HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 173 Financing of Cost and Expense of Babcock Street -.-. --.--------.--..... - --.-.".--... liS'? --.-.--.-.----..----- - _.".,,_..".___n_.._..____n_.____ C01illISSION RESOLUTION NO. 173 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN I PROVIDING FOR THE FINANCING OF TEE COST AND EXIJENSE OF OPENING BABCOCK STREET, THE COST AND EXPENSE OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE OVER AND ACROSS BOZEMAN CREEK AND OTHER INCIDENTAL EXPENSE IN CONNECTION THEREWITH . WHEREAS: ( 1) Heretofore, on the 12th day of October, 1928, the Commission of the City of Bozeman passed Ordinance No. 573, entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE OPENING OF BABCOCK STREET BETWEEN ROIDE AVENUE AND BO ZEMJ~N A VENUE IN THE CITY OF BOZEI...(\N, COUNTY OF GALLATD~, STATE OF MONTANA, AND FOR THE ACQUISITION BY THE CITY OF BOZEMAN TIL:OUGH CONDEMNArrION PROCEEDINGS OF PRIVATE PROPERTY THEREFORtT and (2) Thereafter, the City of Bozeman filed in the District Court of the Ninth Judicial District of the ~tate of Montana, in and for the County of Gallatin, an action to acquire by condemnation proceedings all properties nec- essary for the opening of Babcock street, which action is entitled "THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation I of the State of Montana, P laintiff, -vs- BARBARA SPIETH, MARY JANE IvLAUGHAN, HARRIET ANNE KYLE, PERMILLA MAXEY LUCE, EVA MAXEY GARNIEE, HENRY McCORMICK, DANIEL MAXEY McCORMICK, EDMUND BURKE (EDWIN) McCORMICK, EVA MAY CARMIN, JOHN MAXEY, VlILLIAM MAXEY, GEORGE 1vaEY, DAVID 1lliXEY, and BERTIE M. OWENHOUSE, Mortgagee, TILLIE MENZEL, SALLIE BRAGG, LEANDER }~RSTON and SYL G. BRAGC, Defendants" and thereafter Final Judgment was made and given by said District Court on the 12th day of April, 1929, and the Final Order of Condemnation was filed on the 25th day of April, 1929; .and (3 ) Thereafter, the Gity of Bozeman, pursuant to the provisions of said Ordinance No. 573, paid to the several parties entitled thereto, under the Final Judgment as aforesaid, the amounts due them for properties taken under said Final Judgment, and the saidportion of Babcock Street between Bozeman and Rouse Avenues was duly opened, the bridge over Bozeman Creek constructed, and other I work performed necessary to said opening; and (4 ) In the acquisition of said properties, the construction of said bridge and the doing of the necessary work incident to the opening of said street, the ~ity of Bozerr~n necessarily expended the sum of $10,219.15, as follows: "19Z9 Warrant Ho. March 1 Justin M. Smith stenographi~ Service, Sheriff's fees, etc., 17113 73.20 -. . -- ..--"...-.--..."'- . ...----.".-....--..--. 488 -..---.---...----"."'''. .. - ..--.-....-.. --.-.-..--.-.-......--.-.-. __.__m__.__..._.... ..__" .._._"'. -..- .--,,--.-..-.-----------------.--..--------.---....---.---------....- ._._------~--------_._._.. .. 1929 Wa.~'rant No. April 1 State Publishing Company 16830 7.10 June 1 Unexpired portion of Police on Menzel House 17631 2.34 Advertisement, Sale of Buildings, 17633 12.90 I July 1 Engineer's Payroll 17720 2.00 Leander ~arston Case (to H.R. Green, Missoula) 17797 .50 . Sy1 G. Bragg Purchase of Property 17270-71 841.00 Leander Marston Purchase of Property 17273 to 17281, inc. 4333.00 Tillie 1,~enze1 Purchase of Property 17282 to 17286,inc. 2390.00 Barbara Spieth Purchase of Property 17287-88 593.00 F. w. Leck1iter Appraiser 17289 90.00 E. J. Hines Al)praiser 17290 90.00 H. B. fucCay Appraiser 17291 90.00 Frank Kyle Witness 17292 3.00 John Bartholomew Witness 17293 3.00 Wm. Smith Witness 17294 3.00 E. L. Bartholomew, Vii tne ss 17295 3.00 J. R. Cotton Witness 17296 3.00 M. J. O'Connell Witness 17297 6.00 I Geo. Cox Witness 17298 3.00 P. C. Waite Witness 17299 3.00 Joe Ulrich Witness 17300 3.00 G. E. JIi.larv in Court Reporter 17301 5.00 W. D. Bell, Co. Treas. Marston Taxes 17302 4.30 Engineer's Payroll Bridge 18014-18-33- 34-35-36 482.18 Robt, Thompson & Son Gravel 18141 226.88 Gallatin Lumber Co. Lumber 18142 84.55 Monarch Lumber Co. Lumber (x; Cement 18143 100.95 Kenyon-Noble Lumber Co. Lumber (x; Cement 18144 84.85 I-I. B. 1J.cCay Hardware 18140 18.65 Engineer's Eayro11 Grading 18201 pt. of 18202 111.50 11 " Bridge pt. of 18202 111.68 Kenyon-Noble Lumber Co. Cement 18312 203.00 I Gallatin Lumber Co. Lumber 18313 12.50 Engineer's Payroll Grading 18411 34.37 " It Bridge 18427 . ...--'P-'.- ........ --...-.......... l~8~~ ~ - \.- ',' --.--...---..... ..-.-..-..----..-- -...