HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 161A Passing of Resolution No. 161 4 /1~-<~ '-u ---.-----.---.--... --- --...--...- --.---- --. CQI,J,USSION RESOUJfr ION NO. 161 A I A"~:;!;f)QLUTIUN OF THE COl.r:rn33I01': OF l'HE CI'l1Y (W 30Z-srtd-J FUL\LLY FA3SIT:C )Jm ADOPT TNG CO;',:1'HSSICN :Zj:;::-;OLU'l'ION NO. 161 ENTrrrIJ(m: ITA IGGSO.LUTION OF TEt;:; (;01,': IS:jIOlT OF 'i.'EE CITY OF BO:l,T].AI-: l~1<-;VynT(; LKD ASS:S:SSING I;,. SP';;CL"\..IJ ASSE,';S1\:ETTT OT" fJ..iAXES UYON .\1L TH"S InOPEHTY II; ~)FECL\1 n'p;WVI~I\'=c':NT DISTIUCT~3 O1P 'rr1}; CITY OF BO:-:ELAt;, COUN'':':Y 0" GiJ,.LL.;3IN, ST j\'l'E Oil I:ONr~\NA, .,."C? i:.~ .; .j" . THE }'Anrr-S'TTANCE OF _ A'"?KINGS :0 DEFRAY TH~ COST OF l~IN~ATNING ~HE ?lRKINGS ViB:IlDJ SAID SPECIAL IL'?=WVF~I\-ElfT DI~3THICT:) OF rr!TlG CITY OIi' B03F:!,'./,.lT F'OI"-? THE YE,\R 1929. II 'N FE H:BA ::; , the Commission of the Ci ty of Bozeman did on the 11th day of October, 19~:~~;, at a regular session thereof duly pass Commission Resolution No. 161 entitled: If A In:SOLurrON 0:.' ~lHE CmJiU3SIOIl OF '.:.'L1:.; C rry OF BO:~l!:L,"\.}\r LEVYI~TG AHD ASS-SSSING A ;;P1:CL\.I~ j~SSESSI,El:rJ: OF '1: ...\....ES upon i.Ll, TIn!.: PHOj?ErtTY IN SI'ECIXL n]__;;;WT~lENT D I S CC 11H/.c:) Oli' 'L' EI~ C I 'l'Y 0 F' 13 OZIGl: AIJ , COUWry OF G A.LL},T 1:;; , :JTATF: C? 1.:0Wj')':NA, FOIt 'rmc l.:i\.nTrl'1:~IJAT~CI:: OF' F\HKn~C<:'; TO Dc':B'::U\.f TEE COSI' OF liAINT ADH!W '~';IE F\.EKINO:3 i': pnr II' ,..., I \) O'I'1<' C I..... p}' r')"V7:~T 1T11)I '-. T HI ( rn C' 0',' n r",' C r:1Y 0 F.3 07 =, ! n Trl':' nT T, 11,11 .\ ~).tl J W ,'~ )1..J...J _'"I )I..U ;...}...',1,;,1j1 ~ 0 01..0..J... ..1",L_~....J ...L . t LJC..JL.d..J.. ..L.U.J.I. .J.. ..:......1 Y:~AH 192911, and ViliEI.t"S':1..::j, said Commission Resolution No. 161 was duly signed by the ha.or and the Clerk of tLe Commission, and was filed in the of'f ice of the Clerk of the Commission on the 11th day of October, 1929, and ever since has been on file in said office subject to and for the inspection of all persons interested; and iNIr2}~J~J\~) , the 25th day of October, 19E9, at 4 0 I clock 1". 1,'., at a regular ~I . session of th(~ Commission tooe held at t;he Commission Ch:::mber, City Ball Building in the said City. was the time 2nd p10ce for hearing objections to the final passage and adoption of said Resolutipn; and '\:~:/lt ,j'~,: {,i,'I~_/~ ,,] , the Clerk of' the Cor:unissio n ha r:; p;Jven no ti ce of tbe filing of said Hesoluti.on and. the fitnl pr~ssa{"e and ddoption l~beJ'eof, oJ' publishin(' a notice thereof in the [30 z<;man D,lily Chronicle, a daily newspaper, printed and published in sa id C1 t\.' at; least five (5 ) cla;vs before hear inti: :iny :mci all ob ,jectlons totLe '.' , f illE,-l assage and adoption of said 2esolution; and u !,":~ '::~ .:"';.~..; , the nmtter of the fin.'ll rass "e am] :U\ODtion of said Hes01ution, com~ng on ~ccularly to be heaTd, Durr,)Uunt "GO said Hesolution and Notice, ttis 25th da;.{ of Cc "Gober, 1929, ,l, a rC~I'l~lar' session of said Commission, and. Droof' DC in;=-. made of the .1.f;Jlica "Gion o:C said Yiotice as re:J.uired oy la~ and as ordered by said 2e801- uti,-!n; And, no ob,)ectL\llS },2vint: been L:ade or filed ~o the final passa~e and adoption of SQid Eesoluti,)}1 ,.,nel the lev;{inc of Lhe Rsscsscent as therein provided; T'T c~' .,,' :_~i J ni~.,:".{_ j':C ("1'0.( ~ ',.~ , :3:S :LT ~: { :';~ ~.3 C I.. ~.r ~~..~;~ '. :. I'l1 I;) Fi~,~">~Y C: D:(:D1Y 'I'T'S C 0: l,~I ;3'3 I or I /'~ 'ii'~ , Cl'; .. C'!T 'JC ".':-r',~} '-~"~.~\,: , ~~j ~ ..:'~T ".~ I~.'-:-? ~, O~,! ,.' ,I:..:\.: v... 'T li:J."G , s~id COTmission Resolution No. lC1 be, .,i:rl(~ tIle S::1rrl c i ~3 ]le1'e);' ::':'.:n;.-~l:r ~':lGCEHi .HId i1l1opl;ed ai:d "7~~ L{~ ,:;r,eci' 1 /';.fJ~JeSsrnel'l't oi~ t/.;.~,es t~i Cie 'ru>, the co ~;t of LainT,en:i.l:~:."e OfPJ.l'king;:: ,is:';}:8 ':-:i ,--' c: ~. for t h , be, i..ne: the f) ::.", i"';":. e 1~':~ 11 e y~, (, I" e levied ~J, }"i C1 iJ.sse ~)sed ~s therein provided. --,.._-,. e !' 4Ll:4 session r ~.; ;'} ~,:'~ c= 0 .,::',..' , held on the ;~;) tJ: : c\;/ of' Cc to:.) cr' :.. -, lSL:';9. _J. , ~----- ---- .1 ,", j': ~ (",,,., '.::-- ',:" (:.1 It 1"1....L .L ....J~..L .. ___.__. iljlJi!J/);lJjfLlL____, - C.>'TZ'.... f,' "I I, 4' C' "", ", T ~: (. IOn .J.... ",..J.;.. iJ,,, 1......I..l.. ..J., "",," J .11...:1,.1.'. L "-'....) . I \ I ._"...'u.,....,.,_,.,,_...