HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 162 Leving of taxes in SID 100 4~ ,4j f) .------ ----.----- -----.... . ... ...----.-.--..---- -------.-..-..-...--...-...---. ----- ..-..-..-.. - .. ..--.....- ... -. ......---.--.-.--..-.---.-.-.--...- - cc: : 1;":;,1(:::1 :C~;JC:LU'l'IO=; TIC. 162 A. .~~:~:~':.)I,;T~T-;~T1T CI~ (...iI~".':'~ CC'1'.':r-,'.:.;'.'"..)IC'~.-'- C,l" rl.\I:::'~ CIf~2Y Ol~'1 3C_~::':',;' IT~VYIlTC; .. j, ,I .~ ~.:; :-) ",:~ ~:~ :.:) ]. } T r , iLL', ',) I, ~)}~' '::~C I ~"LL ~.~~:~'~':~.~)~j~' .-'.,::.:,:"T CI? T ,,:,~.(!;,~~ l:T)G7: ;\.I.JL TI~:ri~ J?T~:C}?':S~.~T~{ I:,:,~ :::~"-'.>.~C: _,-,~.~~ IT""~F~:C'"I~":~I:~,~.;~~.rr,l.1 I.I8r:"~,~ Il.~G :)~, ,'~':nc:r ~:C. 100 '_CC TJ L;li'Tt\Y FIFTY- (50) Y'~E CEI,rr OF ~=lj: ;.,~: C C :~)~ C? I..IC..ITr:L1 TJ:tC- l,,:../~I}\J '~.~~1'R1~~~~~: ""r"") r",~ I.LJ I"). ,\.V~~'".:t:."'.'~'~ ~' L,. Ii'1 \.~ 1) . ~ ... ~ d. .I'" '~_. .,~ :~ '.c~Ir~~~II~ ~';~..MI"D ~3I;:.SCI. )~l~ Il,:,:F'~'{C~J~==, :~~.':~~1 I.JIC'l~.,L~J~:>,:'8 ~,.{ J. :~j f~ ~~ J: C r:1 1. ~ ..Vi' '. l'JO C \:' T'LE C I 'lY 0:' 30;;7:~/, ,:;?C J_ 1'1:E YE 19~~9. J." ......' . ','{,~ 1,=~ '~=_~:~'j.0, tr~e Ci t:i' Counc.Ll of tIle City or Bozeman rlul and recularly passed Coune ::.1 ),,:~ofJul11tio:rlS l:,:ro~~. 641 und (j1'l , c rea tint' 31)e c 1:,,1 Iupl'oV e L:e n t J,ic:L- I~ il1E D is tr i c t No. 100 \'/i tic in 01:e City of Bo :-;8uun Lend def 1nin,' the b,i1.1nil,il' 1. e <3 tLcreof f3.nd pro- viclin<3 for 1;l:e assessment of the cost of lithtinf Lh,e S:'.'Lffle 8, S set forth in SC'i id Council'::esolutiom.3 no,;. 61,1 ::mej 6;1",7 ; ancl Ij":}~ :j~") {~D /i:..> : ~_ain street f'rO,::j Ida Avenll_e to F01J.rtL ~'~venue within t.he boundaries oJ' sai d ;31'ec i:J.l ILJ:.ro veLlen t Lichting District No. 100, L:'i_S been li,:hted durinr; the ;,Tf; ell' 19:~9 i,,~" contorn,:; 1a 'ted in se..iel Ee s..) lu ti on:c'., in :tccord_ance wi th terr:1B iJ,nd concH tions thereof; and \',";'1 l' '}~~ ',:'.,~ '.;';./'. ::; , 'the Specirll Itrpl'ovement Licl1tLnr: Di~3tl'ict No. 100, and Hle nesol- utions creatinf t~e saLle, H,e total frontage of the property within said dist.rict to ' - the to tal cost of said lighting within said district and the De r:l.~3se8Ben, prol)Qr tion thereof chargeable to the IH'o1-1e:cty ther'uin if.> hereilE11'ter eet forth. I NOVi, tLerefore, rur suarl t to the _p:'ovi s1cms 0 f Section~) 0259 to 5269 in- clusive, J?oli ticul Code, 201" , 1921, as cm:endecl b;y Cll';\.pter' 14;~5, Laws of Nontana, 1927, and s,de\. Council ~~e801ution:J "\0,;. 641 i:lnd 617, orea tin! said Special Improvement 1..1/::_h tin,_: District 110. 100; 3';: FC :~ES()LV,W ~\T;D L-' IS FEH'.I;3Y Oi{;)T;;;:(;i;D 3Y 'l'E;: COTTT;'jIOr OF rn'iE CIffY OF' 3 C ,::~ ''':~,~J" ," ;\1" ';. , ;jT.'F~ OJ? l'CnT\rr , : ;3ec'L1oYJ 1. ''':La t for the ~Te ar 1929 the Ci t.