, is the time and place designated when and where the Commission will hear and. pass upon all protests dtU..y and regularly :r;ade and 1'ileo. C.i{,:ainst the proposed improverilen~ and the creation of said Special Improvement District, and tl:t.e extent and. character thereof, or of either thereof. Section 11. That the Clerk of the said Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, be, and he is hereby directed to give notice as re~uired by law of the .. - --.. ------ .-- ---,~.,._- - ---- - 421 -- adoption of this Resolution. Passed. by the Commission of tLe C1 ty of Bozeman, T<.Iontana, and. approved I by the Mayor of said City this 20th day oj" September, 1929, A. D. ~ "- MAYOR ATTEST: ~'r CLERK 0 - ~H.',-I J-6f:;vlf~)SI()W--- I I --...---- - 422 n__...._.. .-- .- NOT ICE -_._~..._~._- lWTIC}~ IS HE HE BY GIVEN that at a regular meeting of the Commission of the I City of Bozeman, State of Montana, held on Friday, the 20th day of September, 1929. a Hesolution Vias duly passed by said Commission declarill{-; its intention to create a 8";)ecial Improvement District to be knoVin and desir:nated as Special Irnprover:lent District No. (~8 2 of said City, for the purpose of Tadin:r paving wi tL r:L1wo Course L , Crushed, Gravel Macadam Iavement and installing drainage culverts on ,ef3t Story Street between Third Avenue 30uth and Sixth Avenue South and declarin,c' it to be the intention of said Commission to specially assess the entire cost and expense of making such improverrrents against the entire district, eacb lot or parcel of land wi thin sucY: district to be assessed for that part of the whole cost vihich its area bears to the area of the entire district, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public places, provided, that each square foot of the li:nd in said. district embraced vii thin any corner lot shall bear double the amount of the cost of such improvernent that a square foot of any inside lot shall bear,the south 30 feet of Blocks 26,27 &26 and the north 30 feet of Blocks 29,30 &31 of Park Addition to be considered as corner lots. f1'h:3,1:; the e stima te of' the to tal co st and expense of mak ine: such improvement I is )288:~.30, tJ:a t the total area of 0roperty in the district to De assessed for the l)rOposed improvement, exclusive of streets, aV8Dues, alleys and public places is 224l53.7~ square feet; that the estimated cost for each corner lot in sald district is ';$0.02132 I)er square foo11 and the esti1l1ated cost for each inside lot in said district is $0.01066 per square foot; and that Friday t!':,e 1111h day of . October, 1929 at 4 o'clock P. E., and the Commission Cha!Jlber of tLe C1 ty of Bozeman, has been desicnated when and where the said Commission will hear and rass upon all p1"o118811s that may be made against the proposed work or ::L;'Uj.llst the extent or creation of the said oistrict to be assessed or both. Such J")rotest, if an~r, mus t be in wri tin" and rnust be, deiiverecl to the CIe l'k of the Commi S8 iOft vii tJ-:,in f if teen d[~ys ( , after date of the first publication of this Notic~. lor a de GcrilJt ion 0 f the boundarie s of saie), propo sed Spec ial :~mpl'ovenlent Di stric t :;0. 262 reference is hereby made to COf:lmission :'"(e80lu\,ion ITa. 156 de- claring the intention of said Commission to create sa ie:_ spe ia1 improvement di:::;trict, 'which L3 no\V un file in the office of the CIer~c ai.' the commission of the City of Bozeman, i~ntana. I Dated. at Bozeman, l'.Iontana, thi 8 :~G tb da;/ of Sep tembec, 1929, A. D. ~'-ial tel' Davi ~3, C 1e i'}: of the Cornmi ssion ,