HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 163A Passing of Resolution No. 163 -. -- . _,n_ ,. 452 ._--------,- ----, -.-.-,-.--.-.-,.-...,.,.,-,.,.. . .--.--.-.-----..." _._-,_..,- ...--...,......,.- OG}J\II Sf)1 ON .ctES(~LU'rlIG:': IJC. 16;5 ,\_ A RESOLUTION OF Tli"; CCrl'i-ISSICn~ C? rrEE CI~'Y OF BC:l,}~Li\H I<'JIJ\I,I,'i FASSIlTG ;~rm ADOPT DTe I OOlEI3SICN R330LUTICN NO. 16:.3ENT I:rL2~D: IT A R2~SOLur ICT: OF THE CCLI.r ~)sr ,_,N 08'-,'1:-:= or 1'Y 0 F lC'~rGT"C T,T~VYl~;G,'ITD;\;3;3 :;;;:<L2';G,\ SP},~~C 1 A L ...~\ 3 f) -..:'j~~) Sj," :':;:t,;T 0111 T i,'\.="~'ES lJI) ()I-} C ~~.~,~'~~I' i-\1 ~'T P'H (;l)~~}-(T I 'I!~;] r- 'rhr;~ c 1 TY OF ~,"\.."" ?1f'"';',.1 I', II COUNTY . ~ ',J .)lj _ j j.J.' ,_ i ,_,. , OF G;\LLo','J. IF, 3i:~i~rrTj: o;~ J.::,C}~T,/LN i\, TO D;';'HAY ':1r:E CC,ST OF"G:Tn;C:;~i n:L:'I:~!,r .\J_-' ;r,;? "CV,T, OF No=nous ,'nG~m:; ;;'02 rL'E1G Y';'~-,\E l<)(-~S~ PU;-~Sl:j\lyrll TO TE"~ IY1\~VLiLrr;3 OF ORDI -~NC~ NO. 428 EI,,;rrITL7:;n; II :.1'[ 0' n:: I T: ,U: C:; D:~8' r :J 1 Fe: ,\:':D F,WVID; TIC ?Ur~ TT',:'l~'~ I~1JT.JI=)f~~ '~~I\fT _/1.I,:'~) \B/lrrp,-'l;:I'TT OF C E ~z rr ,\ I N 1mI SAT: C'~: S 11 'Ij~j T ~IC T~ '::1; :\ ~~) ~ . he Commission of the City of Bozeman did on the 11th :,a;v of October, 19(~ 9, at a rei:l11ar session thereof Quly JJass Commission : e sol uti 0 r~ No. 163 en ti tls;(l: 1IA RES01UTlm: Oji' T-. E CCr\,~l=I~)SICTT OF rl']!E ClI'Y OF' 30~'.';;T-l\I\;:~E;V'(n!G l\.I'iD !\';:JSE:3SING A, SP~CIAL ASS]~SS~:E11T OP j"'i\..XJ!.:;) 'lJPo.u CE;~rL' i,r:n P:Z(l~;HTI Co' IT; 'l'E:~ CII'Y 02 +.~O::3\;]"i".::',.I-J' , COUNTY 0" GALL/,'rI.r< , :ST.fi<-.L}~ Oi? }..~'Cl\JT ~-:i.J\i.ji, ~I: G T) J,.,i:;.~;11~., I.y rl I'.'! ':!:~ C C 's r.I1 C 1~ :..~~':{r_2 i:::'~.i' i,,'1' IC': L11D lLSI-,OV".T, O[.'l:OG OUS l:iE-:::J~) FOn I'::;li; Yfi;A3, 1929 l'UIU3U..U:'l' 'L'(, '1."': r'{CVL;IC;nS C? c!n)JX,\:TC'~ ::C.. 1::~8 "']:;TITI/CD; ,., l\.r~ O;,"tDI'::\;l\.N'C"i.'G 'Dl~'?Il<'Il<:{~ ./tl-J.D I~J,I'~CVI.DlrJG. Ti'10::?, r.2}..J~~ l)1:";1-; L :~~'!I".';'~~T~i ,~\.I:.,J .i,,\_ i.\.rll':,::~~" .~~;rr1' C: lJ' C :'Tj~ T{ l' r\ I I~ NUl SA.iI:C; II , and v;mi~:{L';c\.