HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 175 Create SID No. 283 ---....---. L1~)4 -.---.-------.-- . ...-..-...-.---.-----.-..-.. _.n..... ------.--....-..--.....-..... RESOUITIOH no. l75 A RESOLUTIon OF TJIE COl.J,~ISSION O}<' TE3 CITY OF BOZELJ..N, i.laNTANA, D1~CLIj~IlTC I'l' TO BE TIm UyrENTION OF S.AID COh;:;,irS;:;ION TO CREATJ~ A SPECII,L Dlr::l.O'TSL==::.rr ;)1;:::;r:l1HICT ~~o BE IGW','[J'; AIm DEi-:;IC>TA'l'lDD AS S?ECTAL I."PHOV~LJ';lrr DIST:UCT HO. 283 FOR TIm 11,~:::FOSE OF I CONSTHUCTING A SAIIITARY S:&'''','lER IlJ ~~H:::: ALLJ~y IN BLOCK 11, OF PAm= ADDn1I01J, FROlJ[ THE FR~::~::::;:;l';'r SE'/[EH on OLI':rT~ ;::;rn:mET TO A IOH:r[ LID,..r.::.y Ki:T\VE:E:IJ CLIVE AiiD CU~i:l'ISS STIUGE'l'S YHTIT TlfEA.DDITJlJT m,,' ,AIJ Itm)~vi.I~:;En .AT ,:el,~ ~:':C0.Tj';: EI:iD 'ro lKC'J"IT OT" I'LUSELiG, ,;L'w TO SP1fCIJI.LL''{ J'\.smSS;:3 rrr,:1~ E:;'!'I'UU; COST I..ND EXI)ENSE OF l.lAKIliG SAID IJ..cPLOVEl,iEI7[ jlCAINST TIm LAND ',II'l'flU: SAn) DISTHI CT AS CHE':J.TED. BE IT PcESOLVED BY Tlill C01,L,"ISSIOlJ OF 7Iili CIT'{ QI;' BOZEl,l~i..,,: Sect ion 1. Tl~8. t it is hereby declared to be tbe intention of the Corm:lission of tl~c City of Boze~;lOn, Ste,t 0 of liontana, to create a Special Irilprove- ll;,cnt District to be known and desic;m.:ted as SI)ecial LU])I'OVOl',lent Dtstrict Ho. 223 o i' said City, for tIle ]JuI'!lose of constructing a So.L_tl::1.ry se'.ver in the alley in Block 11, of Park Addition, :C'ror,l tho present seVIer on Olive street to a IJoint Eliclwa~t bot'\'Jeen Olive and Curtiss streets YJitL tho addition of an "Uln'o,iGe" at tIe south end to ':'81'l:1i t of flushing; Section 2. That tho boundaries of' seid S}Jec1al Improvement District No. 2133, to be created, are Cts follows: BeGin~lil1g at 8. point in the north line of' Olive Street rrhere the SaIae is intersected by the east line of tho alley between Sixth and Seventh .Avenues; thence south alone tho east line of said alley to the southwest cOJ.-'neT ai' Lot 8 of Block 11 of Parl<:: Addition to Bozer.~mL; tl'~ence west across siJ.ic1 D,lley and alo:nc the I south line of Lot 17 of said Block ll~o the cast line of Seventh Aven'e; thonce no rth alone: the east line 0 f sc;id Seventh Avenue to the nOl'tl:'.','est corner of Lot 20 of suid Block 11; thence eust alo~c the north line of said Lot 20 to the west line of said alley; thence north alone the west line of said all y, and an extension of the sc}"ce, to the north line of Olive Street; thence east across said alley to the place of ber'inr~inr:: ; Section 3. That it is hereby declared to be the opinion of said Corrmission of the City of Bozenwn, State of Montana, thcl.t all of the land within said IH'oposed Special Ir;,pl'ovelJerrt District as defined in Section 2 of this Resolut ion, IFill be SIJecia ly benefitted by the constrl1ction of said scL:itary sewer; Sect ion 4:. That the character of the ir:lprcvement to be made within said Special IuproveTnent District lTo. :.~ [33 j.8 tIle "construction of a Sanitary Sewer in the Allcy in Blocl: 11, of 1'o.rk Adcl.itiol'l., frOFl the present SEfwer on 0lj.ve StTeet to a point nic1way between 0li'"e and CUJ.