\( of' 130 zer:mn ha s defrayed the cost of I;'iaintatning and lif'h:.inC Main ~)treet, from Ida Avenue to Fourth Avenue, within Special IrnproveLlcnt Lichtine District No. 1,JO, pur :3uant to Resolutions Nos. 611 ano. 647 creating the sar:1e, I'.:,nd that fifty ( 5)) per cent of the entire cost thereof is J1348 .09, that the total number of linear feet of property to be assessed_ is 6'78;).;; feet, and that the rate peri'l'on t foot 1 G :i~ .1986? 5. Sectio)] ;-2. 'l'ha t to defray fifty (50) 11er cent of the cost of maintainin~ and liftting said Main Street, :t'rom Ida Avenue to Fourth Avenue, "vi thin ::;aid ~l)ecial Improveu:cnt Li{'htinC Dictl'ict No. 100 of the year 1929, t_here be, ,'.:,nd there is he 1'e b~t lev i Cd:.Uld a sse s sed a tax upon all the property in front of and bordering I upon sedd Special Improvement Li{,:h tin~~ Distri. ct No. IJO aD set forth in schedule hereto at t;lcLed and made a p.'J.rt hereof; that a particular description of each lot and parcel of land with the name of tLe owner and t11 e Sl1m assesseti G.f:ainst LL_ or it, is set forth in the <3che(iule hereto attacned, and made u part hereof; th;J.t t ,e several 44 f~' .~) --..-.....-----...--.-...-...- pee ti ve 0\Vner8 of sa id lots and parcels of land de scribed in the said ::;chedule, as reouired by law; that saieL sums shall be rJaid an(1 the collectioL thereof ,;;'l)]11 be r,lade in t,he rns.nnc:r and. in accord.ance wi 1,11 the l::n/ i~ov(;I'nin{' the collection of I Sl)ecial improver;~ent ta:;:esj that failure top ;,;.;{ suaL assess;~:ents "'il.L.en the Sf,cme shall occome due and payable shall make such person al1':~ such lots ami parcels of land liaule to the penalties, }H'OV irIed by the law relative to CLelinc.u.ent taxes. Section ;3. rDJ.8.L tL.e l'e{:ular se ssion of .~he Commission of the Cit.'. of BOZ8li,an held on the 25th day of Cctober, A. D. , 1929, at 1,11e Commission Chamber, Ci ty Hall Build.ill{', be, and. the same is hereby designated as tIle tirne and Dlace a t which 0 b ,j ections to the final adoption of tL i s Ee ::wlu tion I,ill be heard by the Commission. Section /1. rrha 1, the Clerk of L.he Commi ssion, be, and h, is hereby ordered and directed to publish in the 30zenllin Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper prin~ed and published int.he said Ci ty of Bo~::,;eman, a notice signed by the Clerk of the Commission, and statint:: th::~t a reso:;"ution levyin,,' :; special assessment of taxes to defray fifty (bO) per cent of the cost of H;aintaininc and lightin{;~ :1"2in 3treet, from Ida Avenue to Fourth Avenue, il: the said SlJ8C ir;ll Irnpl'ov':OIn.:n t lith tin{~ Di stric t No. 100 for the year 1929, is onJ' i1e in the office 0: the Clerk of the Commission, sub~ject to inspection for a period of five (U1Y 2 ; tlic.,"[; said notice s1:((11 s "Gate the I t;rne and j)lace at vi/l,ich objections vlill be Leard by the Coumission to 1,1, e;' irla1 adoption of Lhi s:.:e so lution; that it shall be prlblished ,it lep-st five day's before the date set by the Con;mission for heC:lrin{" of objections, ani ~he final &doption of this Resolut.ion. Passed b:{ Lhe Commission of the Ci t~r of Bozeman at .:J. r8{:ulLil' session thereof held on the 11th day of October, 1929, J.'