HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 170 Joint Resolution of Health and Human Services, Board of Commissioners, and City of Bozeman t .-) ~'" l c,,,, " '"_ (J .___n.._._......"..__....n CO~TI~ISSION RESOLUTION NO. i70 "A JOINT RESOLUTION o f THE BOARD OF COU1:JTY COtI1GSSICNERS I THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN ALL IN THE COUNTY OF GALLATIN, STATE OF MONTANA, B'OR THE CREATION OF A CITY-COlmTY DEPARTI,lENT OF HEALTH AND THE FUNcrrIONING OF A WHOLE-TIME EEALTH UNIT AND SERVICE THEREUNDER, TO BE KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS THE CITY-COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH AND PROVIDING FOn TP.E OF:b'ICERS AND PERSONNEL, SALARIES AND EXPENSES OF SUCR OFFICERS AND PERSONNEL, THE DURATION, TERMINATION, AND FINANCING OF SAID CITY-COUNTY DEPARTKENT OF HEALTH." WHEREAS I. Heretofore negotiations have been had between the State Board of Health of the State of Montana, the Rockefeller Foundation, the United states Public Heal th Service, the Board of Trustees, School District No. 7, the Commission of the City of Bozeman, the Town Council of the Town of Belgrade, the Town COlLncil of the Town of Manhattan, and the City Council of the City of Three Forks, all in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, for the creation and functioning of a Vih01e- time Hea 1 th Unit and Service in the County of Galla tin, II. The State Board of Health has announced that it is not deemed nec- essary by it that the Board of Trustees of School District No.7, the Town Council I of the Town of Belgrade, the Town Council of the Tovm of IvIanha ttan, and the Ci ty Council of the City of Three Forks, become signatory to Commission Resolution No. 169. III. There is no provision in the Health Laws of the State of Montana, or otherwise, providing for the creation and functioning of a Whole-time Health Unit and Service, but said laws provide for the creation and functioning of local Boards of Heal th (Sections 244L1", to 2484, Poli tioal Code, R. C. If. 19~;1). IV. The Board of County Commissioners The Commission of the City of Bozeman, deem and consider that it is expedient, proper and necessary, and to the best interests of the citizens of the County of Gallatin that a Whole-time Health Unit and Service be established and provision made for the functioning thereof, v. The Board of Count.}r Commissioners 0::' the County of Galla tin, on the 18th day of April, 1929, passed and adopted a Resolution: "REGAHDING THlG ~~STABLL;HMENT OF A F1JLL-THr:E HEALTH UNIT IN GALLATIN COUNTY. IT VI. Under date of May 3rd, 1929, the CommIssion of the Ci Ly of Bo zeman I passed and adopted Commission Resolution No. 139, entitled: "~'~ PHELDUNARY RESOLUTION PROVIDING J!'OR THE APPROVAL BY TEE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN OF THE CREATION AND FUJ:)CTICHING OF A Vv'HOLE- Tn:E HEALTH UNPP AND SERVICE IN THE COmiTY OF Gi-I.LLATINtr. VII. The United States Public Health Service has agreed, by Vlay of cooperating with the State Board of Health, to pay as its contribution toward the ~ establishment and maintenance of said Whole-time Health Unit and Service, a.s part ~ ~ 1 , ; .......:.........-..... . ... ~I ^' .3 J1. i... T'",,"..I . .....:.......L<!-.--'II-". . , .""~~-'- _.._~~IIidI~:!.::;.dE'5.:~:,"=~_ .__._u...__ ___...._ ____.___.__. _...._on_ .__ . - . --.-... ._--~-----~-- .~-~ -_..~_.__. __..".._..__n__. .__.... _.............._... /: j.,,} :.~! ).. ~f:;: "'jet \..Ji ...._". ....."...-..-- -- ----.-..-.-.. .. of the salary of the Health Officer the sum of ~~200 .00 lJer month, a total of $2400.00 annually. I VIII. The Rockefeller Foundation, by and through the State Board of Health, has agreed to appl'opriate and contribute toward the establishment and maintenance of said Whole-time Health Unit and Service, the sum of ~:~1200. 00 annually. IX. The state Board of Health has agreed to appropriate and contribute toward the establishment and maintenance of the said Whole-time Health Unit and Service, the sum of $1200.00 annually. X. Other appropriations are contingent upon the establishment of said Whole-time Health Unit and Service. XI. The City of Bozeman has agreed to appropriate and contribute towards the maintenance of said Whole-time Health Unit and Service, the sum of One Thousand Dollars (~lOOO.OO) per annum, contingent upon the continuance of the aforesaid contributions. XII. A tentative budget for the maintenance of said Whole-time Health Unit and Service has been prepared, which budget provides as follows: Salary of City-County Health Officer $ 4,000.00 I Salary of Nu,'ses )2) . 