~t ies streets with the addition of an "Upraise" at the south end to rerr::i t of fl uslli.:.~C;" Section 5. That the Gprroximate estir:late of' the cost of (1(: ,;.::1.'; all of the wOTk of constructinG said Sanitary Sewer, 1ncl ud ine pipe, ws'e branches, man- I hole installation, engineerinG and i~cidentels, is ~p558.10; Sect ion C. That the total f'rontace of' the land '.'flthin said proposed district to be taxed 1'01' the cost of s' iel im:qroverlcnts (exclusive of streets, avo:HJ.e s, a11eys and public places) is 99.06 lineal feet, o.ncl an a]JIJToxiTllate est L:a te of the co :::t of sa iel ir;l}n\)Ver~eIL to be s]Je cie. ~ly taxed "mc~ asse ssed against the land therein is ~o.634 per front foot of s~id land. The t el~m "f'ront ----- --------.-- ._,'. _.n. 4~5 ..-..--,- ...'u__m'. ,____._,. ---------,-,._--- .. .,.--..-- foot II referring to the m.unter o:C 1 ineal feet fronting or abuttinc on saiC alley within said proposed district. I Sect ion 7. That the entire co::~t and expense of makin:; the Special Iln:orc:ver,lents heroin set forth in said S])OC ial Im:proveL1~ent Dist rict No. 21::3 shall be paid by S:iocial Irnr:rovemont Dist rict Coupon Bonds, as aut ..ori~;:,ed by the Laws of the State of Montana, wLict bonds shall be in the denomination of One Hundred Dollars (ulOO.OO) each, or i'ract ions tllereof where necessary, to be issued and cl1o-rc:;eable against a fund to be l:11O\vn as "S]Jecial Improvement District No. 283 Fund II , said bonds to be redeenEble at tLe opt ion of the City o:f BOZ8LlO.ll, r,;'ontana, whenever funds are cwailable for th~,.t purpose from said Special Ir.ilJrOVenent District lTo. 223 J!'unc1. Said ";.jonds .. 11 d . 1 interest at thE' rate of six sr,a . ra VI :::; HilD e reI' cent per i1nnlE.~, w~'ich int erest shall be charGeable as a P,i.l't of tIle cost of said i~]JroVel)J.cnt s, ,:l.nc1 shall run fror:l the date of the rec:;istl'ation of said bonds u:"!t il s'..~ 1d bonds G.re ]X1 id ; Section 8. T~~8t to :,jay said bond s , aHd int erest thereon, represent ing the cost of sa id inr:rovencnt, a special assessment shall be levied CC[~L8t all the landC;'. Y.:l thin the se;, icJ l~' ~;'~ C}, C,: ~~, c' t,J. G..t...cc:~ .l.':~ improvement District I,yo. 2:33 as llereLi- before def"c :cwd, each lot or parcel of land vlitllin said Dist_ict bordering or I abutt ine; UpOYl tIle alley in BlocJe 11 of :tJarl: Adeli t ic).:1, "I'.;::er,=;1n the Impl~OVeI:1ellt has been made to be assessed in roportion to the lineal feet butting or borderLlg t-,lC 00.:":10; Sect i ::):;1 g. That said assess:lent shall be })c.<{ublo in five anm.l!J.l insta Ilment s, ~1i th six pc r cent annual int eTest O~l the deferred llayments, C Ofi'ilTl- encine with ~le year 1930, but this r JXJ\Tision shall not be canst rued to I)l'event full pa:y,]ent at any .~; i:no ; Section 10. Tl'i.cl t J. E. Phillips is the ownor of Lots 17 an'~ 18, Block 11, Park Addition, with a f:ronta{~e of 50 feet on said alley in said Block 11; That; Gco:>ge::. Henry is the owner of Lots 19 and 20, tn Block 11, I'ark Add:L t :Lo n, wit}} a frontar;e at 50 :['eet on said nlle;,- ill said Bloc:: 11; tJ:at they are the o:.