HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 155 Create SID No. 281 415 ..-- cmTISSlON ImSOI"Ur-::'IGN 1W. ::..35 I A IUG;j o IJ)'r I m'i OF TEE cmn;ISSIOn OF THE CITY CF BOZ111', A~T, lTONT:,\,.T,\, D:SCLA~IEG IT TO 33 ~J.1HE INII'K~:TION OF S.Ul! CQ11:-J;.;;)rON TO CImJ\.TE A SPECIA~ IMPROV1~J\fEHT DIST:Ucrr TO B~ K1.;rO\'iJT;\HD m;;SIGN:\.TED AS ;)FI-<~CL\IJ Il:PHOVEl'EUT DISTRICT NQ. 281 OF SAID CITY, F,H THE PlIP-POSE OF GIUlDHTG, I)_WnW VilTI' 'cwo COURSE CRUSFm GRAVF.I, MAC AD Al';- I)AVElJ'EFT, AND nJSTALI~E;G CONC;;~ETE CUEm) AIm ~)UCE D:~AnJAG~:; C15LV:8[(;'S AS liAY B~;; CONSIDEPED IJECESSARY 0:\ ~-;EVBHTH i".v~~ru'S Sl,U'l'lT BETWEEN 11'HE SOUTH LINE 01<' i'-/EST BABCOCl: STREE'I AtTD rrIrE lW~tTH L ILE OF ri;E~3T KI..JCE STREET, 1:iITEIN SAID CITY, AITrJ TO SPECIAIJLY\S3ESS THE EJ:'I'IRF.: CO;)T ATTD T~XPEN;)E OJ-' T>',\KUIG ~3AI D E:P; OVE]n~Frll;j /\G;\.IHST THE V.I'D \'11 THIN SAID DI:)TRICT AS CHEATED. i3}~ IT I~E301~V:SD BY TF~ CCI:]iIS~;ION OF THE CITY OF BOZEI:AN: Section 1. Tha tit is hereby cleclared to be the intention of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, state of l'olOntana, to create a Special Improvement DistriCL to b known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 281 of said City for the p1ITpOSe of making the improvements wi thin said Special IrrrproverneEt District hereinafter described. Section :2. That the boundaries of said Special Improvement District No. 281 to be created are as follows: Beginning at a point in the south line of West Babcock street, said point being 165 feet east of the east line of Seventh Avenue South; thence south parallel vii th and 135 feet east of the said east line of Seventh Avenue South to the north line of West Koch street; thence west along said north line of West Koch Street I to a point 135 feet west of the west line of said Seventh Avenue South; thence north parallel with and 135 feet west of said west line of Seventh Avenue South to the south' line of said West Babcock Street; thence east along said south line of West Babcock street to the place of beginning. The assessments against all corner lots, viz: the west 30 feet of Blocks 2, 11 J.; 18, and the east 30 feet of Blocks 3, 10 & 19 of Park Addition to be double that of inside lots. Section 3. That it is hereby declared to be the opinion of said Commission of the City of Bozeman, state of ~ontana, that all of the land within said proposed Special Improvement District as defined in Section 2. of this Resolution, will be specially benefitted b,- the grading, paving, installation of curbs and culverts and all of said improvements, and should bear the cost of said improvements in accordance wi th the laws of the state of :::ontana in suc),l case made and provided. Section 4. That the character of the improvement to be made within said Special Iwprovement District No. 281 is the grading; the lJavinc: with two course crusHed (':ravel macadam pavement and the installing of concrete curbs and such drainage culverts as may be considered necessary on Seventh Avenue South botween the south line of West 3abcock street and the north line of .,"fest ILoch Street in said City of Bozeman, I,:ontana; I Section 5. Tha t an approximate estit:1a te of the cost of doin'. all of the work OI~ constructing all of said improvements, inclu:li ng the grad.ing, paving, curbs, culverts, enGineering, inspection and all incidental expenses is Five Thousand Five Hundred Eight Dollars and Seventy Four Cents C~5508. 