HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 169 Joint Resolution of Belgrade, Manhattan, and Three Forks .- .- 4'"13 --.----- .n -----.--.-.".-..-.". .... CO~ThlISSION RESOLUTION NO. 169 I "A JOINT RESOLUTION o f TIm BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS THE C01iliIISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZE~~N BOARD OF TRUSTEES, SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.7 THE TOVm COUNCIL OF THE rrOViN OF BELGRADE THE TOWN COUNCIL OF T:.E TOWN OF MANHATTAN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEREE FORKS ALL IN THE COUNTY OF GALLATIN, S':CATE OF MONTANA, FOR THE CREATION OF A COUNTY DEPARTl\:ENT OF HEALTH AND THE FUNCTIONING OF A \VROLE-TIME HEALTH UNIT AND SERVICE THEREUNDER, TO BE h'NOVVN AND DESIGNATED AS THE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH, AND PRO- VIDING FOR THE OFFICERS AND PERSCIJNEL, SALARIES AND EXJ:"'ENSES OF SUCH OFFICERS AND PERSONNEL, THE DtJRATIO:H, TEilliLINATIO:L1 AND FINANCING OF SAID COUTfTY DErARTMENT OF HEALTH. IT VlHEREAS , I. Heretofore negotiations have been had between the state Board of Health of the state of Montana, the Rockefeller Foulldation, the United States Public Health Servic e, the Board of Trustees 8chool District No.7, the COrJmission of the City of Bozeman, the Town Council of the Town of Belgrade, the Town Council of the Town of Ivlanhattan, and the City Council of the City OJ' Three Forks, all in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, for the creation and functioning of I a VJLole~- tir:Je Heal th Unit and Service in the County of Galla tin, II. There is no provision in the Health Laws of the State of Montana, or otherwise, providing for the creation and functioning of a Vh01e-time Health Unit and Service, but said laws provide for the creation and functioning of local Boards of Health (Sections 2444 to 2484, Political Code, R.C.M. 1921). III. The Board of County Commissioners, The CO,.mission of the Ci ty of Bozeman, The Board of Trustees, School Dist~ict No.7, The Town Council of the Town of Belgrade, The Town Council of the Town of Manhattan, The City Council of the City of Three Forks, deem and consider that it is eXj.:edient, proper and necessary, and to the best interests of the citizens of the County of Gallatin that a Whole-time Eealth Unit and Servi ce De established and provision made for the functioning thereof, IV. The Board of County COhimissioners of the County of Gallatin, on the 18th day of April, 1929., passed and adopted a Resolution: I ItI:EGARDljTG THE ESTA.3LISln:ENT 02 A FULL-TII\Ji.E I!EAL'liH ux:n: IN GALLATIN COUNTY." V. Under date of May 3rd, 1929, the Commission of the City of Bozeman passed and au.opted Commi ssl on Resoluti on No. 139, entitled: itA PItELHIINAHY RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE AI'PIWVII.L?,Y THE CO!v:1lISSIOH OF rrHE CITY OJ? BOZEM:AN OF Tl-EI; CRENI'ION AND FUNCTlmnNG 01"1:' WHOLE-TIME lIEALTE UNIT AND S:;~RVICE IN TEE COUNTY OF GALLATIN". VI. The United states Public Health Service has agreed, by way of cooperat- ing with the State Board of Health, to pay as its contribution toward the establish- ~---- -. ...-. ---. _.. ....._._._._n._..__n. 4'l4 -------....-....,,- ._______.___.__... _m__...... .__ . ment and maintenance of said Whole-time Health Unit and Servicet as part of the salary of the Health Officer the B~m of $200.00 per month, a total 0: ~2400.00 1 annua lly . VII. The Rockefeller Foundation, by and through the state Board of Health, has agreed to appropriate and contribute toward the establishment and maintenance of said Whole-time Health Unit and Service, the sum of ~1200.00 annually. . ~he state Board of Health has agreed to appropriate and contribute VIII . toward the establishment and maintenance of said W,hole-time Health Unit and Service the sum of ~1200.00 annually. IX. Other appropriations are contingent upon the establishment of said Whole - tir:~e Health Unit and Service. X. The City of Bozeman has agreed to appropriate anc contribute towards the maintenance of said Whole-time Health Urtit and Service, the sum of Five Hundred Sixty Five Dollars (;~565 .00) for the year 1929, and. thereafter, and so long as the Whole-time Health Unit and Service shall continue, the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) per annum. XI. The Board of Trustees of School District No. 7 has agreed to pay, as its contribution towards the maintenance of said Whole-time Health Unit and Service, I> the salal'y and all the expenses of the School Nurse for said School District No. 7. XII. Neither the Town of 3elgrade J th~ Town of Manhattan, or the City of Three Forks, is to contribute anything toward the maintenance of said Whole-time Health Unit and Service. XIII. A tentative budget for thE) maintenance of said Whole-time Health Unit and Service has been prepared, which budge"C provides as follows: Salary ~f County Health Officer ,~ <1 t ')00 . 