HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 153 Special Election -.- ..,- - -....-...--.-.-.--.------.... ----.-...---...- l~:,.(}\:) -..------. .__.._'.~..~~~..."_. ~".r . ----.....-..-..-- _._.~--_..__.""...... -.--.----.-.--.--.-..-.- .___.__...._..........._...r.~"_''''''''''''''~.__ ~ COlITnSSION RESOLUTION NO. 153 I A RESOLUl'ION OF 'rH:~: CITY 01" BO Z.EM1..:r, ~.>:?OVIDIlm FOR THE HOLDING OF _'J. SPECIAlJ ELECTION OF nrE R2I:SIDEHT j"RICIGHCLDF::RS Ol" ri:HE CITY OF BOZEl',"AN I'JI:OSE NAIvIESAPPEAR ON THE CITY OR COUN'l;Y 'l'AX ROLL rRECEDING ~)UCH EL]'~CTION, SU3I'.ID;lfnw TO rrEE SAiD RESIDEKT 3'lZEEHOLD"!:!;.2S THE APl'LICArrION UF' rnTE: CITI:?;;.<:;NS GAS C 01.1' ANY, A CO:nOHA'I'IO!J, FOn. A li'HANCHIS1~ GI1MT'J1ING Iro IT TE~; HIGl!T "TO FUH1HSH, CON1EY, DISTRIBUTE, AND SEIJL KA'i'U?AL GAS TO 'l'lIE C r'l'Y OF BOZB~lJ\.N, COUNTY Or'GALLATIN, 'STATE OF MONTANA, INCLUDIl;;;~ EACHAHD EvrGHY ADD 1__' ION THS~ErrO AND fr:::~ INEA!3ITAWrS 'rlrEEl~O', AED I~O ERECT, MAINTAI1\] , OPERATE, REPAIR AKD ~OVE KAINS AND PIPES, In, T'1IROUGII AND UNDER 'FE;:;; STREE1[';) , AV.s:iJUES, AlLE"/SAND J?USLIC G20UNDS O~" TEE SAID C F:Y Ti'02 rnl1~ rI'HAfSPCnTATION AND :)U})}'LY OF NNl'UHAL GAS, FO:~ B'lEL, ILLm;.r~iATIOJ;r , HEAL' I HG , COOK~NG AND ::mV:!BR PURPOSES FOR TH3 SillD CliY OF B03B~AN AND I~S INHABITANTS," FIXITIG TH~ DATS OF SAID ELECTION AND PROVIDING FOR TF~ REGISTHATIOR OF TIrE RESIDENT FREEHOLDERS: WHEREAS: ( 1) On the 23rd day of Au~gust, 1929, the Citizens Gas Company, a .. ~,.. ,. ,......._.~-._", corporation, organized and. existing under and by virtue of the Laws of' the State of Montana, with its executive offices in the City of !v:inneapolis, State of !ann- esota, made application to the Commission of the City of Bozeman for a franchise granting to it the right to furnish, convey, distribute and sell natural gas in the' City of Bozeman, whicl: Application is in viords and f~guresas follows; to-wit: "Bozeman, Montana, August 22nd, 1929. I rro the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Bozeman, Montana. Gentlemen: The Citizens Gas Company, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the Laws of the State of l:ontana, with its executive offices in the City of Minneapolis, State of Kinnesdta, hereby makes application to the Commission of the city of Bozeman for a franchise granting to it lithe right to furnish, convey, distribute and sell natural gas to the City of BQzeman, Co.,mty of Galla t,in, state of J,~ontana , including each and every addition thereto, and the inhabitants thereof, and to erect, mai:J;1tain, operate, repair and move mains and pipes in, through and under the streets, avenues, alleys and public grounds of' the said City, for the transportation and S11pply of natural gas, for fuel; illumination, heatine;, eooking, and power purposes for the said City of Bozeman and its inhabitants. II ~he granting of this franchise to be subject to approval of resident freeholders at special election held for that purpose. This franchise to be for the term of twenty-five years, and the grantine thereof to be had pur3ua~t to the provisions of Section 5039, paragraphs 63 and 73, thereof, as amended, Sections 5074 to 50'77, inclusive, and 5496 to 5501, inclusive, :Poli tical Code, :rtC1:. , 19 (~l . Submi tted herewi th for ~rour consideration is a draft embod;!ing the general terms and conditions oj' a proposed Ordinance granting the I franchise. It