HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 161 Maintenance of Parking in Year 1929 d' -".---.-----. ~ 4~(/) , ~, ______n_.___..._ ,. n.___ - _.'.____n_.....___... . CQl!1'I3SION RiG30LUTION NO. 161 I ji. 2::i::)OLlTrrI~)1; OF TIF~ COln.:ISSION OF nm CITY OF ") O,~1=1:,LH ,,~EVYnIC ,;\ T:f 'I) ,,/\. ~') S S I rJG.. ~6" SPECIAL ASSi~SS};~EN~ OF i',L("~~) UPO:; .:':J...L rrI:lD 1;~" G}?EP..TY IN S':"~GCIAL I:l,:P;{Q'lF:I'.,iR:;]i!rr DL-3rrRIOT CF ~[I H3 CITY OF 30 Z:~"Al' , COUN'J.lY OF G,'\.LL ,V:CIN , S 1.2AJ.';~ OF' 1.Qi't'll.L:elL, F 01 ~ T 11: ;.; I', ,,\ 117 :11 ~CNAj\J C E OF .i.'ldiKII;C~) '110 DJ~Ji'EAY rITT~ CC.jrr 01,' l,iAIia'AINING Tb"E EARKINGS ViI'l'nn" S/i.ID 3FDCIAl, n,PROVEMTDNT ::;rsrri:-UOrr OF 'IH1'~ CI1'Y OF J3C,~')!J"Ali FOIl TH1<~ YE...'L.';' 1929. Vinb~IU<;\;) , Irhe City Council and the Commission of the City of 'Bozeman have heretofore d.u1y and reeu1:1r1y passed Council and Commis~3ion neso1utions creating Special Improvement District within the City of Bozeman, defining the boundaries thereof and providinr for the maintenance of parking~ therein, and for the assess- ment of the cost of maintainin~ tJ:.e parkings as set forth in Resolutions herein- after referred to; nnd ,"'j' }-mr~ ?~j\ :':> , The parkill{'s vii. thin the boundarie fj of said Special Improvement Districts have Deen cared for and maint,l..Lned during the year 1929 as contemplated in said Resolutions, in accordance with terms and c~nditions thereof; and ~'I";~'~,.El'(~.l'\.S , said, Special Improvement Di~'3tricL for tLe !1laint;enance of parkinf's and the Resolutions ureatin~ the Sf::~rle , the total front;~~{;e, 01' the area, of the property within saiG district to be assessed, the total eost of 8ai(5 r~.1!1:in t enanc e within said districts and ti,e ClLlOunt ch2..rp'e;:~ble to tl~e l)l'operty tJ:e:t'e:Lnlu herein- u I after ~3et ~'orth. TT ., therefore, pursuant to the provisions of Cection b212, rolitbic~:i1 Cod,e, .....0 Ii, , 3.m,:, 1%:1, ::.nd, B:.l:Ld Cou.nc 11 and. Cornmi ssionHe solut ions, cre,'" tin,~: said S.......eci:;l In.,provcLwn t,;i s tri ct, and providinc for the uaJnten',.nce theI'eof. [<,>: PI' :r'::3 (I V!:.m ill: D I'~ I,.,,) I.! .~~l~ -',..~-;3:{ C ~:: J.j .~~R ~~"; D ,W '...:F~~ CCIJ,:I;";SICJ" CIF' r,ITC;~ CITY 0'2' 30: ..;, .J" IT , :~~ '.". .:"~ ... ; C ~T r' -. " \.....:,. :..~ _ 1.. : Section 1. :rh;t; fo r the ;,rear 1929 the City of Bozeman has defrayed the cost oC r:l::tinter..,:,nce of parkin tn the several Spec ial ImlJl'ove:nen t ;;istricts, pur~3udnt to (esolutions creatine the , thut 1- ~". (',~ entire co st t}!c roof, the same, ane], u.;. ~ I,.... tot~:ll nuxnbel' of J i 11 e :~" 1'" feet, or area, of pro}Jerty to e .(}.sseBs8(1, anJ, the rLi.te per' J i~",ear o:r S"" ~ ,L:~" ~");~ t , i;,O ::2.3;'0 110ws to - Vi :1 t : ~'--"inten~~nce of :Parldni.:: District ITa. 6 crea teet by 00'l1.nc11 :~esolntion No. , 306, on South 1:'i:_l;~on "verme from Babcock street :;0 Co110(e ~; tre e t , a total front::':i;:'c of 1;,:J~)5 .37 feet, tl-e "11'-, oC'j'17E "0 at an approxirr~te rate per front I..,) .' .1.., .. ':)''':" " . L' _ , foot of ". 