-. necessary for the cost and expense of openi~g said portion of Babcock street, as aforesaid, was borrowed from the Water Fund, and all of the expense aforesaid I has been fully paid from said Water Fund, prior to the 1st day of January, 1930; and (6 ) It has been determined by the GOffiIlission of the City of Bozeman that an annual tax of one (1) mill on the assessed value of property in the City of Bozeman will provide approximately"B3,000.OO per year, and tlmt on this basis, it will take about five years within which to pay said cost and expense, principal, plus interest at the rate of six per cent per annum; and ( 7) Pursuant to the provisions of Commission Resolution No. 152, enti tIed "A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZE11Mr DETERMINING THE AMOUNT OF CITY TAXES FOR ALL PURPOSES TO BE LEVIED AND ASSESSED ON TAXABLE PHOPERTY IN THE CITY OF BOZENAN, STATE OF MONTANA, FOR THE CURRENT FISC.AL YEAR OF 192911 passed and ad,opted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman, on the 9th day of Augus t , 1929, a levy of one mill on the taxable property in the City of Bozeman was made as follows: "B - 2. Opening Babcock Street I Babcock street Fund, Ordinance No. 573 1 Mill" providing a fund for the payment of the co:st and expense of opening said Babcock street, as aforesaid, and it is necessary and proper that tLe method of financing said cost and expense be defined and determined by the Corrunission. NOW THEREFOHE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BO:~EMAN: (8) That the cost and expense of opening said Babcock street, including the aoquisition of the properties therefor, the construction of the bridgs across Bozeman Cree~, the grading of the street and other expense incident thereto, has been the sum of $10,219.15; (9 ) That this amount shall be, and has been, borrowed from the Water Fund; (10) That claims for tLe seversl i terns of expense, aggregating ,_~10,219.15, have been presented to and allowed by the Comrnission, and entered on the Claim Register; I (11) That warrants shall be, and have been, drawn and issued on "BABCOCK STREET FUND" in payment thereof; (12) That said Warrants in pa;rment thereof shall be, and have been, regi stered on the '3ABCOCK STREET FUND, and de Ii vered to the several claimants and holders of said Warrants, and thet said warrants have been duly paid from the Water Investment Account", as hereinafter set forth; (13) That !n payment of said cost and expense, as evidenced by said Warrants asaforesaid, the sum of ,~lO, 219 .15 shall be, and has been, borrowed .. . .._'"-..........1.. _.. .__.n..__. --".....---.,... 4 ~l(} ------..---"... . .. ------.---.....--..---....--- from the "Water Fund" and transferred to the rrWater Investment Accolmt"; (14) That said Warrants shall draw interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from the date of registration; - (15) That for the purpose of providing a fund for the pall:ment of said I Warrants drawn against the BABCOCK STREET FUJ'm, there be, and there has been, levied on the taxable property in the City of Bozeman for the year 1929 a levy of one mill, and that the money derived from said levy shall be, and it has been credi ted to BABC OOK STREET FUND; (16) That hereafter during the years 19~0, 1931, 1932, and 1933, a like levy of one mill on the taxable property in the City of Bozeman be made, and tha t the money deri ved therefrom be credited to the BABCOCK STREET FUIiTD for the . retirement and payment of said Warrants; (17) That with the colleotion of the tax from the one-mill levy, as herein set forth, for the years 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932 and 1933, or such proport- ion of the one-mill tax for the year 1933 as may be neeessar;y, sufficient funds will be derived for taking up and retiring said Warrants so issued and held, as herein set forth; that upon the taking up and retirement of said Warrants, the moneys represented thereby, during each and every year, shall be credited to the Wa ter Fund, prine ipal and interest, and that the Water Fund shall thereupon be I reimbursed for the moneys so borrowed, :principal and interest, at the rate of six per cent per annum; (18) That the Director ofF'inance be, and he is, hereby directed to comply wi th and carry out the terms and conditions of this i:~esolution as herein set forth. PASSED and ADOPTED by the Commission of the Ci.ty of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 14th day of March, 1930. 7~ .~ /.t /'/'1., .. .//L/ r./. /. '-/ Mayo lJ. Attest: . ~%~~~ Ie 0 the ommission I, Elizabeth J"oLwon, Clerk of the ConJ,jiss LJl1 of the City of Bozeman, Iv:ontana, do hereby cert ify that the ro::'eeo inc Hesolut ion No. 1?3 of' tIle City I of BOZell8.~~: 1.:.Oj1taru,:" "\'IaS :pub lislled by title, in the Bozemdli Daily ChTo~licle, 3. daily newspaper of ceneral circulati02, nrinted and published in the City of Bozeman, in tLe issue of Il'larch 14, 1930, and that dueproof of said .publication was made and filed in r.~ office. IN :'fITNK,:S W1IEREOF I have hereunto set my hanQ and ~cLS) corporate seal of said City tLis 14th day of l/[3.rch, 1930. \l~_~, C01IlTIli:~:n 0 n .. -".-.".------ __.' ._----"0.&._