\. . D. ~ ----+'- ..:;. --..- .._._-----_..._._-- 1.:.,:,YOl:C ' Nrrr:;:;:s'I' : -CLEIfK-ojJ)JfJt!Jd.iSSIO~ I . _.~"'.,.- 44'( . _..,-----,_.- NOT ICE ~------~. I H.~~/\,11I.T,:,;G , ~:j11 ]:,\ 1. _\iJCT'IJ.'IOIT CO }'ISSION =t\i~:;oIJU'J.11 OJ,' TJC. 162 LEVYING /i8 S ~'i,::j s- 1,:~,'Tj~ T.-,~T OJ'.i' F IB'TY PEH C7~F1', C, ,::; r}' },:/, I I' - :~\.IIJ. I \'C.: ,\ 1',1 IJIGHT nIG I:AIH ,::;Tim[1~rJ..' .~ -1,\ l-i1}~CL. ID'. ,\'v::_GI,:UE 'J~O FC:UT(TF ,\VF:J'HTS, SI' f;~CL':i~, I:;r::~OV:-~lf:G.H'l.' LIGETIW: DI.'j- f].' In c T J~ (; . 100, i:,!'10R 1'j'~'T~: Y..i~",~/\::.~ 1~)29. l'icr~IC .,: 1:3 HjG:U'~,~Y G I v~;ri , Tklt at a regul;;l,r se ssion of trle COLlmission of the C. i ty 0 f Boze rnan he Id on th (j 111;h day a l' Oc tab 81' , 1929, Co rnrn i 3 S ion :i e sol uti 0 n K 0 . 162 was duly passed ~nd adopted; that said Commission Eesolutiofl lio. 16:2 levies and asseS3es a special assessmont of tD.xes upon all the property in Special Improve- ment Li~hting District roo IDO of said Ci ty to (lefray fift,! (00) per cent of -L"e cost of maintaininc and li;jh ting L.a in Street frotl Ida _,<venue t;o }1'ou1'tb Avenue, Lor the yeaI' 19,,9. 'fh:'::.ii s o.i (1 S11ecj_al Imp1'ov~;went Lit_c,lning D:LstT'ict ~\TO. 100 was Cl'C~) t;ed pursuant to Coutlcil Itesohnions Los. 6,11 and 6.17, 'chat; the ar:1ou.nt of aS~3essmcnt is )1648.09; the to t(-~l .;:'1'011\;<1(0 Lo 67 ;j.;) linear feet; t~e rate per front foot '." 198"?~ 18 }. a \,) 0. 'fj-j,'j,:_. , SGid Commission Resolution TIo. IG~~ is now on file in Lho of1'ice 0" t.he I Clerk Gf t1,,,,, C 0 LH'-, 1 S ~3 ion 0 l' the <,aic_ City of :3ozoJ:QYl eu 11 ,j e ct to inspection for a J..V period o,',:oi ve d :~.''L ~~r 8 , by any persen interested; 'u:c\ t i?r i(.:, ::::.,;/ .t}-l C~ :ht}: of' Cctobcl', lS(~(J c~t I~ o r C 10 ck J.. ..i.' . , 0;' G"., 1, c: ci. (~. i ~~/ ':.J" 't ~L 1~ 0 {~l11~~. 1-' ;38s:,ion 0:" t }j e C 0 j-;fn is;: ion 0 l' L},e Ci t;; of Jozer:an, COL1Uis;c'.io:"i CL,-->');1ber, Cit;/ r:all i3uildLn{", 1:2 f3'J e en 0 e ~3 i {':ni'. t e rlet :0 t:-.O time (~J.l..,c1 1,..11 e.. (~e 1,. .1.:-; e 1'1 C~ 1'1(; V'l 1'; (.~ l~ n ,:._ 3.. c1. Co -:ni ::::J ion \-; i J~ 11e a1' ,:nl<1~,":::3 1.1)) ();" T.: ~_LrFi '3_11 J t_) ,j C c t :i () n ;, t:',;,,:;.t be ~.. .'1 2 t. t:..C ..., ,:1 J'1.(:.~ 1, 1) r.:. ~:) 8 . (~ :..,1. r:c.i ~), i,:.:t \,': 1) t .T, "~I) r: " , . .,~ ,:J CO .r:i.:::;~)ic'r: ~,J ,~.~c :;)ull~..t,l J'~'"'L -'~ (:, q I,d tt" e ev.'"~' 0-P c;:::_ i d ',.' , '....::. '.',' ,', ..... ~. end 'f-" T, S[i:l(,] :-: f) ;; C 11.1 t :' 0 r . _c. ',j ') (",.Jo..,: ".. '.J ~..J. .,'. j J:; , ,';"~ .: ""1 ,) ,-:; . .'~'L 11 },,- '.'_ t ~ 12 ~:';. '''-'.1 UI't2d ;it ;:;':. 'i I'! ro.,';l:,'-' ~,:~: :'~ 3 :'j j c ~n c ~f' '1,r, (; O;..i.,i:; " 5 0 ,; .J.._j ^~ I.,',.'. , 01'_ :()e t tJ ::.1:(; L C,J [....e c ti ;3.: c, :::;;r}'.L :,',8 rl,l e :n t :~,:~ ,~.l~) r. ~) t::\ mi:.,,-c:..e ~,t~..:'O~'l oO,jectio,b :. e ~_LnCi ;' 11e<:1 \.:i.. Ui:. ,-, ~ :,~' i~I:, \T .;) ~~ .~.;.;.;~ s li!"ll t 1::1.3 l;r~uv'j,(i,ec:.