10086/ i.l. J ';;:;' . T.:: ck _:.l"l t e t1.Uli.C e of Parkinc District Ro. ,I2\., -.--.-.."'. .--.. 440 __._.___...___._.__.u_..___ ,...._______ ......"'.....-.--.-.--..- -.-------.-.------..-----...-- 385, Black Av(;nne fr::'ln Bnbcoc:k 3treet to Colle'e StI'eet, c.:. total ~lrea of 2676;5;5 square feet, the snm of ";284.77 at an approxi;--i.'J.tc r:He per 8CUal'e foot of LOOI064-4. c _ .. .1.....-.8.. Ln~e.n. ance of Parkin D~_strict.. No. ..1.-5, (!rea tecl b;y ~o~ulcil H:SOIU:iO. 11. No. , I' 43(2, i:l,,'L,th ,c.verme (oellter and sldes) from Kooh street to TJ1Ci.erson ~3treel;, a total area of 66000 square feet, the sum of:;162.2~5, 8,"t [:~n approximate recte 1J8r SOU:lre foot of ~.0024585. J\Iaintenance of Parkinr Di:nrict No. 48, created by Council Eesohltion No. 435, ~ighth Avenue (sides only) 1'1'010 ~ain Street to Koch street, a total area of 116104 souare feet, the Burn of ')275.10, at an 3.IJproxirlate rU,te Del' Sn1lt'lre foot of 'i;. 0023694. Maintenanoe of Parking Dis"trict No. 50, crea"ted by Council ResolTItion No. 474, Third Avenue from :.Jtory street to Cleveland street, H, total are~.t of 378774 square feet, the sum of~;260.04, at an approxi!':"1Ilte rate pCI' sC,uare foot of)0006865. Maintenance of l)al'kin~:; District No. 52, created by Councll;(esolutlon No. 476, Babcock Street from Fifth Avenue to Eighth Avenue, a total area of 173400 scuare feet, the sun) of,~80.75, at an approximate NJ_te per square foot of'?0004657. Maintenance of ParkinG District No. 57, created by Council Resolution No. 529, Cleveland Street from \1i11son Avenue to Seventh Avenue, a tot'"l fronta{':e of , 3196 feet, the sun1 01')242.81, at an approximate rate per front foot of:,).075973~ I\:aintenanc e of I)arkinr: District No. G1, cre,.:~ l;ed b;y Counc i1;::e 301u tionNo. B~5, Eighth Avenue (center only) from Main street to Koc] streot, total frontape of c2321.9j feet, the sum of )162.0'7, at ~:m appro.z:ima"te r:Lte jJe1' t'ront foot of ).0698. Dain"tenance of Parking District No. 68, created by Council Resolution No. 539, Vli1lson Avenue from Colleee Street to C1evel:mcl ;street, a total frontage of 1260 feet, the S-,;m of )114.69 , at an ,;pproxima te rate per front foot of,;; .09102. Maintenance of Parking District No. 72, created by Council Resolution No. B.. 64, College Street fro;.!. Grand Avenue to Seventll. Avenue., 8., T,.ot.al area of 513794.7 I square fEiet, the ;:JUfll of:~197.19, at an approxiraa1;e rate per square foot of ~.00038437. ,. ]',.iaintenance of Parking Distl'ict Ho. 77, crea "'Ged by Council :~e801ution No. . 576, Eighth Avenue (center and sides) from Dickerson street to 11ar1'i80n Street, a to tal fronta{;e of 19 '11 feet, the 81.1..0 of:?36~3 .34 , at an approxiLla te rate per front foot of).184343. 