undoubtedl;y' will necessarily have to be altered and amended, and pel'1Jtlj,Js additions made thereto to meet local condi tions, and the terms and condi tions that may be imposed by tl:e Commission or agreed upon DJ' the COIT'.mi ssion and the Citizens Gas Company. It is unde~stood that the expense of calling and holding the special election is to be defrayed by the Citizens Gas Company, and we are;'eatiy to depo:d].; the amOlmt de termined therefor (?, t your 1)1easu1'e. If this appJ.icRtion meets with your favorable consideration, we (~esire tl'lii t the necessary IH'oceed in{;s for callin{: tLe special election of residenL freeholders be had at the earliest possible date,. Yours respectfully (.; ITI ~.'~T~>'.:~:j C ..:!.J..:3 (;OT,I:.1'.'::.:'_A.l~Y Jy Louls-:_ill~r, I)re:C1identil - -. ---~-_.~ ,,_,_'.,-,-.. _.'~'~__""""".'_-""""'''''''''''=-~L_...L........... ....... ~.. -...,. """"""",-"",,,,,,,",","- ~----------'-"-- , \" \.' ~ ~ 1:1 ~ i'i\.l. ,~, , JiL' ',j ___,n,,_ ...___".. -. '. - (2 ) There is attached to and made a part of said application a draft embodyinc the general terms and conditions of a proposed Ordinance, i"ran tint" the ( , ' ~, ) Franchise, vilLich Ordinance is entitled as follows: I TTO:~.'(DI !~I,':C:: l~C~...... II I.F o=mnu.\iJC .'~ C :A;IT J l'iG 'll() rrFT~ C 1':'1 ZEIJS GA,;) C OF]? A1':'( , T (i'l(" - ~,...) SUCC~~:'3 S 0 ':,~~S A',':::-jI GS , ~:I;::~ ::1G-prr TO 7"UTUH ,J I , C U ~,~ .'~I 'Y;,~"Y , 1) '.:" S '1.1 T~ J~ rill,' ~ ,,,.J A:7D :::;E,LL ., jVrr)=:~AI, CiA;;: TO rr C IIY OF 30 ZiSL1JJ , :r:.' cL'i-;~~ C01Tr;'Y 01" (~,"lL::,N.:.' J); , ~',)1' ji [11 '.',,~ G'.F 11:\ OTr~ \.~'~"'\. , ;=, CIFDIjJC E,\Crr tiTT,~, !~V~~.RY ",D:':':ITIOH 'r.:r~'i:sr,,;O , AriD filInG INEABrr.I1.'\l!rrS TEIml~OJT, An;) I' , Elr~Cf:~I, ;"':,,/\I;?2 .\II':~ , O'l"")YP"'J A f'~1-:t r~ I~I:; _i\. I}:: AI.;D 1',T C~l1'0 Ii"~ j\ I r,~ ~:") ),\.Ti; D }') I,T~;~ ~.:) , lIT, 'LT~'~OljGlI , [,I'D .1... .. ,J_....,,~ J... c... , 1)'1<;]) 1.~.~ :;,.?, I',r 1-: '_~'~ ~') III f~ ,.~,~~~E T S , li. ~vJ.~IfL BS , _i\.1.~L.~'~~',,~:.; ./~~\:'T) ~")'(j '3.1..J '..~ C C 'j'{c:_.'~~rT.)(3 CI~' ~ Ii?: SJ"TDCJfllY G'OH THr~ 'I'H.i\lI;3Po;~(rA'}lIOI\: /'.1':D STWeJ...Y C? j':i\:2U!~AIJ GA::; ?OR FUEL, I ::.~~J.~ LJ~" rr; Ii L"L,~ I OT.J , HIGArr 1NG , COCKPJG [,lTD PO\i:!'i;~( rlFG'O~:;T,~::) :.,or~ '~'FE ~-;:\ITJ CITY OB" BCZE1:Ali, .AND 1;'8 INHlI.5I'i'AT'J'IS.:r (3 ) And the Commission of the Ci ty of Bozeman having duly considerecl said application, and deeming it to the interests or tte citizens of the City of Bozeman that said application be su.bmi ttecl to the resident freeholders for their aIJ]Jrovul, and havinf determined that a special election shall be had for the purpose of 8uboittinc said question ~o the residont freeholders: (4 ) Tlla t the said City of Bozeman will rece i va no vahlable consideration for said franichso, excepting the benefit that will innure to the City and its inhabitants if it and Ihey are enabled to seC'lJ,re natural f;an for fuel, illumination, heatircg, cookin{; anci l)o\'/er IJ'U.l'pose s; }.IOVI, 'i.'F;}:;{EF'QHIG, JBS IT H. ";SOI;\!'GD A1':1) H' I~) },'}~:Ft ~r~',: ~,~ y OT~ '1) :',~T(.