3,600.00 Salary of Clerk 1, ,)00 .00 Office Expense l60.00 Traveling Expense of Nurses 800.00 Traveling Expense of City-County Health Officer 600.00 ,Contingent Expense 350.00 Tot a 1 .~ 10,510.00 XIII. To defray the foregoing annual expense and budget, the moneys therefor are to be derived as follows: United States Public Health Service :~ 2,400.00 'JjJ Rookefeller Foundation 1,200.00 State Board of Health 1,200.00 City of Bozeman 1,000.00 County of Gallatin 4,710.00 Tot a 1 ;~ 10,510.00 I XIV. For the purpose of consolidating, correlating and coordinating the several public health organizat ions in the County of Galla tin, a Ci t~/-County Department of Hea lth is to be crea teet, and (a) The ordinances of the Qity of Bozeman relating to the preservation of publ ic health in the City 0 f Rozema: , are to remai n opera ti ve and in full force and effect, and are to be enforced by the City-County Health Officer, and prosecutions for violations are to be had in the Municipal Court of the City of Bozeman. 'L_.._JII._'.,,-,,.,,",<,,-~.,.A!I ".l..'~''''''''''''.D....~,],..~.;:.~.':(~V~~~_rs ~ ~~ --!l.'IIot.~. ..-::..::1.1 -L "......-.............. ......!II. ~~,/I~.~~1:\.~~."'~' .-- ---_.- n ._n n__..___.__ --.- _._." _.. ...._..__n ..___~._ _~..____,..___._..__ ...___._._._._..__.~_.._..___ t. /".\! / tk ..~~/ ..? ,;"",.'(~ \} , ----.--.-..--.-.... -.. ----_._~-_._........_. ._..__.."...._...__..u. ------.----.--.-..--.--- -- -.-.--..--..----.-. ---.-------.".....-.- - - (b) The City-County Board of Health shall control and direct the City- County Department of Health. The City-County Health Officer shall be director of the City-County Department of Health and he shall, sub,ject at all times to the I control and direction of the City-County Board of Health, adrninister the Vlhole- time Health Unit and Service. XV. The BO::i.rd of County Commissioners of the County of Gallatin have selected Dr. A. D. Brewer as Whole-time Health Officer for the term beginning .May 1, 1929, and he has been acting as such, since said first day of May, 1929, and The Commission of the City of Bozeman has approved his selection and designation. NOVi, THEHEFORF., BE I'll H.ESOLVED BY The Board of County Commissioners of the County of Gallatin, The Commission of the City of Bozeman, XVI. ThFl t the City-County Board of Health shall be created. and shall consist of the County Commissioners and the City-county Health Officer, as pro- vided by Section 2473, Political Code, R.C.M. 1921, PROVIDED, that two additional members shall be had thereto, selected and recommended by the Co~nission of the City of Bozellian. XVII. That the City-County Board of Health shall have all the power and I- authority vested in local Boards of Health, as provided by Section 2469, Political Code, R.C.M. 1921, and the Public Health Laws and Regulations of the Department of Health of the state of Montana. XVIII. That the Ci t;y-County Health Officer of the Ci t;'-County Board of Health shall be selected by the City-County Board of Health and shall receive such salary as it may provide, and hold his office for suc_h term as said Board may designate, and he shall perform such duties as are provided by the laws of the state of Montana, relating to the Health and the Public Health Laws and Regulations of the state Board of Health and the duties of Local Health Officers. XIX. That for the purpose of consolidating, correlating and coordinating the several local Boards of Health in the County of Gallatin, there is hereby created and established "The City-County Department of Health". Tha t said department is created for the administration of the laws for the promotion of health and to prevent the spread of infectious and contagious diseases within said County; that the administration of s~id laws shall be had and made by and through the City-County Board of Health. I XX. That the Commission of the Ci ty of Bozeman does hereby agree to become a part of' said City-County Department of Health and subject the City of Bozeman to the jurisdiction and control of the City-County Board of Health and the Health Officer herein provided, subject always, to all Ordinances of the City of Bozeman providing for public health and prosecutions thereunder; that the Ordinances of the City of Bozeman relating to the preservation of the public health in the City of Bozeman, are to be operative and in full force and effect, and _~... __n___._.