1'~intenance of Parking District No. 86, created by Council ?eso1ution No. \J20, south side Story Street from Six tll Avenue to Ei tli Avenue, and both sides Sixth i,venue from story Str'eet to College street, a total frontage of 2426.2 feet, "he sum of ::~153.18, at an approximate rate per front foot of ;$.063135:). , Maintenance of Parkine District No. 90, created by Council Resolution No. 636, east side 3eventh Avenue from Jtor;y' street to Colleee Street, a total frontaL'e of 934.2 feet, the sum of :$61.68, at an approximate rate per front foot of ,).066024. Maintenance of Parking District No. 107, crea~ed oy Council Resolution No. 658, East story Street from Tracy Avenue to Bozeman Creek, a total frontage of 225:k feet, tl1e sum of,in72 .81 , at an approximate rate 1Jer front foot Of'~ .076668. Maintenance of Parkin(' District No. 114, created D;y Council nesolution No. 7:~2, west side Grand Avenue from College street to A,rthur street, a total frontage of 930 feet, tJle SUl!1 of ';70.25, at an approxiLlate rate per front foot of ;1~.075537. l\laintenance of Parking District No. 117, created by Council :.1esolution No. 719, Tracy Avenue from Dickerson street to Colle!c~e Str'eet, a total fronta{~e of 1348.2 feet, the sum of $61.59, at an approximate rate per front foot of ~.045683. I\mintenance of rarkinc; District No. 151, created by Council IZesolution No. 810, east side Fifth Avenue from ()live Street to KOc,jj Street, a total area of I 1111...89.06 ~auare. feet, t.h. e SULI 0..f~34.1.0' at .an approxiDate r.ate per....SGuare foot ?f .L000306'l. ~ain"tenance of Parking District No. 189, created by Council Hesolution No. 1004, east side Grand Avenue from Co1le{'e street Lo Ji.rthur Street, a total frontage of 930 feet, tILe ~mm of:~70.25, at an Cil)IH'oximato ru.te per front foot or,?0'153;57. 1.Iaintenance of Parking District No. ~~5G, cre,-}, ted by Counci1~esolntion No. 64, S~x~h Avenue, Cleveland. to Garfield street, 1;otul fr~nta{':e of 136~~ feet, the SUIrl 01 )98.50, al; an approxH:late rate per front foot of ;;~.0'!2:j2. Sec"tion 2. That, to defl'a,y the cost of l',.aintenance of n~,rkin('u witl1in said SDec ial Improvernen t Distl'ic t for the year 1929, there be, and tl1ere is here b;,/ levied ---.--- ...-..-.-...,,-..- .-- "-,.",,. -.,.- 441 ., -----,.. .. ,.".,.. ..... ...____u .,. """ , ",. -.------ -.,-.--..--.---.., ,_.. . "'" ",. . -----------=',..,.'~.",.,~:.. - --':,.-:--."=:.'::.:'::..::....-_~__ .. ~::..:.--=-:::..- .' C.'~':' .:.:....:.:.....:.........:_...:.:.:.,:.'....:,,':..:~",.:..:..:.... :'---'==-'-...:....:.:...:.. ==::='=-,."'~:-:"'"""_=:_:___==:':"":'C="...,,,=c=,-.=o::_=-.:::_ ~.==-.~~...- .... and ass,; Bsed a taz upon all the property in front of and bard er hIt" on saiel Speelal Ir~prover:lent Districts as se t forth in Schedules one (1 ) to r~'wen 'GJr- tr:o (:22) inclusivo, I hereto at tac;iocl and L,~J,d e a pc:irt hereof; tLu t :.1 :particnlal' clcf'3cription of each lot and parcel of lana ~ith the n;-->.;::e of tLe owner and the 3111:1 :'1~1~3eG~:)e(j a {' a i n [} t hi ra 0 I' it, -1 c,: ~;et forLh in assessment lisGG l;'~reto at"(~acllecl, marked, n Sclwcl ,-11e 3 One (1 ) ..1. kJ to i:wen t;{- to.,",' ( " ., ) and nade a part hereof; tt':a t the :3everrl1 ~;~:...S se t oppo Sl te the '-;';(-.J , narr,e G of ;;Le Q\inors <J.nd tLe descl'iaod lot~, clnd parcels of' lru~el be, ~,:.