~j , saia. Cammi ssi on Fte 80111 tion No. 163 was dul;:i si {'ned_ by the:;::~JOI' and the Clerk of the Commission and was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Commi s ~3i on on the 11th day of October, 1929, and ever since ll~:,:;t s been on t'ile in S,~.,i.l G. office, sub ,j ect to and .for the ir1f3JJectioD of '.:.11 persons interested; und \'i}~ T'I~ 'jl :~ .:~D it. 3 , the (-25th d:i:{ of' October, 1 9 ;~ <) at 4 o'clock I'. t:. , at :1 T'erular I session of the Commission to be he1(1 a t the C omrni 8 8 i on C1l:.i.l!lOe T' , C 11; ~1 Elll ~)ui lei J DC in the 8alel Oi t;/, lva fJ the t iUle and place for hearinr objections to Ule ;'ina1 passaee and. adoption of said.-~e so 1111; i OD; :,-YlcJ \")TTE}~~ Ei~~-) , the Clerk of the Commi ~3sioD has ", L If ,. 11 not .1 c e of tJ~e filin{: of' s~lid Hesolution i.md the final passa~f and adoption thereof, b;,T .!.)\;blieLin{< notice thereof in the 30zeLl:-m L'::dl:! C1lroniole, a d~1ly newspaper, )rinted c,.ncJ pub Ii ~3hed in SD.id Ci t,', , at least ftve (;) ) daJs before hearinC any and :1.11 ob,icctiorw to Lil8 ;' 111:.11 passaCe and adoption of G:.i. i (j -,-{esolution; and \~1rrI~;G:t'(}I:.i~:) , the matter of the s!'J.id ftlE,l IKlGS;:.{'e :::~nd a(101) tion of se,.ic} ne~30lut,:i.on, COLlin{' on ;>ec'ularl;}' to beL ') i;, l' c} , pUt':311ant to said :(esolution aml :To1;ice, Ui i s ::;jtb d_a;.r of OctOUCl', 19;~S' , at ,',l r 0:'llL:T 3e ssion of s~1i(: Conun:i. s; i (J II. , ,pYle) IJI'oof ., t) en:, " lile n. e of the plib lie a tion o:i.' sr_il (J no Lice .. 1 ' .' i ,J_;3 0 rd_ ere,. S:.',~, id r_~ ,3 l' e (, H.l:C e e 0 ;{ J. ::~ Ii :-1:H. Hesolution; ,,,nel, },',10 o b ,j ec t i~.\ rlf3 liD.v i ., ;)oon !lade Or riled to the ,in,,1 .p:::,1,. S ~3(.i~::, ::0 :"nd - t .'. 0'1)' r::;' 'e::olution am: the 1ev;lin" of the [3" B S U ~~) ~',)r~L C Yl L ,:";;~ the~ein prov~ded; t~U_O D lOD 0:: ....,)<.,_.... .,I."L;,. I i.' , ,'"")~, ' ,I '1-:'-1 !.''''.! ~ ) . "." ..~: 1. ; ':~ ,~~ ~.,,:; c. 4t)~ ----.--..... -------,--.,.,.."c'-.--- -...--...''''''.. .n .____ '" . ,. ". .... "-"'::'=-=-="~..::.c:____--=._= =_""""'"""""-=_':..==-=------- --- --- .---..,.--- --.--- ...., . _ on" -. .. ...----...-. ,.- . ,. -...-.. .-..-...-.,.---.---..-.- .._._______.._______.._" ",... ." "_'0' 1':l s sed and ~J;outod by triO Conmisci.on of tho City of '~o :::'3r. c.'.n , it t .....t Y' e ."1 --.1 ::: l' I ;38 S;31on t,r"'t.e ,I~ ,- ~ '1 ,. ~'l C 1 C1 on trlc ::"bty: d:<" " Oct ob c ~' D. , ., C1~) 0 '-..1.1" , 0.,. ... . _L ..,' t.t _,' . -M&t/L-.- -- '. :.' 'f .:) I.""::" '\..../._'- , n1 - ""1 '~';'\' , . !-...L.( ,:1 i(~' _,..____. .' . . L.__._-.-.- --c'1 .-v)' ."'-;.'.1 -.'. -- C '7 T ,,'. I i r )~. ...J. ......,'" 1..._,... ..", j . -' ..,_' ,~,-) \.,.,..,' I I