-~ly 1,e1'son3 i~terested in the creat ion of's". it} Spec ial I.lprovem':)nt Dist ric t iJo. 2[:3 for the const=uction of the said Sanitary Sewer, and t~eir property, described as aforesaid, is the only ]:l'opert;r t}lc~t will be assessed to c1e:'.>r::.:.. the cost [nd expense thereof; That J". E. Phillips lIas I r::orticaged the pror;.ort:1 owned ~,y hint to the Security Building and Loan Assoc- iation of Billincs, l.iont ana, to secure an indebtedness owinG by him to it; that GeorGe ,I. 1=8111T. has Inortr;a@ed t~le property armed by hi:n to the Security Builcli:.1C; an(l Loan Association of LillL1GS, L:ontan.a; that hereto attacJ1ed, and m;;:~de a llart hereof, is a Haiver f;i'~';:led l):,H tJI0 said ,J.. E. Phill ips and the Securit;, Build i:lg and Loan A[o3ocic.tion and George -.:. Henry and the Security Buildinc and Loan A.ssociation wiavinc; all le'8.1 forrlillitie::; in tllO ;.imtter of the cre::ltion of said .._...._..__n_ ..n__._."._...__... 4~)() ..n... ____._._.__._ .-.--..-...-......"....- -- ---- - S:rec ial InlJJI'OV01wnt Dist riot lJo. :~83, and the oonstn.;.ct ion 0:[' tho Sanitary Sower tJWI'G in, and requestinc that the s;,id Sanitary Sewer be const:c'iJ.cted, and that the cost and expense thereof be assessed aGainst t' l:; . f' 1 . d J "' -,Ie :_-roIH:JI"-les o' 'C,le sen ..J.:... I r)hillir:s and Geor{::;e':i. .L Lenry , as aforesaid; thnt by reason of scid request it is Ulnmcocesary tl1C!t t:Je -l.v:-)ual ITotice of intention of cro!C!.te :)aid 31JOoia1 ImpTCwcment District be published; that no Notice of the lovy of tho assoss:,)cnt tLerefor is necessary, and t1:l.8. t said Dis;;_,'ict can .....e created without the 'clSua1 f'o:.nnalities, - and that the 0111y Not ice to be })ublislled is the Hot ice to Contl~actoTG inv i t j..nc bids for the doinc of the work; tL.at by reD.son of the reCluest, co nsent and waivor hereto annexed and made a part or this Resolut ion, no Notice :i.s req1]ircd, and no Hotice sha::'l bo civen, but t 1m t scid District shall be C I'eat ed, and UpOll co:n:pJ.et ion of the wo:::,k the assesslilent nade vii thout not i co. PASS1i:D by the COflluiss:i.Oll of' the City of' Bozenmn, i.~ol1tana, this 18th day of Al)ril, 1 ~)30 . ---., --\ ;~] L' p, ,;[.~.' / r-..------ - Mayor- Attest: o ~ - Q.,,-~ .~. ..-... ~:=~- ~e~:f the ."iss ion I ':i .A I V E H (Hi' I,EGALFOrrr.J_AL'l'IEIS III :':;'E CHEATI()l~ OF Si:::'::CIAL Il..:r'i.~~OVK.;=?.f.r DISTRICT HO. 283, Ii'OR COlTSrrIrc: C'I'IOiJ Ol!' SiI.lTIl'AI\.'Y S:J:.iE~{ liT rrrm ALL1=':( Ol" BLOCK 11, I'AHl':- ADDrrrOIT, AI8 K.::;,~lJEST -",~~D COlismrl' T=i.:'~'T SAID DISTRICT S:Il~LL B:.:: CHE./\.TED J~CD 'r::.