HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 167 Levying taxes upon certain properties and defray cost of construction _._..__u_._u_ _ -----.-.-... , COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. iS7 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN LEVYING AND ASSESSING A S~ECIA ASSESSMENT OF T,AXES UPON CER':,rAIN PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF BOZJ<::MAN, COUNTY OF GALLATI, STATE OF MONTANA, TO DEFRAY THE COST OF CONSTRUCTING AND INSTALLING MISCELLANEOUS SIDEWALKS AND CURBS DURING THE YEAR 1929. WHEREAS: 1. On the 17th day of May, 1929, the Commission of the City of Bozeman, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 561 entitled: "AN ORDINANCE GOVERNING THJij CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF CONCRETE CURBS AND SIDEWALKS IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF 'rIUS ORDINANCE AND REPEALING ORDINANCES NUMBERED 365, 374,~35, 477, 449 and 451, ,AND ALL OTHER ORDINANGES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN IN CONFLICT !lIEREWITH" and prbvi810ns of Section 5244, Pol. Code, ROM, 1921 as amended by Chapter 12, Laws of Montana, 1929, passed Commission Resolution No. 141 entitled: "A comHSSION RESOLU'rION OF THE C ITYOF BOZEMAN PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF MISCELLANEOUS SIDEWALKS AND CURBS WITHOUT THE FORMATION OF A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN FOR THE YEAR 1929 ", and, 2. Proceedings were had thereunder for the construction and installation of Miscellaneous Sidewalks and Curbs during the year 1929 , and 3. Thereafter Commission Resolution No. 144 entitled: "A COMMISSION RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN PROVIDING FOR THE EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ],uSCELLANEOUS SIDEWALKS AND . CURBS WITHOUT THE FORMATION OF A \13)?ECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT IN THE GITY OF BOZEMAN FOR THE YEAR 1929, SUPPLEMENTARY TO COMMISSION RESOLUT ION NOI, 141 II was passed on the 26th day of June, 1929, and 4. Miscellaneous sidewalks and curbs were constructed and installed bordering on various properties in the City of Bozema.n, pursuant to Ordinance No. 561, section 5244,pol Code, ROM, 1921, as amended, and said Commission Resolutions Nos. 141 and 144, which Ordinance No. 561, Section 5244; Pol Code, RCM, 1921, as amended and ,.CommisslQnReso1u.tions Nos. 141 and 144 are hereby referred to and ma.de a part of this Resolution, and 5. The Miscellaneous Sidewa:l;ks and Curbs as contemplated in said Resolution Nos. 141, and 144 have been construoted and completed in accordance with the ;terms and conditions of said Resolutions, and the City Engineer has duly certified to the Commission a schedule showing the Sidewalks and Curbs which have been cons:truoted and installed, and the properties which are subJeot to assessment thereunder total cost of said Construction and installation in the'sum of Five Thousand Eighteen Dollars and Seventy Eight Cents ($5018.78), whiohsch€!dule, marked "Schedul An is hereto attached and made a part hereof. NOW THEREFORE, Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 561, as aforesaid Section 5244, Pol. Cod.e, RCM, 1921, as amended, as aforesaid, and Commission Resol~ utions Nos. 141 and 144, as aforesaid, BE IT RESOLVED AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED BY THE COMMISSION OF TFffi CITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF MONTANA! *' --. .....--...-..-.. -- - ----..--.-... -.--. ----- ---.. 1. That to defray the cost of constructing and installing miscellaneous :?idewa.lks and Curbs asset forth in Schedule A, hereto attached and made a part hereof, there is hereby levied and assessed a tax amounting to the sum of Five Ij I ThousandE16hteen Dollars and Seventy Eight Cents ($5018.?8} . 