HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 168 Payment to Salvation Army ...., ~ --.."'.. -- 4rll . --..- CO~IT~ISSION RESOLUTION NO. 168 I A COMliISSION RESOLUTION I'ROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT TO THE SALVATION ARMY, BOZEMAN, J\CONTANA, OF THE SUM OF ONE EUNDH3D FIFTY DOLLARS FOR SERVIC8~S RENDEHED AND I~iONEYS EXPENDED IN r:AINTAINING .A FREE PUBLIC EMPLOYl".ENT OFFICE IN 'l'RE CITY OF BOZE~,LAN DURING rrEE YEAH 1929. vm EREAS : (1 ) Under and by virtue of the provisions of Section 3636, Political Code, R.C.I,I.1921, it is made the duty of the Commission of the City of Bozeman to provide for the establishment of a free public employment office; and (2 ) Under and by virtue of an understanding had by and between the officer in charge of the Salvation Army of the City of Bozeman and the COIJmission of the Oity of 3ozeman, the Salvation Army has, during the year 1929, and prior thereto, established and maintained a free public employment office at its Eead(,Luarters in the City of Bozeman; (3 ) And in the establishment and conduct of said free public employment office so conducted by the said Salvation Army, the ;:ialva tion Army has 2~cnd oI'uLl ;] e l~-\[ l \5 8 urdJ },o..u e:xpended moneys, and has made a report to the Cormmission of the City of Bozeman of its activities in the maintenance of said free public employ- ment office for the year 1929, and has reCluested the Commission of the City of I Eozeman to make an appropriation of One Hundred Fifty Dollars (~150 .00 ) to defray the cost and expense thereof for the year 1929; (4 ) And the Commission of the Oi ty of Bo;~eman deems and considers that the free public employment office so conducted by the Salvation Army answered all the reCluirernents of the (;i ty of Bozeman and was s':.fficient therefor, and that an appropriation should be made by the Commission of the said sum of One Hundred !t'ifty Dollars ( ,~150 .00 ) for the expense of said. free public employment office for the year 1929; NOW, TEEREFURE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CmaUSSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEII:AN: (aY Tl,a t there be I and there is hereby, appropriated for the exrense of maintaining the free public employment office in the Ci ty of Bozel:mn by the Salvation ll.rmy durinc the year 1929, the sum of~)150. 00; (b) That upon the presen ta tion of a proper claim tl18refor a warrant for the sum of .';)150.00 be drawn in favor of the Salvation Army, and paid from moneys in the General Fund; I ( c ) That prior to the;.:ayment of said Warrant, the. Salvation Army, by its ])!">er officer, make aml file wi th the Comrnission a wri tten report of its acti- vi ties 1'01' the year 1929, which report shall substantially conform wi th tr. proviuions of Sec. j636, Political Cpde, R . C .}!.. 1921, and that a copy of sal~ annual re.;.Jort be filed wi "ch the Departmen t of Agriculture, Labor ami Industry of the State of ILontana, as provided by law. ( 4'72 .--. ---.---.---.."'...". -..-..-.-.--- ."'.".-...... - __.'._._n___..__ Passed by the Com.mission of the Ci ty of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 20th day of December, 1929. I _.8A5:-/lL! Mayor -k1.ff1.ti,J;;'lli/1 Cler 0 the Commission I I -----