==:; SE\'lElZ COITS'I'H'iJC'l'ED WITIIOU'l' :"OTI CE Vll.L:SIrE.A_~; : ( 1 ) Heretofo~;,e , J. E. Phillips and George 4 ~ .. henry filed with the COim~lission of the City or Bozeman their l)etitin for tl~e construction of a Sanitary Seuor ill Block 11, Ijark Addition to the City of Bozema:cl; tllat sa:Ld J.E. Phil}. i])s is the owner of Lo'bs 17 and 18, Block 11, rarJ;: Add it ion, with a rrontage of' 50 feet on the said alley in said Block 11, thr:'-~ said rer:dses 1.1re ~Jo:;:,tgaged to the ~ecurity Building and Loan Association of Billi~gs, :.:0 n t a':w , to secure an indebt edne ss due Qnc1 ov:in('; to it; that said George VT. llenry is tiJO ow:ner 0 f Lot s 19 and 20, Blocl<: 11, Parle Adcli t ion, with a frontage of 50 feet o~ the alley in said Dlock 11, that s2i6 premises are Dortgaged to the Security BuildinG and Loan I Ass oiation of Billings, Nlolltuna; and (B) The s id J. E. PhilliI)S and the saiLl George ~ " . Ij-elll'y, and. tile IJrOperty ovmed by then as aforesa i(l, are the only persons interested in the creation of said ImJJrovement District and the construct ion of said Sarli tary Sewer, and tire said :p=-~oper-~ ies o\!lled by then as afayresaic1, is tL!.e only ~roperty that will be assessed to defray the costs and expense thereof; and ..-.--.-.. -----.-. .......--.......-.---....-.... .~..... ,,---.- 4~j7 -.-.-..-.-.-----.-..--...-.........-- (3 ) It is estimated that the cost and expense will be approximately ~;;558.10, and t118t the entire co:=:t and eXI)ense \\'ill be assessed acainst said l)ro1J- I e l~t i e s , as ctf'oresa :Ld, aocordi to the li~1eal feet bordeI'inc on se_id aJ,ley in Block 11, [-L1d tlle said :J. E. Pl.dll iD s and GeoI'ge V;. I=enry desire the creation of sa i<1 In])TOveT:ll=mt Dist 1'1 ct ,-"..nd the cons t ruct ion 0 f said 30.ni tary Sewer, and further desire to save as much money as possible in the cost thereof', anci. by reason of the facts aforesaid, said District can be created, the Sanitary Sewer constructed, and the co~;t and ex})ense thereof assessed 2..;ainst tllS several properties as afore- sald; end (4 ) The CO::-:1l":lission of the City of Bozeman has siGnified its willingness to create said District, eonst ruet said Sanitary Sewer, and assess the cost thereo:f agciinst tOne :;roperty to be benef'itted thereby. as aforesaid; NOVl TIIERK-"O BE , the said J. 1!~. rIIILLIPS, as Owner and Mortgagor, and :~ECU::Irl'Y 13UILDnJG and LOAN .ASSOCIATION, a corporation, of Billings, County of Yellowstone, State Df l,lontana, as Mortgagee, of Lots 17 and IS, Blo cle 11, Park Addition to the City of Bozernan; and GEOHGE W. lIEl;HY, as Owner arr Mortgagor, and SECU::1ITJT BUILDING and LOAN I _ASSOCIATIOE, a corpol"'ation, of Billings, County of Yellowstone, state of Montana, as Lortc;agee, of 10 t s 1 S: , and 20, Block 11, Park addit ion to the City of Dozenan; DO lIE___ll!:B"j: IEQUEST the creation of said S1"lecial ImlJrOvernent District and the construction of said Sanitary Sewer, as set fo rtll in the Resolut ion hereto annexed an(l nade a part he1'80:[", and they and each of' therl1 waive all legal for- malities in the ~:J.atte:;' of' the creation of said Special ImprovenHmt District and the assessment of tte cost and expense thereof; and REQUEST and CmmENT that said Special Improvement District shall be created, and that said Sanitary Sewer