~,~:~) T3'Y ~rI"~ 1B C Cl:^nv': I S S IOTJ I OF THE CI~Y O! ]OZEVAN: (5 ) 1'hl1 t the appliea tion of tIle C i ti Z811S Gas eOm}Wny, a corporation, for a franchise granting to it "the right to flJ.rnish, conve;YT, distribute and sell natural gas to the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, state of Montana, including each and every addition thereto, anc!. the inhaoitants thereof, and to erect, !':mintain, Oi)era te, repair and move mains and )ipes in, through and under streets, alleys, avenues, and public {rounds of the said City, for transportation and supp l;r 0 f na tUl'al [:a s , for fuel, illumination, fleating, C ookin{', and power purposes for the said City of Boze~an and its in- habitants!!, be subuitted to t11e resident freeholders of the City of Bozeman, Vlhose names ap:pear on the Ci ty or County tax roll for the year 19~-:;8, at a Special Election to be hAld in the City of Bozeman, on the 2~th day of September, lS),(~9 , between the hours of 8:00 o'cl~ck A. M., and 6 :00 0' clock }'. M.; that the Clerk of the Commission give no tice of the time and place of holdin{;; said election and the character of said franchise so applied for, and the valuaole consideration, if any, I tha t will be deri veel by the Ci t:l of Bozeman, by publication of such notice in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper published in the City of Bozeman, at leas t once a v:/eek for'Ghree succe ssi ve weeks next before the day of election, as follows: In the Bozeman DaLly Chronicle, on AUt;US t 24 th , and 31st, September 7th, 14th, and 21st, 1929; and that a copy of said Notice be posted in one publjc place in each of the five ..._. ......n.."._ ......~-_._.--.. ---.----.- . i~ .. .'1' ...:t.Ro:"~,./ j'C:' ~'/ ~iti ~V (\ _..~~,.".,~".. .. . ,~.,_'.~"'".H"'. "',"". - voting precincts in said Ci t,", fop at least three successive weeks, or twent,y-one days, prior to the day of said election; I ( 6 ) That the Notice of Election shall be substantially as follows: "IJOTICE CB' srEC 111.1 ELECrr'ION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVSN that a Special Election of the resident freeholders of the Ci ty of Bozeman, will be held in tIle a1 ty of Bo zeman, State of MDntana, on Tuesday, the 24th day of september, 1929. The polls will be open from 8:00 o'clock A. M. to 6: 00 r. ]\:. of said day. The polling places will be as follows: First Ward, Precinct No. 1, Bozeman Hotel Annex Second Ward, Precinct No. 2, Count House Third Ward, Precinct lIo. 3, High School Building Third Ward, Precinct No.4, Emerson school Fourth Ward, Precinct No. b, Municipal Court Room Said Special ;~lection will be held for the purpose of submitting t,) the resident freeholders of the City of Bozeman \'.'hose names appear upon the Cit;! of County tax roll for the year 1928 the application of the Citizens Gas Company, a corporation, for a franchise granting to it 'the riCht to furnish, convey, distribute, and sell natural gas to the City of Bozeman , County ofG~llatin, state of Montana, including each and ever.y addition thereto, and the inhabitants thereof, and to erect, I maintain, operate, repair and move mains, and pipes in, through and under the streets, avenues, alleys and public grounds of ~he said City, for the trans- portation and supply of natural gas, for fuel, illum- ination, heating, cooking, and power purposes for the said City of Bozeman and its inhabitants.' The City of Bozeman shall receive no valuable consideration for said franch;se except the benefit that shall innure to the said City and to its inhabitants if it and Lhey are enabled to secure natural f;as for fuel, illumination, heating: , cooking and power pur~oses. The franchise is to be granted for the