__.. ..__ - ---.--- ----.- - 48;3 _._.._...____.___n..______..____.. .. are to be enforced by the City-County Health Officer, and prosecutions for the I violation thereof shall be had in the Municipal Court of the City of Bozeman. That the City of Bozeman ~all pay all expenses incurred in the enforcing of sanitary measures and ~uarantine within its corporate limits as provided by Section 2464, Political Code, R.C.M. 1921. . XXI. That the City-Wounty Board of Health shall control and direct the City-County Department of Health and all the powers and authority vested in the local Boards of Health or local Health Officers shall be, and the;! are hereby merged into the City-County Boar6 of Health and City-County Health Officer as herein provided. XXII. That the City-County Department of Health shall be under the immediate direction of the City-County Health Officer, who shall give his entire time to the work of administering the Whole-time Health Unit and Service. XXIII. That the City-County Board of Health shall provide office facilities and appropriate funds necessary for the maintenance of the work. XXIV. That the City-County 30ard of Health may receive gifts and donations for the purpose of carrying out the work of the City-County Department of Heal tho .1 2:;JCV. That the City of Bozeman shall appropriate toward the maintenance r of said City-County Department of Health, the sum of One Thousand Dollars (:;31000. 00 ) per annum, as described in Section XI, preceeding; PROVIDED, that these sums shall be paid to the County Treasurer and credited to the appropriate fund, and shall be disbursed only upon warrant drawn on that fund by the Board of County Commissioners. LXVI. That a tentative budget for the maintenance of said City-County Department of Health, shall be as follows: Salary of City-County Health Officer $ 4,000.00 Salary of Nurses (2) 3,600.00 Salary of Clerk 1,000.00 Office Expense 160.00 Traveling Expense of Nurses 800.00 Traveling Expense of City-County Health Officer 600.00 Contingent Expense 350.00 I Tot a 1 ~~ 10,510.00 XXVII. That to defray the annual expense and budget, moneys therefor shall be derived as follows: United States Public Health Service $ 2,400.00 (a) Rockefeller Foundation 1,200.00 (b) State Board of Health 1,200.00 Ic) City of Bozeman ISee XXV) 1,000.00 -------- .---.-----.-- . .-. .-----.-.--.. 484 .------- County of Gallatin 4,710.00 Tot a 1 ~'10 ,510.00 (a) Paid directly to the Ci ty-County Health Officer monthl;y as part I of salary. (b) Paid to the State Board of Health, see ( c) . ( c ) state Board of Health matches contribution (b) and from that fund pays one-half the salary of the County Nurses. XXVIII. That Dr. A. D. Brewer is hereby selected and designated as City- County Health Officer for the term beginning May 1, 1929; that he s~~ll receive such salary as the City-County Board of Health shall fix and determine, and that he shall hold office subject to such agreement as the C1 ty-C01.mty Board of Health may make. XXIX. That the City-County Department of Health herein created and estab- lished, shall continue for at least three years from and after the 1st day of May, 19 _9, and indefinitely thereafter, PROVIDED, that if this arrangement for the creation and maintenance of the City-County Department of Health is unsatisfactory then and in that event, it may be discontinued on the 1st day of May, 1932, or at any time thereafter. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners at a regular I session thereof held on the 3rd day of February, 1930. Chairman Attest: Clerk of the Commission Passed and adopted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 1st day of February, 1930. X17eA~1 Mayor ~. Attest: ~~~~~-- b'ler of the ommission I --