shall be constructed, and "the expense thel'eof assessed aGa inst the several In"'opert ies \vi thout Hot ice thereof, and that the cre:ltio:l of said 811ecial Improvement District, and the J..e vy of the cost and expense thereof without the givinr; of Notices, shall Lave 8.11 the force cmd effect, and be as bindinG UpGD the persons interested, to wit: .T .E. I1IILLIPS and GEOHG~ .,:. EEIJRY, and to be assessed for the cost and eXI)ense "thereof, the same as if 0.11 the 1'0rnalities had been complied 7ri tll by the Commission of the I City of Bozeman. Dated this 1st da:y of A)ril, 1930. J.E. PHILLIPS GEORGE W. EE~mY SECUHITY BUILDIHG AND LOAN J~0COCI.ATION By-3..~. CLARK - Sec. ______..__.__ ._.____._n__ .- ----.-.- 4~-)H -..- A C K I'J 0 VI LED G M :;.:: liT T STATE OJ:' L"ONT.AlTA, ) . ss I COUNTY 01;' G1"~LLATIlJ. ) On t}Jis 31st dn:r of' l,~arei;, 1930, before ne, J1TSTIlJ L". SI\:I':L'~,. ) a Notary Public for the State of Monta~a, ,ersonally a]peared J.E. PHILLIPS and GEOI~ C}E 1.'1. IIE:t'TIT'{, lCl10wn to be to bo tI,e }JOrSOES '.(o [,;e nanos are subscribeQ to the wit hin andforoc'o ing inst l'lmlent, and acknowledced to me tllut they executed the saJlle . IN \!ITlTESS WlIEREOF, I have hereunto set my hancl hlld affixed my' notarial seal the day and year first above written. JUSTIN 1,1. SI.,lJ 1'H - ITotar;{ I-'ublic for the State of 111011 t ana Residi:1C; at Dozc,;!un, Eontana j,:y COHJraisE:ion eX}Jires Dec. IGtI", 1931. STA'FS OF I,: OlTTAITA , ~ . ss. County of Yellowstono. ) On tll is 1st da:'! of A})ril, 1030, before l~le, 1. C _ LOmn:C~OlJ, a lJot ary 'Fublic for t~lO State of L~odtana, PCl'SOllD.lly a:__::lleo.1'ec1 '(T. D_ CLAI{~ , blOwn tone I to be tLe Secretary of E3ecurity >i'th.ildin(j and Lmul Association, tL.e cOT'pora ttOll tl:[~ t e:xecl.1tec1 t:~e '\7i tl~,i;:l tnst I'llliJ.Cfrc, and acl:novrled~oc!. tome t1::::...-. t s t'~. O~:l cO::::'J) o rat ion executec1 tho C)~J.~':le . r:;"T \'IITIJES~3 \~n,rl,',:::REOI1, I x:::.ave hereunto set :~,~/ i:c,nd and affl.xec1 l1Y notaric.l soal t}l.e d-Ci.~l and ;,rear ftrst above ':,'1'i tten_ L. C. t,iORHrSON --"--- Notary J?ublic for t1;.o State of l.~ontanu l:~e f~ ic1 iDe c~t Dill in'~~s, L"ontana Lly COLlI';ission eX__~)iI'eS ,Tune 28t11, 1932. I, EliZ~.iboth J ohn3011, Cle1'1::1' tho CO!"-'"lc<<"iO'l of the Cite- of ~:~O?C""rll1 _..J....;_,,~~ ow ... ~.: ,. -'- .,.J ""~..-....'- , 1"-:[0 J.'lt CtJ:lD_, do hOT!J1JY cert it.~.. that tll.':) fore(~o;iin? Resolut :Lon .::0_ 17[\ of tJ.'Le City of Bozc:::r~e.:"l, L;ont E~!lG, uas published by title, in the Bozonan ])ail:/ C:~ronio 1e, 1':".'1 c... dail:' nerrs~)c;.:-:e~~ of c:cmeral c L.' cuI c:'.t ion, print ed and IJ'.J.bl isned in the Cj 1.;7/ of Bozo.'..~a,l, il'l the: issue of A:pril 1':', 1930, a;lcl t'le-it due })1'O(<' of smid 1)ub1icc.t1on vms illude hJld filed iE n:/ off'ic 'c;_ I L;':iI'LmSS',r:J:n.-::OF I 11;':ve hereuLt [) set relY hUllCI C:Gld t;,e c O~C1T~1 0 T~ Cl ~ e seal of' said Ci~~;t this 19t1:. day 0:::' l\.])ril, 1930 . .-. ___. ..__.._.._..un_..___ -----..------ -- "'.-- ~ --.....-"