71) . Section 6. That the area of all corner lots within said proposed district is 59599.32 souare feet and the area of all inside lots within said proposed district is 168218.92 square feet, making the total area of land in said proposed district --.-..--'--- 4elf5 .." . ."'..-.------- ----."...--...-. . -..---.---.-- -----------..-- ,...." "" ,. to be taxed for the cost of said improv'_:men ts (exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public places) 22781 '7 . 24 square feet and an approximate estimate of tre cost I of said improvement, to be specially taxed and assessed aeainst the land therein is $0.038334 per square foot for corner lots and ~0.019166 per square foot for inside lots. Section 7. That tL.e entire co st and expense of rnt.kine:: the special improvements herein set forth in said 8,)ecial Improvement District No. 281 shall be paid by SpeciEu Irnprovument District Coupon Bonds, as authorized u;; the Laws of the S to.. te of i:i_ontana, which bonds shall he in the cienomino.. tion of One Hundred Dollars (=;1):) .00 ) each, or fractions thereof where necessary, to be issued and chargeable afainst a fund to be known aE, "Special Improvel:le1it District ho. 2;,1 Fundll, said bonds to be redeemable at the option of the City of:.iozcwan, l,'ontana, whenever funds are available for that purpose from said Spec al Improvement District No. 281 Fund. Said bonds shall draw simple interest at the 1'a e of six uer cent per annum, which interest shall be chargeac)le as a part of the cost of said improve- men t, and shall run from the date of tl~e regi s tra ti on 0:' said_ bond.s until sa_Id bonds are paid. ~3ection 8. To pa,y said bond~3, and interest thereon, representinr the CD G t I of said iuprovemen t, a special asseSsDcnt shall be le~ied against all of tbe lands 'Ni thin sa id proposed Special Ir~lprovement District _.0. 281 as hereinbefore defined, each lot or parcel oi' land vvi thin said District to be assessed for that portion of Ghe \";1:0 Ie cOst in the proportion that the area of saieJ lot, aT' parcel of la.,jd, beal';:; to the area of' '"c hc~ entLee Ciis1;rict, e} c 1 1.1~, i \i e of ~3treets, avenues, alleys or public place~, provided, that each sqliare f_:,ot of the h:,.nd wi tl,irl said di strict ernbraced v.'ithin an;f c.;o1'ner lot 01' tract I ~3. nd f' 0 r te DUl'pO~3e of as s e f.~ ~3ILle Yl t \ iL this district a corner lot is defined, as beinf any ,-,rii-ct of 1..,'-:,7;U_ , 8).:certinr; street, avenues or alleys, located within a C~stancc of ;:;0 feet of e.I t;l or slde line of :3evenk ." 'fcrnIS ;30u 1.h \\i thin v-,:, ,i j Q tr:i c t ) s.hr}lJ. ,""\/"', 'o".! ~~t sse s sed. that each se; 11!SLre 'J I. J. 'n" '". ~ ""," , ..' ,i C f 0 0 t 0 f t j-,' }~u.Yl.d eLlbraced wi tl: i"l ~:ln~r sue L CO :ener 10 t , tr,~1..c,t ~ ' 1 :E~dr double () y' S(~ ,~t the 8.fWUn t 0 f f-' , co 8 t of' such iLiIJI'OVemen t tLat a 8'1',10..1'0 foot of an;)" inside lot, uLC or tract, sJ:lc111 b(~CLr~. Section 9. Said assessment and taxes sha 11 b 0 l,):~~:I:l:):1. e in ~.:;even ann-nal. Inst<lll;-:len tf;; I wi th six Del" cent <unual interest on (loferreel :puJi:lents, CO:ifl1enC ine witb the year 1930, but thi s rrov i s1 OJ1 slli:1II no tb e ;:;ono "cor-oed to prevent iu_11 pa;y- I ment at any time. Secti;)n IJ. '.L'hat the rerular sess:i.on of the CO.LJissLn1 of t.he Ci.ty of 130 zern:ln, State of Lontana, to be heIr", in said Commission's }-lOQEl in t.he C i t~{ Hall of said City of Bozeman$ on :G'r~day the 1, th day of Octuber, 1929 at Four o'clock 1'. l' of sai ci lia~r, is the tj.rne and. place de ~JJ{-:na ted y;hen a.nd i,v.herG the Commission J.';,: . , will hear ancl pass upon ,'3.11 protests duly anelre,'ularly made and filed a{~ainst the n_._ .._n L11ft' -.