term of twenty-five years. At such election the ballot ihall contain the words: 'FOR GR.i\.N'.I:ING FRA.NClIISE' 'AGAINST GHA~'TTING FRANCHISE' and in voting "tihe c1ec1;or must make a cross, thus, 'x' opposite the answer he intends to vote for. Dated this 23rd day of August, 1929. By Or(J er of the Commission of the City of Bozernan \Val tel' Davi s, Clerk of theCommission1l ( 7 ) That for said Special l~lection the follo~ing names electors be, and they are hereb;y. appointed Judges and Clerks of Election for the several precincts, I as follows: FIEST WARD, IfIHST l::,HECINCT . . . . . . C -b.~ ~. . U e ~&';:o. e y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W. E. Rider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judges Ida B. Sltel ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Ellickson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clerks _ U_" ......L..-..___ . .. - .--- .~._.- ..------ . . -.. -.--...--....- . .-.... ...--...--- L~ .4 "'> () . ,'" """ . 'jc' \j (.i' .. .....- -...-.-. -.-.--.-.... n__._.__._ . . ~_ n_ -......"..-.... ----- - ..-...- SECOIm \,'ARD, 3SCOrJD p:mCINCT J. C. Bowles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,J. A. II';on~er I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * Judges Eva H. Harris . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~! t t ! ~ . ~:y s> l}. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clerks THIRD WARD, 'llEIHD PHECIlJCT F. Vi. Bull : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W. O. Bohart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judges Alice M. Eleinschmidt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l.:all:{Elizabeth Cowan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clerks 'rIIIEm 'HARD, :,'Oll ETH l)HEC INC l' Earl Dawes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aaron S. Ecton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judges I .....y~t~.~:.?9~~9~~l................ llariam C. Bunker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . Clerks FOURTH WARD, ?TFrrIE PIUDCIIWT Matt W. Yihite . . . . . ~ . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . s. B. Bra~t$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judges Austa 1,C. Keown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Ruffner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . Clerks T ha t sa 1 d JUde;es and Clerks of ()lectinn shall have and receive the sum of Five Dollars and Fifty Cents (:~5 . 50 ) per day; (8 ) That; said Electiun shall be conducted and canvassed and return made in the same mamler as other city elections; ..., (9 ) That for said Special Election, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance o. 140, of the C1 ty of 30zeman, there shall be a registration of the resident I freeholders of the (;1 ty a'302eman, whose names apDear on the Cit;! or County tax roll for the year 1928, and wI 0 \,il1 be entitled to vote at such Special ~lection; niB t the ,.(egistration Cffice shall be 01)en on the 9th, IDth, 11th, and 1(2th, and 13th days of Sept em be', ,1929, and thereafter on the 23rd day of September, 1929, for correction, and, for regi stration of such resident freeholders viho Vi ere unavoid- ably absent from the City during the precedinp time of registration; _._.____n -.--- - .-. .- .-- _. --.-. -----....--.--.--- . - -~.. 4.09 ....- . . __.____.u____...... _,___.__.,______,__.___________c'-'__.:,~.'_'___'_'_,__"'..:. '-;.0 .._'u'__.'po",,,.,_u.