2. That a particular descrlptmon of each lot and parcel of land with the I \ name of the owner and the sum assessed against hiLI or it for such construction and installation and the amount of each partial payment to be made and the day when the same shall become delinquent is set forth in the assessment list hereto attaohe~, marked "Schedule A" and made a part hereof; that the several sums set opposite the names Of the owners and the description of the lots and parcels of land be and the same are hereby respectively levied and assessed upon said lots and parcels of land to defray the oost and expense of constructing and installing said Sidewalks and Cur b s ; that the several sums so assessed be collected from the respeotive owners of said lots and paroels of land described in said assessment list Schedule A as required by law; that the payment of said sums shall be made in six installments and the payment of said installments shall extencl over a period of five (5) years; that the payment of the respeotive annual installments shall be made on or before the 30t day of November of each year until the payment of all the ins1taiUments, together wit the interest thereon shall be made; that said sums shall be paid and the collection thereof shall be made in the manner and in aocordance with the law governing the collection of Special Improvement Taxes; that failure to pay such assessments when the same shall become due and payable shall make such persons and said IQts and parcels of land liable to the penalties providea. by law relative to delinquent taxes; 2. That the regular session of the Commission of the City of Bozeman to be held in the Commission Chamber in the City Hall of said City on the 25th day of october, 1929, at 4 o'olock P. M., be, and the same is hereby designated as the time and place at which objections to the final adoption of this Resolution will be heard by the said, Commission; 3. That the Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman be, and he is hereby ordered and directed to publish in the Bozeman .Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper printed and published in the said city of Bozeman, a notice signed by the Clerk of the Commission and stating that A Resolut,ion levying and assessing a special assessment of taxes to defray the cost and expense of constructing and installirtg miscellaneous Sid,ewalks and Curbs in the Oi ty of Bozeman for the year 1929 is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission subject to inspection for a period of five (5) days; that said notice shall state the time and place at which objections will be heard by the Commission to the final adoption of this Resolution; that it shall be published at least five (5) 'days before the day se t by the Commission for the hearing of objections and the fina.1 adoption of this Resolution. ':~ _..,~._---- ----.. . Pawseda.nd adopted by the tOmlni'~I3i'on of the City of Bozema.n at aregu.lar session thereof, held on the 18th day of Ootober,1929. ATTEST: ~~fP A . , CL[1;RK o~mJ ; !.Q!1.Q:m HEARING, FINAL .ADOPTION COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 167 LEVYING ASST~SSMENrrTAXES COESTRUOTION AND INSTALMTION OF MISCELLANEOUS SIDEWALKS AND CURBS IN THE CITY OF BOZEMfI.N DURING TEE YE.Al1 1929. ~ NOTICl~ IS H}ijRl@Y GIVEN, that at a regular ses",ion of the Commission of the Ci tyof Bozeman, held on I<'riday the lE:thday of October, 1929, Commission Resolution No. 167 was duly passed and adopted; that said Commission Resolution levies and assesses a speoial assessment of taxes upon certain lots and parcels of land in front:, or on the side of which, Sidewalks .and Curbs have been constructed, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinanc.e No. 561, Section 5244, Political Code, ROM, 1921 as amended by Chapter 12, Laws of Montana, 1929, to defray the cost and expense of constructing and installing said Sidewalks and Curb s . ! That, said Commission Hesolution is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission, subject to inspeotion for a period of five (5) days by any persons interested; that Friday the E5th day of October, 1929, at 4 o'clock P. M., of- said day, at the regular session of the said Corrunisbion of the Oity of Bozeman at the Commission Chamber in the City Hall Building of said City, has been designate as the time and place when and where the said Commission will hear and pass upon any and all objections that may be made to the final passage and adoption of said Resolution No. 167 and the levying of said assessment, and that said Resolution will be finally l1assed and adopted at said regular session. All persons interested are referred to said Commission Resolutions Nos. 141 and 144 of the City of Bozeman for the construction of miscellaneous Sidewalks and Curbs in front, or on the side, of lots and parcels of land within the City of Bozeman for the year 1929, without the formation of a Special Improvement District. Dated this 19th day of October, 1929, A.D. CLERK ~~ISSION