00 Salary of Nurses (2 ) '~ 3,600.00 Salary of Clerk c!~ 1,000.00 'IP Office Expense $ 160.00 Traveling Expense of Nurses ,~ 880.00 rrraveling Expense of County Heal th Officer c. 600.JO :;p Contingent Expense 4~ 350.DO ',f Tot al } 10,510.00 XIV. To defray the foregoing annual expense and buO.get, the moneys therefor are to be derived as follows: 1 United States Public Health Service :'; 2,400.00 Rockefeller FO'1.mda tion J~ 1, ;:~OO .00 'iP State Board of Health '-1> 1,200.00 ',r City of Bozeman I., 1,000.00 'iP County of Gallatin }. 4,710.00_ Tot a 1 -'$ 10,510.00 XV. For the purpose of consolidatingt correlating and coordinating the ....n ._..... _..... _ ...... .._. --- -.---- .-. ..-.... L1 r( [) .-........-----.... .n .. _" ___.___ --.. . .---. . . .-.-.---.-....-----.--. several public health organizations in the County of Gallatin, a County Department I of Health is to be created, and (a) The functioning of the local Boards of Health in the Town of Belgrade, Town of LIanhattan, and the Ci t;y of Three Forks, is to be suspended. (b) ~he Ordinances of the City of Bozeman relating to the preservation of public health in the City of Bozeman, arc to remain operative and in full force and effect, and are to be enfo'C'ced by the County Heal th Officer, and prosecutions for violations are to be had in the Municipal Court of the City of Bozeman. (c) The public school nllrse of School District No. 7 is to become a part of the County Health Department, and subject to the supervision and control of the County Health Officer. (d) The COUllty Board of Health shall control and direct the County Depart- ment of Health. The COUllty Health Officer shall be director of the County Department of Health and he shall, subject at all times to the conDrol and direction of the - County Board of Health, administer the Whole-time Health Unit and Service. XVI. The Board of County Commissioners of the County of Callatin have selected Dr. A. D. Brewer as Whole-time Health Officer for the terD beginning May I 1, 1929, and he has been acting as such, since said first day of May, 1929, and the , Commission of the City of Bozeman has apDroved his selection and designation. NOVi , TEEREFOl\, BE IT RESOLVED 'BY The Board of County Commissioners of the County of Gallatin, The Commission of the City of Bozeman, The Board of Tru stees, School District No. 7, The Town Council of the Town of Belgrade, The Tovm Council of the Town of Manhattan, The City COUllci1 of the City of Three For1~s, 1. That the County Board of Health shall be created and shall consist of the County Commissioners and the C01ll1ty Health Officer, as provided by Section 2473, Political Code, R.C.M. 1921, PROVIDED, that two additional members may be had thereto, selected and recowaended by the Commission of the City of Bozeman. . II That the County Board of Health shall have all the power and authority . vested in local Boards of H~alth: as provided by Section 2469, Political Code, R.C.M. 1921, and the Public Health Laws and Regulations of the Department of Fealth of I the state of lIontana. III. That the County Health Officer of the County Board of Health shall be selected by the County Board of Health and shall receive such salary as it may pro- vide, and hold his office for such term as said Board may designate, and he shall perform such duties as are ~rovided by the laws of the state of Montana relating to the Health and the Public H~;al th Laws and Regulations of the S ta te Board of Health and the duties of Local He~lth Officers. ..__......___.u__"... -..- . .. ... --- 4'lt) .---"..-..."'.. ._..__._._..._. ._"...__u.___ -..-..-----.---.-. ....--.. -....--.--.-------.------- .- IV. That for the purpose of consolidating, correlating and coordinating the several local Boards of Health in the County of Gallatin, there is hereby created I .. and established "The County Department of Ileal th". That said department is created for the administration of the laws for the promotion of health and to prevent the spread of infectious and contagious diseases within said County; that the administrat- ion of said lavis shall be had and made by and. through the County Board of Heal th; that the several municipal bodies hereto, do hereby agree, ratify and confirm the provisions herein set forth relating thereto and providing therefor. V. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 2464, Political Code, R.C.M. 1921, the Town of Belgrade, does hereby place itself under the care of said County Board of Health and the Health Officer herein provided, and the adoption of this Resolution by the IrOWn Council of the ~.L'own of Belgrade shall be deemed aml considered a written notice to the state Board of Health and to the County Board of Health, of its election so ~o do; that the Town of Belerade shall no t be called uIJon to contri bu te any moneys toward the ex.perlse of maintaininc said County Department of Health, save and except it 'shall pay all expenses incurred in enforcing sani tary measures and quarantine wi thin its corporate Ih1i ts as pray id.ed. by See tion 2464; that the func~ioning of the local 50ard of lealth shall be suspended, but prosecutions I for violation of Ordinances of the Town of Belgrade relating to the Public Health , . may be had in the police Court thereof. VI. Tha~ pursuant to the lJl'ovisions of SecLLon 2464, Political Code, R.C.T\':. 1921, the Tovv'll of Ivlanhattan, does hereby place itself und.er the Celre of said County Board of Health and the Health Officer herein provided, and tlle a doption of this Resolution by the Town Council of the Town of Hanhattan shall be deemed and con- sidered writ~en notice to the state Board of Health and to the County Board of Health, of i~s election so to do; tllat the Town of Manhattan shall not be called upon to contribute any moneys toward the expense of maintaining said COUl1ty Depart- ment of Health, save and except it shall pay all expenses incurred in enforcing sanitary measures and ~uarantine within its corporate limits as provi~ed by said Section 2'~G4; that the functioning of the locali:ward of Heal ~h shall be suspended, but pro see utions for violation of Ordinan'ces of the Town of I:Ianhattan relatinc to the Public Health may be had in the Police Court. thereof. VII. r.rhat pursuant to the provisions of Section 24:~.4, Political Code, H.C.M. 1921, the City of Three Forks, cloes hereby place itself uncleI' tLe care of said County I Board of Health and the Health Officer herein provided, and the adoption of this Resolution by the Ci ty Council of the City of Three ForkG shall be deemed. and con- sidered written notice to the state Board of Health and to the County Board of Health, of its election so to do; that the City of Three Forks shall not be called upon to contribute any moneys tovlard the expense of maintaining said ComIty DelJartment of Health, save and except it shall pay all EfXpenses incurred in enforcing scmi tary - -_.~._~-. .'.- ,.. .~~~-~--,._--,..,-".,_.... --,..- ~----'-,."..,.."-,.- ~--,._. j ""'/ f"""n,:/ l ' 0~ It -,--~- .~_..~.~-,~..~,~,.~_.~.,...................- ..__.n measures and ~uarantine within its corporate limits as provided by said Section I 2464 ; that the fune tioning of the local Board of Health shal~ be suspended, but prosecutions for violation of Ordinances of the City of Tllree Forks relating to the pllblic health may be hact in thePolice Court thereof. VIII. That the Board of Trustees of School District No. 7 does hereby agree to become a part of said County Department of Health and subject itself to the jurisdiction and control of said County Board of Health and the Health Officer therein provided; that School Diutriot No. 7 fihall have a school nurse as hereto- fore; that the sohool nurse shall be selected by the Board of School Trustees; tho. t the salary of the school nurse shall be fixed by the Board of School Trustees and the County -!"3oard of Eealtb; that the Board of School 'll:CUS tee s shall make an annual aDpropriation for the salary and expenses (includinc: t~'ansporta tion) of the school nurse and shall pay such salary to the school nurse in the same manner as it pays its other employees; that the school nurse shall perform such duties as the Board of School Trustees and the Health Officer may determine and such addi tional duties ac, the Health Officer may see fi t to ii ,pose; all within School District No. 7. I / IX. That the Commission of the t:ity of 30zeman does hereby agree to become ,,il' a part of said County 'Department of Eeal th and sub ject the Ci ty of 1jozen~an to the jurisdiction and control of the County Board of Eealth and the Health ufficer herein provided, subject alvrays, to all Ordinances of the City of Bozeman providing for public health and prosecutions thereunder; that the Ordinances of the city of Bozeman relating to the preservation of the public health in the City of Bozeman, arc to be operative c.nd in full force and effect, and arc to be enforced by the County Health Of~icer, and prosecutions for the violation thereof shall be had in the ]/,unicipal court of tje Ci ty of Bozeman. rrhat the City of Bozeman shall pay all expense incurred in the enforcing of sanitary measures and quarantine within its cor~orate limits as provided by ~ection 2464, Political Code, J.