___ ffha 11 the rteristry Agent shall cause to be Imblis.hed in tLe Bozeman Daily I Chronicle, a daily Dewspaper published in the Cit of Sozeman, at leaS11 twenty (20) da;rs before the expiration of the time for registratiun, a Notice si~ned by said Hegi str:; Af;en t, which T;ot ice shall conform wi th Sec. 19, Ordinance ;"0. 140, of the City of Bozeman, and Ghall be substantially as follows: . IINOTIC}~ In~GIS~lU..r.LIOlj OF IlESIDEl\i'r F;rIG}1~ECLDTG:tS S?ECIAL ELECTION NO~ICE IS I S ~:3Y GIVEN tha11, for the Special Electio~ to be held on ~uesday, 11he 2/10 th da~r 0 l' September, 192? , for Uie purpose of ::moE"li ttinc to the resident freeh.old_ers of the Ci ty of Bozeman, whose names appear on the Qity or County tax roll for the year 1'- GF':, tLe Il~;Dlicatinn of Citizen8 Gas COI:lJ)any, 3. cor- poro.-cion, for a gas franchise, u. ~ecistration of the resideht freeholcle-:'s, 1;ursuant totl1e proviDians of Sec. 19, Ordinance 140, of the City of Bozeman, Llt'.st bo had.. Thu.11 oj.l;,/ re sid.ent fre ehol:1e1'8 wLo se name G ap'pear on the City or County tax roll for the year 1926, and. w),o are rec;istered, will be entitled to vote at said laection; tha-c the refis-cration of the resident freehold.er'~; VIill be held and made at the office of the 2egis-cry Agent, 1~lnicipal Court gOOill, CitS' Hall BUilding, on September 9th, IJth, 11th, 12th, and. 13th, 1929, be tv/een the hours of 9:00 0'c10e}: A. 11. and 9:00 o'clock I). :. of said. da;y, except between 12:0J o'clock A. M. and 1:00 o'clock F. M. and I 6:00 o'clock P. ~. and '7 o'clock F. E. of each day, and tlle time for registration will expire at 9:00 o'clock r. U. on the 13th clay of September, 1929. rrhat the office of the Hegistry Agent will also be open on September 20rd, 1929, for correction, and for regis11ration of persons enti.-cled to recister ~'or said Special Election who were unavoidably absent from the Cit;'l f1'of:1 September 9th to 13th, 1929. Da ted. this ~'7th day of AUg-U8t, 1929. Cora O. Dodson Ref,istry Agent That said Notice shall be published 'in theBo zeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper published in the City of Bozeman, on Au.gust 27th, September 3rd, loth, and 17th, 1929; That Cora O. Dodson is hereby appointed Registry Agent for said Special Election 110 be held on Tuesday, the 24th day of September, 1929, and that the Municipal Court ita 0[11 , City Hall Building, ~ozeman, ~ontanat is hereby designated as the place of registration, and tha t said:-:tegistr::.r Agent shall receive the sum of Eight Dollars ('~. 00 ) per day in payment for said services. )t"i .' I That a list containing the names of the registered resident freeholders in the several precincts shall be posted in a conspicuous place in eacL of the several precincts in the City of Bozeman by the Registry A(ent at least five (5 ) days prior to the day of election; (10) That tl1e proceedings hereunder are had pursuant to the provisions of Section 5069, paragraphs G~ and 73 thereof, as amended, Sections 50'74 to 50'77 inclusive, and 5496 to 5501, inclusive, Political Code RCM, 1921, and Ordinance No. 140, of the City of Bo zemarl . 410 --..-...-.....------ -- -.". n..._. . J-..'ASSED AND ADOP;l'.SD by the (.;ommi ssion of 'the Ci ty of 30 zeman, at a regular session thereof, held on the 23rd day of AUtplst, 1929. ~ I ],,1-1.- Or? ATTES~r : -- 1/ !tifJ/j)jJt{1/~_-3SJ-~--- CLERK OF 2:HE C 1MIS ION I I I .--..-