~.l1.d tLe f,;, fi1C are her(~ Y;{ levied and af3uef,~,ed upo: und arainst said loys and purcels of lund; tIm t; tho sevec'u.l suc~'; De collected from the r e ::;pe c t:L ve O\'iners of said 10t8 and varcels of lanG,described in the said assessment lists, Schertule:3 C~18 (1) to Twentv-two(22) , " inclllsi vo, as reqlJired by 1:)\',; tho. ~G sa id SlJ.f11;J shall bc ~) :', ], rl I: {3. the collection therc- of s}u,lJ !Je t:.:~.:. c'~ e }, i'. the Llcclmer and j n ,1 c C 0 :C ci ::111 G e \,t i t L tLc~ 1,,;1;.,' ,:"o'v'8r,.1n,': l.:.rle C' 0 1] (> C' +- ) 0 YI j , ,...,..... u ~ ~ .:f ::;l)ccial Tl''P:':'OVSi, c nt fCC-.xe:]; t,i t failure v .r':~l;r 31,) ('~ )"; .~_;. s se G ~Jr-~e y~ t ;;~ \\"'}'l8rl (""Ir,'m"o. .C' h, 1 1 0.").,,,.''-..1 ....;.. ~,~'" (1CCOrre .; ; '~ ('. ., ~,..,.". 1", 1 ~ c' h" 1 1 r'...I.,' ,~ (.:\ :31J.:_~,~~ '1.-:0 ~son :J. 11('J :'}:' c k: lot ~J :,Y1G. l"lI'C e lee; c!:' l:j"!c1 ..L. , ...) _~,. <;. k.,I " J,I..I. ,.~,. ,J., J ........... '"A.. '.~ 1 . i.) J.J; to f' ~~~ 1.' c; .,..' ~ 1, t t 8 ~J ,'[:: ::-,' () 1/. .j p.rl, rJ ,~:, r 1. ....;, ''.'<..: ::' ~ e 1. t"\TfC> tJ :1:: 1 i 11 q . 1 e :, "" t.:..', =", e f3 . .1... ,1. " :;ectiiJ1J :'). 111,,,,t t]" (; l"'::111,}r ~,es8:Lon of the Commission of tIt e C i t;T 0 f 30 :c';Ci:,,:m he ].1"1 o Yl the :'.. ~j t h drt;/ 0 _::' Cc tOiJer', iI. . D. , 19~~9, at tJ-:e COLl;;isGior~ C !L'C:',~) '8 I' , City 11:J.ll Bil:L]I':in,:, br:, ::'tnd the S;iLle is Lereby d.esir';'ln,te(~ ::i::; t1:8 t i.l e D. n Cl p 1. ;L C e r'.~ ...... ;;~ u I whid, 0:) ,jectiOn:3 to the finul ,-,.:toption OT' t], i ,:; ::efc301utLon 'Ni11 be l'e::lrd b~l the COPlIni s~3ion. .)ection .~. 'f lc:~ t tl18 clerk of the ConwrJ SSi011, be' ::U)(t L e i:::; hereb or(1 ered v , and ,~ ire c t e d to pub 1. i OJ1 in tLe "Bozeman D::dly Chronicle, a daily newspaper, prin ted_ Cind 1mb1i ,:,;};0(1 in the 4) 4H~ _un..___n. ____-----'-__...___.__..u__..__ __...:. :::.._____.,_,_-'-___:__...:....__________.______,,_.,..._---=:~.::.-,=:.: .-c' ",,'::,.,-:::'", _ - ---- ."'.. NOT ICE ..".,. 0.._ ..._,~ _,_ ,.._ R~_ }-]~,\;'tIJ\C, ]"1; ,\1. ,\.DCT'} I en COllTI SSION I rt::~JCD,:11h_~" NO. 161 LE:VYUTG A~),3:-::33- T:'i;~:r[1 OF CG:;T 0:<' IIA::L:'I'i-,-:Y:'J:C};: ml' }. .-..;~l:- T l,iC SIr; :'):pT~C I,', -.; IlJ.:' 1'(,0'/ ";1 :::yrr D I ::..;~' r.~ ': C T~) }'Oi: I~'(].' 1,',:: Y-".~~J.\:~ 1929. j"O'}J(2 I:~ l:~<:':'~:~}J'{ G rr::::' , The.t at a ret:ulQr se;:,sion of the C0L1r11,3:"ion of the City of Bozeman held on ~he 11th day of October, -; () ')C! Co Inl;'! i s s ion It e 80 1 uti 0 11 No. '"~., .,. (,~, ,,' , 161 levies a,nd a8SeS~'3eS a special asseSSI;lent of taxes 111Jon c,,11 the property in Special ImproveL;()nt~)istriets of su.id Ci ty to c1 efr i)T lite cost oi"JLintenance of Parki11{':s vd thL. said Speci!.:tl ImprovernentDistricts for the ;lTear 19:09. That the S~oecial Improvement Dist}'icts, and. the EeGolutions cl'eatLn{' the same, and the amount of the assessments are as follows: Maintenance of Parking Hesolution Amount of Assessment District Ho. I.To. 6 306 5478.bO 9 325 6~~.62 16 356 27.09 17 355 304.31 18 357 143.60 31 ;385 284.77 45 432 162. ~~5 48 435 275.10 50 474 260.04 52 476 80.75 I 57 529 242.81 61 535 162.07 68 539 114.69 72 564 197.49 77 576 363.34 86 620 153.18 90 6~)6 61.68 107 658 172.81 114 722 70.25 117 719