<. C .1L. 1921. X. '1'l-v3. t the County :)oard of Health shall control and diree t the County Del,L;.2.<,!"c;lJ, cf Health and all the powers and authori t~t vested in the local ""'>oar(ls of Eealth or 10c21.1 Heal th Officers shall be, and they are hereby merged into the County Board uf Eeal th and the County health Officer as he1'e in provided,. XI. That the County Department of Health shall be under 1;he irr..rnedia te I direction of t.he County Health Officer, who shall give his entire tiec to tile work of admin~stering the Whole-time He~lth unit an~ Service. XII. TLat the County .Bpard of Health shall provide uffiee facilities and a:ppropria te fund s neee ssa17 for the main tcnanoe of the work. ~a I I . That the COUllty Board of Health may receive gifts and donations for the pu~yose of carrying out the work of the County ~epartment of Health. XIV. That the Ci ty of Bozeman shall appropriate toward the maintenance ....- .,---"._--- - ..~.---~ - __ ~ _u_..___ __~______ _ _, ~'~_._ '_..___..n_'.'___~~__ -- -" .-". . -"._- L~ iJ (, ') ~~~ " (~ . ----.---- ---- - . ~ '.- -".'- . . - u____________ r"..." '_ ~. - . of said County Department of Health, the sum of Fi va Hunclred Sixt:; Fi vo Dollars ($565.00) for the year 1929, anI thereafter, and so long as the department shall I continue, the sum of One r:Chousand Dollars U~lOO. 00) per annum, PIWVIDED, that these sums shall be paid to the County Treasuere and ered i ted to the a.ppJ'ol)r ir:. to .fund, and shall be disbursed only upon warrant drawn on that fund by the soard of County Cownissioners. ~,CV . That the Board of Trustees, School District No. 7 shall appropriate for the maintenance of said County Department of Health, an amount wideh shall re- present the annual salary and expenses of' the school nurse for sai(l School District No. 7. XVI. That a tentr:J.tive budget for the maintenance of said County Department of Health, shall be as follows: Salary of County Eealth Officer '. 4,000.00 '1P SalaJ:Y: o.f~".:N).l.rse s (2 ) ." 3,600.00 .11> \'\ "';"..\. \, \. Salary of Clerk :~ 1,000.00 Office Expense J.. 160.00 ';~ Traveling Expense of Nurses '" 800.00 :;;> Traveling Expense of County Health Officer " 600.00 I ,;p Contingent Expense '"' 350.00 ~ Tot a 1 ,~ 10,510.00 . XVII. That to defray the annual expense and budget, moneys therefor shall be derived as follows: United states Pub lie Health Service it> 2,400.00 (a) ,p Rockefeller Found.a tion }"- 1,200.00 (b) "p State Board of Health .'\ 1,200.00 (c) ;;p City of Bozeman (See XIV) ,.':- 1,000.OJ 'ii' CountJ of Gallatin ;~_._~, 710.00 Tot a 1 .\ 10 r'lO 00 'i? . iJ . (a) Paid directly to the County Health Officer monthly as part of salary. (b) Paid to the state Board of Health, -see (c) . ( c ) state Board of Health matches contribution (b) and frot: that fund pays one-half the salary of the County :;'JU1'se s. XVIII. That Dr. A. D. Brewer is hereby selected and designated as County Ileal th Officer for tte termLJegim~ing ITay 1, 1929; the}. t he shall rece i ve sucb I salary a s the County Board of Health shall fix anG, deternine, an" that 11e :"hall hold office subject to such agreement as the County :oard of Eeal th may make. XIX. That the County B,oard of Healtl: shall select the County Nm'ses, and the School nUrse shall be selected as herein provided; (see Sec. VIII.); and shall provide for the salarieE and expenses of the County Heal th Officel', nurses, and other employees. XX. That t"')) ~ _,_on - --,.- .- .,--- shall continue for at least th:cee ~,,-ears from and after the 1st day of May, 1929, I and indefinitely thereafter, PHOVIDED, that if this arrangement for the creation and maintenance of the County Department of Health is unsatisfactory, then and in tt.a t event, it may be d.iscontinued on the 1st day of M-ay, 1932, or at an;'l time thereafter. Passed and adopted by the Board of Oounty Commissioners at a regular session thereof held on the day of _ 1929. Chairman - Attest: Clerk of the Commission. PASSED and adopted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 20th d.r.~- of December, 1929. ~A~1( Mayor Attest: ~-.e~)'.i' Clerk of the Commission /t/ !,,/Tl-t.// - I Passed and adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Belgrade, at a regular session thereof held on the day of 1929. Mayor Attest: Town Clerk Passed and adopted by the Town COUEC il of the Town of l!.an ha ttan, at a regular session thereof, held on the day of 1929. - Ma;;ror Attest: Town Clerk -- Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Three Forks, at a re~ular session thereof held on the day of 1929. I Mayor Attest: Town Clerk .. -,-,_.,,---