--......-.,... .-..--- -..".--. ...--..-. .-...-- proposed i[~rovusent and the creation of saicl Special Improvcoent Di strict, and the extent and character thereof, or of e i t.her thereof. I' Section 11. That tile Clerk of said Commission of the City of 80zeman, l.:ontana, be and he is hereby directed to give n~tice as required b;;r 1m" 0 l' the adoption of this :tesolution. Passed by the Commission of the City of Bozem~n, } ontana, and approved by the Payor of said City this 13th day of September, 1929, 1-~ . D. _L3~___ ATTEST: tfM 'r ~_. i j --"-,,''-----. '. .M .~.~.__ _._ _._ CLEHK OF TPlE CO.,.iiJ' T:1r) IOn 1 1 ..-.. --. ---. .-.---.... --~._- --."'.- 4'18 .- NOT ICE ~'__ ~_ ._~ ......~ J,_ ~~. NO TIC IS IE; r;I~J."'2"f3Y GIVZN' that at a regular meetinG f the Commission of the I Ci ty of Bozef[!1:~n, State of I,~ontana, held on Fr id:::.y , the Ijth day of September, 1929, a Hesolution was duly p:1ssed by said Commission cieclarin{': its intention to create a Special Irnl)rOVement District to be known and designated as Special Improvement District :':0. 281 of said City, for the purpose of cradint, pnvinv wi th 'l1wo Course Crushed Gravel kacadam Pavement and installin{,' concrete curbs and drainage culverts on Seventh AvemJe South between west Baucoek street and \'lest Koch street and de- claring it to be the intention of said Commission to specially assess the entire co st and expense of making BUell improvements against the ent ire di ::Itric t, each 10D or parcel of lanQ within such district to be assessed for the.. t part of the 1,':hole co st which its area bears to the area of the entire district, exclusive of streets, avenue s, alleys and public places, provid.ed, that each souare foo t of the lU.ncJ in said d.istrict embraced wi thin any corner lot shall bear double the amount of tLe cost of such improvement that a square foot of any inside lot shall bear, a corner lot to be considered as 30 feet in width. That the estimate of the total cost anc'l expense of Elakinf' such improvement is r5508 . '14, that the total area of pro erty in the district to be assessed for the I proposed improvement, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public places is 227817.24 square fest; that the estimated cost for each corner lot in said district is $O.03L334 per square foot and the estimated co st for each insLde 10 t in saJ d district is ;:~:J.Ol9166 per square foot; and that Friday, the 4th day of october, 1929 at 4 o.clock P. M.t and the Commission Chamber of the Ci ty ofi3ozernan, 1:a8 been designa ted nhen and where the said Commission will hear and pass 11J)OYl all J~rotests tha t may be made against the proposed work or afl:linst tYee extent or creation of the said district to be assessed or both. Such protests, if any, mllst be in writing, and must, be delivered to the Clerk of the CO:..mission wi thin fifteen days after date of tL:e first publication of this notice. For a description of the boundaries of saj,d proposed Special Improvement District No. 2(31 reference is hereby made to Commission Hesolution Ho. 1;..15 de- claring the intention of said Commission to create saiel special imLJrovement districtt which is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozelilan, l,~ontana. Da ted at Bozema.n, IV:ontana, this 19th day of September, .1:\. . D. , 19 i,29 . I Walter Dav.is, Clerk of the Conmis:.;ion